2016-11-03 00:05:36 +01:00

434 lines
13 KiB

local M = {}
local T = require "luainspect.types"
-- signatures of known globals
M.global_signatures = {
assert = "assert (v [, message])",
collectgarbage = "collectgarbage (opt [, arg])",
dofile = "dofile (filename)",
error = "error (message [, level])",
_G = "(table)",
getfenv = "getfenv ([f])",
getmetatable = "getmetatable (object)",
ipairs = "ipairs (t)",
load = "load (func [, chunkname])",
loadfile = "loadfile ([filename])",
loadstring = "loadstring (string [, chunkname])",
next = "next (table [, index])",
pairs = "pairs (t)",
pcall = "pcall (f, arg1, ...)",
print = "print (...)",
rawequal = "rawequal (v1, v2)",
rawget = "rawget (table, index)",
rawset = "rawset (table, index, value)",
select = "select (index, ...)",
setfenv = "setfenv (f, table)",
setmetatable = "setmetatable (table, metatable)",
tonumber = "tonumber (e [, base])",
tostring = "tostring (e)",
type = "type (v)",
unpack = "unpack (list [, i [, j]])",
_VERSION = "(string)",
xpcall = "xpcall (f, err)",
module = "module (name [, ...])",
require = "require (modname)",
coroutine = "(table) coroutine manipulation library",
debug = "(table) debug facilities library",
io = "(table) I/O library",
math = "(table) math functions libary",
os = "(table) OS facilities library",
package = "(table) package library",
string = "(table) string manipulation library",
table = "(table) table manipulation library",
["coroutine.create"] = "coroutine.create (f)",
["coroutine.resume"] = "coroutine.resume (co [, val1, ...])",
["coroutine.running"] = "coroutine.running ()",
["coroutine.status"] = "coroutine.status (co)",
["coroutine.wrap"] = "coroutine.wrap (f)",
["coroutine.yield"] = "coroutine.yield (...)",
["debug.debug"] = "debug.debug ()",
["debug.getfenv"] = "debug.getfenv (o)",
["debug.gethook"] = "debug.gethook ([thread])",
["debug.getinfo"] = "debug.getinfo ([thread,] function [, what])",
["debug.getlocal"] = "debug.getlocal ([thread,] level, local)",
["debug.getmetatable"] = "debug.getmetatable (object)",
["debug.getregistry"] = "debug.getregistry ()",
["debug.getupvalue"] = "debug.getupvalue (func, up)",
["debug.setfenv"] = "debug.setfenv (object, table)",
["debug.sethook"] = "debug.sethook ([thread,] hook, mask [, count])",
["debug.setlocal"] = "debug.setlocal ([thread,] level, local, value)",
["debug.setmetatable"] = "debug.setmetatable (object, table)",
["debug.setupvalue"] = "debug.setupvalue (func, up, value)",
["debug.traceback"] = "debug.traceback ([thread,] [message] [, level])",
["io.close"] = "io.close ([file])",
["io.flush"] = "io.flush ()",
["io.input"] = "io.input ([file])",
["io.lines"] = "io.lines ([filename])",
["io.open"] = "io.open (filename [, mode])",
["io.output"] = "io.output ([file])",
["io.popen"] = "io.popen (prog [, mode])",
["io.read"] = "io.read (...)",
["io.tmpfile"] = "io.tmpfile ()",
["io.type"] = "io.type (obj)",
["io.write"] = "io.write (...)",
["math.abs"] = "math.abs (x)",
["math.acos"] = "math.acos (x)",
["math.asin"] = "math.asin (x)",
["math.atan"] = "math.atan (x)",
["math.atan2"] = "math.atan2 (y, x)",
["math.ceil"] = "math.ceil (x)",
["math.cos"] = "math.cos (x)",
["math.cosh"] = "math.cosh (x)",
["math.deg"] = "math.deg (x)",
["math.exp"] = "math.exp (x)",
["math.floor"] = "math.floor (x)",
["math.fmod"] = "math.fmod (x, y)",
["math.frexp"] = "math.frexp (x)",
["math.huge"] = "math.huge",
["math.ldexp"] = "math.ldexp (m, e)",
["math.log"] = "math.log (x)",
["math.log10"] = "math.log10 (x)",
["math.max"] = "math.max (x, ...)",
["math.min"] = "math.min (x, ...)",
["math.modf"] = "math.modf (x)",
["math.pi"] = "math.pi",
["math.pow"] = "math.pow (x, y)",
["math.rad"] = "math.rad (x)",
["math.random"] = "math.random ([m [, n]])",
["math.randomseed"] = "math.randomseed (x)",
["math.sin"] = "math.sin (x)",
["math.sinh"] = "math.sinh (x)",
["math.sqrt"] = "math.sqrt (x)",
["math.tan"] = "math.tan (x)",
["math.tanh"] = "math.tanh (x)",
["os.clock"] = "os.clock ()",
["os.date"] = "os.date ([format [, time]])",
["os.difftime"] = "os.difftime (t2, t1)",
["os.execute"] = "os.execute ([command])",
["os.exit"] = "os.exit ([code])",
["os.getenv"] = "os.getenv (varname)",
["os.remove"] = "os.remove (filename)",
["os.rename"] = "os.rename (oldname, newname)",
["os.setlocale"] = "os.setlocale (locale [, category])",
["os.time"] = "os.time ([table])",
["os.tmpname"] = "os.tmpname ()",
["package.cpath"] = "package.cpath",
["package.loaded"] = "package.loaded",
["package.loaders"] = "package.loaders",
["package.loadlib"] = "package.loadlib (libname, funcname)",
["package.path"] = "package.path",
["package.preload"] = "package.preload",
["package.seeall"] = "package.seeall (module)",
["string.byte"] = "string.byte (s [, i [, j]])",
["string.char"] = "string.char (...)",
["string.dump"] = "string.dump (function)",
["string.find"] = "string.find (s, pattern [, init [, plain]])",
["string.format"] = "string.format (formatstring, ...)",
["string.gmatch"] = "string.gmatch (s, pattern)",
["string.gsub"] = "string.gsub (s, pattern, repl [, n])",
["string.len"] = "string.len (s)",
["string.lower"] = "string.lower (s)",
["string.match"] = "string.match (s, pattern [, init])",
["string.rep"] = "string.rep (s, n)",
["string.reverse"] = "string.reverse (s)",
["string.sub"] = "string.sub (s, i [, j])",
["string.upper"] = "string.upper (s)",
["table.concat"] = "table.concat (table [, sep [, i [, j]]])",
["table.insert"] = "table.insert (table, [pos,] value)",
["table.maxn"] = "table.maxn (table)",
["table.remove"] = "table.remove (table [, pos])",
["table.sort"] = "table.sort (table [, comp])",
-- utility function. Converts e.g. name 'math.sqrt' to its value.
local function resolve_global_helper_(name)
local o = _G
for fieldname in name:gmatch'[^%.]+' do o = o[fieldname] end
return o
local function resolve_global(name)
local a, b = pcall(resolve_global_helper_, name)
if a then return b else return nil, b end
-- Same as global_signatures but maps value (not name) to signature.
M.value_signatures = {}
local isobject = {['function']=true, ['table']=true, ['userdata']=true, ['coroutine']=true}
for name,sig in pairs(M.global_signatures) do
local val, err = resolve_global(name)
if isobject[type(val)] then
M.value_signatures[val] = sig
-- min,max argument counts.
M.argument_counts = {
[assert] = {1,2},
[collectgarbage] = {1,2},
[dofile] = {1},
[error] = {1,2},
[getfenv or false] = {0,1},
[getmetatable] = {1,1},
[ipairs] = {1,1},
[load] = {1,2},
[loadfile] = {0,1},
[loadstring] = {1,2},
[next] = {1,2},
[pairs] = {1,1},
[pcall] = {1,math.huge},
[print] = {0,math.huge},
[rawequal] = {2,2},
[rawget] = {2,2},
[rawset] = {3,3},
[select] = {1, math.huge},
[setfenv or false] = {2,2},
[setmetatable] = {2,2},
[tonumber] = {1,2},
[tostring] = {1},
[type] = {1},
[unpack] = {1,3},
[xpcall] = {2,2},
[module] = {1,math.huge},
[require] = {1,1},
[coroutine.create] = {1,1},
[coroutine.resume] = {1, math.huge},
[coroutine.running] = {0,0},
[coroutine.status] = {1,1},
[coroutine.wrap] = {1,1},
[coroutine.yield] = {0,math.huge},
[debug.debug] = {0,0},
[debug.getfenv or false] = {1,1},
[debug.gethook] = {0,1},
[debug.getinfo] = {1,3},
[debug.getlocal] = {2,3},
[debug.getmetatable] = {1,1},
[debug.getregistry] = {0,0},
[debug.getupvalue] = {2,2},
[debug.setfenv or false] = {2,2},
[debug.sethook] = {2,4},
[debug.setlocal] = {3,4},
[debug.setmetatable] = {2,2},
[debug.setupvalue] = {3,3},
[debug.traceback] = {0,3},
[io.close] = {0,1},
[io.flush] = {0,0},
[io.input] = {0,1},
[io.lines] = {0,1},
[io.open] = {1,2},
[io.output] = {0,1},
[io.popen] = {1,2},
[io.read] = {0,math.huge},
[io.tmpfile] = {0},
[io.type] = {1},
[io.write] = {0,math.huge},
[math.abs] = {1},
[math.acos] = {1},
[math.asin] = {1},
[math.atan] = {1},
[math.atan2] = {2,2},
[math.ceil] = {1,1},
[math.cos] = {1,1},
[math.cosh] = {1,1},
[math.deg] = {1,1},
[math.exp] = {1,1},
[math.floor] = {1,1},
[math.fmod] = {2,2},
[math.frexp] = {1,1},
[math.ldexp] = {2,2},
[math.log] = {1,1},
[math.log10] = {1,1},
[math.max] = {1,math.huge},
[math.min] = {1,math.huge},
[math.modf] = {1,1},
[math.pow] = {2,2},
[math.rad] = {1,1},
[math.random] = {0,2},
[math.randomseed] = {1,1},
[math.sin] = {1,1},
[math.sinh] = {1,1},
[math.sqrt] = {1,1},
[math.tan] = {1,1},
[math.tanh] = {1,1},
[os.clock] = {0,0},
[os.date] = {0,2},
[os.difftime] = {2,2},
[os.execute] = {0,1},
[os.exit] = {0,1},
[os.getenv] = {1,1},
[os.remove] = {1,1},
[os.rename] = {2,2},
[os.setlocale] = {1,2},
[os.time] = {0,1},
[os.tmpname] = {0,0},
[package.loadlib] = {2,2},
[package.seeall] = {1,1},
[string.byte] = {1,3},
[string.char] = {0,math.huge},
[string.dump] = {1,1},
[string.find] = {2,4},
[string.format] = {1,math.huge},
[string.gmatch] = {2,2},
[string.gsub] = {3,4},
[string.len] = {1,1},
[string.lower] = {1,1},
[string.match] = {2,3},
[string.rep] = {2,2},
[string.reverse] = {1,1},
[string.sub] = {2,3},
[string.upper] = {1,1},
[table.concat] = {1,4},
[table.insert] = {2,3},
[table.maxn] = {1,1},
[table.remove] = {1,2},
[table.sort] = {1,2},
[false] = nil -- trick (relies on potentially undefined behavior)
-- functions with zero or nearly zero side-effects, and with deterministic results, that may be evaluated by the analyzer.
M.safe_function = {
[require] = true,
[rawequal] = true,
[rawget] = true,
[require] = true, -- sort of
[select] = true,
[tonumber] = true,
[tostring] = true,
[type] = true,
[unpack] = true,
[coroutine.create] = true,
-- [coroutine.resume]
[coroutine.running] = true,
[coroutine.status] = true,
[coroutine.wrap] = true,
-- [debug.debug]
--[debug.getfenv] = true,
[debug.gethook] = true,
[debug.getinfo] = true,
[debug.getlocal] = true,
[debug.getmetatable] = true,
[debug.getregistry] = true,
[debug.getupvalue] = true,
-- [debug.setfenv]
-- [debug.sethook]
-- [debug.setlocal]
-- [debug.setmetatable]
-- [debug.setupvalue]
-- [debug.traceback] = true,
[io.type] = true,
-- skip all other io.*
[math.abs] = true,
[math.acos] = true,
[math.asin] = true,
[math.atan] = true,
[math.atan2] = true,
[math.ceil] = true,
[math.cos] = true,
[math.cosh] = true,
[math.deg] = true,
[math.exp] = true,
[math.floor] = true,
[math.fmod] = true,
[math.frexp] = true,
[math.ldexp] = true,
[math.log] = true,
[math.log10] = true,
[math.max] = true,
[math.min] = true,
[math.modf] = true,
[math.pow] = true,
[math.rad] = true,
[math.sin] = true,
[math.sinh] = true,
[math.sqrt] = true,
[math.tan] = true,
[math.tanh] = true,
[os.clock] = true, -- safe but non-deterministic
[os.date] = true,-- safe but non-deterministic
[os.difftime] = true,
[os.getenv] = true, -- though depends on environment
[os.time] = true, -- safe but non-deterministic
[string.byte] = true,
[string.char] = true,
[string.dump] = true,
[string.find] = true,
[string.format] = true,
[string.gmatch] = true,
[string.gsub] = true,
[string.len] = true,
[string.lower] = true,
[string.match] = true,
[string.rep] = true,
[string.reverse] = true,
[string.sub] = true,
[string.upper] = true,
[table.maxn] = true,
M.mock_functions = {}
local function mockfunction(func, ...)
local inputs = {n=0}
local outputs = {n=0}
local isoutputs
for i=1,select('#', ...) do
local v = select(i, ...)
if type(v) == 'table' then v = v[1] end
if v == 'N' or v == 'I' then v = T.number end
if v == '->' then
isoutputs = true
elseif isoutputs then
outputs[#outputs+1] = v; outputs.n = outputs.n + 1
inputs[#inputs+1] = v; inputs.n = inputs.n + 1
M.mock_functions[func] = {inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs}
mockfunction(math.abs, 'N', '->', {'N',0,math.huge})
mockfunction(math.acos, {'N',-1,1}, '->', {'N',0,math.pi/2})
mockfunction(math.asin, {'N',-1,1}, '->', {'N',-math.pi/2,math.pi/2})
mockfunction(math.atan, {'N',-math.huge,math.huge}, '->',
--FIX atan2
mockfunction(math.ceil, 'N','->','I')
mockfunction(math.cos, 'N','->',{'N',-1,1})
mockfunction(math.cosh, 'N','->',{'N',1,math.huge})
mockfunction(math.deg, 'N','->','N')
mockfunction(math.exp, 'N','->',{'N',0,math.huge})
mockfunction(math.floor, 'N','->','I')
mockfunction(math.fmod, 'N','N','->','N')
mockfunction(math.frexp, 'N','->',{'N',-1,1},'->','I')
mockfunction(math.ldexp, {'N','I'},'->','N')
mockfunction(math.log, {'N',0,math.huge},'->','N')
mockfunction(math.log10, {'N',0,math.huge},'->','N')
-- function max(...) print 'NOT IMPL'end
-- function min(...) print 'NOT IMPL'end
mockfunction(math.modf, 'N','->','I',{'N',-1,1})
mockfunction(math.pow, 'N','N','->','N') -- improve?
mockfunction(math.rad, 'N','->','N')
-- random = function() print 'NOT IMPL' end
mockfunction(math.randomseed, 'N')
mockfunction(math.sin, 'N','->',{'N',-1,1})
mockfunction(math.sinh, 'N','->','N')
mockfunction(math.sqrt, {'N',0,math.huge},'->',{'N',0,math.huge})
mockfunction(math.tan, 'N','->','N') -- improve?
mockfunction(math.tanh, 'N','->',{'N',-1,1})
return M