# RSSingle Generates an RSS file from the list of other feeds (RSS/Atom/JSON). Very handy when you want to centralise the list of your feeds in one place and all your devices feed from the same place.


## Run 1. Download the binary. **Linux** ``` shell wget https://github.com/tanrax/RSSingle/releases/download/v1.0.0/rssingle ``` **MacOS and Windows** Coming soon 2. Gives execution permissions. ``` shell chmod +x rssingle ``` 3. In the same directory as the binary, you can create a local `config.yml` file in this format: ``` yaml title: My RSS Feed description: My customised RSS feed with technology news url: https://www.example.com output: rss.xml feeds: - https://programadorwebvalencia.com/feed/ - https://republicaweb.es/feed/ ``` If not, you can download the example in the repository. ``` shell curl -o config.yml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tanrax/RSSingle/master/config.yml ``` 4. Run the binary. ``` shell ./rssingle ``` A file called `rss.xml` will be created. ## Development ### Compiling ```shell pyinstaller --onefile rssingle.py ``` Old versions ```shell docker run --rm --volume $PWD:/app python:3.8-buster /bin/bash -c "cd /app; pip3 install -r requirements.txt; pyinstaller --onefile rssingle.py" ``` You will find the binary in `dist`. ## Thanks @shymega for his original project [singlerss](https://github.com/shymega/singlerss).