function MakeLuaInterpreter(version, name) local function exePath(self, version) local version = tostring(version):gsub('%.','') local mainpath = ide.editorFilename:gsub("[^/\\]+$","") local macExe = mainpath..([[bin/]]):format(version) return ide.config.path['lua'..version] or (ide.osname == "Windows" and mainpath..([[bin\lua%s.exe]]):format(version)) or (ide.osname == "Unix" and mainpath..([[bin/linux/%s/lua%s]]):format(ide.osarch, version)) or (wx.wxFileExists(macExe) and macExe or mainpath..([[bin/lua%s]]):format(version)) end return { name = ("Lua%s"):format(name or version or ""), description = ("Lua%s interpreter with debugger"):format(name or version or ""), api = {"baselib"}, luaversion = version or '5.1', fexepath = exePath, frun = function(self,wfilename,rundebug) local exe = self:fexepath(version or "") local filepath = wfilename:GetFullPath() do -- if running on Windows and can't open the file, this may mean that -- the file path includes unicode characters that need special handling local fh =, "r") if fh then fh:close() end if ide.osname == 'Windows' and pcall(require, "winapi") and wfilename:FileExists() and not fh then winapi.set_encoding(winapi.CP_UTF8) local shortpath = winapi.short_path(filepath) if shortpath == filepath then DisplayOutputLn( ("Can't get short path for a Unicode file name '%s' to open the file.") :format(filepath)) DisplayOutputLn( ("You can enable short names by using `fsutil 8dot3name set %s: 0` and recreate the file or directory.") :format(wfilename:GetVolume())) end filepath = shortpath end end if rundebug then DebuggerAttachDefault({runstart = ide.config.debugger.runonstart == true}) -- update arg to point to the proper file rundebug = ('if arg then arg[0] = [[%s]] end '):format(filepath)..rundebug local tmpfile = wx.wxFileName() tmpfile:AssignTempFileName(".") filepath = tmpfile:GetFullPath() local f =, "w") if not f then DisplayOutputLn("Can't open temporary file '"..filepath.."' for writing.") return end f:write(rundebug) f:close() end local params = ide.config.arg.any or ide.config.arg.lua local code = ([[-e "io.stdout:setvbuf('no')" "%s"]]):format(filepath) local cmd = '"'..exe..'" '..code..(params and " "..params or "") -- modify CPATH to work with other Lua versions local envname = "LUA_CPATH" if version then local env = "LUA_CPATH_"..string.gsub(version, '%.', '_') if os.getenv(env) then envname = env end end local cpath = os.getenv(envname) if rundebug and cpath and not ide.config.path['lua'..(version or "")] then -- prepend osclibs as the libraries may be needed for debugging, -- but only if no path.lua is set as it may conflict with system libs wx.wxSetEnv(envname, ide.osclibs..';'..cpath) end if version and cpath then local cpath = os.getenv(envname) local clibs = string.format('/clibs%s/', version):gsub('%.','') if not cpath:find(clibs, 1, true) then cpath = cpath:gsub('/clibs/', clibs) end wx.wxSetEnv(envname, cpath) end -- CommandLineRun(cmd,wdir,tooutput,nohide,stringcallback,uid,endcallback) local pid = CommandLineRun(cmd,self:fworkdir(wfilename),true,false,nil,nil, function() if rundebug then wx.wxRemoveFile(filepath) end end) if (rundebug or version) and cpath then wx.wxSetEnv(envname, cpath) end return pid end, hasdebugger = true, fattachdebug = function(self) DebuggerAttachDefault() end, scratchextloop = false, unhideanywindow = true, takeparameters = true, } end return nil -- as this is not a real interpreter