-- LOAD function love.load() -- Configuration math.randomseed(os.time()) window = { width = 1280, height = 720 } fullscreen = false love.window.setMode(window.width, window.height, {resizable=false}) font = love.graphics.newFont('assets/font/space_age.ttf', 40) -- Font love.graphics.setFont(font) text_restart = { text = 'You die!' } text_restart.size = font:getWidth(text_restart.text) text_good = { text = 'Good' } text_good.size = font:getWidth(text_good.text) camera = { x = 0, y = 0, width = window.width, height = window.height } debug = false play = true win = false level = { num = 1, x = 50, y = 50 } love.window.setFullscreen(fullscreen) love.window.setTitle('Alunizaje') background = { x = 0, y = 0, img = love.graphics.newImage('assets/img/background.jpg') } canvas = { width = 1280, height = 2880 } gravity = 2 moon_margin = 100 -- Physics love.physics.setMeter(64) -- Height earth in meters world = love.physics.newWorld(0, gravity * 64, true) -- Make earth -- Ship ship = { x = canvas.width / 2, y = 0 , power = 1000 , size_collition = 28, polygons_collition = 8 } ship.img = love.graphics.newImage('assets/img/ship.png') ship.body = love.physics.newBody(world, (canvas.width / 2) - (ship.img:getWidth() / 2) , ship.y, 'dynamic') ship.shape = love.physics.newCircleShape(20) ship.fixture = love.physics.newFixture(ship.body, ship.shape, 1) ship.fixture:setRestitution(0.9) -- Generates initial asteroids asteroids_collision = 40 asteroids_collision_polygon = 8 max_speed_asteroids = 5 img_asteroide = { love.graphics.newImage('assets/img/asteroid1.png'), love.graphics.newImage('assets/img/asteroid2.png') } restart(level.num) end -- UPDATE function love.update(dt) if play then -- Phytics world world:update(dt) -- Controls if love.keyboard.isDown('escape') or love.keyboard.isDown('q') then love.event.push('quit') end if love.keyboard.isDown('right') then ship.body:applyForce(ship.power, 0) elseif love.keyboard.isDown('left') then ship.body:applyForce(-ship.power, 0) end if love.keyboard.isDown('up') then ship.body:applyForce(0, -ship.power) elseif love.keyboard.isDown('down') then ship.body:applyForce(0, ship.power) end -- Rotate asteroids for key, value in pairs(asteroids) do value.angle = asteroids[key].angle + (dt * math.pi / 10) value.x = asteroids[key].x - asteroids[key].speed end -- Destroy asteroids for key, value in pairs(asteroids) do if value.x + asteroids[key].img:getWidth() < 0 then table.remove(asteroids, key) end end -- Create asteroids if table_length(asteroids) < num_asteroids then local temp_img = img_asteroide[math.random(1, table_length(img_asteroide))] asteroids[table_length(asteroids) + 1] = { x = canvas.width + temp_img:getWidth(), y = math.random(0, canvas.height - temp_img:getHeight()), speed = math.random(1, max_speed_asteroids), img = temp_img, angle = math.random(0, 90)} end -- Camera camera.y = 0 if camera.height / 3 <= ship.body:getY() then -- Top camera.y = -ship.body:getY() + (camera.height / 3) end if canvas.height - ((camera.height / 3) * 2) < ship.body:getY() then -- Down camera.y = -canvas.height + camera.height end -- Collision if ship.body:getY() <= 0 then -- Top game x, y = ship.body:getLinearVelocity() ship.body:setLinearVelocity(x, -y) end if ship.body:getX() + ship.img:getWidth() > canvas.width then -- Right game x, y = ship.body:getLinearVelocity() ship.body:setLinearVelocity(-x, y) end if ship.body:getX() < 0 then -- Left game x, y = ship.body:getLinearVelocity() ship.body:setLinearVelocity(-x, y) end if ship.body:getY() + ship.img:getHeight() + moon_margin >= canvas.height then -- Down game ship.body:setLinearVelocity(0, 0) win = true play = false level.num = level.num + 1 end for key, value in pairs(asteroids) do -- Asteroids local asteroid_temp = { x = asteroids[key].x, y = asteroids[key].y, radius = asteroids_collision } local ship_temp = { x = ship.body:getX() + (ship.img:getWidth() / 2), y = ship.body:getY() + (ship.img:getHeight() / 2), radius = ship.size_collition } if checkCircleCollision(asteroid_temp, ship_temp) then play = false end end else sleep(2) restart(level.num) end end -- DRAW function love.draw() -- Camera love.graphics.translate(0, camera.y) -- Background love.graphics.draw(background.img, background.x, background.y) -- Asteroids for key, value in pairs(asteroids) do love.graphics.draw(value.img, value.x, value.y, value.angle, 1, 1, value.img:getWidth() / 2, value.img:getHeight() / 2) if debug then love.graphics.circle('line', value.x, value.y, asteroids_collision, ship.polygons_collition) end end -- Ship love.graphics.draw(ship.img, ship.body:getX(), ship.body:getY()) if debug then love.graphics.circle('line', ship.body:getX() + (ship.img:getWidth() / 2), ship.body:getY() + (ship.img:getHeight() / 2), ship.size_collition, ship.polygons_collition) end -- Texts if not play and not win then -- Game over love.graphics.print(text_restart.text, (camera.width / 2) - (text_restart.size / 2), -camera.y + (camera.height / 2)) end if not play and win then -- Win love.graphics.print(text_good, (camera.width / 2) - (text_good.size / 2), -camera.y + (camera.height / 2)) end love.graphics.print('Level ' .. level.num, level.x, level.y + -camera.y) end --------------------------------- Functions -- Get Table length function table_length(T) local count = 0 for _ in pairs(T) do count = count + 1 end return count end -- Pause system n seconds local clock = os.clock function sleep(n) -- seconds local t0 = clock() while clock() - t0 <= n do end end -- Collision detection function. function checkCircleCollision(circle1, circle2) local distance = math.sqrt((circle1.x - circle2.x) ^ 2 + (circle1.y - circle2.y) ^ 2) return distance <= circle1.radius + circle2.radius end function restart(level_arg) num_asteroids = level_arg * 5 -- Generate asteroids asteroids = {} for i=1, num_asteroids do local temp_img = img_asteroide[math.random(1, table_length(img_asteroide))] asteroids[i] = { x = math.random(0, canvas.width - temp_img:getWidth()), y = math.random(200, canvas.height - temp_img:getHeight()), speed = math.random(1, max_speed_asteroids), img = temp_img, angle = math.random(0, 90) } end -- Set ship position ship.body = love.physics.newBody(world, (canvas.width / 2) - (ship.img:getWidth() / 2) , ship.y, 'dynamic') win = false play = true end