Andros Fenollosa 892d89c7f1 Order files
2016-11-12 12:27:08 +01:00

278 lines
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-- authors: Luxinia Dev (Eike Decker & Christoph Kubisch)
-- function helpers
local function fn (description)
local description2,returns,args = description:match("(.+)%-%s*(%b())%s*(%b())")
if not description2 then
return {type="function",description=description,
return {type="function",description=description2,
returns=returns:gsub("^%s+",""):gsub("%s+$",""), args = args}
local function val (description)
return {type="value",description = description}
-- docs
local api = {
radians = fn "converts degrees to radians - (vecN)(vecN)",
degrees = fn "converts radians to degrees - (vecN)(vecN)",
sin = fn "returns sine of scalars and vectors. - (vecN)(vecN)",
sinh = fn "returns hyperbolic sine of scalars and vectors. - (vecN)(vecN)",
cos = fn "returns cosine of scalars and vectors. - (vecN)(vecN)",
cosh = fn "returns hyperbolic cosine of scalars and vectors. - (vecN)(vecN)",
atan = fn "returns arc tangent of scalars and vectors. - (vecN)([vecN y_over_x ]/[vecN y, vecN x])",
asin = fn "returns arc sine of scalars and vectors. - (vecN)(vecN)",
acos = fn "returns arc cosine of scalars and vectors. - (vecN)(vecN)",
atan = fn "returns arc tangent of scalars and vectors. - (vecN)(vecN)",
tan = fn "returns tangent of scalars and vectors. - (vecN)(vecN)",
tanh = fn "returns hyperbolic tangent of scalars and vectors. - (vecN)(vecN)",
acosh = fn "returns hyperbolic arc cosine of scalars and vectors. - (vecN)(vecN)",
asinh = fn "returns hyperbolic arc sine of scalars and vectors. - (vecN)(vecN)",
atanh = fn "returns hyperbolic arc tangent of scalars and vectors. - (vecN)(vecN)",
exp = fn "returns the base-e exponential of scalars and vectors. - (vecN)(vecN)",
exp2 = fn "returns the base-2 exponential of scalars and vectors. - (vecN)(vecN)",
log = fn "returns the natural logarithm of scalars and vectors. - (vecN)(vecN)",
log2 = fn "returns the base-2 logarithm of scalars and vectors. - (vecN)(vecN)",
pow = fn "returns x to the y-th power of scalars and vectors. - (vecN)(vecN x, y)",
sqrt = fn "returns square root of scalars and vectors. - (vecN)(vecN)",
inversesqrt = fn "returns inverse square root of scalars and vectors. - (vecN)(vecN)",
abs = fn "returns absolute value of scalars and vectors. - (vecN)(vecN)",
sign = fn "returns sign (1 or -1) of scalar or each vector component. - (vecN)(vecN)",
floor = fn "returns largest integer not greater than a scalar or each vector component. - (vecN)(vecN)",
ceil = fn "returns smallest integer not less than a scalar or each vector component. - (vecN)(vecN)",
trunc = fn "returns largest integer not greater than a scalar or each vector component. - (vecN)(vecN)",
round = fn "returns the rounded value of scalars or vectors. - (vecN)(vecN a)",
roundEven = fn "returns the nearest even integer value of scalars or vectors. - (vecN)(vecN a)",
fract = fn "returns the fractional portion of a scalar or each vector component. - (vecN)(vecN)",
mod = fn "modulus - (vecN)(vecN x, y)",
modf = fn "separate integer and fractional parts. - (vecN)(vecN x, out vecN i)",
max = fn "returns the maximum of two scalars or each respective component of two vectors. - (vecN)(vecN a, b)",
min = fn "returns the minimum of two scalars or each respective component of two vectors. - (vecN)(vecN a, b)",
mix = fn "returns linear interpolation of two scalars or vectors based on a weight. - (vecN)(vecN a, b, weight)",
step = fn "implement a step function returning either zero or one (x >= edge). - (vecN)(vecN edge, x)",
isinf = fn "test whether or not a scalar or each vector component is infinite. - (boolN)(vecN)",
isnan = fn "test whether or not a scalar or each vector component is not-a-number. - (boolN)(vecN)",
clamp = fn "returns x clamped to the range [a,b]. - (vecN)(vecN x, a, b)",
smoothstep = fn "clip and smooth blend [a,b]. - (vecN)(vecN a, b, x)",
floatBitsToInt = fn "returns the 32-bit integer representation of an IEEE 754 floating-point scalar or vector - (uintN/intN)(floatN)",
intBitsToFloat = fn "returns the float value corresponding to a given bit represention.of a scalar int value or vector of int values. - (floatN)(intN)",
uintBitsToFloat = fn "returns the float value corresponding to a given bit represention.of a scalar int value or vector of int values. - (floatN)(uintN)",
doubleBitsToInt64 = fn "returns the 64-bit integer representation of an IEEE 754 double precision floating-point scalar or vector - (int64N)(doubleN)",
doubleBitsToUint64 = fn "returns the 64-bit integer representation of an IEEE 754 double precision floating-point scalar or vector - (uint64N)(doubleN)",
int64BitsToDouble = fn "returns the double value corresponding to a given bit represention.of a scalar int value or vector of int values. - (doubleN)(uint64N)",
uint64BitsToDouble = fn "returns the double value corresponding to a given bit represention.of a scalar int value or vector of int values. - (doubleN)(uint64N)",
fma = fn "return a*b + c, treated as single operation when using precise - (vecN a, vecN b, vecN c)",
frexp = fn "splits scalars and vectors into normalized fraction [0.5,1.0) and a power of 2. - (vecN)(vecN x, out vecN e)",
ldexp = fn "build floating point number from x and the corresponding integral exponen of 2 in exp. - (vecN)(vecN x, exp)",
packUnorm2x16 = fn "Converts each comp. of v into 16-bit ints, packs results into the returned 32-bit uint. - (uint)(vec2 v)",
packUnorm4x8 = fn "Converts each comp. of v into 8-bit ints, packs results into the returned 32-bit uint. - (uint)(vec4 v)",
packSnorm4x8 = fn "Converts each comp. of v into 8-bit ints, packs results into the returned 32-bit uint. - (uint)(vec4 v)",
packDouble2x32 = fn "Packs components of v into a 64-bit value and returns a double-prec value. - (double)(uvec2 v)",
packHalf2x16 = fn "Converts each comp. of v into 16-bit half float, packs results into the returned 32-bit uint. - (uint)(vec2 v)",
packInt2x32 = fn "Packs two 32 bit into one 64-bit value. - (int64_t)(ivec2)",
packUint2x32 = fn "Packs two 32 bit into one 64-bit value. - (uint64_t)(uvec2)",
packFloat2x16 = fn "returns an unsigned integer obtained by interpreting the components of a two-component 16-bit floating-point as integers and packing them into 32 bit. - (uint)(f16vec2 v)",
unpackUnorm2x16 = fn "Unpacks 32-bit p into two 16-bit uints and converts them to normalized float. - (vec2)(uint p)",
unpackUnorm4x8 = fn "Unpacks 32-bit p into four 8-bit uints and converts them to normalized float. - (vec4)(uint p)",
unpackSnorm4x8 = fn "Unpacks 32-bit p into four 8-bit uints and converts them to normalized float. - (vec4)(uint p)",
unpackDouble2x32 = fn "Returns a 2 component vector representation of v. - (uvec2)(double v)",
unpackHalf2x16 = fn "Interprets p as two 16-bit half floats and returns them as vector. - (vec2)(uint p)",
unpackInt2x32 = fn "Unpacks 64-bit into two 32-bit values. - (ivec2)(int64_t)",
unpackUint2x32 = fn "Unpacks 64-bit into two 32-bit values. - (uvec2)(uint64_t)",
unpackFloat2x16 = fn "returns a two-component vector with 16-bit floating-point components obtained by unpacking a 32-bit unsigned integer into a pair of 16-bit values. - (f16vec2)(uint)",
length = fn "return scalar Euclidean length of a vector. - (type)(vecN)",
distance = fn "return the Euclidean distance between two points. - (vecN)(vecN a, b)",
dot = fn "returns the scalar dot product of two vectors. - (type)(vecN a, b)",
cross = fn "returns the cross product of two three-component vectors. - (type3)(type3 a, b)",
normalize = fn "Returns the normalized version of a vector, meaning a vector in the same direction as the original vector but with a Euclidean length of one. - (vecN)(vecN)",
reflect = fn "returns the reflectiton vector given an incidence vector and a normal vector. - (vecN)(vecN incidence, normal)",
refract = fn "computes a refraction vector. - (vecN)(vecN incidence, normal, type eta)",
faceforward = fn "returns a normal as-is if a vertex's eye-space position vector points in the opposite direction of a geometric normal, otherwise return the negated version of the normal. - (vecN)(vecN Nperturbated, Incident, Ngeometric)",
determinant = fn "returns the scalar determinant of a square matrix. - (float)(matN)",
transpose = fn "returns transpose matrix of a matrix. - (matNxM)(matMxN)",
inverse = fn "returns inverse matrix of a matrix. - (matN)(mat)",
matrixCompMult = fn "component-wise multiply. - (mat)(mat a, b)",
outerProduct = fn "outer product. - (matNxM)(vecM c, vecN r)",
all = fn "returns true if a boolean scalar or all components of a boolean vector are true. - (bool)(boolN)",
any = fn "returns true if a boolean scalar or any component of a boolean vector is true. - (bool)(boolN)",
["not"] = fn "returns logical complement. - (boolN)(boolN)",
lessThan = fn "returns retusult of component-wise comparison. - (boolN)(vecN a,b)",
lessThanEqual = fn "returns retusult of component-wise comparison. - (boolN)(vecN a,b)",
greaterThan = fn "returns retusult of component-wise comparison. - (boolN)(vecN a,b)",
greaterThanEqual = fn "returns retusult of component-wise comparison. - (boolN)(vecN a,b)",
equal = fn "returns retusult of component-wise comparison. - (boolN)(vecN a,b)",
notEqual = fn "returns retusult of component-wise comparison. - (boolN)(vecN a,b)",
uaddCarry = fn "Adds 32-bit uintx and y, returning the sum modulo 2^32. - (uintN)(uintN x, y, out carry)",
usubBorrow = fn "Subtracts y from x, returning the difference if non-negative otherwise 2^32 plus the difference. - (uint)(uint x, y, out borrow)",
umulExtended = fn "Multiplies 32-bit integers x and y producing 64-bit result. (uintN)(uintN x, y, out msb, out lsb)",
imulExtended = fn "Multiplies 32-bit integers x and y producing 64-bit result. (intN)(intN x, y, out msb, out lsb)",
bitfieldExtract = fn "Extracts bits (offset, offset + bits -1) from value and returns them in lsb of result. - (intN)(intN value, int offset, int bits)",
bitfieldInsert = fn "Returns the insertion the bits lsb of insert into base. - (intN)(intN base insert, int offset, int bits)",
bitfieldReverse = fn "Returns the reversal of the bits. - (intN)(intN)",
bitCount = fn "returns the number of bits set to 1. - (intN)(intN)",
findLSB = fn "returns bit number of lsb. - (intN)(intN)",
findMSB = fn "returns bit number of msb. - (intN)(intN)",
discard = fn "conditionally (<0) kill a pixel before output. - ()(vecN)",
dFdx = fn "returns approximate partial derivative with respect to window-space X. - (vecN)(vecN)",
dFdxCoarse = fn "returns approximate partial derivative with respect to window-space X. - (vecN)(vecN)",
dFdxFine = fn "returns approximate partial derivative with respect to window-space X. - (vecN)(vecN)",
dFdy = fn "returns approximate partial derivative with respect to window-space Y. - (vecN)(vecN)",
dFdyCoarse = fn "returns approximate partial derivative with respect to window-space Y. - (vecN)(vecN)",
dFdyFine = fn "returns approximate partial derivative with respect to window-space Y. - (vecN)(vecN)",
fwidth = fn "returns abs sum of approximate window-space partial derivatives magnitudes. - (vecN)(vecN)",
fwidthFine = fn "returns abs sum of approximate window-space partial derivatives magnitudes. - (vecN)(vecN)",
fwidthCoarse = fn "returns abs sum of approximate window-space partial derivatives magnitudes. - (vecN)(vecN)",
interpolateAtCentroid = fn "Return value of interpolant sampled inside pixel and the primitive. - (floatN)(floatN)",
interpolateAtSample = fn "Return value of interpolant at the location fo sample. - (floatN)(floatN, int sample)",
interpolateAtOffset = fn "Return value of interpolant sampled at fixed offset offset from pixel center. - (floatN)(floatN, vec2 offset)",
noise1 = fn "returns noise value. - (float)(float)",
noise2 = fn "returns noise value. - (vec2)(float)",
noise3 = fn "returns noise value. - (vec3)(float)",
noise4 = fn "returns noise value. - (vec4)(float)",
EmitStreamVertex = fn "Emits values of the output variables of the current output primitive stream. - ()(int stream)",
EndStreamPrimitive = fn "Completes current output primitive stream and starts a new one. - ()(int stream)",
EmitVertex= fn "Emits values of the output variable of the current output primitive. - ()()",
EndPrimitive = fn "Completes current output primitive and starts a new one. - ()()",
barrier = fn "Synchronizes across shader invocations. - ()()",
memoryBarrier = fn "control ordering of memory transactions issued by shader thread. - ()()",
memoryBarrierAtomicCounter = fn "control ordering of memory transactions issued by shader thread. - ()()",
memoryBarrierShared = fn "control ordering of memory transactions issued by shader thread. - ()()",
memoryBarrierBuffer = fn "control ordering of memory transactions issued by shader thread. - ()()",
memoryBarrierImage = fn "control ordering of memory transactions issued by shader thread. - ()()",
groupMemoryBarrier = fn "control ordering of memory transactions issued by shader thread. - ()()",
imageAtomicAdd = fn "performs atomic operation on individual texels returns old value. - (uint)(imageN, intN coord, [int sample], uint data)",
imageAtomicMin = fn "performs atomic operation on individual texels returns old value. - (uint)(imageN, intN coord, [int sample], uint data)",
imageAtomicMax = fn "performs atomic operation on individual texels returns old value. - (uint)(imageN, intN coord, [int sample], uint data)",
imageAtomicIncWrap = fn "performs atomic operation on individual texels returns old value. - (uint)(imageN, intN coord, [int sample], uint data)",
imageAtomicDecWrap = fn "performs atomic operation on individual texels returns old value. - (uint)(imageN, intN coord, [int sample], uint data)",
imageAtomicAnd = fn "performs atomic operation on individual texels returns old value. - (uint)(imageN, intN coord, [int sample], uint data)",
imageAtomicOr = fn "performs atomic operation on individual texels returns old value. - (uint)(imageN, intN coord, [int sample], uint data)",
imageAtomicXor = fn "performs atomic operation on individual texels returns old value. - (uint)(imageN, intN coord, [int sample], uint data)",
imageAtomicExchange = fn "performs atomic operation on individual texels returns old value. - (uint)(imageN, intN coord, [int sample], uint data)",
imageAtomicCompSwap = fn "performs atomic operation on individual texels returns old value. - (uint)(imageN, intN coord, [int sample], uint data)",
imageStore = fn "stores the texel at the coordinate. - ()(imageN, intN coord, [int sample], vecN data)",
imageLoad = fn "loads the texel at the coordinate. - (vecN)(imageN, intN coord, [int sample])",
imageSize = fn "returns the size of the image. - (ivecN)(imageN)",
imageSamples = fn "returns the samples of the multi-sampled image. - (int)(image2DMSN)",
atomicCounterIncrement = fn "increments counter and returns old value. - (uint)(atomic_uint)",
atomicCounterDecrement = fn "decrements counter and returns old value. - (uint)(atomic_uint)",
atomicCounter = fn "returns current counter value. - (uint)(atomic_uint)",
atomicMin = fn "performs atomic operation on memory location (ssbo/shared) returns old value. - (uint)(inout uint mem, uint data)",
atomicMax = fn "performs atomic operation on memory location (ssbo/shared) returns old value. - (uint)(inout uint mem, uint data)",
atomicAdd = fn "performs atomic operation on memory location (ssbo/shared) returns old value. - (uint)(inout uint mem, uint data)",
atomicAnd = fn "performs atomic operation on memory location (ssbo/shared) returns old value. - (uint)(inout uint mem, uint data)",
atomicOr = fn "performs atomic operation on memory location (ssbo/shared) returns old value. - (uint)(inout uint mem, uint data)",
atomicXor = fn "performs atomic operation on memory location (ssbo/shared) returns old value. - (uint)(inout uint mem, uint data)",
atomicExchange = fn "performs atomic operation on memory location (ssbo/shared) returns old value. - (uint)(inout uint mem, uint data)",
atomicCompSwap = fn "performs atomic operation on memory location (ssbo/shared) returns old value. - (uint)(inout uint mem, uint data)",
textureSize = fn "returns the size of the texture (no lod required: Rect, MS and Buffer). - (intN)(samplerN, [int lod])",
textureSamples = fn "returns the samples of the multi-sampled texture. - (int)(texture2DMSN)",
textureQueryLod = fn "returns the lod values for a given coordinate. - (vec2)(samplerN, vecN coord)",
texture = fn "performs a texture lookup. Shadow samplers require base N+1 coordinate. Lod bias is optional (illegal for MS, Buffer, Rect). - (vec4)(samplerN, vecN coord, [float bias])",
textureProj = fn "performas a projective texture lookup (only Nd samplers + Rect). Shadows require N+1 base coordinate, no Lod bias allowed for Rect. - (vec4)(samplerN, vecN+1 coord, [float bias])",
textureLod = fn "performs a lookup with explicit LOD. Shadows require N+1 base coordinate. Illegal function for Rect, MS, Buffer. - (vec4)(samplerN, vecN coord, float lod)",
textureOffset = fn "offset added before texture lookup. Illegal for MS, Buffer, Cube. - (vec4)(samplerN, vecN coord, intN offset, [float bias])",
textureProjOffset = fn "projective texture lookup with offset. Illegal for MS, Buffer, Cube, Array. - (vec4)(samplerN, vecN+1 coord, intN offset, [float bias])",
textureLodOffset = fn "offset added with explicit LOD. - (vec4)(samplerN, vecN coord, intN offset, int lod)",
textureProjLodOffset = fn "projective lookup with offset and explicit LOD. - (vec4)(samplerN, vecN+1 coord, intN offset, int lod)",
textureGrad = fn "lookup with explicit gradients. Illegal for MS, Buffer. - (vec4)(samplerN, vecN coord, gradX, gradY)",
textureGradOffset = fn "lookup with explicit gradients and offset. Illegal for MS, Buffer, Cube. - (vec4)(samplerN, vecN coord, gradX, gradY, intN offset)",
textureProjGradOffset = fn "projective lookup with exp<78>icit gradients and offset. Illegal for MS, Buffer, Cube. - (vec4)(samplerN, vecN+1 coord, vecN gradX, gradY, intN offset)",
textureGather = fn "gather lookup (pixel quad of 4 single channel samples at once). Component 0: x, 1: y ... is ignored for shadow samplers instead reference value must be passed. Only 2D/Cube. Illegal for MS. - (vec4)(samplerN, vecN coord, [int comp] / float shadowRefZ)",
textureGatherOffset = fn "gather lookup (pixel quad of 4 single channel samples at once) with offset. Component 0: x, 1: y ... is ignored for shadow samplers instead reference value must be passed. Only 2D/Cube. Illegal for MS. - (vec4)(samplerN, vecN coord, [float shadowRefZ], intN offset / intN offset[4] , [int comp])",
texelFetch = fn "integer coordinate lookup for a single texel. No lod parameter for Buffer, MS, Rect. Illegal for Cube - (vec4)(samplerN, intN coord, [int lod/sample])",
texelFetchOffset = fn "integer coordinate lookup for a single texel with offset. No lod parameter for Buffer, MS, Rect. Illegal for Cube, Buffer, MS. - (vec4)(samplerN, intN coord, [int lod/sample], intN offset)",
anyInvocationARB = fn "returns true if and only if <value> is true for at least one active invocation in the group. - (bool)(bool value)",
allInvocationsARB = fn "returns true if and only if <value> is true for all active invocations in the group - (bool)(bool value)",
allInvocationsEqualARB = fn "returns true if <value> is the same for all active invocation in the group. - (bool)(bool value)",
local keyw =
[[ int uint half float bool double atomic_uint binding offset
vec2 vec3 vec4 dvec2 dvec3 dvec4
ivec2 ivec3 ivec4 uvec2 uvec3 uvec4 bvec2 bvec3 bvec4
mat2 mat3 mat4 mat2x2 mat3x3 mat4x4 mat2x3 mat3x2 mat4x2 mat2x4 mat4x3 mat3x4
dmat2 dmat3 dmat4 dmat2x2 dmat3x3 dmat4x4 dmat2x3 dmat3x2 dmat4x2 dmat2x4 dmat4x3 dmat3x4
float16_t f16vec2 f16vec3 f16vec4
float32_t f32vec2 f32vec3 f32vec4
float64_t f64vec2 f64vec3 f64vec4
int8_t i8vec2 i8vec3 i8vec4
int8_t i8vec2 i8vec3 i8vec4
int16_t i16vec2 i16vec3 i16vec4
int32_t i32vec2 i32vec3 i32vec4
int64_t i64vec2 i64vec3 i64vec4
uint8_t u8vec2 u8vec3 u8vec4
uint16_t u16vec2 u16vec3 u16vec4
uint32_t u32vec2 u32vec3 u32vec4
uint64_t u64vec2 u64vec3 u64vec4
struct typedef void
usampler1D usampler2D usampler3D usampler2DRect usamplerCube isampler1DArray usampler2DARRAY usamplerCubeArray usampler2DMS usampler2DMSArray
isampler1D isampler2D isampler3D isampler2DRect isamplerCube isampler1DArray isampler2DARRAY isamplerCubeArray isampler2DMS isampler2DMSArray
sampler1D sampler2D sampler3D sampler2DRect samplerCube sampler1DArray sampler2DArray samplerCubeArray sampler2DMS sampler2DMSArray
sampler1DShadow sampler2DShadow sampler2DRectShadow sampler1DArrayShadow sampler2DArrayShadow samplerCubeArrayShadow
usamplerBuffer isamplerBuffer samplerBuffer samplerRenderbuffer isamplerRenderbuffer usamplerRenderbuffer
in out inout uniform const centroid sample attribute varying patch index true false
return switch case for do while if else break continue main inline
layout location vertices line_strip triangle_strip max_vertices stream
triangles quads equal_spacing isolines fractional_even_spacing lines points
fractional_odd_spacing cw ccw point_mode lines_adjacency triangles_adjacency
invocations offset align xfb_offset xfb_buffer
origin_upper_left pixel_center_integer depth_greater depth_greater depth_greater depth_unchanged
smooth flat noperspective highp mediump lowp shared packed std140 std430 row_major column_major buffer
gl_FrontColor gl_BackColor gl_FrontSecondaryColor gl_BackSecondaryColor gl_Color gl_SecondaryColor
subroutine gl_Position gl_FragCoord
gl_VertexID gl_InstanceID gl_Normal gl_Vertex gl_MultiTexCoord0 gl_MultiTexCoord1
gl_MultiTexCoord2 gl_MultiTexCoord3 gl_MultiTexCoord4 gl_MultiTexCoord5 gl_MultiTexCoord6
gl_MultiTexCoord7 gl_FogCoord gl_PointSize gl_ClipDistance
gl_TexCoord gl_FogFragCoord gl_ClipVertex gl_in
gl_PrimitiveID gl_InvocationID gl_TessLevelOuter gl_TessLevelInner gl_TessCoord
gl_InvocationID gl_PrimitiveIDIn gl_Layer gl_ViewportIndex gl_FrontFacing
gl_PointCoord gl_SampleID gl_SamplePosition gl_FragColor
gl_FragData gl_FragDepth gl_SampleMask
gl_NumWorkGroups gl_WorkGroupSize gl_WorkGroupID gl_LocalInvocationID gl_GlobalInvocationID gl_LocalInvocationIndex
local_size_x local_size_y local_size_z
gl_BaseVertexARB gl_BaseInstanceARB gl_DrawIDARB
bindless_sampler bound_sampler bindless_image bound_image early_fragment_tests
gl_HelperInvocation gl_CullDistance gl_MaxSamples
coherent volatile restrict readonly writeonly
image1D image2D image3D image2DRect imageCube imageBuffer image1DArray image2DArray imageCubeArray image2DMS image2DMSArray
uimage1D uimage2D uimage3D uimage2DRect uimageCube uimageBuffer uimage1DArray uimage2DArray uimageCubeArray uimage2DMS uimage2DMSArray
iimage1D iimage2D iimage3D iimage2DRect iimageCube iimageBuffer iimage1DArray iimage2DArray iimageCubeArray iimage2DMS iimage2DMSArray
size1x8 size1x16 size1x32 size2x32 size4x32 rgba32f rgba16f rg32f rg16f r32f r16f rgba8 rgba16 r11f_g11f_b10f rgb10_a2ui
rgb10_a2i rg16 rg8 r16 r8 rgba32i rgba16i rgba8i rg32i rg16i rg8i r32i r16i r8i rgba32ui rgba16ui rgba8ui rg32ui rg16ui rg8ui
r32ui r16ui r8ui rgba16_snorm rgba8_snorm rg16_snorm rg8_snorm r16_snorm r8_snorm
-- keywords - shouldn't be left out
for w in keyw:gmatch("([a-zA-Z_0-9]+)") do
api[w] = {type="keyword"}
return api