{% load static %} SSE Fake

SSE Fake

Free fake Server-side Events for testing and prototyping.

Try it

Run this code here, in a console or from any site:

    const sse = new EventSource("https://sse-fake.andros.dev/events/");

    sse.onmessage = function(event) {

Or from the terminal:

    curl https://sse-fake.andros.dev/events/


Between 1 to 5 seconds, you will randomly receive one of the following messages:

User connected

        "action": "User connected",
        "name": [random name]

User disconnected

        "action": "User disconnected",
        "name": [random name]

New message

        "action": "New message",
        "name": [random name],
        "text": [random text]