
316 lines
8.4 KiB
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2016-11-03 00:05:36 +01:00
local io = io
local core = require 'git.core'
local assert, pcall, print, select, setmetatable, string, type, unpack =
assert, pcall, print, select, setmetatable, string, type, unpack
local ord = string.byte
local fmt = string.format
local concat, insert = table.concat, table.insert
local band =
local rshift, lshift = core.rshift, core.lshift
local to_hex = git.util.to_hex
local from_hex = git.util.from_hex
local object_sha = git.util.object_sha
local binary_sha = git.util.binary_sha
local readable_sha = git.util.readable_sha
local tmpfile = git.util.tmpfile
local reader = git.util.reader
-- read git/Documentation/technical/pack-format.txt for some inspiration
-- 1 = commit, 2 = tree ...
local types = {'commit', 'tree', 'blob', 'tag', '???', 'ofs_delta', 'ref_delta'}
-- read a 4 byte unsigned integer stored in network order
local function read_int(f)
local s = f:read(4)
local a,b,c,d = s:byte(1,4)
return a*256^3 + b*256^2 + c*256 + d
-- read in the type and file length
local function read_object_header(f)
local b = ord(f:read(1))
local type = band(rshift(b, 4), 0x7)
local len = band(b, 0xF)
local ofs = 0
while band(b, 0x80) ~= 0 do
b = ord(f:read(1))
len = len + lshift(band(b, 0x7F), ofs * 7 + 4)
ofs = ofs + 1
return len, type
-- reads in the delta header and returns the offset where original data is stored
local function read_delta_header(f)
local b = ord(f:read(1))
local offset = band(b, 0x7F)
while band(b, 0x80) ~= 0 do
offset = offset + 1
b = ord(f:read(1))
offset = lshift(offset, 7) + band(b, 0x7F)
return offset
-- read just enough of file `f` to uncompress `size` bytes
local function uncompress_by_len(f, size)
local z = core.inflate()
local chunks = {}
local CHUNK_SIZE = 1024
local curr_pos = f:seek()
local inflated, eof, total
-- read until end of zlib-compresed stream
while not eof do
local data = f:read(CHUNK_SIZE)
inflated, eof, total = z(data)
insert(chunks, inflated)
-- repair the current position in stream
f:seek('set', curr_pos + total)
return concat(chunks)
-- uncompress the object from the current location in `f`
local function unpack_object(f, len, type)
local data = uncompress_by_len(f, len)
return data, len, type
-- returns a size value encoded in delta data
local function delta_size(f)
local size = 0
local i = 0
local b = ord(f:read(1))
size = size + lshift(band(b, 0x7F), i)
i = i + 7
until band(b, 0x80) == 0
return size
-- returns a patched object from string `base` according to `delta` data
local function patch_object(base, delta, base_type)
-- insert delta codes into temporary file
local df = reader(delta)
-- retrieve original and result size (for checks)
local orig_size = delta_size(df)
assert(#base == orig_size, fmt('#base(%d) ~= orig_size(%d)', #base, orig_size))
local result_size = delta_size(df)
local size = result_size
local result = {}
-- process the delta codes
local cmd = df:read(1)
while cmd do
cmd = ord(cmd)
if cmd == 0 then
error('unexpected delta code 0')
elseif band(cmd, 0x80) ~= 0 then -- copy a selected part of base data
local cp_off, cp_size = 0, 0
-- retrieve offset
if band(cmd, 0x01) ~= 0 then cp_off = ord(df:read(1)) end
if band(cmd, 0x02) ~= 0 then cp_off = cp_off + ord(df:read(1))*256 end
if band(cmd, 0x04) ~= 0 then cp_off = cp_off + ord(df:read(1))*256^2 end
if band(cmd, 0x08) ~= 0 then cp_off = cp_off + ord(df:read(1))*256^3 end
-- retrieve size
if band(cmd, 0x10) ~= 0 then cp_size = ord(df:read(1)) end
if band(cmd, 0x20) ~= 0 then cp_size = cp_size + ord(df:read(1))*256 end
if band(cmd, 0x40) ~= 0 then cp_size = cp_size + ord(df:read(1))*256^2 end
if cp_size == 0 then cp_size = 0x10000 end
if cp_off + cp_size > #base or cp_size > size then break end
-- get the data and append it to result
local data = base:sub(cp_off + 1, cp_off + cp_size)
insert(result, data)
size = size - cp_size
else -- insert new data
if cmd > size then break end
local data = df:read(cmd)
insert(result, data)
size = size - cmd
cmd = df:read(1)
result = concat(result)
assert(#result == result_size, fmt('#result(%d) ~= result_size(%d)', #result, result_size))
return result, result_size, base_type
Pack = {}
Pack.__index = Pack
-- read an object from the current location in pack, or from a specific `offset`
-- if specified
function Pack:read_object(offset, ignore_data)
local f = self.pack_file
if offset then
f:seek('set', offset)
local curr_pos = f:seek()
local len, type = read_object_header(f)
if type < 5 then -- commit, tree, blob, tag
return unpack_object(f, len, type)
elseif type == 6 then -- ofs_delta
local offset = read_delta_header(f)
local delta_data = uncompress_by_len(f, len)
if not ignore_data then
-- the offset is negative from the current location
local base, base_len, base_type = self:read_object(curr_pos - offset)
return patch_object(base, delta_data, base_type)
elseif type == 7 then -- ref_delta
local sha = f:read(20)
local delta_data = uncompress_by_len(f, len)
if not ignore_data then
-- lookup the object in the pack by sha
-- FIXME: maybe lookup in repo/other packs
local base_offset = self.index[binary_sha(sha)]
local base, base_len, base_type = self:read_object(base_offset)
return patch_object(base, delta_data, base_type)
error('unknown object type: '..type)
-- returns true if this pack contains the given object
function Pack:has_object(sha)
return self.index[binary_sha(sha)] ~= nil
-- if the object name `sha` exists in the pack, returns a temporary file with the
-- object content, length and type, otherwise returns nil
function Pack:get_object(sha)
local offset = self.index[binary_sha(sha)]
if not offset then
print('!!! Failed to find object', readable_sha(sha))
local data, len, type = self:read_object(offset)
print(readable_sha(sha), len, type, data)
local f = tmpfile()
f:seek('set', 0)
return f, len, types[type]
function Pack:unpack(repo)
for i=1, self.nobjects do
local offset = self.offsets[i]
local data, len, type = self:read_object(offset)
repo:store_object(data, len, types[type])
-- parses the index
function Pack:parse_index(index_file)
local f = index_file
local head = f:read(4)
assert(head == '\255tOc', "Incorrect header: " .. head)
local version = read_int(f)
assert(version == 2, "Incorrect version: " .. version)
-- first the fanout table (how many objects are in the index, whose
-- first byte is below or equal to i)
local fanout = {}
for i=0, 255 do
local nobjs = read_int(f)
fanout[i] = nobjs
-- the last element in fanout is the number of all objects in index
local count = fanout[255]
-- then come the sorted object names (=sha hash)
local tmp = {}
for i=1,count do
local sha = f:read(20)
tmp[i] = { sha = sha }
-- then the CRCs (assume ok, skip them)
for i=1, count do
local crc = f:read(4)
-- then come the offsets - read just the 32bit ones, does not handle packs > 2G
for i=1, count do
local offset = read_int(f)
tmp[i].offset = offset
-- construct the lookup table
local lookup = {}
for i=1, count do
lookup[tmp[i].sha] = tmp[i].offset
self.index = lookup
-- constructs the index/offsets if the index file is missing
function Pack:construct_index(path)
local index = {}
for i=1, self.nobjects do
local offset = self.offsets[i]
local data, len, type = self:read_object(offset)
local sha = object_sha(data, len, types[type])
index[binary_sha(sha)] = offset
self.index = index
function Pack:close()
local fp = assert(, 'rb')) -- stays open
-- read the pack header
local head = fp:read(4)
assert(head == 'PACK', "Incorrect header: " .. head)
local version = read_int(fp)
assert(version == 2, "Incorrect version: " .. version)
local nobj = read_int(fp)
local pack = setmetatable({
offsets = {},
nobjects = nobj,
pack_file = fp,
}, Pack)
-- fill the offsets by traversing through the pack
for i=1,nobj do
pack.offsets[i] = fp:seek()
-- ignore the object data, we only need the offset in the pack
pack:read_object(nil, true)
-- read the index
local fi ='%.pack$', '.idx')), 'rb')
if fi then
return pack
return Pack