--[[-- This file shows examples of settings you can adjust. Configuration files with preferences are loaded in the following order: 1. cfg/user.lua (system-wide configuration) 2. HOME/.zbstudio/user.lua (per-user configuration) 3. -cfg (command line configuration) See [configuration](http://studio.zerobrane.com/doc-configuration.html) page for information about location of configuration files. --]]-- -- to modify a key mapping; see the full list of IDs in src/editor/keymap.lua -- starting from v0.95, ID. can be used instead of G.ID_ keymap[ID.RUN] = "Ctrl-R" keymap[ID.REPLACE] = nil -- to change font size to 12 editor.fontsize = 14 -- this is mapped to ide.config.editor.fontsize --editor.fontname = "Courier New" filehistorylength = 20 -- this is mapped to ide.config.filehistorylength -- to specify full path to love2d *executable*; this is only needed -- if the game folder and the executable are NOT in the same folder. path.love2d = '../tools/love.app' -- to disable wrapping of long lines in the editor editor.usewrap = true -- to specify language to use in the IDE (requires a file in cfg/i18n folder) language = "en" -- do not offer dynamic (user entered) words; set to false to collect all words from all open editor tabs and offer them as part of the auto-complete list. acandtip.nodynwords = true -- to change the default color scheme; check tomorrow.lua for the list -- of supported schemes or use cfg/scheme-picker.lua to pick a scheme. -- (no longer needed in v1.21+) local G = ... -- this now points to the global environment styles = loadfile('cfg/tomorrow.lua')('Tomorrow') --TURN OFF UNDERLINING styles.indicator = {} -- also apply the same scheme to Output and Console windows stylesoutshell = styles -- to set compact fold that doesn't include empty lines after a block --editor.foldcompact = true -- set the default interpreter used for new projects interpreter = "love2d" -- https://github.com/pkulchenko/ZeroBraneStudio/issues/645 ide.interpreters.love2d.skipcompile=true -- don't open output on run activateoutput = false