-- Working with manifest and dist.info files module ("dist.manifest", package.seeall) local cfg = require "dist.config" local git = require "dist.git" local sys = require "dist.sys" local utils = require "dist.utils" -- Return the manifest table from 'manifest_file'. If the manifest is in cache, -- then the cached version is used. You can set the cache timeout value in -- 'config.cache_timeout' variable. -- If optional 'force_no_cache' parameter is true, then the cache is not used. function get_manifest(manifest_file, force_no_cache) manifest_file = manifest_file or sys.make_path(cfg.root_dir, cfg.manifest_file) force_no_cache = force_no_cache or false assert(type(manifest_file) == "string", "manifest.get_manifest: Argument 'manifest_file' is not a string.") assert(type(force_no_cache) == "boolean", "manifest.get_manifest: Argument 'force_no_cache' is not a boolean.") manifest_file = sys.abs_path(manifest_file) -- download new manifest to the cache if not present or cache not used or cache expired if not sys.exists(manifest_file) or force_no_cache or not cfg.cache or utils.cache_timeout_expired(cfg.cache_timeout, manifest_file) then local manifest_dest = sys.parent_dir(manifest_file) or sys.current_dir() local ok, err = download_manifest(manifest_dest, cfg.repos) if not ok then return nil, "Error when downloading manifest: " .. err end end -- load manifest from cache local status, ret = load_manifest(manifest_file) if not status then return nil, "Error when loading manifest: " .. ret end return ret end -- Download manifest from the table of git 'repository_urls' to 'dest_dir' and return true on success -- and nil and error message on error. function download_manifest(dest_dir, repository_urls) dest_dir = dest_dir or sys.make_path(cfg.root_dir, cfg.cache_dir) repository_urls = repository_urls or cfg.repos if type(repository_urls) == "string" then repository_urls = {repository_urls} end assert(type(dest_dir) == "string", "manifest.download_manifest: Argument 'dest_dir' is not a string.") assert(type(repository_urls) == "table", "manifest.download_manifest: Argument 'repository_urls' is not a table or string.") dest_dir = sys.abs_path(dest_dir) -- define used files and directories local manifest_filename = sys.extract_name(cfg.manifest_file) local manifest_file = sys.make_path(dest_dir, manifest_filename) local temp_dir = sys.make_path(cfg.root_dir, cfg.temp_dir) -- ensure that destination directory exists local ok, err = sys.make_dir(dest_dir) if not ok then return nil, err end -- retrieve manifests from repositories and collect them into one manifest table local manifest = {} if #repository_urls == 0 then return nil, "No repository url specified." end print("Downloading repository information...") for k, repo in pairs(repository_urls) do local clone_dir = sys.make_path(temp_dir, "repository_" .. tostring(k)) -- clone the repo and add its '.gitmodules' file to the manifest table ok, err = git.create_repo(clone_dir) local sha if ok then sha, err = git.fetch_branch(clone_dir, repo, "master") end if sha then ok, err = git.checkout_sha(sha, clone_dir) end if not (ok and sha) then if not cfg.debug then sys.delete(clone_dir) end return nil, "Error when downloading the manifest from repository with url: '" .. repo .. "': " .. err else for _, pkg in pairs(load_gitmodules(sys.make_path(clone_dir, ".gitmodules"))) do table.insert(manifest, pkg) end end if not cfg.debug then sys.delete(clone_dir) end end -- save the new manifest table to the file ok, err = save_manifest(manifest, manifest_file) if not ok then return nil, err end return true end -- A secure loadfile function -- If file code chunk has upvalues, the first upvalue is set to the given -- environement, if that parameter is given, or to the value of the global environment. local function secure_loadfile(file, env) assert(type(file) == "string", "secure_loadfile: Argument 'file' is not a string.") -- use the given (or create a new) restricted environment local env = env or {} -- load the file and run in a protected call with the restricted env -- setfenv is deprecated in lua 5.2 in favor of giving env in arguments -- the additional loadfile arguments are simply ignored for previous lua versions local f, err = loadfile(file, 'bt', env) if f then if setfenv ~= nil then setfenv(f, env) end return pcall(f) else return nil, err end end -- Load and return manifest table from the manifest file. -- If manifest file not present, return nil. function load_manifest(manifest_file) manifest_file = manifest_file or sys.make_path(cfg.root_dir, cfg.manifest_file) return secure_loadfile(sys.abs_path(manifest_file)) end -- Load '.gitmodules' file and returns manifest table. -- If the file is not present, return nil. function load_gitmodules(gitmodules_file) gitmodules_file = gitmodules_file or sys.make_path(cfg.root_dir, cfg.manifest_file) assert(type(gitmodules_file) == "string", "manifest.load_gitmodules: Argument 'gitmodules_file' is not a string.") gitmodules_file = sys.abs_path(gitmodules_file) if sys.exists(gitmodules_file) then -- load the .gitmodules file local file, err = io.open(gitmodules_file, "r") if not file then return nil, "Error when opening the .gitmodules file '" .. gitmodules_file .. "':" .. err end local mf_text = file:read("*a") file:close() if not mf_text then return nil, "Error when reading the .gitmodules file '" .. gitmodules_file .. "':" .. err end manifest = {} for url in mf_text:gmatch("git://%S+/%S+") do pkg = {name = url:match("git://%S+/(%S+)%.git") or url:match("git://%S+/(%S+)"), version = "scm", path = url} table.insert(manifest, pkg) end return manifest else return nil, "Error when loading the .gitmodules: file '" .. gitmodules_file .. "' doesn't exist." end end -- Save manifest table to the 'file' function save_manifest(manifest_table, file) assert(type(manifest_table) == "table", "manifest.save_distinfo: Argument 'manifest_table' is not a table.") assert(type(file) == "string", "manifest.save_distinfo: Argument 'file' is not a string.") file = sys.abs_path(file) -- Print table 'tbl' to io stream 'file'. local function print_table(file, tbl, in_nested_table) for k, v in pairs(tbl) do -- print key if in_nested_table then file:write("\t\t") end if type(k) ~= "number" then file:write("['" .. k .. "']" .. " = ") end -- print value if type(v) == "table" then file:write("{\n") print_table(file, v, true) if in_nested_table then file:write("\t") end file:write("\t}") else if in_nested_table then file:write("\t") end if type(v) == "string" then file:write('[[' .. v .. ']]') else file:write(tostring(v)) end end file:write(",\n") end end local manifest_file = io.open(file, "w") if not manifest_file then return nil, "Error when saving manifest: cannot open the file '" .. file .. "'." end manifest_file:write('return {\n') print_table(manifest_file, manifest_table) manifest_file:write('},\ntrue') manifest_file:close() return true end -- Load and return package info table from the distinfo_file file. -- If file not present, return nil. function load_distinfo(distinfo_file) assert(type(distinfo_file) == "string", "manifest.load_distinfo: Argument 'distinfo_file' is not a string.") distinfo_file = sys.abs_path(distinfo_file) -- load the distinfo file local distinfo_env = {} local status, ret = secure_loadfile(distinfo_file, distinfo_env) if not status then return nil, "Error when loading package info: " .. ret end return distinfo_env end -- Save distinfo table to the 'file' function save_distinfo(distinfo_table, file) assert(type(distinfo_table) == "table", "manifest.save_distinfo: Argument 'distinfo_table' is not a table.") assert(type(file) == "string", "manifest.save_distinfo: Argument 'file' is not a string.") file = sys.abs_path(file) -- Print table 'tbl' to io stream 'file'. local function print_table(file, tbl, in_nested_table) for k, v in pairs(tbl) do -- print key if type(k) ~= "number" then file:write(k .. " = ") end -- print value if type(v) == "table" then file:write("{\n") print_table(file, v, true) file:write("}\n") elseif type(v) == "string" then if in_nested_table then file:write('[[' .. v .. ']]') else file:write('"' .. v .. '"') end else file:write(v) end if in_nested_table then file:write(",") end file:write("\n") end end local distinfo_file = io.open(file, "w") if not distinfo_file then return nil, "Error when saving dist-info table: cannot open the file '" .. file .. "'." end print_table(distinfo_file, distinfo_table) distinfo_file:close() return true end