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2016-11-03 00:05:36 +01:00
--[[-- This file shows examples of settings you can adjust.
Configuration files with preferences are loaded in the following order:
1. cfg/user.lua (system-wide configuration)
2. HOME/.zbstudio/user.lua (per-user configuration)
3. -cfg <lua code fragment|filename> (command line configuration)
See [configuration](http://studio.zerobrane.com/doc-configuration.html) page for information about location of configuration files.
-- to modify loaded configuration for recognized extensions for lua files
-- (no longer needed in v1.21+) local G = ... -- this now points to the global environment
local luaspec = ide.specs.lua
luaspec.exts[#luaspec.exts+1] = "luaz"
luaspec.keywords[1] = luaspec.keywords[1] .. ' foo'
-- to modify a key mapping; see the full list of IDs in src/editor/keymap.lua
-- starting from v0.95, ID.<menuid> can be used instead of G.ID_<menuid>
keymap[ID.STARTDEBUG] = "Ctrl-Shift-D"
-- to change font size to 12
editor.fontsize = 12 -- this is mapped to ide.config.editor.fontsize
editor.fontname = "Courier New"
filehistorylength = 20 -- this is mapped to ide.config.filehistorylength
-- to specify full path to love2d *executable*; this is only needed
-- if the game folder and the executable are NOT in the same folder.
path.love2d = 'd:/lua/love/love'
-- to specify full path to moai *executable* if it's not in one of PATH folders
path.moai = 'd:/lua/moai/moai'
-- Moai config.lua file is searched in the following places: (1) MOAI_CONFIG,
-- (2) project directory (if set) or folder with the current file,
-- (3) folder with the moai executable.
-- to specify full path to gideros *executable* if it's not in one of PATH folders
path.gideros = 'd:/Program Files/Gideros/GiderosPlayer.exe'
-- to specify full path to corona *executable* if it's not in one of PATH folders
path.corona = 'd:/path/to/Corona SDK/Corona Simulator.exe'
-- to specify full path to lua interpreter if you need to use your own version
path.lua = 'd:/lua/lua'
-- to specify full path to GSL-shell *executable* if it's not in one of PATH folders
path.gslshell = [[D:\Lua\gsl-shell\gsl-shell.exe]]
-- to provide output filter for those engines that support redirecting
-- of "print" output to the IDE (like Corona SDK or Gideros)
debugger.outputfilter = function(m) return #m < 124 and m or m:sub(1,120).."...\n" end
-- to fix an issue with 0d0d0a line endings in MOAI examples,
-- which may negatively affect breakpoints during debugging
editor.iofilter = "0d0d0aFix"
-- to have 4 spaces when TAB is used in the editor
editor.tabwidth = 4
-- to have TABs stored in the file (to allow mixing tabs and spaces)
editor.usetabs = true
-- to disable wrapping of long lines in the editor
editor.usewrap = false
-- to turn dynamic words on and to start suggestions after 4 characters
acandtip.nodynwords = false
acandtip.startat = 4
-- to automatically open files requested during debugging
editor.autoactivate = true
-- to specify a list of MOAI entrypoints
moai = { entrypoints = { "main.lua", "source/main.lua" } }
-- to specify language to use in the IDE (requires a file in cfg/i18n folder)
language = "ru"
-- to change background color (or other colors in the IDE);
-- see cfg/tomorrow.lua for example/details on what other colors to change
styles.text = {bg = {240,240,220}}
-- to change the default color scheme; check tomorrow.lua for the list
-- of supported schemes or use cfg/scheme-picker.lua to pick a scheme.
-- (no longer needed in v1.21+) local G = ... -- this now points to the global environment
styles = loadfile('cfg/tomorrow.lua')('Tomorrow')
-- also apply the same scheme to Output and Console windows
stylesoutshell = styles
-- to change markers used in console and output windows
styles.marker = styles.marker or {}
styles.marker.message = {ch = wxstc.wxSTC_MARK_ARROWS, fg = {0, 0, 0}, bg = {240, 240, 240}}
styles.marker.output = {ch = wxstc.wxSTC_MARK_BACKGROUND, fg = {0, 0, 0}, bg = {240, 240, 240}}
styles.marker.prompt = {ch = wxstc.wxSTC_MARK_CHARACTER+('>'):byte(), fg = {0, 0, 0}, bg = {240, 240, 240}}
stylesoutshell = styles
-- to disable indicators (underlining) on function calls
-- styles.indicator.fncall = nil
-- to change the color of the indicator used for function calls
styles.indicator.fncall.fg = {240,0,0}
-- to change the type of the indicator used for function calls
styles.indicator.fncall.st = wxstc.wxSTC_INDIC_PLAIN
--[[ other possible values are:
wxSTC_INDIC_DOTS Dotted underline; wxSTC_INDIC_PLAIN Single-line underline
wxSTC_INDIC_TT Line of Tshapes; wxSTC_INDIC_SQUIGGLE Squiggly underline
wxSTC_INDIC_STRIKE Strike-out; wxSTC_INDIC_SQUIGGLELOW Squiggly underline (2 pixels)
wxSTC_INDIC_DASH Dashed underline; wxSTC_INDIC_STRAIGHTBOX Box with trasparency
wxSTC_INDIC_DOTBOX Dotted rectangle; wxSTC_INDIC_DIAGONAL Diagonal hatching
wxSTC_INDIC_HIDDEN No visual effect;
-- to enable additional spec files (like spec/glsl.lua)
load.specs(function(file) return file:find('spec[/\\]glsl%.lua$') end)
-- to specify a default EOL encoding to be used for new files:
-- `wxstc.wxSTC_EOL_CRLF` or `wxstc.wxSTC_EOL_LF`;
-- `nil` means OS default: CRLF on Windows and LF on Linux/Unix and OSX.
-- (OSX had CRLF as a default until v0.36, which fixed it).
editor.defaulteol = wxstc.wxSTC_EOL_LF
-- to turn off checking for mixed end-of-line encodings in loaded files
editor.checkeol = false
-- to force execution to continue immediately after starting debugging;
-- set to `false` to disable (the interpreter will stop on the first line or
-- when debugging starts); some interpreters may use `true` or `false`
-- by default, but can be still reconfigured with this setting.
debugger.runonstart = true
-- to set compact fold that doesn't include empty lines after a block
editor.foldcompact = true
-- to disable zoom with mouse wheel as it may be too sensitive on OSX
editor.nomousezoom = true
-- to specify a skin for Corona simulator (OSX only);
-- you can also change it between runs from Local Console by executing
-- `ide.config.corona = {skin = 'iPad'}`
corona = { skin = "iPad" }
-- to style individual keywords; `return` and `break` are shown in red
-- (no longer needed in v1.21+) local G = ... -- this now points to the global environment
local luaspec = ide.specs.lua
local num = #luaspec.keywords
-- take a new slot in the list of keywords (starting from 1)
luaspec.keywords[num+1] = 'return break'
-- remove 'return' from the list of "regular" keywords
luaspec.keywords[1] = luaspec.keywords[1]:gsub(' return', ''):gsub(' break', '')
-- assign new style to the added slot (starting from 0)
styles["keywords"..num] = {fg = {240, 0, 0}, b = true}
-- enable `Opt+Shift+Left/Right` shortcut on OSX
editor.keymap[#editor.keymap+1] = {wxstc.wxSTC_KEY_LEFT, wxstc.wxSTC_SCMOD_ALT+wxstc.wxSTC_SCMOD_SHIFT, wxstc.wxSTC_CMD_WORDLEFTEXTEND, "Macintosh"}
editor.keymap[#editor.keymap+1] = {wxstc.wxSTC_KEY_RIGHT, wxstc.wxSTC_SCMOD_ALT+wxstc.wxSTC_SCMOD_SHIFT, wxstc.wxSTC_CMD_WORDRIGHTENDEXTEND, "Macintosh"}
-- enable Emacs bindings to use `Ctrl-A` and `Ctrl-E` to go to the line start/end
editor.keymap[#editor.keymap+1] = {('A'):byte(), wxstc.wxSTC_SCMOD_CTRL, wxstc.wxSTC_CMD_HOME}
editor.keymap[#editor.keymap+1] = {('E'):byte(), wxstc.wxSTC_SCMOD_CTRL, wxstc.wxSTC_CMD_LINEEND}
keymap[ID.SELECTALL] = nil -- remove `Ctrl-A` shortcut from `SelectAll`
-- updated shortcuts to use them as of v1.20
keymap[ID.BREAK] = "Shift-F9"