-- This is a file that sets color scheme based on Tomorrow format. -- Copyright 2011-14 Paul Kulchenko, ZeroBrane LLC -- Tomorrow colors from https://github.com/chriskempson/tomorrow-theme -- Zenburn colors from https://github.com/jnurmine/Zenburn/blob/master/colors/zenburn.vim (contributed by Srdjan Marković) -- Monokai colors from http://www.monokai.nl/blog/2006/07/15/textmate-color-theme/ -- Molokai colors based on https://github.com/tomasr/molokai/blob/master/colors/molokai.vim -- Solarized colors from https://github.com/altercation/vim-colors-solarized local theme = ... local function h2d(n) return 0+('0x'..n) end local function H(c, bg) c = c:gsub('#','') -- since alpha is not implemented, convert RGBA to RGB -- assuming 0 is transparent and 255 is opaque -- based on http://stackoverflow.com/a/2645218/1442917 local bg = bg and H(bg) or {255, 255, 255} local a = #c > 6 and h2d(c:sub(7,8))/255 or 1 local r, g, b = h2d(c:sub(1,2)), h2d(c:sub(3,4)), h2d(c:sub(5,6)) return { math.min(255, math.floor((1-a)*bg[1]+a*r)), math.min(255, math.floor((1-a)*bg[2]+a*g)), math.min(255, math.floor((1-a)*bg[3]+a*b))} end local colors = { Tomorrow = { Background = H'ffffff', CurrentLine = H'efefef', Selection = H'd6d6d6', Foreground = H'4d4d4c', Comment = H'8e908c', Red = H'c82829', Orange = H'f5871f', Yellow = H'eab700', Green = H'718c00', Aqua = H'3e999f', Blue = H'4271ae', Purple = H'8959a8', }, TomorrowContrast = { -- contributed by Sergey Lerg Background = H'f7f7f7', CurrentLine = H'efefef', Selection = H'd6d6d6', Foreground = H'202020', Comment = H'8e908c', Red = H'4669ff', --numbers Orange = H'f5871f', Yellow = H'eab700', Green = H'108010', --strings Aqua = H'4060b0', --built in functions Blue = H'101080', --keywords Purple = H'a01090', }, TomorrowNight = { Background = H'1d1f21', CurrentLine = H'282a2e', Selection = H'373b41', Foreground = H'c5c8c6', Comment = H'969896', Red = H'cc6666', Orange = H'de935f', Yellow = H'f0c674', Green = H'b5bd68', Aqua = H'8abeb7', Blue = H'81a2be', Purple = H'b294bb', }, TomorrowNightEighties = { Background = H'2d2d2d', CurrentLine = H'393939', Selection = H'515151', Foreground = H'cccccc', Comment = H'999999', Red = H'f2777a', Orange = H'f99157', Yellow = H'ffcc66', Green = H'99cc99', Aqua = H'66cccc', Blue = H'6699cc', Purple = H'cc99cc', }, TomorrowNightBlue = { Background = H'002451', CurrentLine = H'00346e', Selection = H'003f8e', Foreground = H'ffffff', Comment = H'7285b7', Red = H'ff9da4', Orange = H'ffc58f', Yellow = H'ffeead', Green = H'd1f1a9', Aqua = H'99ffff', Blue = H'bbdaff', Purple = H'ebbbff', }, TomorrowNightBright = { Background = H'000000', CurrentLine = H'2a2a2a', Selection = H'424242', Foreground = H'eaeaea', Comment = H'969896', Red = H'd54e53', Orange = H'e78c45', Yellow = H'e7c547', Green = H'b9ca4a', Aqua = H'70c0b1', Blue = H'7aa6da', Purple = H'c397d8', }, Zenburn = { Background = H'3f3f3f', CurrentLine = H'363636', Selection = H'1f1f1f', Foreground = H'dcdccc', Comment = H'7f9f7f', Red = H'8cd0d3', Orange = H'dfaf8f', Yellow = H'e3ceab', Green = H'cc9393', Aqua = H'dca3a3', Blue = H'f0dfaf', Purple = H'efef8f', }, Monokai = { Background = H'272822', CurrentLine = H'2D2F29', Selection = H'49483E', Foreground = H'F8F8F2', Comment = H'75715E', Red = H'AE81FF', Orange = H'AE81FF', Yellow = H'F8F8F2', Green = H'E6DB74', Aqua = H'66D9EF', Blue = H'F92672', Purple = H'A6E22E', }, Molokai = { Background = H'1B1D1E', CurrentLine = H'293739', Selection = H'49483E', Foreground = H'F8F8F2', Comment = H'7E8E91', Red = H'AE81FF', Orange = H'AE81FF', Yellow = H'F8F8F2', Green = H'E6DB74', Aqua = H'66D9EF', Blue = H'F92672', Purple = H'A6E22E', }, SolarizedDark = { Background = H'042029', CurrentLine = H'0A2933', Selection = H'073642', Foreground = H'839496', Comment = H'586E75', Red = H'D33682', Orange = H'B58900', Yellow = H'839496', Green = H'2AA198', Aqua = H'839496', Blue = H'859900', Purple = H'268BD2', }, SolarizedLight = { Background = H'FDF6E3', CurrentLine = H'EEE8D5', Selection = H'E0E0D0', Foreground = H'586E75', Comment = H'93A1A1', Red = H'D33682', Orange = H'B58900', Yellow = H'586E75', Green = H'2AA198', Aqua = H'586E75', Blue = H'859900', Purple = H'268BD2', }, NotepadPlusPlus = { -- contributed by Florian (https://github.com/SiENcE) Background = H'FFFFFF', CurrentLine = H'E9E2FF', Selection = H'C0C0C0', Foreground = H'000000', Comment = H'008000', Red = H'FF6900', Orange = H'FF0000', Yellow = H'FF4E00', Green = H'808080', Aqua = H'000080', Blue = H'2123FF', Purple = H'8000FF', }, SciTeLuaIDE = { -- contributed by Jayanth Acharya Background = H'1B1D1E', CurrentLine = H'293739', Selection = H'49483E', Foreground = H'F8F8F2', -- super-light-gray (everything else) Comment = H'00FF00', -- bright green (comments) Red = H'F92672', -- purple (numbers) Orange = H'AE81FF', -- lavendar?? (numbers) Yellow = H'F8F8F2', -- light-gray Green = H'FF8000', -- amber (string literal) Aqua = H'808080', -- gray (operators, separators etc.) Blue = H'0066FF', -- semi-blue (keywords) Purple = H'A6E22E', -- light-grass-green }, } -- add more of the specified color (keeping all in 0-255 range) local mixer = function(c, n, more) if not c or #c == 0 then return c end local c = {c[1], c[2], c[3]} -- create a copy, so it can be modified c[n] = c[n] + more local excess = c[n] - 255 if excess > 0 then for clr = 1, 3 do c[clr] = n == clr and 255 or c[clr] > excess and c[clr] - excess or 0 end end return c end local C = colors[theme] or colors.Tomorrow return { -- wxstc.wxSTC_LUA_DEFAULT lexerdef = {fg = C.Foreground}, -- wxstc.wxSTC_LUA_COMMENT, wxstc.wxSTC_LUA_COMMENTLINE, wxstc.wxSTC_LUA_COMMENTDOC comment = {fg = C.Comment, fill = true}, -- wxstc.wxSTC_LUA_STRING, wxstc.wxSTC_LUA_CHARACTER, wxstc.wxSTC_LUA_LITERALSTRING stringtxt = {fg = C.Green}, -- wxstc.wxSTC_LUA_STRINGEOL stringeol = {fg = C.Green, fill = true}, -- wxstc.wxSTC_LUA_PREPROCESSOR preprocessor = {fg = C.Orange}, -- wxstc.wxSTC_LUA_OPERATOR operator = {fg = C.Aqua}, -- wxstc.wxSTC_LUA_NUMBER number = {fg = C.Red}, -- wxstc.wxSTC_LUA_WORD, wxstc.wxSTC_LUA_WORD2-8 keywords0 = {fg = C.Blue, b = true}, keywords1 = {fg = C.Aqua, b = false}, keywords2 = {fg = C.Aqua, b = true}, keywords3 = {fg = C.Purple, b = false}, keywords4 = {fg = C.Purple, b = false}, keywords5 = {fg = C.Purple, b = false}, keywords6 = {fg = C.Purple, b = false}, keywords7 = {fg = C.Purple, b = false}, -- common (inherit fg/bg from text) -- wxstc.wxSTC_LUA_IDENTIFIER text = {fg = C.Foreground, bg = C.Background}, linenumber = {fg = C.Comment}, bracematch = {fg = C.Orange, b = true}, bracemiss = {fg = C.Red, b = true}, ctrlchar = {fg = C.Yellow}, indent = {fg = C.Comment}, calltip = nil, -- common special (need custom fg & bg) sel = {bg = C.Selection}, caret = {fg = C.Foreground}, caretlinebg = {bg = C.CurrentLine}, fold = {fg = C.Comment, bg = C.Background, sel = mixer(C.Comment, 1, 96)}, whitespace = {fg = C.Comment, bg = C.Background}, edge = {}, indicator = { fncall = {fg = C.Purple, st = wxstc.wxSTC_INDIC_HIDDEN}, --[[ other possible values are: wxSTC_INDIC_PLAIN Single-line underline wxSTC_INDIC_SQUIGGLE Squiggly underline wxSTC_INDIC_TT Line of small T-shapes wxSTC_INDIC_DIAGONAL Diagonal hatching wxSTC_INDIC_STRIKE Strike-out wxSTC_INDIC_BOX Box wxSTC_INDIC_ROUNDBOX Rounded Box --]] -- these indicators have all different default styles varlocal = {fg = C.Foreground}, varglobal = {fg = C.Foreground}, varmasked = {fg = C.Foreground}, varmasking = {fg = C.Foreground}, }, -- markup ['['] = {hs = mixer(C.Comment, 3, 64)}, ['|'] = {fg = mixer(mixer(C.Comment, 1, 64), 3, 64)}, -- markers marker = { message = {bg = C.Selection}, output = {bg = C.CurrentLine}, prompt = {fg = C.Foreground, bg = C.Background}, error = {bg = mixer(C.Background, 1, 32)}, }, } --[[ ---- Solarized license ---- Copyright (c) 2011 Ethan Schoonover Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. --]]