* Tutorials :PROPERTIES: :ONE: one-custom-default-page :CUSTOM_ID: /tutorials/ :TITLE: Tutorials :DESCRIPTION: List of all tutorials. :END: - [[#/tutorials/make-a-blog/][Make a blog]] - [[#/tutorials/add-a-commentary-system/][Add a commentary system]] * Make a blog :PROPERTIES: :ONE: one-custom-default-page :CUSTOM_ID: /tutorials/make-a-blog/ :TITLE: Make a blog :DESCRIPTION: Create a blog using Django LiveView. :END: Below we will make a simple blog with classic features: - A list with posts - Single page post - Controls to navegate between list posts and singles - Pagination - Search If you want to include a system commentary, read the next tutorial. ** Creating models Before starting, we will create the models that we will use in the blog. ** Adding fake data ** Preparing views (SSR) ** Making templates ** Including actions ** Adding the feature: infinite scroll ** Adding the feature: search * Add a commentary system :PROPERTIES: :ONE: one-custom-default-page :CUSTOM_ID: /tutorials/add-a-commentary-system/ :TITLE: Make a blog :DESCRIPTION: Create a commentary system using Django LiveView. :END: ** Creating models ** Adding fake data ** Preparing views (SSR) ** Making templates ** Including actions ** Getting data ** Showing