#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) Dom Rodriguez 2020 # Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 import os import sys import feedparser import logging from feedgen.feed import FeedGenerator log = None fg = None FEED_OUT_PATH = None FEED_OUT_TYPE = None FEED_LIST_PATH = None FEEDS = [] def setup_logging() -> None: """ This function intiialises the logger framework. """ global log log = logging.getLogger("singlerss") out_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr) out_handler.setFormatter( logging.Formatter( '%(asctime)s %(name)-12s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s' )) log.addHandler(out_handler) log.setLevel(logging.ERROR) return None def init_feed() -> None: """ This function initialises the RSS feed with the correct attributes. """ log.debug("Initialising the feed...") global fg try: fg = FeedGenerator() # Setup [root] feed attributes fg.id("https://rss.shymega.org.uk/feed.xml") fg.title("SingleRSS - Combined Feed") fg.generator("SingleRSS/v1.0.0") fg.link(href="https:/rss.shymega.org.uk/feed.xml", rel="self") fg.subtitle("Combined feed for RSS feeds") fg.language('en') except: log.error("Error initialising the feed!") sys.exit(1) log.debug("Feed initialised!") return None def parse_rss_feed(url) -> feedparser.FeedParserDict: log.debug("Parsing RSS feed..") try: # Hopefully this should parse.. return feedparser.parse(url) except Exception: log.warninging("Failed to parse RSS feed.") # Now, we could handle gracefully. # This code is a WIP, but maybe we shouldn't crash? log.warninging("Cannot continue, we want all the feeds to work!") sys.exit(1) def main(): log.debug("Loading feed list into memory..") feeds = None with open(FEED_LIST_PATH, "r") as infile: feeds = infile.read().splitlines() log.debug("Iterating over feed list..") for feed in feeds: FEEDS.append(feed) log.debug("Iterating over [input] feeds...") for feed in FEEDS: rss = parse_rss_feed(feed) entries = rss.get("entries") log.debug("Iterating over [input] feed entries..") for entry in entries: log.debug("New feed entry created.") fe = fg.add_entry() log.debug("Working on new feed entry..") try: fe.id(entry["id"]) except: # Deifnitely weird... log.warning("Empty id attribute, defaulting..") fe.id("about:blank") try: fe.title(entry["title"]) except: # OK, this is a definite malformed feed! log.warning("Empty title attribute, defaulting..") fe.title("Unspecified") try: fe.link(href=entry["link"]) except: # When we have a empty link attribute, this isn't ideal # to set a default value.. :/ log.warning("Empty link attribute, defaulting..") fe.link(href='about:blank') try: if entry["sources"]["authors"]: for author in entry["sources"]["authors"]: fe.author(author) elif entry["authors"]: try: for author in entry["authors"]: fe.author(author) except: log.debug("Oh dear, a malformed feed! Adjusting.") # This is a ugly hack to fix broken feed entries with the author attribute! author["email"] = author.pop("href") fe.author(author) except: # Sometimes we don't have ANY author attributes, so we # have to set a dummy attribute. log.warning("Empty authors attribute, defaulting..") fe.author({"name": "Unspecified", "email": "unspecified@example.com"}) try: if entry["summary"]: fe.summary(entry["summary"]) fe.description(entry["summary"]) elif entry["description"]: fe.description(entry["description"]) fe.summary(entry["description"]) fe.content(entry["description"]) except: # Sometimes feeds don't provide a summary OR description, so we # have to set an empty value. # This is pretty useless for a feed, so hopefully we # don't have to do it often! log.warning( "Empty description OR summary attribute, defaulting..") fe.description("Unspecified") fe.summary("Unspecified") try: if entry["published"]: try: fe.published(entry["published"]) fe.updated(entry["published"]) except: fe.published("1970-01/01T00:00:00+00:00") fe.updated("1970-01/01T00:00:00+00:00") continue except: # Sometimes feeds don't even provide a publish date, so we default to # the start date &time of the Unix epoch. log.warning("Empty publish attribute, defaulting..") fe.published("1970-01/01T00:00:00+00:00") fe.updated("1970-01/01T00:00:00+00:00") if __name__ == "__main__": setup_logging() log.debug("Initialising...") log.debug("Assiging variables..") try: # Configuration is specified with environemnt variables. log.debug("Assignment attempt: SINGLERSS_FEED_OUT_PATH") FEED_OUT_PATH = os.environ["SINGLERSS_FEED_OUT_PATH"] except KeyError: log.error("*** Environment variable missing! ***") log.error("`SINGLERSS_FEED_OUT_PATH` variable missing.") log.error("This program will NOT run without that set.") sys.exit(1) try: FEED_LIST_PATH = os.environ["SINGLERSS_FEED_LIST_PATH"] except: log.error("*** Environment variable missing! ***") log.error("`SINGLERSS_FEED_LIST_PATH` variable missing.") sys.exit(1) try: FEED_OUT_TYPE = os.environ["SINGLERSS_FEED_OUT_TYPE"] except KeyError: log.error("*** Environment variable missing! ***") log.error("`SINGLERSS_FEED_OUT_TYPE` variable missing.") log.error("This program will NOT run without that set.") sys.exit(1) log.debug("Begin initialising variables..") init_feed() log.debug("Begin processing feeds...") main() if FEED_OUT_TYPE == "stdout": log.debug("stdout output specified, outputting to stdout.") print(fg.rss_str().decode('utf-8')) elif FEED_OUT_TYPE == "file": log.debug("File output specified, outputting to specified file..") fg.rss_file(FEED_OUT_PATH) else: log.error("Unknown type of output preference, cannot run.") sys.exit(1)