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2016-11-12 12:27:08 +01:00

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ZeroBrane Studio Changelog

v1.30 (Jan 21 2016)


  • Added markers panel to show and navigate bookmarks and breakpoints.
  • Added saving/restoring bookmarks and breakpoints.
  • Added breakpoint prev/next navigation (Project | Breakpoint menu).
  • Added find/replace in selection to search operations.
  • Added printing of editor tabs and Console/Output windows (available on Windows and OSX).
  • Added recursive processing of configuration files (using include command).
  • Added outline.showcompact setting to keep outline more compact for large files.
  • Added opening multiple files from the Open dialog.
  • Updated Corona API for v2015.2731 and added handling of type inheritance.
  • Updated love2d API for v0.10.0.

Special thanks

  • To tmiv for allowing shortcuts to be added to tools menu items.
  • To Yonaba for French translation update.
  • To Leo Bartoloni for Italian translation update.
  • To Inigo Sola for Spanish translation update.


  • Added CloneMenu package method (#166).
  • Added Torch and Redis debugging links.
  • Added IsNew method for documents (#166).
  • Added Print method and updated core components to use it during launch.
  • Added skipping UPDATE_CONTENT events on cursor blinks in UPDATEUI (#419).
  • Added preserving markers after sorting/reindentation operations.
  • Added editor MarkerGetAll method (#166).
  • Added example on how to set breakpoint shortcuts used in v1.20 or earlier (#419).
  • Added processing of include command without extension in config (#555).
  • Added reporting of missing packages when using package command in config (#555).
  • Added processing of package command without extension in config (#555).
  • Added hint on using updated breakpoint shortcut (#419).
  • Added breakpoint prev/next navigation (#419).
  • Added AttachMenu package method (#166).
  • Added MarkerToggle editor method (#166).
  • Added MarkerGotoNext and MarkerGotoPrev editor methods (#166).
  • Added local menu to the Markers panel to toggle markers (#419).
  • Added saving/restoring bookmarks and breakpoints (#419).
  • Added BookmarkToggle method to the editor (#166).
  • Added BreakpointToggle method to the editor (#166).
  • Added markers panel to show bookmarks and breakpoints (#419).
  • Added onEditorMarkerUpdate event (#166).
  • Added unfolding fragments that include activated line during debugging (closes #575).
  • Added skipping comment when none is provided in the Stack (instead of showing nil).
  • Added skipping comments in the lexer to avoid splitting statements (fixes #568).
  • Added GetExePath method for the interpreter (#166).
  • Added package GetFilePath method (#166).
  • Added showhiddenfiles option to show hidden files in the filetree (closes #561).
  • Added package RemovePanel method (#166).
  • Added loading of custom package from the config file (closes #555).
  • Added Alt-Enter to "replace all" when replace field is selected in the search panel.
  • Added setting project directory to the selected directory to the project tree menu.
  • Added ignoring Ctrl-CapsLock in the editor that was shrinking the font.
  • Added recursive processing of configuration files with relative names (#555).
  • Added moving cursor to the end of the pasted fragment (#556).
  • Added workaround for copying UTF-8 invalid data to/from clipboard (#260, #556).
  • Added CloseAll and CloseAllExcept document methods (#166).
  • Added warning in the interpreter when a short name not generated on Windows (closes #559).
  • Added check for recover record to be fully present.
  • Added using *Raw methods when available for handling of invalid UTF-8 chars (#260, #556).
  • Added FileRemove method (#166).
  • Added package onAppDone method (#166).
  • Added sorting the list of known extensions.
  • Added outline.showcompact setting to keep outline more compact for large files (closes #549).
  • Added updating selection boundaries after replace-in-selection (#547).
  • Added resizing toolbar background after resizing the application window.
  • Added timing to the tests.
  • Added context menu item to clear text in the Console window.
  • Added context menu to select a (clicked on) command in the Console window.
  • Added onMenuConsole event (#166).
  • Added reporting printing progress (#540).
  • Added package IsValidProperty method (#166).
  • Added separator to the print-related menu items on OSX (#540).
  • Added header/footer printing (#540).
  • Added printing of the current editor tab (closes #540).
  • Add package GetIndicators method (#166).
  • Added editor.wrapmode to configure wrapping mode in the editor.
  • Added reporting of another instance running under a different user (closes #542).
  • Added opening multiple files from the Open dialog (closes #541).
  • Allowed reading input in the Output window without printing something first (closes #538).
  • Allow shortcuts to be added to tools menu items
  • Extended PATH on OSX with /usr/local/bin to provide access to tools in that folder (#356).
  • Improved compatibility when running the IDE using Lua 5.2.
  • Improved handling of names with Unicode chars during debugging on Windows (#559).
  • Limited requesting attention on debugging starts to happen when debugging is suspended.
  • Moved wxlua version number to a better location in the About screen.
  • Optimized path generation in directory traversal (#260).
  • Removed a workaround for wxlua build issue as it's no longer needed.
  • Replaced ConsoleClear with Erase methods for the Console object.
  • Removed search panel from the list of floated panels as it shouldn't be there.
  • Removed allowinteractivescript setting as it doesn't need to be configurable (#538).
  • Replaced EditorIsModified with document method calls.
  • Spanish translation updated
  • Switched to using client size instead of system metric to get screen width (#260).
  • Switched to using KEY event in search panel to make it work with wxwidgets 3.1+ (#260).
  • Switched to per-editor tracking in UPDATEUI event.
  • Updated interpreter menu to use a clone to avoid Linux assertion.
  • Updated Italian Translation (closes #586).
  • Updated french translation as of df381b5 (see #70)
  • Updated Russian translation (#70).
  • Updated translation files with new messages (#70).
  • Updated LuaForWindows interpreter to accept command line parameters (#582).
  • Updated LuaForWindows interpreter to properly pass arg to the script (closes #582).
  • Updated GetDocument to not fail when no editor is passed.
  • Updated live coding to group number updates together for Undo/Redo purposes.
  • Updated Toggle Breakpoint and Break shortcuts for consistency (#419).
  • Updated love2d API for v0.10.0 (#247).
  • Updated script to process new love2d API format (with variants).
  • Updated showing filename of the missing interpreter in the project list (#570).
  • Updated build scripts to use own wxwidgets repository to better sync build versions (#260).
  • Updated build scripts to remove an error from the check for missing methods in wxlua.
  • Updated README to remove outdated .ini reference from Estrela section.
  • Updated instructions in the estrela configuration file to reference include command.
  • Updated luasec build script to use the latest openSSL version (1.0.2d).
  • Updated UTF-8 validation to use wxwidgets libraries for better performance (#556).
  • Updated clipboard copy to make non-UTF-8 data to work on OSX (#260, #556).
  • Updated Console history to work with UTF-8 invalid strings (#260, #556).
  • Updated Ctrl/Shift-Ins and Shift-Del to work in all editors (#260, #556).
  • Updated Output and Console to display invalid characters as is (#260, #556).
  • Updated config sample to remove no longer needed G references.
  • Updated config processing to simplify access to global functions.
  • Updated config processing to allow use of package field.
  • Updated windows launcher code to use manifest for hidpi awareness.
  • Updated AddConfig method to accept single filename in addition to a list (#166).
  • Updated event handling to better handle events that are executed once (#260).
  • Updated sample package events for more accurate output.
  • Updated default size/position for the first launch without saved settings.
  • Updated tests to use a separate .ini file to minimize conflicts.
  • Updated Corona API for v2015.2731.
  • Updated Corona API processing script to follow Lua guidelines.
  • Updated Corona API processing script to handle type inheritance.
  • Updated Save As/Open command to use editor specific extensions instead of all.
  • Updated capturing editor information during search to work with selections (#547, #416).
  • Updated Replace and Replace All to take selection into account (#547, #416).
  • Updated toolbar icons to fix black color in some images.
  • Updated SetDllDirectory handling to avoid breaking dlopen with wxwidgets 3.1+ (#260).
  • Updated Corona interpreter to avoid caching specified path.
  • Updated tests to handle platform-specific tests.
  • Updated directory traversing tests to work with smaller directories.
  • Updated default file mask to match files without extension (#260).
  • Updated tests to use a package instead of the obsolete app method.
  • Updated wxwidget path in the build script to use git repository after wxwidgets migration.
  • Updated menu shortcuts to avoid conflicts in the File menu (#540).
  • Updated README with features in 1.20.


  • Fixed showing cursor in search panel fields after file search.
  • Fixed reapplying markers after reloading modified file (#419).
  • Fixed setting interpreter after launching with non-existing project.
  • Fixed showing package errors during project switches (#555).
  • Fixed include command not checking needed packages folders to load from (#555).
  • Fixed resetting the default interpreter after selecting a non-existent one.
  • Fixed restoring project-specific interpreter when switching projects (#570).
  • Fixed restoring project-specific interpreter after relaunch (fixes #570).
  • Fixed expanding sub-trees in project directory when set to the disk root on Windows.
  • Fixed search navigation after selecting one variable instance (fixes #565).
  • Fixed editing fragments in folded text (follow-up to d2ddc96a; #564).
  • Fixed editing multiple selections when selection is in folded fragments (fixes #564).
  • Fixed copy/paste on Windows when UTF-8 invalid strings end in new line (#260, #556).
  • Fixed debugging of Busted scripts (closes #552).
  • Fixed skipping editor tabs when clicked in some cases on OSX (closes #546).
  • Fixed toolbar size not being adjusted on the very first launch.


  • Changed Toggle Breakpoint shortcut from F9 to Ctrl/Cmd-F9.
  • Removed Project | Break shortcut to avoid conflict with breakpoint navigation.
  • Removed allowinteractivescript setting as no longer needs to be configurable (#538).

v1.20 (Oct 08 2015)


  • Added symbol indexing of project files for project-wide search.
  • Added support for file@symbol fuzzy search (#385).
  • Added processing of ini setting relative to the IDE location (#483).
  • Improved memory handling for large files.
  • Improved application performance and memory usage.
  • Improved auto-complete order of results and suggestions for case-sensitive matches.
  • Updated Windows launcher to add dpi awareness for high dpi monitors.
  • Upgraded Lua 5.3 interpreter to 5.3.1.
  • Fixed a memory leak after a search panel is opened.
  • Fixed an occasional crash from the filetree on Linux (#425, #464).
  • Fixed recursive file traversal to skip directories when mask is specified.

Special thanks

  • To riidom for German translation update.
  • To Yonaba for French translation update.
  • To Leo Bartoloni for Italian translation update.
  • To Christoph Kubisch for glslc updates.
  • To Brigham Toskin for auto-complete improvements.
  • To Joergen von Bargen for optimized UTF8 validation.
  • To Nick Smith for Marmalade interpreter updates.


  • Added handling of translation messages that require pluralization (#70).
  • Added check for non-zero file size before reporting load progress (#530).
  • Added switching interpreters by clicking on the interpreter label in the status bar.
  • Added handling of editor commands (Copy/Paste/SelectAll/Undo/Redo) in search panel controls.
  • Added position to the end-of-file lexer token (closes #529).
  • Added reporting when a file can't be removed from a project tree.
  • Added explicit initialization for editor.autoactivate default setting.
  • Added allowing editor.saveallonrun with infervalue static analyzer (closes #524).
  • Added support for include command in config files.
  • Added document Close method (#166).
  • Added descriptions for new Lua 5.3 math.* and coroutine.* functions.
  • Added functions new to Lua 5.3 to the list of keywords.
  • Added reporting of deserialization failures for saved package data.
  • Added collapsing white spaces from names shown in the Outline.
  • Added workaround for a memory leak in wxlua after a search panel is opened.
  • Added jumping to the current function in the outline (#515).
  • Added highlighting current functions for better visibility (#515).
  • Added skipping unneded fields from the symbol index to reduce memory usage (#515).
  • Added showing position of the current function in the Outline (closes #515).
  • Added explicit editor destroy during find and replace to conserve memory.
  • Added explicit editor destroy during symbol indexing to conserve memory.
  • Added turning jitting on when running under LuaJIT.
  • Added Run to Cursor to the popup menu in the editor (#413).
  • Added showing memory usage stats in the status bar configured by showmemoryusage.
  • Added skipping opening a file from symbol search when nothing is matched.
  • Added skipping directories during directory traversal (#499).
  • Added SetStatusFor package method to set temporary status (#166).
  • Added forcing immediate refresh of symbol index when requested from the menu (#499).
  • Added onMenuOutput event (#166).
  • Added onMenuWatch event (#166).
  • Added disabling symbol indexing for directories/projects (#499).
  • Added refreshing of symbol index to the project menu (#499).
  • Added reporting of the number of files queued for indexing (#499).
  • Added reporting when indexing is completed (#499).
  • Added GetOutline package method (#166, #499).
  • Added exclusion to not report arg as global in static analysis (closes #503).
  • Added commandbar.width to set the width of command bar.
  • Added skipping symbol index queue when symbol inactivity is not set (#499).
  • Added setting different types of indentation guides.
  • Added optimization with prefiltering for short patterns (#31, #499).
  • Added status message during index update (#499).
  • Added purging of outdated cache for symbol indexing (#499).
  • Added symbol processing of tabs that are not saved yet (#499).
  • Added indexing of project files (#499).
  • Added commandbar.maxitems configuration setting (#499).
  • Added caching of symbols for open files (#499).
  • Added support for file.lua@symbol fuzzy search (#385).
  • Added symbol search in all open files (#385).
  • Added check to avoid loops in type assignment during auto-complete (#498).
  • Added primitive handling of require in type assignments for known APIs (fixes #498).
  • Added support for aborting file reading callback (#491).
  • Added progress display when loading large files (#491).
  • Added status methods: GetStatus, PushStatus, and PopStatus (#166).
  • Added onMenuOutline callback (#166, #337).
  • Added ability to toggle outline sorting from the local menu (#337, #494).
  • Added activating Output panel after compilation errors.
  • Added package SetStatus method (#166).
  • Added Ctrl/Cmd-Enter/Ctrl/Cmd-Shift-Enter to add line after/before the current one (#334).
  • Added ignoring current selection in auto-complete with Shift-Enter (closes #494).
  • Added hiding auto-complete after typing one of the offered options (#494).
  • Added activating Output notebook to show search results if it's hidden (#416).
  • Added reporting of errors when unable to open file for static analysis.
  • Added collapsing whitespaces in function parameters in the outline (#337).
  • Added emphasis for the preference type in the config file template.
  • Added FileSize method as the default one returns non-zero result for non-existing files.
  • Added reporting of FileWrite failing to write the entire content.
  • Added package methods AddIndicator, GetIndicator, and RemoveIndicator (#166).
  • Added missing Detach Process id to keymap (pkulchenko/MobDebug#19).
  • Added a check for ini setting pointing to a path with a writeable directory (#483).
  • Added a check for ini setting pointing to a directory (#483).
  • Added processing of ini setting relative to the IDE location (closes #483).
  • Added Watch view refresh after switching focus when needed.
  • Added Stack view refresh after switching focus when needed.
  • Added forced Refresh/Update to improve redrawing of commandbar on Windows 8.
  • Added a check for a window to be shown to avoid callback recursion on OSX (fixes #473).
  • Added package IsWindowShown method (#166).
  • Added package onEditorPreClose event (#166, closes #461).
  • Added deleting the rest of the word on auto-complete (acandtip.droprest).
  • Added closing editor tab when renaming to an open file from the project tree.
  • Added refresh of the target file after renaming from the project tree.
  • Added a check for object with a focus (occasionally triggered on Linux).
  • Added workaround to fix crash on Linux from the project tree (#425, #464).
  • Added DoWhenIdle package method (#166).
  • Disabled unhiding one of wxwidgets windows that is only used for message passing (Windows).
  • Disabled initial highlight when showing current function disabled in the outline (#515).
  • Disabled dragging out search results tab to avoid unexpected results (#416).
  • Enabled compilation during running/debugging (closes #479).
  • Enabled static analysis during running/debugging (#479).
  • Integrate ZeroBrane with Marmalade's Hub GUI
  • Improved auto-complete suggestions for case-sensitive matches.
  • Improved compactness of saved package settings (#166, #499).
  • Improved performance of saving symbol index data (#499).
  • Improved memory usage when closing large files (#491).
  • Improved handling of large files (#491).
  • Improved the order of results in auto-complete (closes #469).
  • glslc tool: add menu option for pre-process mode
  • Optimized saving package settings (#166, #499).
  • Optimized UTF8 validation (thanks to Joergen von Bargen).
  • Optimized handling of multi-line changes in the editor (closes #477).
  • Removed forced garbage collection as it led to crashes on Linux (#425, closes #464).
  • Revised: auto-complete results (amends #469, w/@pkulchenko patch)
  • Switched to the bottom location for the search results by default (#416).
  • Updated italian translations (thanks to Leo Bartoloni)
  • Updated Russian translation (#70).
  • Update de.lua (thanks to riidom)
  • Updated french translation as of commit (thanks to Yonaba)
  • Updated translation files for new messages (#70).
  • Updated translation logic to accept empty tables for pluralization values (#70).
  • Updated build scripts to use the most recent releases of LuaJIT and Lua 5.2.
  • Updated OSX launcher to keep DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH if already set.
  • Updated build scripts to use the most recent releases of LuaJIT and Lua 5.2.
  • Update marmalade API definition to 7.9
  • Updated static analyzer (luainspect) to take globals in 'required' files into account (#520).
  • Updated static analyzer to refresh cache of 'required' modules (#520).
  • Updated C/cpp spec to skip if(...) from the list of functions.
  • Updated C/cpp spec to properly handle functions at the beginning of a file.
  • Updated package data serialization to use simpler dumper for faster processing.
  • Updated saving symbol index to be called less frequently (#499).
  • Updated list of fields to skip from saved symbol index (#499).
  • Updated Run/Debug to not force saving new tabs when Start file is set.
  • Updated interpreter handling to allow setting of default value in the config (closes #518).
  • Updated highlighting of the current function in the Outline to select one item (#515).
  • Updated auto-complete to close when one of the options matches the current input.
  • Updated applying limit to the commandbar results to allow them to be resorted.
  • Updated status messages for better visibility on OSX during index refresh (#499).
  • Updated tracking of editor updates to skip unneeded notifications on OSX (#499).
  • Updated symbol refresh to do processing as soon as the path is known (#499).
  • Updated symbol index to skip unused elements in serialization (#499).
  • Updated prefiltering to limit prefix to avoid penalty for long s.*s.*s... (#31).
  • Updated package SetSettings method to allow passing of additional parameters (#166).
  • Updated status of files indexing for symbol search (#499).
  • Updated DoWhenIdle handling to gracefully handle a long queue.
  • Updated Go To Symbol to refresh files loaded in the preview (#499, #385).
  • Updated symbol search to only refresh outline when it's not populated (#385).
  • Updated search logic to avoid showing search results in recent files (#416).
  • Updated line number handling to adjust for large files (#491).
  • Updated busted interpreter to check for proper extension on Windows (closes #495).
  • Updated handling of binary and utf8 validness checks for large files (#491).
  • Updated build scripts for Lua 5.3 to use 5.3.1.
  • Updated toolbar to show large icons by default on large screens.
  • Updated outline to only retrieve entry text when there are tokens to process (#337).
  • Updated getting text length without requesting editor content.
  • Updated showing function indicator handling to allow for easier enabling.
  • Updated indicator processing to use new API.
  • Updated ID references in toolbar to use the new access method.
  • Updated ID references in keymap to use the new access method.
  • Updated Detach Process to allow access to it while the process is running.
  • Updated metalua/static analyzer to accept long integer and imaginary numbers (closes #482).
  • Updated internal parser to accept long integer, imaginary, and floating point hex numbers (#482).
  • Updated internal parser to accept numbers that start with a period (#482).
  • Updated compilation and static analysis to keep output when running/debugging (#479).
  • Updated indentation after strings with brackets and escaped quotes (#324).
  • Updated AnalyzeString to add filename parameter (closes #463).
  • Updated Windows launcher to add dpi awareness for high dpi monitors.
  • Upgraded Lua 5.3 interpreter to 5.3.1 on Linux (x86 and x64).
  • Upgraded Lua 5.3 interpreter to 5.3.1 on OSX.
  • Upgraded Lua 5.3 interpreter to 5.3.1 on Windows (closes #453, closes #460).
  • Upgraded Mobdebug (0.628) to include keyignore serializer option.
  • Upgraded Mobdebug (0.627) to improve debugging of code with overloaded string methods.
  • Upgraded Mobdebug (0.624) to make DONE async and to add __tostring protection (closes #446).


  • Fixed text search and fuzzy symbol search in symlinks (#458, #530).
  • Fixed opening only one tab for external debugging of dynamic code on Linux (closes #526).
  • Fix live picking up debug vs release binaries (Marmalade)
  • Fixed highlighting for those specs that don't have information on where functions end (#515).
  • Fixed highlighting the current function when anonymous functions are hidden (#515).
  • Fixed styling of comments that include markup inside markup (fixes #514).
  • Fixed updating symbols in new files that haven't been indexed yet (#499).
  • Fixed opening empty files (fixes #510).
  • Fixed autocomplete for words that may include underscores in suggestions.
  • Fixed crash on OSX during symbol indexing when filetree menu is open (#499).
  • Fixed crash on Linux during symbol indexing when filetree menu is open (fixes #507).
  • Fixed duplicates between variables and dynamic words in auto-complete.
  • Fixed uncommenting of the last line in the selection to keep un/comment reversible (fixes #509).
  • Fixed assignment parsing when the type value is re-assigned (#498).
  • Fixed mouse selection in auto-complete on OSX (fixes #496).
  • Fixed fuzzy file search to not double open already opened files (#31).
  • Fixed indentation of lines that end with partial long strings with opening brackets (#324).
  • Fixed indentation of lines with long strings that include opening brackets (#324).
  • Fixed indicators on table fields after variables that look like multiple assignments (#492).
  • Fixed indicators on table fields after variables (fixes #492).
  • Fixed variable usage based on static analysis.
  • Fixed initial select-and-find search.
  • Fixed returning focus to the editor after find-in-files followed by page search (#416).
  • Fixed performance of initial fuzzy search for line numbers (closes #476).
  • Fixed Output tab name when debugging aborted after run-time error.
  • Fixed recursive file traversal to skip directories when mask is specified.
  • Fixed crash in collectgarbage from the filetree on Linux (#425, #464).

v1.10 (May 13 2015)


  • Redesigned search functionality; added incremental search and replace-in-files preview.
  • Updated love2d API for v0.9.2.
  • Upgraded Mobdebug (0.62) to add vararg processing.
  • Added excludelist/binarylist to exclude files and folders.
  • Added skipping binary files during find-in-files and fuzzy search.

Special thanks

  • To David Feng for fixing a broken symbolic link.
  • To Robert Machmer for updated German translation and fixes for love2d engine name/description.
  • To Derek Bailey for adding context menu item to update the contents of the tree.


  • Added closing search results with Close Page for consistency (#416).
  • Added option to show search results in multipe tabs (#416).
  • Added package IsValidCtrl method (#166).
  • Added skipping binary files in commandbar (#31, #455).
  • Added handling of ** in exclusion masks (#455).
  • Added excludelist/binarylist to exclude files and folders (closes #455).
  • Added search.autohide option to hide search panel after search (#416).
  • Added debugger.requestattention to configure focus switch (closes #449).
  • Added closing search panel on Escape in the editor (closes #450, #416).
  • Added search.zoom setting to zoom search results (#416).
  • Added warning when interpreter can't be loaded and the default one is used.
  • Added support for wxImage used in imagemap (#436).
  • Added icon tint processing (imagetint option).
  • Added search.contextlinesbefore/search.contextlinesafter settings (#416).
  • Added search.autocomplete setting do configure search autocomplete (#416).
  • Added auto-complete for find and replace fields (#416).
  • Added saving search settings between restarts (#416).
  • Added deleting of protected text in Cut/Paste operations (closes #412).
  • Added refresh context menu item to update the contents of the tree (thanks to Derek Bailey).
  • Added ignoring assignment in comments for auto-complete.
  • Added preview screen to check changes in replace-in-files (#416).
  • Added search toolbar button to set/unset context in search results (#416).
  • Allowed for larger default size of docked panels (#424).
  • Allowed closing Search Results tab while search is in progress (#416).
  • Disabled refresh when outlineinactivity=nil and showonefile=true (#337).
  • Improved incremental processing to avoid marking table fields as variables.
  • Improved logic to skip binary files during search (#416).
  • Moved cancelling auto-complete popup to idle event (fixed #447).
  • Moved winapi dll to clibs folder to avoid conflict with other winapi versions.
  • Optimized Go To File file traversal in commandbar (#31).
  • Redesigned the search panel (closes #416; closes #398).
  • Removed option to request attention from breakpoint activation (#449, closes #454).
  • Removed warnings from loose parser to stop polluting stderr on Linux (#425).
  • Removed hardcoded references to menu positions to simplify adding new items.
  • Removed saving .bak files as it's replaced by replace-in-files preview (#416).
  • Reorganized folding to allow more editor-like components to be foldable.
  • Switched to using wxFileSize instead of Length (fixes #458).
  • Updated event documentation.
  • Upgraded Mobdebug (0.62) to add vararg processing.
  • Updated build files to use release version of Lua 5.3 (#453).
  • Updated Corona interpreter to allow debugging on Linux using Wine.
  • Updated folder traversing logic to limit number of open folders (fixes #441).
  • Update to use correct name for the LOVE framework (thanks to Robert Machmer).
  • Updated Linux build scripts to add debug option.
  • Updated love2d interpreter to use proper engine name/description (closes #433) (thanks to Robert Machmer).
  • Updated german translation (#432, #70).
  • Updated love2d APU for v0.9.2 (#247).
  • Update german translation (thanks to Robert Machmer).
  • Updated Select and Find to capture selection for subsequent use (#416).
  • Updated Find Next/Prev to continue search using the current find text (#416).
  • Updated unfolding of folded lines before delete or overwrite.
  • Updated folding to collapse only when clicked on the header.
  • Updated config samples to use ID.code instead of obsolete G.ID_code.


  • Fixed crash on Windows by disabling events in Outline refresh (fixes #442).
  • Fixed file traversing not to match! for `*.bar' mask (#416).
  • Fixed showing of not translated messages that require pluralization.
  • fix broken symbolic link (thanks to David Feng).
  • Fixed an empty popup (that could lead to a crash) when dynamic words is on.
  • Fixed commandbar positioning on Linux affected by 5b665477 (#31).
  • Fixed loose parser to handle multiple assignments (fixes #430).
  • Fixed editor activation after dragging of inactive tab (fixes #427).
  • Fixed indentation after comment with markdown markup (closes #428, #324).
  • Fixed auto-complete issue causing looping warning (#143).
  • Fix commandbar position with split editor tabs (#31).
  • Fixed re-indenting of selection with comments at the top of the file (#324).
  • Fixed restoring pane size after hide/show operations (fixes #424).


  • Removed saving .bak files as it's replaced by replace-in-files preview.

v1.00 (Mar 13 2015)


  • Added directory mapping to the project tree (closes #223).
  • Added Run to Cursor (closes #413).
  • Added support to set/unset start file for a project (closes #411).
  • Added opening/creating file from the command bar (#31).
  • Added staticanalyzer.infervalue to enable deeper/slower analysis (#414).
  • Updated Corona API for v2015.2576.


  • Added staticanalyzer.infervalue to enable deeper/slower analysis (#414).
  • Added project path in the error reporting for love2d/corona interpreters.
  • Added an example with enabling Emacs bindings in the editor.
  • Added Russian translations for new messages (#70).
  • Added a warning on class resolution taking too much time in auto-complete.
  • Added check for empty/comment lines when breakpoints are set.
  • Added directory mapping to the project tree (closes #223).
  • Added Run to Cursor (closes #413).
  • Added document method GetTabText (#166).
  • Added showing love2d console when requested.
  • Added support to set/unset start file for a project (closes #411).
  • Added requesting attention for debugger even when the file is not activated.
  • Added reporting of location in more cases when debugging is suspended.
  • Added starting debugging even when the file is not opened in the IDE.
  • Added switching project directory from the command bar (#31).
  • Added trimming of trailing spaces in the directory name when switching projects.
  • Added closing preview if the file failed to load in commandbar (#31).
  • Added handling of Ctrl/Cmd-Enter in commandbar to force open file (#31).
  • Added skipping loading files with empty and directory names.
  • Added trimming of trailing spaces in the file name when loading a file.
  • Added file selection in the project tree after saving a new file.
  • Added opening/creating file from the command bar (#31).
  • Disabled menu item for renaming/editing for mapped directories (#223).
  • Disabled field checks for local parameters in staic analyzer (closes #421).
  • Improved static analyzer to handle more cases with infervalue set (#414).
  • Refactored use of image constants in the project tree.
  • Refactored document modification tracking to remove SetDocumentModified.
  • Refactored path normalization for project directory.
  • Updated Corona API for v2015.2576.
  • Updated static analyzer output formatting.
  • Updated analyzer to also check value of pairs parameter (#414).
  • Updated debugging suspended message to not trigger with runonstart.
  • Updated messages in interpreters to fix line endings.
  • Updated lettercase in menu items for consistency.
  • Updated UpdateUI handling to fix multi-view refresh, as in DocumentMap (#352).
  • Updated Outline to use editor tab text (instead of a file name).
  • Updated message on failure to start debugging to add the file name.
  • Updated debugging suspended message to put location in quotes.
  • Updated line check in command bar to not trigger on Windows file names.
  • updated glewgl api (glew 1.12.0)


  • Fixed analyzer to check value of ipairs parameter (fixes #414).
  • Fixed OS detection on Linux that sets DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH (fixes #417).
  • Fixed saving auto-recovery record with no editor tabs opened (fixes #418).
  • Fixed looping in auto-complete when processing recursive assignments.
  • Fixed filename used in the recovery message.
  • Fixed Output/Console window to stay shown after failure to start debugging.
  • Fixed an issue with search initiated from Output/Console panels (fixes #406).
  • Fixed auto-complete for non-default acandtip.strategy values (fixed #409).
  • Fixed loading file with absolute name and line number (fixes #408).

v0.95 (Jan 30 2015)


  • Added fuzzy search with Go To File, Go To Symbol, Go To Line, and Insert Library Function.
  • Added auto-complete support for LDoc '@tparam' and '@param[type=...]'.
  • Added armhf architecture support (thanks to Ard van Breemen).
  • Updated static analyzer to support goto/labels and bitops for Lua 5.2/5.3.
  • Updated internal parser to support Lua 5.2/5.3 syntax.
  • Updated Mobdebug to improve Lua 5.3 compatibility (thanks to Andrew Starks).
  • Update API descriptions with functions new in Lua 5.3.

Special thanks


  • Added showing/hiding Output/Console panel during debugging.
  • Added bordersize to configure sash size.
  • Added package LoadFile method (#166).
  • Added Russian translation for new messages (#70).
  • Added syntax highlighting for functions new in Lua 5.3.
  • Added commandbar.prefilter to commandbar to improve performance (#31).
  • Added custom formatting for APIs.
  • Added Insert Library Function to Navigate menu.
  • Added hiding tooltip/auto-complete popup after undo/redo/delete operations.
  • Added api handling to the config to support custom APIs.
  • Added Lapis and Moonscript debugging links to README.
  • Added Contributing section to README.
  • Added LICENSE link to README.
  • Added Lua 5.3 links to README; updated links to remove '.html'.
  • Added PgUp and PgDn navigation for commandbar (#31).
  • Added auto-complete support for LDoc '@tparam' and '@param[type=...]'.
  • Added Brazilian Portuguese (pt-br) translation.
  • Added showing the symbol under cursor in Go To Symbol (#385).
  • Added editor:ValueFromPosition method (#166).
  • Added Go To Symbol support to the commandbar (#31, closes #385).
  • Allowed renaming of files with different case in the project tree.
  • Added update of file name in the Outline when editor tab is updated (#337).
  • Added check for styles being reset in the config file (closes #383).
  • Added loading file from project directory with "proj file" on command line.
  • Added skipping of binary files in commandbar preview (#31).
  • Added CONTRIBUTING file.
  • Added clearing Output window before showing Find-in-Files results.
  • Added default values for Outline config settings (#337).
  • Added package GetProjectNotebook method (#166).
  • Added saving Outline tab configuration in the Project notebook (#337).
  • Added outline.sort option to sort items in the outline (#337).
  • Added outline.showflat option to show flat outline (#337).
  • Added package GetOutlineTree method (#166).
  • Add support for armhf architecture
  • Added document Save method (#166).
  • Added init.lua to the search path (fixes require 'dist').
  • Added forced garbage collection when switching from the app.
  • Added penalty for missing characters in fuzzy search (#31).
  • Added line navigation to Navigate menu (#31).
  • Added handling of line numbers in command bar (#31).
  • Added caching to improve commandbar performance on large folders (#31).
  • Added setting explicit focus on preview tab in commandbar (#31).
  • Added preview on first selection in commandbar (#31).
  • Added file preview to commandbar (#31).
  • Added fuzzy search for files in commandbar (closes #31).
  • Added displaying the list of current tabs for commandbar (#31).
  • Added commandbar prototype for file navigation (#31).
  • Added reset of tokens when editor content is reloaded (#337).
  • Enabled html and C/cpp specs by default (#395).
  • Improved handling of complex types in LDoc expressions in auto-complete.
  • Improved failed search 'shake' visualization by forcing window redraw.
  • Improved command line file check for relative files on Windows.
  • Split console output into shorter lines to improve memory usage and handling.
  • Renamed debugger.stackmax* settings to debugger.maxdata*.
  • Removed double check for invalid UTF-8 output in console.
  • Refactored ID handling to allow using ID.COMMENT in config files.
  • Removed wxwidgets from the list of default APIs for Lua interpreters.
  • Refactored handling of special symbols in commandbar (#31).
  • Removed border from tree controls (#305).
  • Updated language files with new messages (#70).
  • Update API descriptions with functions new in Lua 5.3.
  • Updated loose parser to support Lua 5.2+ labels.
  • Updated loose parser to support goto and Lua 5.3 bitops.
  • Updated Metalua to support Lua 5.3 bitops.
  • Updated Metalua to support goto/labels in static analysis for Lua 5.2/5.3.
  • Upgraded Mobdebug (v0.611) to fix tooltips during Corona debugging (closes #387).
  • Updated CommandBarShow to accept text fragment to select (#31).
  • Updated GetKnownExtensions to accept an optional extension to match against.
  • Updated FileRead to accept optional length.
  • Updated layout settings to use constants and new package API.
  • Updated parser to avoid splitting in incremental processing.
  • Upgraded MobDebug (0.61) to add basedir support.
  • Updated status refresh to only happen for the active editor.
  • Updated toolbar UI checks to happen when running/debugging (#352).
  • Updated Corona integration to hide console on OSX (2014.2393+).
  • Upgraded Mobdebug to 0.613 to improve Lua 5.3 compatibility (#401); thanks to @andrewstarks.
  • Updated usage instructions in README.
  • Update de.lua


  • Renamed debugger.stackmax* settings to debugger.maxdata*.
  • Removed wxwidgets from the list of default APIs for Lua interpreters; use api config setting to include it.


  • Fixed search navigation to shift horizontally when usewrap is off.
  • Fixed indentation for lines with mixed string separators (#324, #388).
  • Fixed indentation for lines with escaped slashes (#324, closes #388).
  • Fixed find-and-replace to replace in already selected fragment if matched.
  • Fixed refresh of files in command bar preview when selected (#31).
  • Fixed recovery of empty (untitled) tabs.
  • Fixed an auto-complete issue after repeat until <var>.
  • Fixed setting focus to the editor in commandbar with one tab (#31).
  • Fixed auto-complete after text not separated by a whitespace or bracket.
  • Fixed an error when disabling outline by setting outlineinactivity=nil.

v0.90 (Nov 08 2014)


  • Added function outline.
  • Added Lua 5.3 (beta) binaries and debugging support.
  • Added scope-aware auto-complete for local/global variables.
  • Added hiding/showing files by type in the project/filetree.
  • Added Esperanto (eo) translation.
  • Improved compatibility with Lua 5.2 interpreter.
  • Improved compatibility with system/custom Lua interpreter.

Special thanks


  • Added Lua 5.3 (beta) support and binaries.
  • Added Russian translation for new messages (#70).
  • Added AddPackage and RemovePackage methods (#166).
  • Added CreateBareEditor package method (#166).
  • Added GetAPI method for interpreter (#166).
  • Added GetOutputNotebook package method (#166).
  • Added IsPanelDocked package method (#166).
  • Added Run and Run as Scratchpad buttons to the toolbar.
  • Added acandtip.maxlength option for setting the length of a tooltip.
  • Added function handling to the token processing.
  • Added imagemap setting to support custom images.
  • Added onEditorCallTip method (#166).
  • Added showonefile option for the outline to always show one file (#337).
  • Added an Esperanto (eo) translation.
  • Added build support for Lua 5.3-alpha and luasocket for Lua 5.3.
  • Added check for existing process id before stopping the process.
  • Added check for pending data to improve re-starting debugging session.
  • Added collapsing outlines for files in inactive tabs (#337).
  • Added creating italic font if only the main one is provided.
  • Added document SetActive method (#166).
  • Added drag-and-drop support for the Outline tab (#337).
  • Added example of enabling Opt+Shift+Left/Right shortcut on OSX.
  • Added function outline (closes #337, closes #222).
  • Added handling of ~ in launch command path.
  • Added hiding/showing files by type in the project/filetree (closes #375).
  • Added local/global indicators to function outline (#337).
  • Added marking file after showing files in the tree (#375).
  • Added navigation based on 'filename:line:pos' in the Output window.
  • Added option for not/showing anonymous functions in the outline (#337).
  • Added package AddTool and RemoveTool methods (#166).
  • Added package CreateImageList method (#166).
  • Added package ExecuteCommand method (#166).
  • Added package FindTopMenu method (#166).
  • Added package GetAppName method and removed hardcoded name references (#166).
  • Added package GetConsole method (#166).
  • Added package GetKnownExtensions method (#166).
  • Added project dir to find dialog paths; thanks to @sclark39 (closes #358).
  • Added rule to enable Set From Current File only when available.
  • Added scope-aware auto-complete for local/global variables (closes #291).
  • Added scrolling to the top of the outline when showonefile is set (#337).
  • Added sending Corona SDK simulator output to the Output window on Windows.
  • Added translation label for Toggle Bookmark toolbar icon (#70, #373).
  • Added unindent on backspace (controlled by editor.backspaceunindent).
  • Added view menu for the Outline window (#337).
  • bugfix in output callback for commandline tools
  • bugfix on extension change save-as, related to new indication handling
  • cg/hlsl/glsl refine isfndef capture, mostly to react on GLSL's layout mechanism
  • Disabled moving of Output/Console/Project tabs between panels.
  • Disabled closing tabs in floating panels.
  • Improved ffitoapi tool logic when no replacement is made.
  • Improved compatibility with Lua 5.2 interpreter (closes #357).
  • Improved scroll positioning in the outline after tab changes (#337).
  • Improved support for non-lua specs in the outline (#337).
  • Minor update to indentation guides handling (#371).
  • Moved 'default' search path to be searched first (#357).
  • Reduced rate of toolbar UI checks to improve performance (fixes #352).
  • Reduced the number of focus changes in the outline (#337).
  • Reduced unnecessary editor processing to improve performance (#352).
  • Refactored GetBitmap package method (#166).
  • Refactored tools interface to make it easy to add/remove tools.
  • Refactored adding editor tab to ensure callbacks have document data.
  • Refactored default fprojdir and fworkdir from the interpreter code.
  • Refactored drag-and-drop processing for Project/Output window tabs (#377).
  • Refactored panel docking; added AddPanelDocked package method (#166).
  • Refactored timer usage for consistency.
  • Remove function dropdown from the toolbar (#337).
  • Removed menu separator from the Tools menu.
  • Removed prepending libraries for debugging to LUA_CPATH when custom interpreter is specified.
  • Removed reference to funclist, which is no longer needed.
  • Removed unused image files.
  • Renamed markvars method used in spec files to marksymbols.
  • Renamed image files to have names correspond to the content.
  • Reorganized default config settings.
  • Reorganized token list processing to keep it within the editor.
  • Restored removed function in Lua spec (partial revert of 713d0935).
  • Switched to using Is{Input|Error}Available instead of stream:CanRead.
  • updated luxinia2 related files
  • Update de.lua
  • Updated C-based specs to handle function calls without parameters.
  • Updated C-based specs to use marksymbols to provide outline for C functions.
  • Updated Lua 5.3 build scripts.
  • Updated AddPackage to assign package file name (#166).
  • Updated RemoveMenuItem to disconnect handlers attached to the main frame (#166).
  • Updated package.config description to remove reference to Lua 5.2.
  • Updated showanonymous to a label for anon functions in the outline (#337).
  • Updated code based on static analysis suggestions.
  • Updated command launch handling to allow output suppression.
  • Updated function call indicator to support isfncall and marksymbols.
  • Updated function indicator processing to use ranges.
  • Updated handling of extensions to allow more symbols in extensions.
  • Updated images in the outline; added showmethodindicator option (#337).
  • Updated indicator processing to improve performance on large files.
  • Updated interpreter processing to run after packages are loaded.
  • Updated label for anonymous functions in the outline (#337).
  • Updated language files with new messages (#70).
  • Updated markup processing to allow for 3+ markup sequences.
  • Updated markup processing to support links in non-editor documents.
  • Updated messages for to match translations (#70).
  • Updated method of collapsing outline to fix crash on OSX (#337, fixes #368).
  • Updated outline logic to show on the very first launch (#337).
  • Updated outline to always expand functions in the current file (#337).
  • Updated outline to show files without functions (#337).
  • Updated outline to track filename changes after Save As (#337).
  • Updated outline to use AddPackage method (#337).
  • Updated output callback processing not to run when nothing to process.
  • Updated package GetRootPath to accept file/directory name (#166).
  • Updated parser to avoid 'breaking' statements during incremental processing.
  • Updated parser to handle ... in function parameters.
  • Updated parser to report function token before parameters (#337).
  • Updated parser to store position for not-quite-valid function names.
  • Updated processing of function indicators when auto-analyzer is off.
  • Updated search/replace to always use the current editor/output/console tab.
  • Updated static analizer to accept typedlua parser in addition to metalua.
  • Updated tooltip processing to make it more consistent and better use space.
  • Updated translation building script to handle non-string parameters (#70).
  • Updated un/comment to keep the current selection and caret position (#360).
  • Upgraded MobDebug (0.606) for Detach Process to correctly close debugging.
  • Upgraded Mobdebug (0.607) to fix debugging after Detach Process command.


  • Renamed markvars method used in spec files to marksymbols.


  • Fixed 'slow' mode of static analysis to work with Metalua 0.7.2.
  • Fixed Output tab name after stopping/completing remote debugging.
  • Fixed Project label shown untranslated in other languages (#70, #373).
  • Fixed Run toolbar label not being translated (#70, #373).
  • Fixed activation in tree:FindItem when new editor tab is opened (#166).
  • Fixed an error when dragging Stack/Watch/other tabs between notebooks.
  • Fixed an issue with removing first menu item in RemoveMenuItem (#166).
  • Fixed an issue with searching in Output and Console windows.
  • Fixed column indicator on lines with tabs (fixes #379).
  • Fixed disabling Stack/Watch icons in the toolbar.
  • Fixed error after using Enter multiple times in Find in Files on OSX.
  • Fixed file renaming in the filetree after using SaveAs.
  • Fixed flicker in the outline when auto-complete is shown (#337).
  • Fixed focus switch after selecting a function in the outline and editing (#337).
  • Fixed handling of remapped image files; improved error reporting.
  • Fixed incorrect binary not calculation with wxlua and LuaJIT 2.1.
  • Fixed index check during tab name update.
  • Fixed keeping toolbar status after hiding it.
  • Fixed localization in function outline (#337).
  • Fixed localization to avoid error in SaveAs processing.
  • Fixed navigation in function outline when showonefile is set (#337).
  • Fixed not hiding directories when files without extension are hidden (#375).
  • Fixed off-by-one error in function outline position tracking (#337).
  • Fixed outline refresh after quick tab switches (#337).
  • Fixed refresh of 'background' markers during debugging.
  • Fixed replacement when selection doesn't match the text being searched for.
  • Fixed search in files/directories with % in the name (fixes #369).
  • Fixed storing position in function handling.
  • Fixed stream reading for the Output to only include actually read chars.
  • Fixed unused variables and constants based on static analysis.

v0.80 (Aug 31 2014)


  • Added support for expanding table elements in Watch window.
  • Added editing of values in Watch window.
  • Added highlighting all instances of selected text.
  • Added replacing all selected instances using a dialog.
  • Added saving (one-line) layout for editor tabs.
  • Added support for filename:<line> and filename:p<pos> on the command line.
  • Added search in Console and Output windows.
  • Improved compatibility with Lua 5.2 to run the IDE.

Special thanks

  • To Li Jia for fixing remote path map when 'runonstart' option is set.


  • Added default values for hotexit and saveallonrun settings.
  • Added debugger GetHostName and GetPortNumber methods (#166).
  • Added a check for a local shortcut (F2/Del) being enabled before triggering.
  • Added refresh of expanded Watch values.
  • Added support for expanding table elements in Watch window.
  • Added package AddWatch method (#166).
  • Added toolbar.iconsize to configure toolbar icon size.
  • Added run-as-scratchpad toolbar icon (hidden by default).
  • Added run toolbar icon (hidden by default).
  • Added find-in-files toolbar icon (hidden by default).
  • Added support for disabling individual icons in the toolbar.
  • Added replacing all selected instances using a dialog (closes #342).
  • Added highlighting all instances of selected text (closes #344).
  • Added filetree.mousemove option to disable drag-n-drop (closes #351).
  • Added suspended to Output panel title when debugger is stopped (closes #350).
  • Added a warning when remote console can't evaluate an expression (#350).
  • Added handling of osname to package dependencies (#166).
  • Added onIdle event (#166).
  • Added tree:FindItem method (#166).
  • Added package Yield method (#166).
  • Added ability to set location of ini file from config.
  • Added ability to load bitmap as toolbar icon.
  • Added package RemoveMenuItem method (#166).
  • Added ability to customize toolbar.
  • Added saving (one-line) layout for editor tabs.
  • Added centering of the screen after re-indenting and sorting (#337).
  • Added local to variable 'activated' in function mapRemotePath
  • Added centering of the screen after 'go to definition' and back (#337).
  • Added centering of the screen after selection from the function list (#337).
  • Added package onEditorUpdateUI event (#166).
  • Added package AddPanel method (#166).
  • Added package GetUIManager method (#166).
  • Added editor SetupKeywords method (#166).
  • Added document GetFileExit method (#166).
  • Added onEditorPainted event (#166).
  • Added support for name:<line> and name:p<pos> on the command line.
  • Added error reporting on failure to load file from the command line.
  • Added metalua components to MANIFEST (missing in packaging on OSX).
  • Added saving auto-recovery record on switching from the application.
  • Added hotexit option to exit without forcing to save files.
  • Added setting of margin properties to support their reordering.
  • Added error reporting on failure to delete directory from project tree.
  • Added check for shortcut in conflict being enabled before activating (#233).
  • Added workaround for missing GetChildren call in some wxlua configurations.
  • Added unfolding modified lines to avoid leaving hidden lines in the editor.
  • Added search in Console and Output windows (closes #313).
  • Allowed double-click selection in the Output window (#313).
  • Avoided system lib conflict when debugging by using bundled libs (fixes #355).
  • Disabled editing on non-root watch elements.
  • Disabled smart indentation for multi-line comments and strings (#324).
  • Disabled re-indentation of multi-line comments/strings (#324).
  • Disabled Opt+Shift+Left/Right shortcut as it conflicts with block selection.
  • Enabled editing of values in Watch window.
  • Enabled editor.autoreload by default.
  • Improved config handling when editor configuration is removed/empty.
  • Improved autotabs logic when the file starts with indentation.
  • Improved auto-complete logic that tracks variable assignments (fixes #343).
  • Improved cursor positioning after re-indenting or sorting.
  • Improved compatibility with Lua5.2 to run the IDE.
  • Increased default project history length to 20.
  • Removed check for multiple references in stack values.
  • Refactored stack processing to use methods to handle expandable table values.
  • Refactored file name generation for compilation and static analysis.
  • Removed erroneous message about failure to open '-psn...' file on OSX.
  • Renamed all image files to remove cruft from their names.
  • Simplified logic for watch processing.
  • Switched from using TreeItemData to Lua tables for watch expressions.
  • Switched to using tree control for watches.
  • Updated copas library to support non-blocking requests using socket.http.
  • Updated Stack and Watch views to better stringify keys.
  • Updated watch menu to handle item under mouse cursor.
  • Updated constants for image lists.
  • Updated FindMenuItem method to search in the main and specified menus (#166).
  • Updated ide.config to access wx, wxstc, and os through metatable.
  • Updated recent projects/files handling to allow menus to be removed.
  • Updated package FindMenuItem method (#166).
  • Updated autotabs to respect usetabs when no indentation is present.
  • Updated copy/cut to capture one instance when all are the same (closes #345).
  • Updated default marker colors for lighter border (#305).
  • Updated auto-recovery logic to skip missing files (fixes #323).


  • Fixed disabling auto-recovery on app switching.
  • Fixed find-in-files error when used with editor not in focus (fixes #354).
  • Fixed package GetStack method to return proper control (#166).
  • Fixed Watch window background color on some Mint Linux systems.
  • Fixed debugging error when debugger.runonstart is specified (fixes #348, #341).
  • Fixed keybinding for Ctrl-<punctuation> working on Linux (fixes #346).
  • Fixed localization based on static analysis.
  • Fixed remote path map when 'runonstart' option is set.
  • Fixed error reporting during Analyze (fixes #340).
  • Fixed using image lists for stack/filetree to keep them in memory.
  • Fixed indentation when Enter is hit at the middle of a line.
  • Fixed formatting of until statements (fixes #335).
  • Fixed formatting of strings including comments '--' (#335).
  • Fixed restoring proper file names for unsaved tabs during auto-recovery.
  • Fixed deleting 'dynamic words' when multiple lines are removed.
  • Fixed love.update description (#247).
  • Fixed indentation of strings starting from endSomething (#324).
  • Fixed use of '%' in replacement for Lua5.2 compatibility (#153, #156, #143).
  • Fixed warnings from static analysis.

v0.70 (Jun 18 2014)


  • Added support for OpenResty/Nginx, moonscript, and Lapis debugging.
  • Added re-indentation of selected fragment or entire file.
  • Added line mapping support for debugging Lua-based languages (e.g. moonscript).
  • Added editor.wrapindentmode and editor.wrapstartindent settings.
  • Fixed debugger compatibility with Lua 5.2.
  • Fixed F2 shortcut not working in file tree and watch panel.
  • Fixed replace-in-files when saving backup copy is turned off.

Special thanks


  • Added support for nginx debugging (Mobdebug 0.564).
  • Added support for custom debugger initializer (global or interpreter-based).
  • Added line mapping support for debugging Lua-based languages (e.g. moonscript).
  • Added support to force local execution in console by prepending ! (#326).
  • Added setting proper arg[0] value during debugging (fixes #329).
  • Added double click navigation in the Output window for unnamed files.
  • Added centering of line after double click in the Output window.
  • Added editor.wrapindentmode and editor.wrapstartindent settings.
  • Added a workaround for focus switching between controls on OSX (#89, #327).
  • Added assertion to ensure inserted editor is not in the notebook already.
  • Added format.apptitle option to format IDE title (thanks to @sclark39).
  • Added restoring cursor position after sorting/re-indenting.
  • Added onEditorUserlistSelection event for userlist selection (#166).
  • Added onEditorAction event for cut/copy/paste actions (#166).
  • Added package GetEditorWithFocus method (#166).
  • Added editor.extradescent option for line spacing (#305).
  • Added centering of line on page after re-loading file with a known position.
  • Added re-indentation of selected fragment or entire file (closes #324).
  • Added sorting of the entire file if nothing is selected.
  • Added Edit | Source sub-menu.
  • Added centering line on page after bookmark navigation.
  • Added GetProjectTree, GetWatch, and GetStack package calls (#166).
  • Added bookmark-toggle toolbar icon (#233).
  • Disabled message on failure to read symlinked folder content on Windows.
  • Disabled breakpoint toggling when editor is not in focus.
  • Disabled changing toolbar color with auxwindow as it only works for the dropdown.
  • Increase font size for code fragments in markup (#305).
  • glslc: change domain detection to be compatible with file.comp.glsl and file.tese
  • Removed checks for specific errors in Local/Remote console.
  • Removed focus handling workaround for editor tab changes (#89, #327).
  • Renamed menuformatrecentprojects to format.menurecentprojects (#305).
  • Removed handling of project dropdown in menu as it's no longer needed (#305).
  • Reorganized menu shortcut conflict handling (#233).
  • simplified glslc usage (compile and link based on file extensions)
  • treat unreal shaders as hlsl
  • Updated auto-complete logic to use configured spec separators.
  • Updated logic for populating placeholders in dropdown menus.
  • Updated french translation (thanks to @Yonaba)
  • Updated menu items to stay enabled only when appropriate object has focus.
  • Updated indentation logic for if/elseif/while/for split into 2+ lines (#324).
  • Updated indentation logic to ignore comments (#324).
  • Updated README with supported engines and installation instructions.
  • Updated breakpoint-toggle toolbar icon to better match other icons (#305).
  • Updated bookmark navigation to wrap around (#233).
  • Updating sorting to keep original line endings.
  • Upgraded metalua to v0.7.2.


  • Fixed setting control focus when the main frame is hidden.
  • Fixed loading packages with dashes in filenames (fixes #330).
  • Fixed toolbar to stay shown after failure to start debugging.
  • Fixed focus on the editor after closing a dialog on OSX (fixes #328).
  • Fixed crash on OSX when changing focus while the app is being closed (#327).
  • Fixed some toolbar buttons being enabled with no editor tab open.
  • Fixed toolbar stealing focus after closing floating panels and dropdowns (#327).
  • Fixed restoring control focus when the app gets focus on OSX (fixes #327).
  • Fixed activating editor when starting the app on OSX (#327).
  • Fixed auto-complete to not offer the word the cursor is on.
  • Fixed hiding auto-complete when the only option matches what's typed.
  • Fixed an error when all editor tabs are closed.
  • Fixed replace-in-files when saving backup copy is turned off.
  • Fixed re-indenting of anonymous functions in tables (#324).
  • Fixed F2 shortcut not working in file tree and watch panel (#233).
  • Fixed debugger compatibility with Lua 5.2 (Mobdebug 0.561).

v0.60 (May 11 2014)


  • Added support for switching breakpoints at run-time.
  • Added bookmark handling.
  • Added Detach process command to stop debugging and continue process.
  • Added detaching debugger server.
  • Added showing/hiding toolbar and status bar.
  • Simplified user interface and updated application icons.
  • Updated love2d API for v0.9.1.
  • Updated Moai API for v1.5.
  • Added outputshell.usewrap to set Output wrapping; on by default.
  • Added editor.wrapflags to configure line wrapping indicators.
  • Added editor.foldflags; set default to draw one line when folded.
  • Added editor.foldtype with box, cirle, arrow, and plus types.
  • Added editor.extraascent option to add line spacing.

Special thanks


  • Added new italian translations (thanks to @bartoleo)
  • Added Russian translation for new messages (#70).
  • Adding Copy Full Path to editor tabs, and a Clear Output Window option to the Output tab (thanks to @sclark39)
  • Added support for packages in config files (#166).
  • Added formatting for Recent Projects menu (#305).
  • Added Detach process command to stop debugging and continue process.
  • Added re/docking of Watch/Stack notebooks on tab background doubleclick (#305).
  • Added bookmark handling (closes #233).
  • Added Clear items to the Recent Files menu (ref #305).
  • Added recent files dropdown to the toolbar (ref #305).
  • Added applying new UI settings after upgrade (ref #305).
  • Added toolbar button dropdown with recent projects (ref #305).
  • Added Choose Project Directory to the toolbar (ref #305).
  • Added floating/docking of notebooks on tab background doubleclick (ref #305).
  • Added Recent Project menu refresh after switching projects (ref #305).
  • Added setting project directory by renaming the filetree root element (#305).
  • Added filetree popup menu with the list of projects (ref #305).
  • Added 'Recent Projects' menu (ref #305).
  • Added package GetLaunchedProcess call (ref #166).
  • Added IsRunning and IsConnected API calls for the debugger (ref #166).
  • Added editor.wrapflags to configure line wrapping indicators (ref #305).
  • Added explicit sorting of files in the filetree.
  • Added showing/hiding of the status bar (ref #305).
  • Added auto-showing toolbar when debugging starts (ref #305).
  • Added showing/hiding of the toolbar (ref #305).
  • Added outputshell.usewrap to set Output wrapping; on by default (ref #305).
  • Added editor.foldflags; set default to draw one line when folded (ref #305).
  • Added editor.extraascent option to add line spacing (ref #305).
  • Added explicit conversion to number for numeric settings.
  • Added editor.foldtype with box, cirle, arrow, and plus types (ref #305).
  • Added opening a new tab on double click on tab background (ref #305).
  • Added ActivateItem method to the filetree API (ref #166).
  • Added onFiletree* package events (ref #166).
  • Added setting margin mask to allow for different margin order.
  • Added support for switching breakpoints at run-time (closes #288).
  • Added stopping debugging when debugger server is detached/stopped.
  • Added opening file on one-click in icon/padding area in the filetree.
  • Added AnalyzeString function (thanks to @madmaxoft).
  • Added zooming for Output/Console windows (ref #290).
  • Added IDs for Zoom menu items (ref #290).
  • Add zoom actions with appropriate keyboard shortcuts to View menu (thanks to @crumblingstatue)
  • Added detaching debugger server.
  • Added skipping reporting for known globals in static analysis (closes #286).
  • Added support for running zbstudio script from any folder on OSX.
  • Adjusted code color in the comment markup for better visibility (#305).
  • Changed order of stopping debugger and saving settings (ref #305).
  • Cleaned unused variables and functions based on static analysis.
  • Disallowed closing Output/Console/Project tabs (fixes #310).
  • Disabled current project on the recent projects list (ref #305).
  • Disable function call indicator by default to reduce clutter (ref #305).
  • Disabled startng multiple find-in-files searches.
  • Disabled editing/dragging of the project directory in the filetree.
  • Enabled editor width auto-adjustment when wrapping is off.
  • Enable retina support (hidpi=true) by default on OSX (#305).
  • Increased default font size in the editor (ref #305).
  • Increased wait time for Gideros player to start for more reliable launching.
  • Made fold and marker margins wider (ref #305).
  • Made jump-to-line in the Output window to work faster and more reliably.
  • Moved Project Directory menu item lower to not activate on OSX (ref #305).
  • Moved code to populate wx and wxstc descriptions to API files.
  • Rearranged global functions in lua spec for simpler grouping (ref #79).
  • Reduced sash (border between subsections) in all notebooks (ref #305).
  • Reduced the line number margin width and default font size (ref #305).
  • Refactored editor config references.
  • Removed Clear Dynamic Words menu as it's rarely used.
  • Removed the gripper on the toolbar (ref #305).
  • Removed project selection dropdown from the filetree (ref #305).
  • Removed paragraph conversion from love2d API conversion script (ref #247).
  • Removed border around Output/Console panels (ref #305).
  • Removed deprecated startfile interpreter option.
  • Removed explicit margin numbers to make configuraton simpler.
  • Removed border around editor components.
  • Reordered markers to keep the curent line marker on top (#305).
  • Reorganized and updated configuration examples.
  • Set def linenumber font size as one smaller than editor font size (ref #305).
  • Switched to plain background for the toolbar (ref #305).
  • Switched to AuiToolBar as it provides buttons with dropdowns (ref #305).
  • Upgraded Mobdebug (0.56).
  • Upgraded debugger (mobdebug 0.553) to fix an issue with STEP command.
  • Upgraded copas to the current version (v1.2.1).
  • Updated default fonts for Windows and Linux for better looking ones (#305).
  • Update de.lua (thanks to @riidom)
  • Updated language files with new messages (#70).
  • Updated copyright messages.
  • Updated Go To Line menu item and its translations.
  • Updated build scripts with a fix for a wxlua compilation issue (#260).
  • Updated build prerequisites Linux install script.
  • Updated default indicator color to more neutral one (#305).
  • Updated OSX build script to use 10.7 SDK with 10.6 min-version (#260).
  • Updated Mobdebug (0.555) to add support for pause debugger call.
  • Updated lua interpreter to remove caching of executable path.
  • Updated resetting pid only after completing non-debbugged process.
  • Updated shortcut for Recent File navigation (ref #305).
  • Updated application icons (ref #305).
  • Updated stack/watch panel captions to be invisible (ref #305).
  • Updated interpreters to check ProgramFiles env variable on Windows.
  • Updated panel captions to be invisible (rev #305).
  • Updated 'window unhide' logic (Windows only) to be called less frequently.
  • Updated love2d interpreter to not hide the application window.
  • Updated file sorting to be case-insensitive on all platforms.
  • Updated filetree menu to use 'Edit Project Directory' on root element (#305).
  • Updated love2d API to fix typos in descriptions (ref #247).
  • Updated love2d API for v0.9.1 (ref #247).
  • Updated love2d API conversion script to handle top-level functions (ref #247).
  • Updated PackageUnRegister call to return the package on success (ref #166).
  • Updated fold/wrap flag handling to work with wxwidgets 2.8 (ref #305).
  • Updated breakpoint/currentline markers for less contrast colors (ref #305).
  • Updated default folding to use lighter colors (ref #305).
  • Updated default colors to have less contrast (ref #305).
  • Updated Open file dialog to use current file or project location (closes #303).
  • Updated Moai API for v1.5 (thanks to @DanielSWolf).
  • Updated autoanalyzer option to more common spelling (analizer -> analyzer).
  • Updated auto-complete to show in IDLE event for smoother processing.
  • -minor color changes to notepad++ colorscheme (thanks to @SiENcE).


  • Added opening a new tab on double click on tab background.
  • Added re/docking of Watch/Stack notebooks on tab background doubleclick.
  • Enabled retina support (hidpi=true) by default on OSX.
  • Removed deprecated startfile interpreter option; use startwith option instead.
  • Updated file sorting to be case-insensitive on all platforms.
  • Updated autoanalyzer option to more common spelling (analizer -> analyzer).
  • wxwidgets 2.8 is no longer supported (wxwidgets 2.9.5+ required).


  • Fixed Corona interpreter to clean debugger in plugin folder (Win).
  • Fixed file tree activation of a deleted file.
  • Fixed switching to full screen and restoring status bar on OSX (ref #305).
  • Fixed right-click handling in filetree on OSX broken by 3709f61f (ref #166).
  • Fixed usage of self in one of package API calls (ref #166).
  • Fixed find dialog to stay on top after search directory selection on OSX.
  • Fixed search result navigation after clicking beyond the end of line.
  • Fixed an issue with running processes not terminated when closing IDE.
  • Fixed an error after manual canceling Find-in-files dialog.
  • Fixed an issue with deleting column-based selection (fixes #300).
  • Fixed an error in variable indicator processing.
  • Fixed looping when valuetype creates self-reference in APIs (ref #297).
  • Fixed elseif auto-indentation (fixes #294).
  • Fixed focus for Find field in the find dialog on some instances of OSX.

v0.50 (Mar 10 2014)


  • Fixed opening files and launching on OSX 10.6.x and 10.9.1+.
  • Improved CPU utilization when idle on OSX.
  • Added handling of command-line parameters.
  • Implemented various auto-complete and tooltip improvements.
  • Updated Love2d API for 0.9.0.
  • Updated Corona API auto-complete/description to match v2014.2189 (G2.0).
  • Updated Marmalade Quick API for v7.2.
  • Updated French, German, Italian, and Russian translations.

Special thanks

  • To Asmageddon for fixed launching zbstudio from folders with spaces.
  • To Christoph Kubisch for various luxinia2 fixes.
  • To Yonaba for updated French translation.
  • To riidom for updated German translation.
  • To bartoleo for updated Italian translations.


  • Added explicit focus for Find field in the find dialog on OSX.
  • Added version dependency check for loaded plugins.
  • Added auxwindow attribute to style auxiliary windows.
  • Added sha2 library to provide sha256 hashing.
  • Added package GetRootPath/GetPackagePath calls (ref #166).
  • Added package FindMenuItem API call (ref #166).
  • Added API call to analyze one file.
  • Added restoring markers after external modification and file reload.
  • Added displaying number of selected characters and instances (closes #274).
  • Added using safe load for external data instead of loadstring.
  • Added check for editor state during Edit menu display (ref #70).
  • added italian translations; thanks to bartoleo.
  • Added Russian translation for new items in the main menu (ref #70).
  • Added package GetApp method (ref #166).
  • Added package GetDebugger API call (ref #166).
  • Added setting project directory passed as a parameter (second instance).
  • Added Shift+Zoom to zoom all editors (closes #269).
  • Added alpha setting for sel/seladd/caretlinebg styles.
  • Added package GetToolBar API call (ref #166).
  • Added seladd setting for styling additional selections.
  • Added Select and Find Next/Prev (closes #268).
  • Added showing search dialog for Quick Find on first search (closes #265).
  • Added nomousezoom option for Console/Output windows (closes #266).
  • Added error reporting when debugger server fails to start (closes #263).
  • Added support for command line parameters for GSL-shell (ref #251).
  • Added support for editor shortcuts and included standard OSX ones (closes #252).
  • Added auto-complete for metamethods (closes #256).
  • Added Minimize shortcut on OSX (closes #254).
  • Added handling of command line parameters for love2d (ref #251).
  • Added handling of command line parameters (closes #251).
  • Added calling of end callback for detached processes.
  • Added skipping compile check for non-lua files in scratchpad.
  • Added handling of (optional) BOM in UTF-8 encoded files (closes #246).
  • Added hint about removing backslash for invalid escape sequences.
  • Adjusted tooltip position and content to always fit on the screen.
  • allow tool exe paths to be set in config prior load
  • Changed the order of applying styles to apply the main style last.
  • Disabled singleinstance check by default on OSX (ref #204).
  • Disable debugging termination when stack trace received from remote process.
  • glsl: added imageSize to spec and api
  • luxinia2 define some global vars if debugger is present
  • luxinia2 support 32 and 64 bit runtime
  • luxinia2: new setup, added support for debugging with main.lua and rudimentary scratchpad functionality
  • Reduced the number of inactivity checks and timer calls (ref #204).
  • Removed calltipbg attribute as it's replaced by
  • Removed unused files from metalua.
  • Removed paragraph-to-newline conversion for API tooltips.
  • Resolved conflict for Opt+Left (ref #252 and #203).
  • Removed jumping to the current line after compilation errors.
  • Switched to using temp files instead of -e option for debugging (ref #251).
  • shader tools: allow relative directories for binaries
  • shader specs: add isfncall definition to allow indication style
  • Updated AddConfig/RemoveConfig to refresh styles after changes (ref #166).
  • Updated Marmalade Quick API for v7.2.
  • Updated Corona API for v2014.2189.
  • Updated scheme picker to apply styles to all windows.
  • Updated LfW interpreter to use project directory as current one (fixes #276).
  • Updated README.
  • Updated comment markup separators to apply markup in fewer cases.
  • Updated French translation; thanks to Yonaba.
  • Update de.lua; thanks to riidom.
  • Updated Linux scripts to remove custom libpng/zlib as it's fixed in wxwidgets.
  • Updated check for editor state during Edit menu display (ref #70).
  • Updated Corona API auto-complete/description to match v2013.2100 (ref #73).
  • Updated all language files with new messages (ref #70).
  • Updated messages for better translation (ref #70).
  • Updated love2d api with LineJoin and few other calls (ref #247).
  • Updated OSX build script for wxwidgets 3.x (ref #260).
  • Updated build script to compile wxwidgets 3.x on Windows (ref #260).
  • Updated love2d api with some missing calls (ref #247).
  • updated luxinia2 interpreter to reflect new luxinia2 structure
  • Updated Love2d API for 0.9.0. (closes #247).
  • Upgraded Mobdebug (0.551) to fix serialization of table/array indexes.
  • updates to shader apis (bugfix in GLSL atomic description)


  • Updated LfW interpreter to use project directory as current one (fixes #276).
  • Removed styles.calltipbg as it is replaced by


  • Fixed shortcut menu generator to display default shortcuts.
  • Fixed removing focus from editor when IDE loses focus on OSX (ref #204).
  • Fixed hiding calltip and auto-complete when switching between tabs on OSX.
  • Fixed handling of getenv returning general message (Mobdebug v0.5511).
  • Fixed launching zbstudio from folders with spaces; thanks to @Asmageddon.
  • Fixed calltip attribute to use/enable proper style.
  • Fixed visibility of wrapped lines in console when going through history.
  • Fixed syntax issues in definitions of IDE tables.
  • Fixed an issue in metalua files when syntax error is reported.
  • Fixed arrow key handling in Local console (fixes #279).
  • Fixed removing temporary files in GSL-shell interpreter.
  • Fixed tooltip positioning for long messages.
  • Fixed current line in debugging after activation of files with wrapped lines.
  • Fixed spurious ESC after activation on Windows when modifiers are pressed.
  • Fixed skipping empty lines in tooltip formatting.
  • Fixed comment markup at the end of a file.
  • Fixed formatting calculations for tooltip to better fill the window.
  • Fixed stopping debugging when switching projects with the same interpreter.
  • Fixed auto-complete for classes with more than two levels.
  • Fixed removal of paragraph breaks in tooltips after interpreter switch.
  • Fixed API reloading that caused removal of paragraph breaks in tooltips.
  • Fixed translations for stock menu items on Ubuntu 13.10 (ref #70).
  • Fixed an issue with spec/tools/interpreters filters not working from config.
  • Fixed messages script to work with LuaJIT.
  • Fixed console output with multiple new lines at the end.
  • Fixed issues on OSX 10.6.x and 10.9.1+ caused by flat namespace (fix #270, fix #264).
  • Fixed an issue with isfncall spec property not being checked.
  • Fixed function localization in menu handlers.
  • Fixed default selection for search in case of multiple selections.
  • Fixed dependency of lfs/git dlls on lualib.dll.
  • Fixed an issue with activating proper tab after dragging.
  • Fixed displaying local console output with invalid unicode characters.
  • Fixed displaying script output with invalid unicode characters.
  • Fixed drawing artifacts on Windows when line wrapping disabled (fixes #250).
  • Fixed setting bom value for a new editor (fixes #258).
  • Fixed auto-complete for values returned by 'core' functions (ref #256).

v0.40 (Dec 14 2013)


  • Added LuaDist integration.
  • Added live coding support for GSL-shell.
  • Added support for project settings.
  • Added filetree operations.
  • Added Busted interpreter.

Special thanks

  • To Jayanth Acharya for SciTeLuaIDE color scheme.
  • To Mike Richards for adding edge handling and styles.
  • To adamdmoss for Mobdebug API update.


  • Added live coding support for GSL-shell (closes #239).
  • Added support for product-specific links in the Help menu.
  • Added 'edge' style to the color schemes (ref #237).
  • Added ability to set 'edge' style properties individually (ref #237).
  • Add edge to styles
  • Add fold margin checker color to styles
  • Add edge line and fold margin checker color
  • Added changing directory when launching on Linux (closes #157).
  • Added setting PATH for LfW to allow loading of DLL dependencies.
  • Added logic to set architecture dynamically for luadist (ref #225).
  • Added luadist bootstrap dependencies for Linux (ref #225).
  • Added option to load luadist as a module (ref #225).
  • Added luadist bootstrap dependencies for OSX (ref #225).
  • Added proxy dll for Lua 5.2 (ref #225).
  • Added luadist bootstrap dependencies for Windows (ref #225).
  • Added package GetInterpreters method (ref #166, #225).
  • Added package AddConsoleAlias/RemoveConsoleAlias methods (ref #166, #225).
  • Added version property to the Lua interpreters.
  • Added new location for Marmalade Quick v7+ and s3e path logic (fixes #226).
  • Added directory creation (if needed) to file saving.
  • Added support for symlinks in the filetree (with recursion protection).
  • Added package AddConfig/RemoveConfig methods (ref #166).
  • Added package GetProject method (ref #166).
  • Added package onProjectPreLoad method (ref #166).
  • Added workaround for conflict with Scintilla shortcuts on Linux.
  • Added 'Open with Default Program' to file tree operations (ref #123).
  • Added toggling directory on Enter (ref #123).
  • Added 'Copy Full Path' to file tree operations (ref #123).
  • Added deleting file/directory to file tree operations (ref #123).
  • Added processing of packages from $HOME/.zbstudio/packages folder (#166).
  • Added 'New File' and 'New Directory' to file operations (ref #123).
  • Added error reporting for failed rename operations (ref #123).
  • Added re-opening editor tabs affected by directory move/rename (ref #123).
  • Added package FindDocumentsByPartialPath method (ref #166).
  • Added existing file overwrite confirmation when renaming (ref #123).
  • Added existing file overwrite confirmation when saving.
  • Added creating intermediate directories during file rename (ref #123).
  • Added in-place editing of file and folder names (ref #123).
  • Added refreshing editor tab after drag-n-drop operation (ref #123).
  • Added drag-n-drop operation to move files in the project tree (ref #123).
  • Added package AddMarker/RemoveMarker methods (ref #166).
  • Added package GetStatusBar method (ref #166).
  • Added package GetDocuments and document methods (ref #166).
  • Added EscapeMagic function to escape magic characters.
  • Added SciTeLuaIDE color scheme (thanks to Jayanth Acharya).
  • Changed glslc option to reflect new version
  • Disabled compilation check for scratchpad when skipcompile is set (ref #239).
  • Disabled output activation for messages redirected to Console (ref #225).
  • Disabled commenting for file types that don't specify line comments.
  • Moved restoring project before loading files (ref #107).
  • Reorganized loading configuration files (ref #107).
  • Removed 'file no longer exists' message after moving opened files (ref #123).
  • Removed some of the snippets as they are available as plugins.
  • Store os specific clibs path to make it available to plugins.
  • Tidy up estrela tools a bit (remove key strokes from cgc, remove luxinia res viewer, rename perforce files to get loaded again)
  • Updated README.
  • Updated samples with missing indicator constants (closes #243).
  • Updated OSX executables and added 'fake' proxy for lua-dist support (ref #225).
  • Updated handling of case-insensitive names during debugging on OSX (Mobdebug v0.545).
  • Updated package onEditorPreSave to be called on SaveAs events (ref #166).
  • Updated icon bundle to eliminate large icons.
  • Updated application icon to a bit brighter one on OSX (closes #196).
  • Updated build script on OSX to not require 10.6 SDK (closes #231).
  • Updated menu definitions for consistency.
  • Updated use of unpack for consistency and Lua 5.2 compatibility.
  • Updated 'Open with Default Program' on Windows to work with spaces in names (#123).
  • Updated cmake installation script to install to '/Applications' on OSX.
  • Updated OSX build script to revert wxwidgets commit to fix auto-complete crash.
  • Updated Start debugging hint to clarify.
  • Updated single-click toggle to allow rename/move directories (ref #123).
  • Updated normalization flags as some path parts were changed to dots.
  • Updated editor tab processing using FindDocument method.
  • Updated shortcut for Replace All to avoid conflict on OSX (fixes #220).
  • Updated SetDocumentModified to use current tab text.


  • Fixed values 'captured' by redirected 'print' and not collected (fixes #240).
  • Fixed typo in fold style definition (ref #237).
  • Fixed console output being limited in addition to stack result limit.
  • Fixed hang in auto-complete on expressions involving '...' (fixes #235).
  • Fixed auto-complete for string values (broken by 933aacc2).
  • Fixed crash when LUA_DEV environmental variable is not set (fixes #228).
  • Fixed cmake cache filename (ref #225).
  • Fixed incorrect UTF-8 sequence in UTF-8 validity check.
  • Fixed Un/Comment menu for Output/Console windows.
  • Fixed format of the file name reported after compilation errors.
  • Fixed jumping to compilation error (if any) after Run/Debug.
  • Fixed disabling 'Open with Default Program' on OSX (ref #123).
  • Fixed file tree update after changes on OSX (ref #123).
  • Fixed copying full path on OSX (ref #123).
  • Fixed 'Open with Default Program' for paths with spaces on Windows (ref #123).
  • Fixed folding issue (caused by math.mod not available in LuaJIT).
  • Fixed debugger marker calculations to avoid marker conflicts.
  • Fixed color references in marker config examples.
  • Fixed Step Over/Out to stay in the same coroutine; Mobdebug 0.543 (closes #217).
  • Fixed case sensitivity in matching of file name in error messages (fixes #216).
  • Fixed tab text after SaveAs and loading files into the same tab.

v0.39 (Oct 06 2013)


  • Added Lua 5.2 support out of the box.
  • Added suggesting dynamic words as fields in auto-complete.
  • Added 'go to definition' (Ctrl/Cmd+Alt+Click) and 'jump to previous location' (Alt+Left).
  • Added abbreviation of project directories to keep unique parts visible.
  • Fixed breakpoints with Marmalade Quick.
  • Switched to using LuaJIT interpreter by default.
  • Upgraded Luasocket (3.0-rc1), copas, and coxpcall libraries.

Special thanks

  • To Chow CheeWen for Chinese translation.
  • To Enrique García for fixing fixutf8 function.
  • To Riidom for German translation.
  • To ardente for user home patch for Windows and separating Lua 5.1 and 5.2 paths in user config.
  • To Mika Attila for code folding patch.
  • To Tim Mensch for auto-save, auto-reload, and debugger improvements.
  • To Florian for Notepad++ color scheme.
  • To Michal Kottman for 'go to definition' and Alt+Left navigation patch.
  • To Christoph Kubisch for dx11 and glslc updates.
  • To jpoag for improved activation during debugging on Windows.


  • Added setting project directory when passed as a parameter.
  • Added activation of windows with SDL_app class name (Moai support).
  • Added support for joining/splitting Watch/Stack with Output/Console tabs.
  • Added package GetSetting method (ref #166).
  • Added selected index to package onMenuEditorTab event (ref #166).
  • Added activation of windows with FREEGLUT class name (Moai support).
  • Added hiding console window for Corona (2013.8.28+) applications (Windows).
  • Added suggesting dynamic words as fields in auto-complete.
  • Added socket.connect for compatibility with socket.core <3.0 (fixes #208).
  • Added recalculating line number margin width after zooming (fixes #207).
  • Added margin constants and removed unused variables.
  • Added reporting of socket error for initial debugger calls (Mobdebug 0.5403).
  • Added error handling/reporting for debugger.outputfilter.
  • Added 'debug' option to OSX build script.
  • Added ability to modify exe path in base interpreter (ref #197).
  • Added package GetEditorNotebook method (ref #166).
  • Added 'molokai' color scheme (ref #200).
  • added hlsl spec and basic api (note: currently autocomplete doesn't work on object functions, need fix). also fixed cg syntax lexer settings
  • Added file activation for abbreviated file names in error messages.
  • Added abbreviation of project directories to keep unique parts visible.
  • Added debugger.redirect configuration option.
  • Added editor.saveallonrun configuration option.
  • Added package GetOutput method (ref #166).
  • Added package onAppLoad/onAppClose events (ref #166).
  • Added package onIdleOnce event (ref #166).
  • Added manifest to the Windows executable and re-signed.
  • Added Notepad++ color scheme (thanks to Florian/SiENcE; closes #193).
  • Added clearing document styles after saving file with a different extension.
  • Added workaround to avoid crash on OSX after Close All Pages (closes #190).
  • Added return type for string.* functions to assist in auto-complete (ref #189).
  • Added handling of string literals in type assignments (closes #189).
  • Added support for captures in regexp replacement (\1-\9).
  • Added ability to cancel FindInFiles search by closing search dialog (ref #162).
  • Added activating Output window before showing search results (ref #162).
  • Added support for packages from different platforms to co-exist (ref #166).
  • Added ability to save complex data in package settings (ref #166).
  • Added support for multiple inheritance in auto-complete (ref #101).
  • Added ability to add/remove API descriptions from plugins (ref #166).
  • Added package GetSettings/SetSettings methods (ref #166).
  • Added methods to save/restore package settings (ref #166).
  • Added ability to add/remove specs from plugins (ref #166).
  • Added ability to add/remove interpreters from plugins (ref #166).
  • Added wxlua patch for twoface compatibility.
  • Added setfenv for Lua 5.2 compatibility.
  • Added links to project page and documentation (closes #180).
  • Added German translation (thanks to Riidom; ref #70).
  • Added default value to package config (ref #176).
  • Added handling of ?51.dll and required DLLs for LuaForWindows interpreter.
  • Added plugin::GetConfig method (ref #166).
  • Added erasing current line in Console (ref #173).
  • Added search/completion in the local and remote console (closes #173).
  • Added package onAppFocus* events (ref #166; ref #172).
  • Added Chinese translation (thanks to Chow CheeWen; ref #70).
  • Added editor.autoreload to enable reload of updated files (ref #172).
  • Added creating (missing) folders when saving a file (fixes #171).
  • Added an example of styling individual keywords.
  • Added fold indication of a current block (ref #168).
  • Added reporting of process id for a conflicting process.
  • allow to define separate lua 5.1 and 5.2 paths in user config
  • Changed 'go to definition' to Ctrl/Cmd+Alt+Click (ref #203).
  • Changed un/comment to act from the beginning of the line for multi-line selection.
  • Disabled refreshing Watch/Stack windows when they get focus.
  • Disabled markup styling for specs without comment styles.
  • Disabled showing tooltip when auto-complete suggestions are shown.
  • Disabled error reporting after debugging has been terminated.
  • Disabled 'Fold' menu instead of removing when no folding is allowed (ref #169).
  • dx11 and glslc updates
  • Enabled editing watches with doubleclick or Enter.
  • Enable Ctrl+Click and Alt+Left navigation on local variables
  • Enabled support for xml/html folding.
  • Enabled path remapping for local debugging.
  • Enabled slower and more thorough static analysis (ref #149; ref #168).
  • Improved file/debugger activation on Windows (ref #199).
  • Improved IDE activation during debugging on Windows (closes #199); thanks to jpoag.
  • Improved logic to jump to file/line indicated in error messages.
  • Limited activation of code fragments to the beginning of debugging session.
  • Make code folding optional (thanks to Mika Attila)
  • Moved 'Sort' menu to 'Edit'.
  • OpenGL 4.4 and ARB extensions added as well as NV_gpu_shader5 functions
  • Optimized handling of large tables in stack results.
  • Optimized line count calculation for dynamic words when text is deleted.
  • Optimized dynamic word processing for large files.
  • Reduced CPU usage while idle (ref #204, #206).
  • Renamed package onEditorPostSave event to onEditorSave for consistency (ref #166).
  • Removed comment from default spec as it forces undesired markup styling.
  • Removed auto-complete suggestion when it is already typed (ref #101).
  • Reorganized auto-complete handling; should fix #164.
  • Reorganized path separator handling to minimize use of global variables.
  • Reorganized API processing to allow loading API description from a plugin.
  • Replaced package onEditorActivated event with onEditorFocus* events (ref #166).
  • Set search in subdirectories as default in Find in Files dialog (ref #162).
  • Switched to using POSIX compatible regexp with '()' used for captures.
  • Updated LICENSE information.
  • Updated Windows build file for wxwidgets 3.0.
  • Updated support for MOAI coroutine debugging (Mobdebug 0.541).
  • Updated type assignment logic to remove spurious types.
  • Updated Windows build script to enable gdb debugging.
  • Updated OSX build script to not strip debug builds.
  • Updated Corona interpreter to handle failure to copy debugger to Resources/ folder.
  • Updated build scripts with proper INSTALL_PREFIX option.
  • Updated CFBundleIdentifier in plist files to allow references from OSX programs.
  • Updated un/comment to toggle selection as a group rather than line by line.
  • Updated NewFile to accept a file name.
  • Updated 'get hostname' logic to avoid using non-resolvable names (mostly on OSX).
  • Updated tooltip to use the same type inference as auto-complete (ref #101).
  • Updated Estrela reference in README.
  • Updated build script on Windows to enable debugging (ref #164).
  • Updated build script with a (temporary) fix for wxlua issue (mingw32).
  • updated glewgl api for OpenGL4.4 and removed non-core duplicate functions/enums
  • Updated static analyzer to report only first instance of 'unknown field'.
  • Updated filename/source code heuristic in the debugger (Mobdebug 0.5362).
  • Updated SaveAll to allow saving (only) files with filenames (ref #172).
  • Upgraded copas and coxpcall libraries (closes #144).
  • windows: adopt native user home (thanks to ardente)


  • Fixed Lua 5.2 crash on OSX (added -O1).
  • Fixed onInterpreterLoad to only be called when interpreter changes.
  • fix the fixutf8 function (thanks to Enrique García).
  • Fixed handling of source code fragments in the Stack view.
  • Fixed Watch/Stack windows to refresh when shown.
  • Fixed incorrect editor tab acted upon in split notebook situations.
  • Fixed auto-complete suggestions for indentifiers matching partial function names.
  • Fixed hiding launched windows when running/debugging (Windows).
  • Fixed showing known functions in auto-complete.
  • Fixed showing output with invalid UTF8 characters in Stack and Console windows.
  • Fixed debugging on/off handling in 'main' thread for LuaJIT (MobDebug 0.5402).
  • Fixed having duplicate tabs after SaveAs with existing file name.
  • Fixed showing redirected 'print' messages after debugging is terminated.
  • Fixed using default interpreter when no interpreter is selected.
  • Fixed stepping through blocks with undefined variables when 'strict' is in effect (upgraded Mobdebug to 0.5401).
  • Fixed loading of files with incorrect UTF-8 encoding and control characters (fixes #198).
  • Fixed package sample to take into account new documents.
  • Fixed crash on OSX after opening 'application' in 'Open File' dialog.
  • Fixed windows resource file to properly reference the manifest.
  • Fixed missing default api for files with unknown extensions.
  • Fix spurious replacement after 'search, clear selection, replace' actions.
  • Fixed using auto-complete with multiple selections (fixes #188).
  • Fixed looping in auto-complete with array references (ref #143).
  • Fixed showing auto-complete after comma.
  • Fixed 'cannot get official hostname' message on low privilege accounts (fixes #183).
  • Fixed displaying variable instances when code has invalid blocks (fixes #182).
  • Fixed tooltip to ignore string parameters (ref #101).
  • Fixed tooltip display between empty brackets (ref #101).
  • Fixed indentation after lines with brackets in strings.
  • Fixed indentation after lines with anonymous functions.
  • Fixed indicator showing at the end of not terminated long comment.
  • Fixed an issue with LUA_DEV including files instead of directories.
  • Fixed project switching to close all files when switching to a subdirectory.
  • Fixed saving projects that do not have any open files.
  • Fixed debugger to accept filenames without '@'; thanks to Tim Mensch (closes #174).
  • Fixed sorting when the sorted fragment ends with a newline.

v0.38 (Jun 21 2013)


  • Added source code debugging (to support LuaJava and other engines).
  • Added scope-aware global/local/masked/masking variable highlighting.
  • Added 'Go To Definition' and 'Rename All Instances'.
  • Added package/plugin API.
  • Added Retina display support (can be enabled with hidpi option).
  • Improved auto-complete API with inheritance and table index support.

Special thanks

  • To George Pimm for line of code navigation in the Stack Window.
  • To Fringale for updated French translation.
  • To Tom Burgel for LuaForWindows interpreter.


  • Added sorting of file lists on Linux (used in the filetree and file search).
  • Added LuaForWindows interpreter (thanks to Tom Burgel).
  • Added package onEditorCharAdded/onEditorKeyDown events (ref #166).
  • Added support for changing the Corona simulator skin (closes #151).
  • Added inheritance support for auto-complete API.
  • Added package onEditor* events (closes #166).
  • Added package onInterpreterLoad/onInterpreterClose events (ref #166).
  • Added package onProjectLoad/onProjectClose events (ref #166).
  • Added package onMenu* events (ref #166).
  • Added package onRegister/onUnRegister events (ref #166).
  • Added 'Show Location' to the Project/Filetree menu.
  • Added hidpi option to enable HiDPI/Retina display support (closes #160).
  • Added breakpoint support for unnamed code fragments.
  • Added support for debugging (stepping through) unnamed code fragments.
  • Added LuaSec to win32 build script.
  • Added package/plugin processing.
  • Added support for 'silent' execution of shell commands in markup.
  • Added Find Next/Previous over selected variable instances (ref #163).
  • Added debugger.allowediting option to allow editing while debugging.
  • Added skiping binary files during file search (ref #162).
  • Added yield to update search results during file search (ref #162).
  • Added showing default extensions in the file search (ref #162).
  • Added support for multiple file extensions in the file search (ref #162).
  • Added saving folder to search files in (ref #162).
  • Added selecting all instances with a double-click on a variable.
  • Added autoanalizer option for dynamic static analysis.
  • Added 'Go To Definition' and 'Rename All Instances'.
  • Added initial support for indicating local/global variables.
  • Added showing tooltip in any position over a term and showing 'values' (ref #101).
  • Added disabling tooltip when context menu is shown.
  • Added 'fixing' path returned by wxDirDialog; may be incorrect in 2.9.x.
  • Added constant initialization missing on ArchLinux with wxlua (fixes #155; ref #128).
  • Added support for table valuetypes in auto-complete for foo[index]: (ref #101).
  • Added navigation to the line of code in the Stack Window (thanks to George Pimm; closes #134).
  • Added Show Location to the editor tab menu.
  • Added support for absolute filenames in Markdown links.
  • Allowed tab width and indentation to be set independently.
  • Allowed closing editor tabs while debugger is running.
  • Disabled following symlinks during directory scanning to avoid infinite loops.
  • Disabled showing tooltip when the app is in the background (fixes #158).
  • Disabled 'value' tooltip over variables that match known function names (ref #101).
  • Improved error reporting in interpreters on failures to copy the debugger.
  • Improved focus on the debugger when a breakpoint hits on OSX (fixes #141).
  • Removed sorting in the Stack view to keep the order of table elements.
  • Set default directory for Find in Files opened from a new file (#ref 162).
  • Updated configuration example for variable indicators.
  • Updated Stack view navigation to use clicked on instead of active item.
  • Updated Gideros API/auto-complete reference.
  • Updated markup to allow opening files from new buffers ('untitled').
  • Updated build scripts to use luasocket 2.0.3.
  • Updated linux build files to use latest zlib/libpng to fix png load on Gentoo.
  • Updated 'Find in Files' to start in the project folder by default.
  • Updated French translation with latest string changes (mostly for find/replace dialogs).
  • Updated Marmalade Quick auto-complete API to use class inheritance.
  • Updated Gideros auto-complete API to use class inheritance.
  • Upgraded Mobdebug to 0.534 for debugging of source code fragments.


  • Fixed looping in auto-complete when indexes are used (fixes #143).
  • Fixed possible duplicate paths in the filetree.
  • Fixed missing numerical keys in serialized tables (upgraded Mobdebug to 0.535).
  • Fixed styling of markup that can be affected by folded lines.
  • Fixed value selection with multiple active selections.
  • Fixed style compatibility with wxwidgets 2.8 (ref #128).
  • Fixed error reporting by (internal) file operations.
  • Fixed styling comments that start with markup symbols.
  • Fixed restoring a session with one of the files deleted on disk (fixes #161).
  • Fixed reporting variable instances for comment/string fragments.
  • Fixed 'Rename Instances' to always reset previous selection.
  • Fixed auto-complete error for '%dddd' strings (fixes #156).
  • Fixed an issue with showing filenames that include '"?*:<>' on OSX/Linux.
  • Fixed current line marker being shown using 'Run as Scratchpad' with 'runonstart' option.
  • Fixed looping in auto-complete (fixes #151).
  • Fixed incorrect localization that led to an error in 'Save' from tab menu.

v0.37 (May 09 2013)


  • Added Marmalade Quick auto-complete support and API documentation.
  • Added full Marmalade Quick debugging support (requires Quick 1.1+).
  • Improved Find/Replace behavior and functionality.
  • Added Recent File history navigation.
  • Added Preferences menu to simplify access to system/user settings.

Special thanks

  • To Samuel Dionne-Riel for wxwidgets 2.8 compatibility updates.
  • To Mat Hopwood for assistance with Marmalade Quick integration.


  • Added Preferences menu to simplify access to system/user settings.
  • Added Russian translation for Find/Replace dialog and (ref #70).
  • Added Russian translation for the Preferences menu (ref #70).
  • Added 'shaking' Find/Replace window when text is not found (closes #146).
  • Added 'wlua' to the list of recognized Lua extensions.
  • Added disabling Recent Files menu if the list is empty.
  • Added TomorrowContrast color scheme (thanks to Sergey Lerg).
  • Added detaching a child process to avoid crash when exiting during debugging.
  • Added Recent File history navigation (closes #66).
  • Added Marmalade auto-complete support and API documentation.
  • Added processing of runonstart when using remote debugging (closes #138).
  • Added suggesting proper extension after 'Save/Save As' based on current spec.
  • Added translation setup for Find/Replace dialog (closes #133).
  • Added nomousezoom option to disable zoom with mouse wheel in the editor.
  • Added selecting text and Cmd-F shortcut in Find dialog on OSX (ref #127).
  • Improved file activation when debugging is started (closes #137).
  • Reduced the minimum size of the Output/Console panel.
  • Refactored Recent Files history to make it faster and simpler.
  • Refactored and optimized directory scanning when loading IDE files.
  • Separated settings for function dropdown and project tree fonts (fixes #148).
  • Updated documentation about default EOL on OSX (ref #102).
  • Updated highlighting in Watch windows to not use editor styles.
  • Updated documentation for user settings (ref #113, #55).
  • Updated Monokai color scheme to fix current line color.


  • (dev) FileSysGet has been replaced with FileSysGetRecursive with a different signature.


  • Fixed hiding all panels when switching to Full Screen mode.
  • Fixed loading a non-existing file.
  • Fixed activation of non-existing files/folders in the Project tree.
  • Fixed search results for lines without newline.
  • Fixed Find/Replace in folders with Unicode names (fixes #147); improved performance.
  • Fixed Un/Comment commands executed for empty lines.
  • Fixed fold/unfold for files starting with block/comment.
  • Fixed history after activating non-existing file in Recent Files.
  • Fixed scrolling to restored cursor position on OSX (when usewrap = false).
  • Fixed Find/Replace dialog to take Enter on OSX (fixes #140).
  • Fixed 'breaking' after executing OUT command that never reaches the target level.
  • Fixed stopping at a breakpoint at the initial line when startwith option is specified.
  • Fixed activation of a file loaded into active tab.
  • Fixed incorrect tab activation on OSX after using 'Open File'.
  • Fixed editor activation when file is loaded into an existing tab.
  • Fixed an error after opening non-existing file from 'Recent Files'.
  • Fixed blocking on reading app output without processing other events.
  • Fixed an issue with duplicate lines shown in the editor.
  • Fixed 'Replace All' to take 'Wrap Around' into account (fixes #132).
  • Fixed off-by-one error in searching consecutive matches.
  • Fixed 'Quick Find' not working without current selection (fixes #131).
  • Fixed looping in auto-complete on mistyped class (fixes #130).
  • Fixed compatibility with wx2.8 (thanks to Samuel Dionne-Riel; closes #128).
  • Fixed replacement logic in Find/Replace that could replace selected fragment (ref #127).
  • Fixed an error caused by allowing multiple Search/Replace windows (fixes #127).

v0.361 (Apr 12 2013)


  • Added handling of Ctrl-Home and Ctrl-End on OSX (ref #89).
  • Added line copy/cut for Ctrl-C/Ctrl-X with no selection.
  • Updated About screen to be more configurable and flexible.
  • Updated Russian translation (thanks to toiffel).


  • Fixed launch command for Corona debugging on Windows.
  • Fixed 'control' check on OSX that changed with wx2.9.2+ (ref #89).
  • Fixed wrong tab activated on OSX after using New file in some cases.
  • Fixed cursor not being visible in some cases after file is loaded (ref #116).

v0.36 (Apr 08 2013)


  • Added 32bit and 64bit Linux binaries.
  • Enabled full debugging for Corona on OSX.
  • Improved debugger performance.
  • Improved performance of tab and project switching.
  • Added multiple selection and multi-cursor editing.
  • Made Stack and Watch windows dockable and toggleable.

Special thanks

  • To toiffel for build improvements and continuous work on wxwidgets 2.9 and Linux support.
  • To Marcel van Herk for testing and feedback on Stack and Watch windows behavior.
  • To Leo Bartoloni for Italian translation update.
  • To Fringale for updated French translation.
  • To neomantra for adding cdata processing in the serializer.


  • Added handling of case-insensitive filenames on OSX.
  • Added cdata processing (thanks to neomantra).
  • Added universal binaries for luasocket on OSX to allow debugging of 64bit applications (for example, LuaJIT) on OSX.
  • Added update of Stack and Watch windows after 'Debugging suspended' message.
  • Added toggling for View menu items.
  • Added auto-show/hide Stack and Watch windows during debugging (closes #110).
  • Added ignoring -psn... parameter on OSX when reading file names from command line.
  • Added migration of configuration file on Windows (helps #89).
  • Added check for different spellings of the same folder in the project tree.
  • Added scripts to install build prerequisites on Linux (helps #89).
  • Added linux binaries with support for x86 and x64 (helps #89).
  • Added window list button to the notepad with editor tabs.
  • Added centering of current line during debugging.
  • Added multiple selection and multi-cursor editing (wx2.9.5+).
  • Added dll proxy to make LfW libraries to work with the IDE.
  • Disabled showing 'value' in auto-complete after 'a:' (helps #101).
  • Enabled full debugging for Corona on OSX.
  • Improved debugging performance.
  • Improved performance of tab switching and project tree population.
  • Improved handling of upvalues with __tostring method in the Stack window.
  • Increased default font size for OSX; set 'Monaco' as default font (helps #89).
  • Made stack and watch windows dockable (closes #103).
  • Optimized project switching and added notebook freezing where possible (ref #89).
  • Reduced flicker in the project tree when a file is opened (ref #89).
  • Removed binary libraries not currently used.
  • Set 'Courier New' as the default font on Linux (ref #89).
  • Switched to 'native' menu on OSX and added 24x24 icons required (helps #89).
  • Updated Italian translation (thanks to Leo Bartoloni)
  • Updated 'method' type in auto-complete to only allow a:b syntax (closes #101).
  • Updated language files (es, it, ru) with new messages (ref #70).
  • Updated French translation with latest string changes, fixed a few typos (thanks to Fringale).
  • Updated Stack and Watch window to not refresh when not visible.
  • Upgraded Mobdebug (0.5222) to add serialization with metamethods and notification on incomplete output (closes #109).
  • Updated error messages from loading configuration files.
  • Updated Linux binaries to use libpng 1.6 with wxwidgets (helps #89).
  • Updated Windows/OSX build files to only build components needed (helps #89).
  • Updated windows executable to show properly scaled icons in the Explorer.
  • Updated status bar to use no border around fields.
  • Updated large icons for "native" toolbar on OSX (helps #89).
  • Updated function call indicator to use round box with wxwidgets upgrade (helps #89).
  • Updated handling of markdown styles to make it more robust (fixes #59).
  • Updated README with Marmalade Quick support and Corona tutorial.


  • Configuration file (.ini) location has changed on Windows. The current file will be copied to the new location.
  • The debugger now stops on the next executable line after .start() call.


  • Fixed activating files in the project tree on a case insensitive system.
  • Fixed the Stack view being partially hidden when the root item is too wide (ref #110).
  • Fixed left side of the project panel being hidden when a file is activated (fixes #122).
  • Fixed breakpoint not firing on the first executable line in debugging (helps #121).
  • Fixed terminating debugging of an empty script.
  • Fixed reporting of initial line during debugging.
  • Fixed editor tab activation after closing another tab on Linux (ref #89).
  • Fixed 'Show tooltip' shortcut not working on Linux (fixes #118; ref #89).
  • Fixed cursor position being incorrectly restored (fixes #116; ref #89).
  • Fixed a warning about empty project directory in local console.
  • Fixed an issue with Enter used to select an item in project dropdown (ref #89).
  • Fixed an issue with the Project tree when project and app directories are the same.
  • Fixed debugger output not being suppressed on Linux and using wlua.
  • Fixed a static analyzer issue with anonymous functions defined in expressions (fixes #3).

v0.35 (Feb 10 2013)


  • Added support for debugging Lua 5.2 scripts.
  • Added support for cross-platform remote debugging.
  • Added support for starting Gideros on-device debugging.
  • Added support for live coding, script reloading, and coroutine debugging under LuaJIT.
  • Added Marmalade Quick support.
  • Added live-coding for Corona interpreter.
  • Added editor tab popup menu with 'Close All', 'Close Other', and other items.

Special thanks

  • To Roland Yonaba and Fringale for updates to French translation.
  • To Fringale for enhanced line-endings handling.
  • To toiffel for build improvements, continuous work on wxwidgets 2.9 support, and several patches.
  • To Andy Bower for the stream of feedback on live coding and on-device debugging.


  • Added debugger.runonstart option to configure if debugging should run immediately after starting.
  • Added editor.checkeol option to configure checking for eol encoding in loaded files.
  • Added Marmalade Quick support.
  • Added support for starting Gideros on-device debugging.
  • Added requesting user attention when stopped during debugging.
  • Added example for defaulteol configuration option.
  • Added configuration option for compact folding (editor.).
  • Added support for cross-platform remote debugging.
  • Added support for script reloading and coroutine debugging under LuaJIT (MobDebug 0.514).
  • Added Russian translation for new messages.
  • Added handling of malformed UTF8 characters in files (fixes #97).
  • Added support for debugging Lua 5.2 scripts.
  • Added workaround for Moai require path issue (fixes #96; fixes #87).
  • Added editor tab popup menu with 'Close All', 'Close Other', and other items.
  • Added C/CPP specification file and a configuration example.
  • Added XCode-like key mapping.
  • Added removing of file: prefix and url decoding of filepaths (helps #89).
  • Added a workaround for returning incorrect project folder (helps #89).
  • Adjusted handling of filepath to work with relative and absolute paths (helps #89).
  • Enabled live-coding for Corona interpreter.
  • Improved line-endings handling (Fringale).
  • Improved reporting of stack and serialization run-time errors.
  • Updated Gideros interpreter to run debugging immediately after starting; Use debugger.runonstart = false to disable.
  • Updated Linux startup script to use online versions of wxlua packages (deb files).
  • Updated handling of file: prefix as it's different on Windows and OSX (helps #89).
  • Updated messages in the starter script.
  • Updated function call parsing to recognize "func{}" and "func''" syntax.
  • Updated os.exit() call in local console to exit gracefully.
  • Updated French translation with various fixes and tweaks (Fringale).
  • Updated French translation with newly added strings (Fringale).
  • Updated 'Close page' and its translations.
  • Updated configuration examples and documentation (helps #55).
  • Updated the size of the function list dropdown on Windows (helps #89).
  • Typos fixes, small changes in French translation (Roland Yonaba).


  • Gideros debugging is changed to start immediately; use debugger.runonstart = false to disable.
  • Removed mosync support from the debugger into a separate module.
  • Added mixed end-of-line reporting; use editor.checkeol = false to disable.
  • Added reporting of malformed UTF-8.


  • Fixed a rare crash on OSX when closing IDE with an application running under debugger.
  • Fixed path handling for metalua to avoid conflicts with other modules that may include lexer.lua file.
  • Fixed executing commands in the Remote console immediately after mobdebug.start() (closes #100).
  • Fixed invalid escape sequence that fails under LuaJIT.
  • Fixed an issue with spec files when a separator (sep) is not specified.

v0.34 (Dec 12 2012)


  • Added internationalization support (with Russian, Italian, Spanish, and French translations).
  • Added key binding configuration for menu and toolbar items.
  • Added Corona SDK integration with debugging and auto-complete.
  • Added Moai scratchpad support.
  • Added color scheme support with several schemes included.
  • Added GSL-shell support.
  • Added ability to pause and resume scratchpad.

Special thanks

  • To Srdjan Markovic for Corona auto-complete support and Zenburn color scheme.
  • To Roland Yonaba for French translation.
  • To Leo Bartoloni for Italian translation.
  • To Inigo Sola for Spanish translation.
  • To toiffel for Russian translation and several patches.
  • To Fringale for spec and API files cleanup and update for Lua 5.2.
  • To Marcel van Herk for assistance with scratchpad break/resume functionality.


  • Added an option to specify the width of the calltip.
  • Added showing short descriptions in tooltip for functions without lib/package.
  • Added 'Project Directory' menu.
  • Added ability to pause scratchpad when the script is completed (closes #83).
  • Added ability to pause and resume scratchpad.
  • Added GSL-shell support (closes #72).
  • Added more color schemes (Solarized and Monokai).
  • Added customized yield function for debugging (MobDebug v0.508; closes #81).
  • Added proper hiding of current line marker during debugging (except when tracing).
  • Added Corona auto-complete support (thanks to Srdjan Markovic).
  • Added logic to show application windows without explicitly listing their class (closes #80); Windows only.
  • Added Moai scratchpad support.
  • Added missing constants to Moai API.
  • Added setting focus on the window when a file is loaded in the existing instance.
  • Added two more wxwindow window classes to the list of windows to show (Windows).
  • Added scheme picker script to test color schemes from the IDE.
  • Added Zenburn as a color scheme.
  • Added styling for markers and Output/Console windows.
  • Added Italian translation (thanks to Leo Bartoloni).
  • Added Spanish translation (thanks to Inigo Sola).
  • Added reporting of run-time errors from remote processes (helps #73).
  • Added 'tomorrow' color theme.
  • Added redirect of remote 'print' commands for Gideros applications.
  • Added check for 'main.lua' in Corona projects.
  • Added ability to suspend a running application even when there is no editor tab or file to activate.
  • Added serialization of remote 'print' results and an output filter for debugging (helps #73).
  • Added redirect of remote 'print' commands to the Output window in the IDE (helps #73).
  • Added Corona SDK support (closes #73).
  • Added French translation (thanks to Roland Yonaba).
  • Added (more) verbose output to debugger to assist in troubleshooting.
  • Added handling of LUA_DEV to make loading Lua for Windows libraries working out of the box (fixes #71).
  • Added internationalization support (closes #70).
  • Added notes about estrela being gone and compatibility.
  • Added multi-tab support for scratchpad.
  • Added documentation on accelerator/shortcut syntax.
  • Added key map to change key binding for menu and toolbar items from a config file (closes #64).
  • Added hiding IDE while closing and saving configuration.
  • Completed reorganization of front-end processing (closes #67 and #5).
  • Disabled editor autoactivation during debugging when tracing is on.
  • Disabled functions that are not available under Corona on OSX (helps #73).
  • Disabled showing auto-complete when the only option is already typed.
  • Disabled showing a calltip on mouse over when it's already active.
  • Extended list of default folders for interpreters where executables are searched for.
  • Finished Russian translation.
  • Limited auto-showing windows to Lua interpreter only (related to #80).
  • Removed window types from config as they are no longer needed to be listed.
  • Switched to showing short tooltips by default as some of the updated Lua API descriptions are very long.
  • Updated descriptions for io.* functions; moved file:* functions to a pseudo library (f); helps #84.
  • Updated LICENSE to add remdebug license information.
  • Updated tooltip to show shortened descriptions on mouse-over.
  • Updated spec and API files for Lua 5.2 (thanks to Fringale).
  • Updated MobDebug to v0.507 to fix serialization issues (closes #77).
  • Updated style processing to support styling of markup and allow dynamic switching of color schemes.
  • Updated Lua keyword definitions to improve grouping for styling (closes #79).
  • Updated love2d api to an updated version as of 11/1/2012 (fixes #78).


  • The default port in the debugger has been changed from 8171 to 8172 to avoid conflicts with existing RemDebug implementations.


  • Fixed an issue with overlapping auto-complete suggestions.
  • Fixed auto-complete not working after closed brackets.
  • Fixed tooltip being shown when mouse moving outside of the editor area.
  • Fixed a font zooming bug with Ctrl+MouseWheel.
  • Fixed file marking in the project tree after opening a new file.
  • Fixed an issue with breakpoints not available after aborting tracing on Linux/OSX.
  • Fixed an issue with running scratchpad when entry points are configured.
  • Fixed Linux launcher to pass filename parameter to the IDE.
  • Fixed fold style to properly set background color.
  • Fixed an issue with a config file being loaded into the editor when specified in the command line.
  • Fixed an issue with markdown formatting not working after setting styles from a config file (fixes #74).

v0.33 (Oct 22 2012)


  • Added Linux support.
  • Added Moai auto-complete.
  • Added Gideros debugging, auto-complete, and live coding.
  • Added syntax aware indentation.
  • Added re/storing open files and interpreter when switching project folders.

Special thanks

  • To Andy Bower and Atilim Cetin for their assistance with Gideros integration and live coding.
  • To toiffel for Linux/OSX/Windows CMake-based launcher build.
  • To Christoph Kubisch for help with Estrela merge.


  • Added configuration option to specify hostname when the default one is not reachable (fixes #68).
  • Added search for Moai and Love2d executables in default locations on OSX and Windows.
  • Added handling of command line parameters on OSX and Linux; updated documentation.
  • Added auto-recovery to save/restore editor content (fixes #23).
  • Added syntax aware indentation.
  • Added re/storing open files and interpreter when switching project folders.
  • Added auto-activation of files requested during debugging.
  • Added editor.autoactivate parameter (false by default) to enable activation.
  • Added script to run on OSX/Linux; updated permissions (closes #15).
  • Added variable ratio for sliders in scratchpad.
  • Added Linux/OSX/Windows CMake-based launcher build (thanks to toiffel).
  • Added configuration parameter for the number of characters typed before displaying auto-complete suggestions for dynamic words.
  • Added proper closing of the application after Shutdown/Logoff events (fixes #57).
  • Added Moai auto-complete (closes #52).
  • Added hiding auto-complete suggestions on losing focus in the editor.
  • Added proper reporting of errors in the stack window.
  • Added wxlua.deb file and install script that pull and build all required dependencies on Linux (covers most of #15).
  • Added osx executables and build files.
  • Added disabling full screen mode when the last editor tab is closed.
  • Added proper reporting of errors in config files.
  • Added toggling folders in project pane by single click (fixes #41).
  • Added examples for configuring tabs and moai entry points.
  • Added reporting compilation success rate (fixes #39)
  • Added shortcuts for adding and removing watches.
  • Added highlighting rows with updated values in the Watch window.
  • Added 'Add Watch Expression' and 'Evaluate in Console' context menu items in the editor.
  • Added handling of canceling editing in adding a watch.
  • Added Gideros auto-complete and live coding support (closes #62).
  • Added Gideros integration on OSX; added search for gideros in default locations on Windows and OSX.
  • Added Gideros integration and debugging support.
  • Added debugging-related buttons to the toolbar.
  • Improved reporting of compilation and run-time errors when running as scratchpad.
  • Made debugger strict.lua and LuaJIT friendly (upgraded to MobDebug v0.502).
  • Updated configuration example to avoid using ide.spec that is not available (fixes #67).
  • Updated CMake build script to handle wildcards in the MANIFEST.
  • Updated configuring toolbar size to improve Linux compatibility.
  • Updated MobDebug to v0.497 to fix issues and improve performance.
  • Updated a warning message about single instance communication.
  • Updated cpath processing to allow Linux version to run side-by-side with Windows and Mac.
  • Updated licensing information.
  • Enabled scratchpad support in the debugger when interpreter is capable of providing it.
  • Disabled auto-complete in comments and strings.
  • Disabled toggling breakpoints while debugger is running (as they wouldn't be changed anyway).
  • Disabled 'not activated file for debugging' message when auto-activation is disabled.
  • Disabled tooltip when scratchpad is on (fixes #51).
  • Disabled showing calltip when the editor is not in focus.
  • Disabled showing calltip over markup in comments.
  • Disabled 'Run as Scratchpad' in the menu for those intepreters that don't support scratchpad.
  • Updated configuration examples to add editor settings and fix user.lua path.
  • Moved all Estrela features into a separate bundle that can be loaded using cfg/estrela.lua config.
  • Removed multiple file types offered in Save As dialog.


  • Changed searching for user config in '$HOME/.zbstudio' from '$HOME/.zbs'.
  • Temporarily removed the ability to modify spec-related configuration parameters from configuration files.


  • Fixed opening a non-existing file from the Recent Files list.
  • Fixed Find/Replace dialog checkboxes that didn't react to clicks on OSX (fixes #63).
  • Fixed an auto-complete issue with mixed case dynamic words (fixes #60).
  • Fixed 'Trying to solve a NULL hostname' warning message.
  • Fixed a typo that prevented a corner case in autocomplete from working.
  • Fixed inconsistent error messages about various config files.
  • Fixed an issue with auto-complete when dot or colon is used (fixes #56).
  • Fixed an issue with debugging scripts started using absolute file path.
  • Fixed setting working directory for interpreters to the file path when the project directory is not set.
  • Fixed an issue with Backspace not closing auto-complete suggestions.
  • Fixed enabling items in the Edit menu (fixes #56).
  • Fixed function list in the toolbar on Mac (helps #14).
  • Fixed deleting of comment blocks with hidden markup (fixes #40).
  • Fixed an issue with function list when all editor tabs are closed.
  • Fixed multiple calltips shown on Linux (helps #15).
  • Fixed an issue with mouse cursor in scratchpad not properly updated on Linux (fixes #49; helps #15).
  • Fixed an issue with static analyzer that failes on function names like a.b.c (fixes #50).
  • Fixed disabling Paste menu on Linux when needed (fixes #46; helps #15).
  • Fixed an issue with context menu on Linux (fixes #47; helps #15).
  • Fixed debugger failure when debugging is initiated externally and there is an unsaved file in one of editor tabs.
  • Fixed stopping the debugger when an editor tab where debugging happens is closed.
  • Fixed enabling of several menu items with no editor tab (fixes #42).
  • Fixed an issue with loading stock icons on Linux.
  • Fixed Cut/Copy menu items to reflect proper status in the editor.
  • Fixed typo in the static analyzer output.
  • Resolved conflict between lua executable names on Windows and Mac.

v0.32 (Sep 03 2012)


  • Added Unicode support for file encoding and file paths on Windows (fixes #30).
  • Added Moai integration and debugging (including debugging of Moai threads and callbacks).
  • Added refresh of Stack and Watch windows after executing a statement in remote shell.
  • Added display of complex values on multiple lines in shell with '='.
  • Added calltip on mouseover for functions during editing and for variables/expressions during debugging.
  • Added configuration options to set paths to lua and love2d executables.
  • Added support for coroutine debugging with stepping through coroutine.resume/.yield calls.
  • Updated wx.dll to wxlua and wxwidgets 2.8.12.
  • Signed zbstudio app and executable to avoid issues with files not being saved without admin privileges and to remove warning about 'unknown publisher' on windows (fixes #25).


  • Added calltip on mouseover for functions during editing and for variables/expressions during debugging.
  • Added an IO filter to fix an issue with 0d0d0a line endings on Windows.
  • Added support for debugging moai callbacks (upgraded to mobdebug v0.489).
  • Added refresh of Stack and Watch windows to show updated values after executing a statement in remote shell.
  • Added display of complex values on multiple lines in shell with '='.
  • Added rockspec to the list of extensions for lua (fixes #37).
  • Added a check to avoid evaluating keywords in tooltip.
  • Added current interpreter to the status bar; adding closing debugger when the interpreter is changed.
  • Added aborting scratchpad processing when an interpreter can't start or report a fatal error.
  • Added support for unicode path files on Windows (fixes #30).
  • Added an option to set path to lua executable.
  • Added error handler to trap and display debugger errors.
  • Added search in PATH for love2d executable.
  • Added a workaround for GetExecutablePath() reporting 'wx.dll' instead of a proper exe name with wxlua on Windows.
  • Added reporting of function name of the form a.b and a:b in static analysis (fixes #27).
  • Added ability for user to keep their settings file in their home directory.
  • Added per user settings file. Users can now move their settings file to ~/.zbs/user.lua.
  • Added ignoring Cmd-key combinations on Mac as this should be handled by wxwidgets, but is not (fixes #19).
  • Added support for coroutine debugging with stepping through coroutine.resume/.yield calls.
  • Changed reporting of program execution time from CPU time to user time.
  • Changed the call to unhide windows to the async version (ShowWindowAsync) to avoid blocking the IDE when the application doesn't respond.
  • Upgraded to wxlua (wxwidgets 2.8.12; unicode version); added lua51.dll proxy (fixes #10 and #7).
  • Updated love2d interpreter to use the project folder to check for main.lua.
  • Updated test module to use stringified values for comparison.
  • Updated status bar style to make it consistent across platforms.
  • Removed .bak files from being replaced in when backup copies are saved.
  • Removed explicit path conversions and comparisons.
  • Refactored LUA_PATH/CPATH processing to set it for all interpreters.
  • Signed zbstudio app and executable to avoid issues with files not being saved without admin privileges and to remove warning about 'unknown publisher' on windows (fixes #25).


  • Reassigned hotkeys in the Project menu to minimize conflicts on Mac (reassigned Shift-F12 and F11).


  • Fixed an issue with double click on analylsis results being out-of-sync when the editor switched to another file (fixes #38)
  • Fixed an issue with debugger not activating files with relative path information.
  • Fixed 'break' command to work after coming from debugger calls (like on()).
  • Fixed an issue with highlighting selected item in the project tree.
  • Fixed evaluation of foo:bar in tooltip (now evaluates as
  • Fixed debugger termination after internal errors.
  • Fixed activating current file in the project tree on Mac (closes #29).
  • Fixed running scripts with single quotes in path names.
  • Fixed an issue with Run/Debug commands when IDE path includes exclamation mark ('!').
  • Fixed an issue with the app not starting on those systems that don't have HOME environment variable; fixes #28.
  • Fixed an issue with showing/hiding GUI windows that was occasionally causing a runtime error when the window disappears before it is manipulated.
  • Fixed returning proper name for unsaved files in reporting compilation and static analysis results; moved default names to ide.config (fixes #26).
  • Fixed pasting text into the Find dialog and project path box on Mac (fixes #22).
  • Fixed handling of dashes in paths (upgraded to mobdebug 0.479).
  • Reorganized handling of automcomplete event (to use AddPendingEvent instead of PostEvent) to avoid runtime application error.

v0.31 (Jul 14 2012)


  • Added scratchpad support for love2d.
  • Added tooltip to display variable/expression values during debugging.
  • Added MacOS support.


  • Added handling of balanced brackets in markup links.
  • Added unit test module.
  • Added reporting the number of traced lines during debugging.
  • Added setting of PATH and CPATH to find proper libs on windows and mac os platforms.
  • Added scratchpad support for love2d.
  • Added reset of 'modified' status to keep tab names and their config settings correct upon exit.
  • Added window title update and filetree refresh after SaveAs command.
  • Added tooltip to display variable/expression values during debugging.
  • Made 'View Stack Window' and 'View Watch Window' refresh window content if it's already shown.
  • Removed setting the editor font in the config as the default font is different on different platforms.
  • Removed extension from the template to match folders to make it more portable.
  • Reorganized handling of font configuration and added font config for filetree (with a different size default on MacOS).
  • Updated matching logic for function definitions to allow for a.b.c() definitions (fixes #17).


  • Fixed markup styling and file tree drawing on MacOS.
  • Fixed detecting executable name in commands with spaces.
  • Fixed incorrect folders reported in the file tree when no project directory is set and a file is open.
  • Fixed incorrect filename reported in compile errors when the file is not saved.
  • Fixed refresh of filetree on MacOS to get it displayed correctly when the app is started.
  • Fixed an error thrown when a window with debugging is closed before the application being debugged is terminated.
  • Fixed incorrect storing of settings for editor tabs with the same text (filename). This was causing only one tab displayed for multiple StyledText controls with interesting effects.
  • Fixed an issue with launching a process when its output is not redirected to the IDE (fixes #16).
  • Fixed console to evaluate 'function a() ... end' without errors.
  • Fixed a compilation error caused by shebang in scripts.
  • Fixed an issue with love2d path with spaces.
  • Corrected resetting of project directory when it's already set and doesn't need to be changed.
  • Added checks around ShowFullScreen() calls to avoid failures on those systems that don't provide it (linux/GTK).
  • Added check for debugger calls to avoid errors when debugger is not loaded.
  • Updated matching of links to make them less greedy (to avoid capturing link terminators).
  • Upgraded deprecated constants and logic for compatibility with wxwidgets 2.9.x.
  • Reset project directory if the current one doesn't exist.
  • Removed styling of function calls and capturing definitions in strings and comments (fixed #18).
  • Removed setting focus to the Output window when output is processed as it interfered with Run as Scratchpad.

v0.30 (Jun 27 2012)


  • Added love2d support.
  • Added auto complete for love2d API.
  • Added support for debugging processes running under LuaJIT.
  • Added display of hierarchical data in Stack window.
  • Added pretty printing in Watch and Console (local and remote) windows and handling of multiple results in Console.
  • Added Stack window to display stack information and local/upvalue values for each stack frame.
  • Added ability to interact with scripts by allowing text to be entered in the 'Output' window.


  • Added love2d support.
  • Added auto complete for love2d API.
  • Added support for debugging processes running under LuaJIT.
  • Added display of hierarchical data in Stack window.
  • Added execution time and updated messages in the Output window to be more consistent.
  • Added displaying 'nil' values in local console when no result is returned by an expression.
  • Added a check to refuse starting a new debugging session if there is one in progress already.
  • Added handling of tail calls in the Stack window.
  • Added pretty printing in Watch and Console (local and remote) windows and handling of multiple results in Console.
  • Added Stack window to display stack information and local/upvalue values for each stack frame.
  • Added ability to set font encoding in the config.
  • Added restoring cursor position when a modified file is reloaded in the editor.
  • Added ability to interact with scripts by allowing text to be entered in the 'Output' window.
  • Improved logic in love2d integration to distinguish Debug and Run commands (closes #13).
  • Improved reporting in static analysis for functions and global variables.
  • Updated menus to avoid conflicts with MacOS shortcuts.
  • Updated logic creating menubar to make it work correctly on MacOS with special Help/About items.
  • Updated path handling to better detect how the app is started and to avoid loading dlls on non-windows platforms.
  • Updated logic for detecting hostname (used in the debugger) to make sure it is resolvable.
  • Changed order of lualibs/ and bin/ directories in package.path and package.cpath to load included modules first.
  • Removed extensions from launch commands and updated display logic in the Output window.


  • Fixed aborting running/debugged programs on MacOS by adding MAKE_GROUP_LEADER option to wxExecute.
  • Fixed an issue in the logic for setting breakpoints, which ignored breakpoints in luxinia2 debug sessions.
  • Fixed logic in the local/remote console that returned incorrect error message on executing code like '%s':format(1).
  • Fixed IDs for Project menu items to allow them to be removed from the menu if needed.
  • Fixed an issue with remote application not terminating when IDE is closed while debugging is in progress.
  • Fixed refreshing a modified file when the editor is set to read-only mode.
  • Fixed saving/restoring configuration of 'Output'/'Console' tabs when IDE is closed while debugging is in progress.
  • Fixed removing variable name in Watch window after escaping editing.
  • Fixed #9 as it had incorrect logic in one of UTF filters.
  • Fixed edit menu shortcuts to work in the 'Output' window (when allowed).
  • Fixed reporting of processes that failed to start after 'Run' or 'Debug' commands.
  • Fixed executable path matching to work on systems that don't have file extensions.
  • Fixed #3 'unused parameter...' check not to fail on anonymous functions that are part of an expression.
  • Moved processing of user.lua to a later phase after tools and specs are already loaded to allow modification of IDE configuration from user.lua. Closes #5.
  • Added checks to prevent text modification in 'Output' and 'Console' windows. Fixes #8.
  • Disabled 'Run as Scratchpad' if there is no debugger registered capable of running it.
  • Disabled Stack and Watch updates when scratchpad is active as they interfere with application execution.

v0.29 (May 31 2012)


  • Added scratchpad (running live) functionality.
  • Added code analyzer based on lua-inspect.
  • Updated comment styling to follow markdown syntax.


  • Added scratchpad (running live) functionality.
  • Added code analyzer based on lua-inspect.
  • Added Ctrl(-Shift)-TAB navigation between tabs in the editor.
  • Added navigation between editor tabs using Ctrl-PgUp and Ctrl-PgDn.
  • Added reporting of assignment to global variables in the code analyzer.
  • Added ability to turn external processes that connect to debugger into a scratchpad.
  • Added exit from full screen mode using ESC key.
  • Added reporting of compilation errors during debugging sessions.
  • Added handling of more errors in the shell to allow calculations like '(1+2)' to be executed correctly.
  • Added moving focus back to the notebook after unhiding/activating a wx window.
  • Added missing mime/code.dll and reorganized socket module files (socket.*) to load correctly with require.
  • Added stopping the debugger when a debugged program exits.
  • Added to static analysis reporting of unused parameters in functions.
  • Disabled warning in static analysis about unused 'self' in methods.
  • Removed 'error during pre-compilation' message from compile errors.
  • Updated comment styling to follow markdown syntax.


  • Fixed handling of scripts with comments in the remote shell.
  • Fixed an issue with Analyze process when the analyzed script has compilation errors.
  • Fixed an issue with scratchpad being on after Save dialog is canceled.
  • Fixed about screen.

v0.28 (Mar 21 2012)


  • Added full screen mode.


  • Added option to activate output/console when Run/Debug/Compile commands are executed.
  • Added full screen mode.
  • Added killing a running process on IDE exit.
  • Added killing a running process with Shift-F12.
  • Disabled buffering of the output for scripts run from IDE.


  • Fixed 'Trace' command to continue working when a debugged file is not activated.
  • Fixed an issue with saving a file when no project directory is set.
  • Fixed missing semicolon in lualibs path; added path for debugger to search under lualibs.
  • Fixed an issue with a missing path separator, which prevented debugging from executing step commands in some cases.
  • Fixed missing slash on SaveAs by enforcing trailing slash for the project path.

v0.27 (Feb 14 2012)


  • Added markup formatting in the comments.


  • Added markup formatting in the comments.
  • Added Debug and Run methods to simulate menu commands.
  • Added setting a project folder on initial start.
  • Added style processing for font name, font size, visibility and hotspot attributes.
  • Added setting the current project directory for the shell to allow 'require' commands to work with local modules.
  • Updated markup processing with run and debug commands, http link processing, and opening local files in a new window.
  • Enforced visibility for shell prompt.


  • Fixed activation of a correct tab when one of the editor tabs is closed.
  • Fixed an issue with file activation from a debugger.
  • Fixed the issue of ClosePage method being called with two different parameters.
  • Fixed the issue of the project dir being returned with two trailing slashes.
  • Fixed an issue with activating the currenly edited file in the file tree.
  • Wrapped DragAcceptFiles into a protected call to make it not fail on MacOS (compiled with wxwidgets 2.8.12).

v0.26 (Jan 18 2012)