-- Utility functions for dependencies module ("dist.depends", package.seeall) local cfg = require "dist.config" local mf = require "dist.manifest" local sys = require "dist.sys" local const = require "dist.constraints" local utils = require "dist.utils" local package = require "dist.package" -- Return all packages with specified names from manifest. -- Names can also contain version constraint (e.g. 'copas>=1.2.3', 'saci-1.0' etc.). function find_packages(package_names, manifest) if type(package_names) == "string" then package_names = {package_names} end manifest = manifest or mf.get_manifest() assert(type(package_names) == "table", "depends.find_packages: Argument 'package_names' is not a table or string.") assert(type(manifest) == "table", "depends.find_packages: Argument 'manifest' is not a table.") local packages_found = {} -- find matching packages in manifest for _, pkg_to_find in pairs(package_names) do local pkg_name, pkg_constraint = split_name_constraint(pkg_to_find) pkg_name = utils.escape_magic(pkg_name):gsub("%%%*",".*") for _, repo_pkg in pairs(manifest) do if string.match(repo_pkg.name, "^" .. pkg_name .. "$") and (not pkg_constraint or satisfies_constraint(repo_pkg.version, pkg_constraint)) then table.insert(packages_found, repo_pkg) end end end return packages_found end -- Return manifest consisting of packages installed in specified deploy_dir directory function get_installed(deploy_dir) deploy_dir = deploy_dir or cfg.root_dir assert(type(deploy_dir) == "string", "depends.get_installed: Argument 'deploy_dir' is not a string.") deploy_dir = sys.abs_path(deploy_dir) local distinfos_path = sys.make_path(deploy_dir, cfg.distinfos_dir) local manifest = {} if not sys.is_dir(distinfos_path) then return {} end -- from all directories of packages installed in deploy_dir for dir in sys.get_directory(distinfos_path) do if dir ~= "." and dir ~= ".." and sys.is_dir(sys.make_path(distinfos_path, dir)) then local pkg_dist_dir = sys.make_path(distinfos_path, dir) -- load the dist.info file for file in sys.get_directory(pkg_dist_dir) do local pkg_dist_file = sys.make_path(pkg_dist_dir, file) if sys.is_file(pkg_dist_file) then table.insert(manifest, mf.load_distinfo(pkg_dist_file)) end end end end return manifest end -- If 'pkg.selected' == true then returns 'selected' else 'installed'. -- Used in error messages. local function selected_or_installed(pkg) assert(type(pkg) == "table", "depends.selected_or_installed: Argument 'pkg' is not a table.") if pkg.selected == true then return "selected" else return "installed" end end -- Return whether the 'package_name' is installed according to the the manifest 'installed_pkgs' -- If optional 'version_wanted' constraint is specified, then installed packages must -- also satisfy specified version constraint. -- If package is installed but doesn't satisfy version constraint, error message -- is returned as the second value. function is_installed(package_name, installed_pkgs, version_wanted) assert(type(package_name) == "string", "depends.is_installed: Argument 'package_name' is not a string.") assert(type(installed_pkgs) == "table", "depends.is_installed: Argument 'installed_pkgs' is not a table.") assert(type(version_wanted) == "string" or type(version_wanted) == "nil", "depends.is_installed: Argument 'version_wanted' is not a string or nil.") local pkg_is_installed, err = false, nil for _, installed_pkg in pairs(installed_pkgs) do -- check if package_name is in installed if package_name == installed_pkg.name then -- check if package is installed in satisfying version if not version_wanted or satisfies_constraint(installed_pkg.version, version_wanted) then pkg_is_installed = true break else err = "Package '" .. package_name .. (version_wanted and " " .. version_wanted or "") .. "' needed, but " .. selected_or_installed(installed_pkg) .. " at version '" .. installed_pkg.version .. "'." break end end end return pkg_is_installed, err end -- Check whether the package 'pkg' conflicts with 'installed_pkg' and return -- false or error message. local function packages_conflicts(pkg, installed_pkg) assert(type(pkg) == "table", "depends.packages_conflicts: Argument 'pkg' is not a table.") assert(type(installed_pkg) == "table", "depends.packages_conflicts: Argument 'installed_pkg' is not a table.") -- check if pkg doesn't provide an already installed_pkg if pkg.provides then -- for all of pkg's provides for _, provided_pkg in pairs(get_provides(pkg)) do if provided_pkg.name == installed_pkg.name then return "Package '" .. pkg_full_name(pkg.name, pkg.version, pkg.was_scm_version) .. "' provides '" .. pkg_full_name(provided_pkg.name, provided_pkg.version) .. "' but package '" .. pkg_full_name(installed_pkg.name, installed_pkg.version) .. "' is already " .. selected_or_installed(installed_pkg) .. "." end end end -- check for conflicts of package to install with installed package if pkg.conflicts then for _, conflict in pairs (pkg.conflicts) do if conflict == installed_pkg.name then return "Package '" .. pkg_full_name(pkg.name, pkg.version, pkg.was_scm_version) .. "' conflicts with already " .. selected_or_installed(installed_pkg) .. " package '" .. pkg_full_name(installed_pkg.name, installed_pkg.version) .. "'." end end end -- check for conflicts of installed package with package to install if installed_pkg.conflicts then -- direct conflicts with 'pkg' for _, conflict in pairs (installed_pkg.conflicts) do if conflict == pkg.name then return "Already " .. selected_or_installed(installed_pkg) .. " package '" .. pkg_full_name(installed_pkg.name, installed_pkg.version) .. "' conflicts with package '" .. pkg_full_name(pkg.name, pkg.version, pkg.was_scm_version) .. "'." end end -- conflicts with 'provides' of 'pkg' (packages provided by package to install) if pkg.provides then for _, conflict in pairs (installed_pkg.conflicts) do -- for all of pkg's provides for _, provided_pkg in pairs(get_provides(pkg)) do if conflict == provided_pkg.name then return "Already '" .. selected_or_installed(installed_pkg) .. " package '" .. pkg_full_name(installed_pkg.name, installed_pkg.version) .. "' conflicts with package '" .. pkg_full_name(provided_pkg.name, provided_pkg.version) .. "' provided by '" .. pkg_full_name(pkg.name, pkg.version, pkg.was_scm_version) .. "'." end end end end end -- no conflicts found return false end -- Return table of package dependencies 'depends' with OS specific dependencies extracted. -- -- OS specific dependencies are stored in a subtable with 'arch' as a key. -- E.g. this table containing OS specific dependencies: -- depends = { -- "lua~>5.1", -- "luadist-git>=0.1", -- Linux = { -- "iup>=3.6", -- "wxlua>=", -- }, -- Windows = { -- "luagd>=2.0.33r2", -- "luacom>=1.4.1", -- }, -- } -- -- ...will be on the 'Linux' architecture (determined by cfg.arch) converted into: -- depends = { -- "lua~>5.1", -- "luadist-git>=0.1", -- "iup>=3.6", -- "wxlua>=", -- } function extract_os_specific_depends(depends) assert(type(depends) == "table", "depends.extract_os_specific_depends: Argument 'depends' is not a table.") local extracted = {} for k, depend in pairs(depends) do -- if 'depend' is a table, then it must be a table of OS specific -- dependencies, so extract it if it's for this architecture if type(depend) == "table" then if k == cfg.arch then for _, os_specific_depend in pairs(depend) do table.insert(extracted, os_specific_depend) end end else table.insert(extracted, depend) end end return extracted end -- Return all packages needed in order to install package 'pkg' -- and with specified 'installed' packages in the system using 'manifest'. -- 'pkg' can also contain version constraint (e.g. 'copas>=1.2.3', 'saci-1.0' etc.). -- -- This function also downloads packages to get information about their dependencies. -- Directory where the package was downloaded is stored in 'download_dir' attribute -- of that package in the table of packages returned by this function. -- -- Optional argument 'dependency_manifest' is a table of dependencies examined -- from previous installations etc. It can be used to speed-up the dependency -- resolving procedure for example. -- -- When optional 'force_no_download' parameter is set to true, then information -- about packages won't be downloaded during dependency resolving, assuming that -- entries in the provided manifest are already complete. -- -- When optional 'suppress_printing' parameter is set to true, then messages -- for the user won't be printed during dependency resolving. -- -- Optional argument 'deploy_dir' is used just as a temporary place to place -- the downloaded packages into. -- -- 'dependency_parents' is table of all packages encountered so far when resolving dependencies -- and is used to detect and deal with circular dependencies. Leave it 'nil' -- and it will do its job just fine :-). -- -- 'tmp_installed' is internal table used in recursion and should be left 'nil' when -- calling this function from other context. It is used for passing the changes -- in installed packages between the recursive calls of this function. -- -- TODO: refactor this spaghetti code! local function get_packages_to_install(pkg, installed, manifest, dependency_manifest, force_no_download, suppress_printing, deploy_dir, dependency_parents, tmp_installed) manifest = manifest or mf.get_manifest() dependency_manifest = dependency_manifest or {} force_no_download = force_no_download or false suppress_printing = suppress_printing or false deploy_dir = deploy_dir or cfg.root_dir dependency_parents = dependency_parents or {} -- set helper table 'tmp_installed' tmp_installed = tmp_installed or utils.deepcopy(installed) assert(type(pkg) == "string", "depends.get_packages_to_install: Argument 'pkg' is not a string.") assert(type(installed) == "table", "depends.get_packages_to_install: Argument 'installed' is not a table.") assert(type(manifest) == "table", "depends.get_packages_to_install: Argument 'manifest' is not a table.") assert(type(dependency_manifest) == "table", "depends.get_packages_to_install: Argument 'dependency_manifest' is not a table.") assert(type(force_no_download) == "boolean", "depends.get_packages_to_install: Argument 'force_no_download' is not a boolean.") assert(type(suppress_printing) == "boolean", "depends.get_packages_to_install: Argument 'suppress_printing' is not a boolean.") assert(type(deploy_dir) == "string", "depends.get_packages_to_install: Argument 'deploy_dir' is not a string.") assert(type(dependency_parents) == "table", "depends.get_packages_to_install: Argument 'dependency_parents' is not a table.") assert(type(tmp_installed) == "table", "depends.get_packages_to_install: Argument 'tmp_installed' is not a table.") deploy_dir = sys.abs_path(deploy_dir) --[[ for future debugging: print('resolving: '.. pkg) print(' installed: ', utils.table_tostring(installed)) print(' tmp_installed: ', utils.table_tostring(tmp_installed)) --]] -- check if package is already installed local pkg_name, pkg_constraint = split_name_constraint(pkg) local pkg_is_installed, err = is_installed(pkg_name, tmp_installed, pkg_constraint) if pkg_is_installed then return {} end if err then return nil, err end -- table of packages needed to be installed (will be returned) local to_install = {} -- find out available versions of 'pkg' and insert them into manifest if not force_no_download then local versions, err = package.retrieve_versions(pkg, manifest, suppress_printing) if not versions then return nil, err end for _, version in pairs(versions) do table.insert(manifest, version) end end -- find candidates & sort them local candidates_to_install = find_packages(pkg, manifest) if #candidates_to_install == 0 then return nil, "No suitable candidate for '" .. pkg .. "' found." end candidates_to_install = sort_by_versions(candidates_to_install) for _, pkg in pairs(candidates_to_install) do --[[ for future debugging: print(' candidate: '.. pkg.name..'-'..pkg.version) print(' installed: ', utils.table_tostring(installed)) print(' tmp_installed: ', utils.table_tostring(tmp_installed)) print(' to_install: ', utils.table_tostring(to_install)) print(' -is installed: ', is_installed(pkg.name, tmp_installed, pkg_constraint)) --]] -- if there's an error from the previous candidate, print the reason for trying another one if not suppress_printing and err then print(" - trying another candidate due to: " .. err) end -- clear the state from the previous candidate pkg_is_installed, err = false, nil -- check whether this package has already been added to 'tmp_installed' by another of its candidates pkg_is_installed, err = is_installed(pkg.name, tmp_installed, pkg_constraint) if pkg_is_installed then break end -- preserve information about the 'scm' version, because pkg.version -- will be rewritten by information taken from pkg's dist.info file local was_scm_version = (pkg.version == "scm") -- Try to obtain cached dependency information from the dependency manifest if dependency_manifest[pkg.name .. "-" .. pkg.version] and cfg.dep_cache then pkg = dependency_manifest[pkg.name .. "-" .. pkg.version] else -- download info about the package if not already downloaded and downloading not prohibited if not (pkg.download_dir or force_no_download) then local path_or_err pkg, path_or_err = package.retrieve_pkg_info(pkg, deploy_dir, suppress_printing) if not pkg then err = "Error when resolving dependencies: " .. path_or_err else -- set path to downloaded package - used to indicate that the -- package was already downloaded, to delete unused but downloaded -- packages and also to install choosen packages pkg.download_dir = path_or_err end end end if pkg and was_scm_version then pkg.was_scm_version = true end -- check arch & type if not err then if not (pkg.arch == "Universal" or pkg.arch == cfg.arch) or not (pkg.type == "all" or pkg.type == "source" or pkg.type == cfg.type) then err = "Package '" .. pkg_full_name(pkg.name, pkg.version) .. "' doesn't have required arch and type." end end -- checks for conflicts with other installed (or previously selected) packages if not err then for _, installed_pkg in pairs(tmp_installed) do err = packages_conflicts(pkg, installed_pkg) if err then break end end end -- if pkg passed all of the above tests if not err then -- check if pkg's dependencies are satisfied if pkg.depends then -- insert pkg into the stack of circular dependencies detection table.insert(dependency_parents, pkg.name) -- extract all OS specific dependencies of pkg pkg.depends = extract_os_specific_depends(pkg.depends) -- for all dependencies of pkg for _, depend in pairs(pkg.depends) do local dep_name = split_name_constraint(depend) -- detect circular dependencies using 'dependency_parents' local is_circular_dependency = false for _, parent in pairs(dependency_parents) do if dep_name == parent then is_circular_dependency = true break end end -- if circular dependencies not detected if not is_circular_dependency then -- recursively call this function on the candidates of this pkg's dependency local depends_to_install, dep_err = get_packages_to_install(depend, installed, manifest, dependency_manifest, force_no_download, suppress_printing, deploy_dir, dependency_parents, tmp_installed) -- if any suitable dependency packages were found, insert them to the 'to_install' table if depends_to_install then for _, depend_to_install in pairs(depends_to_install) do -- add some meta information if not depend_to_install.selected_by then depend_to_install.selected_by = pkg.name .. "-" .. pkg.version end table.insert(to_install, depend_to_install) table.insert(tmp_installed, depend_to_install) table.insert(installed, depend_to_install) end else err = "Error getting dependency of '" .. pkg_full_name(pkg.name, pkg.version) .. "': " .. dep_err break end -- if circular dependencies detected else err = "Error getting dependency of '" .. pkg_full_name(pkg.name, pkg.version) .. "': '" .. dep_name .. "' is a circular dependency." break end end -- remove last package from the stack of circular dependencies detection table.remove(dependency_parents) end -- if no error occured if not err then -- add pkg and it's provides to the fake table of installed packages, with -- property 'selected' set, indicating that the package isn't -- really installed in the system, just selected to be installed (this is used e.g. in error messages) pkg.selected = true table.insert(tmp_installed, pkg) if pkg.provides then for _, provided_pkg in pairs(get_provides(pkg)) do provided_pkg.selected = true table.insert(tmp_installed, provided_pkg) end end -- add pkg to the table of packages to install table.insert(to_install, pkg) -- if some error occured else -- delete the downloaded package if pkg.download_dir and not cfg.debug then sys.delete(pkg.download_dir) end -- set tables of 'packages to install' and 'installed packages' to their original state to_install = {} tmp_installed = utils.deepcopy(installed) -- add provided packages to installed ones for _, installed_pkg in pairs(tmp_installed) do for _, pkg in pairs(get_provides(installed_pkg)) do table.insert(tmp_installed, pkg) end end end -- if error occured else -- delete the downloaded package if pkg and pkg.download_dir and not cfg.debug then sys.delete(pkg.download_dir) end -- if pkg is already installed, skip checking its other candidates if pkg_is_installed then break end end end -- if package is not installed and no suitable candidates were found, return the last error if #to_install == 0 and not pkg_is_installed then return nil, err else return to_install end end -- Resolve dependencies and return all packages needed in order to install -- 'packages' into the system with already 'installed' packages, using 'manifest'. -- Also return the table of the dependencies determined during the process -- as the second return value. -- -- Optional argument 'dependency_manifest' is a table of dependencies examined -- from previous installations etc. It can be used to speed-up the dependency -- resolving procedure for example. -- -- Optional argument 'deploy_dir' is used as a temporary place to place the -- downloaded packages into. -- -- When optional 'force_no_download' parameter is set to true, then information -- about packages won't be downloaded during dependency resolving, assuming that -- entries in manifest are complete. -- -- When optional 'suppress_printing' parameter is set to true, then messages -- for the user won't be printed during dependency resolving. function get_depends(packages, installed, manifest, dependency_manifest, deploy_dir, force_no_download, suppress_printing) if not packages then return {} end manifest = manifest or mf.get_manifest() dependency_manifest = dependency_manifest or {} deploy_dir = deploy_dir or cfg.root_dir force_no_download = force_no_download or false suppress_printing = suppress_printing or false if type(packages) == "string" then packages = {packages} end assert(type(packages) == "table", "depends.get_depends: Argument 'packages' is not a table or string.") assert(type(installed) == "table", "depends.get_depends: Argument 'installed' is not a table.") assert(type(manifest) == "table", "depends.get_depends: Argument 'manifest' is not a table.") assert(type(dependency_manifest) == "table", "depends.get_depends: Argument 'dependency_manifest' is not a table.") assert(type(deploy_dir) == "string", "depends.get_depends: Argument 'deploy_dir' is not a string.") assert(type(force_no_download) == "boolean", "depends.get_depends: Argument 'force_no_download' is not a boolean.") assert(type(suppress_printing) == "boolean", "depends.get_depends: Argument 'suppress_printing' is not a boolean.") deploy_dir = sys.abs_path(deploy_dir) local tmp_installed = utils.deepcopy(installed) -- add provided packages to installed ones for _, installed_pkg in pairs(tmp_installed) do for _, pkg in pairs(get_provides(installed_pkg)) do table.insert(tmp_installed, pkg) end end -- If 'pkg' contains valid (architecture specific) path separator, -- it is treated like a path to already downloaded package and -- we assume that user wants to use this specific version of the -- module to be installed. Hence, we will add information about -- this version into the manifest and also remove references to -- any other versions of this module from the manifest. This will -- enforce the version of the module required by the user. for k, pkg in pairs(packages) do if pkg:find(sys.path_separator()) then local pkg_dir = sys.abs_path(pkg) local pkg_info, err = mf.load_distinfo(sys.make_path(pkg_dir, "dist.info")) if not pkg_info then return nil, err end -- add information about location of the package, also to prevent downloading it again pkg_info.download_dir = pkg_dir -- mark package to skip deleting its directory after installation pkg_info.preserve_pkg_dir = true -- set default arch/type if not explicitly stated and package is of source type if package.is_source_type(pkg_dir) then pkg_info = package.ensure_source_arch_and_type(pkg_info) elseif not (pkg_info.arch and pkg_info.type) then return nil, pkg_dir .. ": binary package missing arch or type in 'dist.info'." end -- update manifest manifest = utils.filter(manifest, function(p) return p.name ~= pkg_info.name and true end) table.insert(manifest, pkg_info) -- update packages to install pkg = pkg_info.name .. "-" .. pkg_info.version packages[k] = pkg end end local to_install = {} -- get packages needed to satisfy the dependencies for _, pkg in pairs(packages) do local needed_to_install, err = get_packages_to_install(pkg, tmp_installed, manifest, dependency_manifest, force_no_download, suppress_printing, deploy_dir) -- if everything's fine if needed_to_install then for _, needed_pkg in pairs(needed_to_install) do -- TODO: why not to use 'installed' instead of 'tmp_installed'? -- It's because provides aren't searched for by find() -- function inside the update_dependency_manifest(). dependency_manifest = update_dependency_manifest(needed_pkg, tmp_installed, needed_to_install, dependency_manifest) table.insert(to_install, needed_pkg) table.insert(tmp_installed, needed_pkg) -- add provides of needed_pkg to installed ones for _, provided_pkg in pairs(get_provides(needed_pkg)) do -- copy 'selected' property provided_pkg.selected = needed_pkg.selected table.insert(tmp_installed, provided_pkg) end end -- if error occured else -- delete already downloaded packages for _, pkg in pairs(to_install) do if pkg.download_dir and not cfg.debug then sys.delete(pkg.download_dir) end end return nil, "Cannot resolve dependencies for '" .. pkg .. "': ".. err end end return to_install, dependency_manifest end -- Return table of packages provided by specified package (from it's 'provides' field) function get_provides(package) assert(type(package) == "table", "depends.get_provides: Argument 'package' is not a table.") if not package.provides then return {} end local provided = {} for _, provided_name in pairs(package.provides) do local pkg = {} pkg.name, pkg.version = split_name_constraint(provided_name) pkg.type = package.type pkg.arch = package.arch pkg.provided = package.name .. "-" .. package.version table.insert(provided, pkg) end return provided end -- Return package name and version constraint from full package version constraint specification -- E. g.: -- for 'luaexpat-1.2.3' return: 'luaexpat' , '1.2.3' -- for 'luajit >= 1.2' return: 'luajit' , '>=1.2' function split_name_constraint(version_constraint) assert(type(version_constraint) == "string", "depends.split_name_constraint: Argument 'version_constraint' is not a string.") local split = version_constraint:find("[%s=~<>-]+%d") or version_constraint:find("[%s=~<>-]+scm") if split then return version_constraint:sub(1, split - 1), version_constraint:sub(split):gsub("[%s-]", "") else return version_constraint, nil end end -- Return only packages that can be installed on the specified architecture and type function filter_packages_by_arch_and_type(packages, req_arch, req_type) assert(type(packages) == "table", "depends.filter_packages_by_arch_and_type: Argument 'packages' is not a table.") assert(type(req_arch) == "string", "depends.filter_packages_by_arch_and_type: Argument 'req_arch' is not a string.") assert(type(req_type) == "string", "depends.filter_packages_by_arch_and_type: Argument 'pkg_type' is not a string.") return utils.filter(packages, function (pkg) return (pkg.arch == "Universal" or pkg.arch == req_arch) and (pkg.type == "all" or pkg.type == "source" or pkg.type == req_type) end) end -- Return only packages that contain one of the specified strings in their 'name-version'. -- Case is ignored. If no strings are specified, return all the packages. -- Argument 'search_in_desc' specifies if search also in description of packages. function filter_packages_by_strings(packages, strings, search_in_desc) if type(strings) == "string" then strings = {strings} end assert(type(packages) == "table", "depends.filter_packages_by_strings: Argument 'packages' is not a table.") assert(type(strings) == "table", "depends.filter_packages_by_strings: Argument 'strings' is not a string or table.") if #strings ~= 0 then return utils.filter(packages, function (pkg) for _,str in pairs(strings) do local name = pkg.name .. "-" .. pkg.version if search_in_desc then name = name .. " " .. (pkg.desc or "") end if string.find(string.lower(name), string.lower(str), 1 ,true) ~= nil then return true end end end) else return packages end end -- Return full package name and version string (e.g. 'luajit-2.0'). When version -- is nil or '' then return only name (e.g. 'luajit') and when name is nil or '' -- then return ''. Optional 'was_scm_version' argument is a boolean, -- stating whether the package was originally selected for installation as a 'scm' version. function pkg_full_name(name, version, was_scm_version) name = name or "" version = version or "" was_scm_version = was_scm_version or false if type(version) == "number" then version = tostring(version) end assert(type(name) == "string", "depends.pkg_full_name: Argument 'name' is not a string.") assert(type(version) == "string", "depends.pkg_full_name: Argument 'version' is not a string.") if was_scm_version then version = version .. " [scm version]" end if name == "" then return "" else return name .. ((version ~= "") and "-" .. version or "") end end -- Return table of packages, sorted descendingly by versions (newer ones are moved to the top). function sort_by_versions(packages) assert(type(packages) == "table", "depends.sort_by_versions: Argument 'packages' is not a table.") return utils.sort(packages, function (a, b) return compare_versions(a.version, b.version) end) end -- Return table of packages, sorted alphabetically by name and then descendingly by version. function sort_by_names(packages) assert(type(packages) == "table", "depends.sort_by_names: Argument 'packages' is not a table.") return utils.sort(packages, function (a, b) if a.name == b.name then return compare_versions(a.version, b.version) else return a.name < b.name end end) end -- Return if version satisfies the specified constraint function satisfies_constraint(version, constraint) assert(type(version) == "string", "depends.satisfies_constraint: Argument 'version' is not a string.") assert(type(constraint) == "string", "depends.satisfies_constraint: Argument 'constraint' is not a string.") return const.constraint_satisfied(version, constraint) end -- For package versions, return whether: 'version_a' > 'version_b' function compare_versions(version_a, version_b) assert(type(version_a) == "string", "depends.compare_versions: Argument 'version_a' is not a string.") assert(type(version_b) == "string", "depends.compare_versions: Argument 'version_b' is not a string.") return const.compareVersions(version_a, version_b) end -- Returns 'dep_manifest' updated with information about the 'pkg'. -- 'installed' is table with installed packages -- 'to_install' is table with packages that are selected for installation -- Packages satisfying the dependencies will be searched for in these two tables. function update_dependency_manifest(pkg, installed, to_install, dep_manifest) dep_manifest = dep_manifest or {} assert(type(pkg) == "table", "depends.update_dependency_manifest: Argument 'pkg' is not a table.") assert(type(installed) == "table", "depends.update_dependency_manifest: Argument 'installed' is not a table.") assert(type(to_install) == "table", "depends.update_dependency_manifest: Argument 'to_install' is not a table.") assert(type(dep_manifest) == "table", "depends.update_dependency_manifest: Argument 'dep_manifest' is not a table.") local name_ver = pkg.name .. "-" .. (pkg.was_scm_version and "scm" or pkg.version) -- add to manifest if not dep_manifest[name_ver] then dep_manifest[name_ver] = {} dep_manifest[name_ver].name = pkg.name dep_manifest[name_ver].version = pkg.version dep_manifest[name_ver].was_scm_version = pkg.was_scm_version dep_manifest[name_ver].arch = pkg.arch dep_manifest[name_ver].type = pkg.type dep_manifest[name_ver].path = pkg.path dep_manifest[name_ver].depends = pkg.depends dep_manifest[name_ver].conflicts = pkg.conflicts dep_manifest[name_ver].provides = pkg.provides dep_manifest[name_ver].license = pkg.license dep_manifest[name_ver].desc = pkg.desc dep_manifest[name_ver].url = pkg.url dep_manifest[name_ver].author = pkg.author dep_manifest[name_ver].maintainer = pkg.maintainer -- add information which dependency is satisfied by which package if pkg.depends then -- TODO: Won't it be better to add OS-specific 'satisfied_by' metadata in a format like OS-specific 'depends' ? local all_deps = extract_os_specific_depends(pkg.depends) dep_manifest[name_ver].satisfied_by = {} for _, depend in pairs(all_deps) do -- find package satisfying the dependency local satisfying = find_packages(depend, installed)[1] or find_packages(depend, to_install)[1] satisfying = satisfying.name .. "-" .. satisfying.version dep_manifest[name_ver].satisfied_by[depend] = satisfying -- check whether the satisfying package isn't provided by other one local provided_by = utils.filter(installed, function(pkg) return pkg.provides and utils.contains(pkg.provides, satisfying) end) if #provided_by == 0 then provided_by = utils.filter(to_install, function(pkg) return pkg.provides and utils.contains(pkg.provides, satisfying) end) end if #provided_by ~= 0 then if not dep_manifest[name_ver].satisfying_provided_by then dep_manifest[name_ver].satisfying_provided_by = {} end dep_manifest[name_ver].satisfying_provided_by[satisfying] = provided_by[1].name .. "-" .. provided_by[1].version end end end end return dep_manifest end