singlerss ========= # Description singlerss combines all feeds described in a OPML file into one feed. This can either be outputted into `stdout` or a file, as specifed by program arguments, and configured by the environment variables. # Configuration SingleRSS is configured by environment variables. See `.env.sample`. You _must_ copy `.env.sample` to `.env`. `SINGLERSS_FEED_OUT_PATH` defines the relative OR absolute path to output the feed to, _IF_ `SINGLERSS_FEED_OUT_TYPE` is set to `file`. If `SINGLERSS_FEED_OUT_TYPE` is set to `stdout`, you must redirect output to the file you want it written to. `SINGLERSS_FEED_LIST_PATH` must be set to the input list of feeds you want to be collated into one feed. This _must_ be a newline delimited file of URLs. ## Running You may run this directly, after sourcing `.env` and exporting the variables, with `./`. Alternatively, I have provided a systemd unit and timer, which I will offer support for, and a basic crontab. I do not use cron, so I cannot offer support for it. # Licensing This program is [licensed][license] under the Apache License 2.0. Copyright (c) Dom Rodriguez (shymega) 2020. [license]: /LICENSE