Andros Fenollosa 892d89c7f1 Order files
2016-11-12 12:27:08 +01:00

597 lines
26 KiB

-- Package functions
module ("dist.package", package.seeall)
local cfg = require "dist.config"
local git = require "dist.git"
local sys = require "dist.sys"
local mf = require "dist.manifest"
local utils = require "dist.utils"
local depends = require "dist.depends"
-- Return whether the package in given 'pkg_dir' is of a source type.
function is_source_type(pkg_dir)
assert(type(pkg_dir) == "string", "package.is_source_type: Argument 'pkg_dir' is not a string.")
pkg_dir = sys.abs_path(pkg_dir)
return utils.to_boolean(sys.exists(sys.make_path(pkg_dir, "CMakeLists.txt")))
-- Ensure proper arch and type for the given source 'dist_info' table and return it.
-- WARNING: this function should be used only for 'dist_info' tables of modules that are of a source type!
function ensure_source_arch_and_type(dist_info)
assert(type(dist_info) == "table", "package.ensure_source_arch_and_type: Argument 'dist_info' is not a table.")
dist_info.arch = dist_info.arch or "Universal"
dist_info.type = dist_info.type or "source"
return dist_info
-- Remove package from 'pkg_distinfo_dir' of 'deploy_dir'.
function remove_pkg(pkg_distinfo_dir, deploy_dir)
deploy_dir = deploy_dir or cfg.root_dir
assert(type(pkg_distinfo_dir) == "string", "package.remove_pkg: Argument 'pkg_distinfo_dir' is not a string.")
assert(type(deploy_dir) == "string", "package.remove_pkg: Argument 'deploy_dir' is not a string.")
deploy_dir = sys.abs_path(deploy_dir)
local abs_pkg_distinfo_dir = sys.make_path(deploy_dir, pkg_distinfo_dir)
-- check for ''
local info, err = mf.load_distinfo(sys.make_path(abs_pkg_distinfo_dir, ""))
if not info then return nil, "Error removing package from '" .. pkg_distinfo_dir .. "' - it doesn't contain valid '' file." end
if not info.files then return nil, "File '" .. sys.make_path(pkg_distinfo_dir, "") .."' doesn't contain list of installed files." end
-- remove files installed as components of this package
for _, component in ipairs(cfg.components) do
if info.files[component] then
for i = #info.files[component], 1, -1 do
local f = info.files[component][i]
f = sys.make_path(deploy_dir,f)
if sys.is_file(f) then
elseif sys.is_dir(f) then
local dir_files, err = sys.get_file_list(f)
if not dir_files then return nil, "Error removing package in '" .. abs_pkg_distinfo_dir .. "': " .. err end
if #dir_files == 0 then sys.delete(f) end
-- delete also all parent directories if empty
local parents = sys.parents_up_to(f, deploy_dir)
for _, parent in ipairs(parents) do
if sys.is_dir(parent) then
local dir_files, err = sys.get_file_list(parent)
if not dir_files then return nil, "Error removing package in '" .. abs_pkg_distinfo_dir .. "': " .. err end
if #dir_files == 0 then
-- remove removed components also from ''
for _, component in ipairs(cfg.components) do
info.files[component] = nil
-- delete the package information from deploy_dir
local ok = sys.delete(abs_pkg_distinfo_dir)
if not ok then return nil, "Error removing package in '" .. abs_pkg_distinfo_dir .. "'." end
-- if the package was not completely removed (e.g. some components remain),
-- save the new version of its ''
local comp_num = 0
for _, _ in pairs(info.files) do comp_num = comp_num + 1 end
if comp_num ~= 0 then
local ok, err = mf.save_distinfo(info, sys.make_path(abs_pkg_distinfo_dir, ""))
if not ok then return nil, "Error resaving the '': " .. err end
return ok
-- Install package from 'pkg_dir' to 'deploy_dir', using optional CMake 'variables'.
-- Optional 'preserve_pkg_dir' argument specified whether to preserve the 'pkg_dir'.
function install_pkg(pkg_dir, deploy_dir, variables, preserve_pkg_dir)
deploy_dir = deploy_dir or cfg.root_dir
variables = variables or {}
preserve_pkg_dir = preserve_pkg_dir or false
assert(type(pkg_dir) == "string", "package.install_pkg: Argument 'pkg_dir' is not a string.")
assert(type(deploy_dir) == "string", "package.install_pkg: Argument 'deploy_dir' is not a string.")
assert(type(variables) == "table", "package.install_pkg: Argument 'variables' is not a table.")
assert(type(preserve_pkg_dir) == "boolean", "package.install_pkg: Argument 'preserve_pkg_dir' is not a boolean.")
pkg_dir = sys.abs_path(pkg_dir)
deploy_dir = sys.abs_path(deploy_dir)
-- check for
local info, err = mf.load_distinfo(sys.make_path(pkg_dir, ""))
if not info then return nil, "Error installing: the directory '" .. pkg_dir .. "' doesn't exist or doesn't contain valid '' file." end
-- check if the package is source
if is_source_type(pkg_dir) then info = ensure_source_arch_and_type(info) end
-- check package's architecture
if not (info.arch == "Universal" or info.arch == cfg.arch) then
return nil, "Error installing '" .. .. "-" .. info.version .. "': architecture '" .. info.arch .. "' is not suitable for this machine."
-- check package's type
if not (info.type == "all" or info.type == "source" or info.type == cfg.type) then
return nil, "Error installing '" .. .. "-" .. info.version .. "': architecture type '" .. info.type .. "' is not suitable for this machine."
local ok, err
-- if package is of binary type, just deploy it
if info.type ~= "source" then
ok, err = deploy_binary_pkg(pkg_dir, deploy_dir)
-- else build and then deploy
-- check if we have cmake
ok = utils.system_dependency_available("cmake", "cmake --version")
if not ok then return nil, "Error when installing: Command 'cmake' not available on the system." end
-- set cmake variables
local cmake_variables = {}
-- set variables from config file
for k, v in pairs(cfg.variables) do
cmake_variables[k] = v
-- set variables specified as argument
for k, v in pairs(variables) do
cmake_variables[k] = v
cmake_variables.CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH = table.concat({cmake_variables.CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH or "", sys.make_path(deploy_dir, "include")}, ";")
cmake_variables.CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH = table.concat({cmake_variables.CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH or "", sys.make_path(deploy_dir, "lib"), sys.make_path(deploy_dir, "bin")}, ";")
cmake_variables.CMAKE_PROGRAM_PATH = table.concat({cmake_variables.CMAKE_PROGRAM_PATH or "", sys.make_path(deploy_dir, "bin")}, ";")
-- build the package and deploy it
ok, err = build_pkg(pkg_dir, deploy_dir, cmake_variables)
if not ok then return nil, err end
-- delete directory of fetched package
if not (cfg.debug or preserve_pkg_dir) then sys.delete(pkg_dir) end
return ok, err
-- Build and deploy package from 'src_dir' to 'deploy_dir' using 'variables'.
-- Return directory to which the package was built or nil on error.
-- 'variables' is table of optional CMake variables.
function build_pkg(src_dir, deploy_dir, variables)
deploy_dir = deploy_dir or cfg.root_dir
variables = variables or {}
assert(type(src_dir) == "string", "package.build_pkg: Argument 'src_dir' is not a string.")
assert(type(deploy_dir) == "string", "package.build_pkg: Argument 'deploy_dir' is not a string.")
assert(type(variables) == "table", "package.build_pkg: Argument 'variables' is not a table.")
src_dir = sys.abs_path(src_dir)
deploy_dir = sys.abs_path(deploy_dir)
-- check for
local info, err = mf.load_distinfo(sys.make_path(src_dir, ""))
if not info then return nil, "Error building package from '" .. src_dir .. "': it doesn't contain valid '' file." end
local pkg_name = .. "-" .. info.version
-- set machine information
info.arch = cfg.arch
info.type = cfg.type
-- create CMake build dir
local cmake_build_dir = sys.abs_path(sys.make_path(deploy_dir, cfg.temp_dir, pkg_name .. "-CMake-build"))
-- create cmake cache
variables["CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX"] = deploy_dir
local cache_file =, "cache.cmake"), "w")
if not cache_file then return nil, "Error creating CMake cache file in '" .. cmake_build_dir .. "'" end
-- Fill in cache variables
for k,v in pairs(variables) do
cache_file:write("SET(" .. k .. " " .. sys.quote(v):gsub("\\+", "/") .. " CACHE STRING \"\" FORCE)\n")
-- If user cache file is provided then append it
if cfg.cache_file ~= "" then
local user_cache =, "r")
if user_cache then
src_dir = sys.abs_path(src_dir)
print("Building " .. sys.extract_name(src_dir) .. "...")
-- set cmake cache command
local cache_command = cfg.cache_command
if cfg.debug then cache_command = cache_command .. " " .. cfg.cache_debug_options end
-- set cmake build command
local build_command = cfg.build_command
if cfg.debug then build_command = build_command .. " " .. cfg.build_debug_options end
-- set the cmake cache
local ok = sys.exec("cd " .. sys.quote(cmake_build_dir) .. " && " .. cache_command .. " " .. sys.quote(src_dir))
if not ok then return nil, "Error preloading the CMake cache script '" .. sys.make_path(cmake_build_dir, "cache.cmake") .. "'" end
-- build with cmake
ok = sys.exec("cd " .. sys.quote(cmake_build_dir) .. " && " .. build_command)
if not ok then return nil, "Error building with CMake in directory '" .. cmake_build_dir .. "'" end
-- if this is only simulation, exit sucessfully, skipping the next actions
if cfg.simulate then
return true, "Simulated build and deployment of package '" .. pkg_name .. "' sucessfull."
-- table to collect files installed in the components
info.files = {}
-- install the components
for _, component in ipairs(cfg.components) do
local strip_option = ""
if not cfg.debug and component ~= "Library" then strip_option = cfg.strip_option end
local ok = sys.exec("cd " .. sys.quote(cmake_build_dir) .. " && " .. cfg.cmake .. " " .. strip_option .. " " ..cfg.install_component_command:gsub("#COMPONENT#", component))
if not ok then return nil, "Error when installing the component '" .. component .. "' with CMake in directory '" .. cmake_build_dir .. "'" end
local install_mf = sys.make_path(cmake_build_dir, "install_manifest_" .. component .. ".txt")
local mf, err
local component_files = {}
-- collect files installed in this component
if sys.exists(install_mf) then
mf, err =, "r")
if not mf then return nil, "Error when opening the CMake installation manifest '" .. install_mf .. "': " .. err end
for line in mf:lines() do
line = sys.check_separators(line)
local file = line:gsub(utils.escape_magic(deploy_dir .. sys.path_separator()), "")
table.insert(component_files, file)
-- add list of component files to the ''
if #component_files > 0 then info.files[component] = component_files end
-- if bookmark == 0 then return nil, "Package did not install any files!" end
-- test with ctest
if cfg.test then
print("Testing " .. sys.extract_name(src_dir) .. " ...")
ok = sys.exec("cd " .. sys.quote(deploy_dir) .. " && " .. cfg.test_command)
if not ok then return nil, "Error when testing the module '" .. pkg_name .. "' with CTest." end
-- save modified '' file
local pkg_distinfo_dir = sys.make_path(deploy_dir, cfg.distinfos_dir, pkg_name)
ok, err = mf.save_distinfo(info, sys.make_path(pkg_distinfo_dir, ""))
if not ok then return nil, err end
-- clean up
if not cfg.debug then sys.delete(cmake_build_dir) end
return true, "Package '" .. pkg_name .. "' successfully builded and deployed to '" .. deploy_dir .. "'."
-- Deploy binary package from 'pkg_dir' to 'deploy_dir' by copying.
function deploy_binary_pkg(pkg_dir, deploy_dir)
deploy_dir = deploy_dir or cfg.root_dir
assert(type(pkg_dir) == "string", "package.deploy_binary_pkg: Argument 'pkg_dir' is not a string.")
assert(type(deploy_dir) == "string", "package.deploy_binary_pkg: Argument 'deploy_dir' is not a string.")
pkg_dir = sys.abs_path(pkg_dir)
deploy_dir = sys.abs_path(deploy_dir)
-- check for
local info, err = mf.load_distinfo(sys.make_path(pkg_dir, ""))
if not info then return nil, "Error deploying package from '" .. pkg_dir .. "': it doesn't contain valid '' file." end
local pkg_name = .. "-" .. info.version
-- if this is only simulation, exit sucessfully, skipping the next actions
if cfg.simulate then
return true, "Simulated deployment of package '" .. pkg_name .. "' sucessfull."
-- copy all components of the module to the deploy_dir
for _, component in ipairs(cfg.components) do
if info.files[component] then
for _, file in ipairs(info.files[component]) do
local dest_dir = sys.make_path(deploy_dir, sys.parent_dir(file))
local ok, err = sys.make_dir(dest_dir)
if not ok then return nil, "Error when deploying package '" .. pkg_name .. "': cannot create directory '" .. dest_dir .. "': " .. err end
ok, err = sys.copy(sys.make_path(pkg_dir, file), dest_dir)
if not ok then return nil, "Error when deploying package '" .. pkg_name .. "': cannot copy file '" .. file .. "' to the directory '" .. dest_dir .. "': " .. err end
-- copy to register the module as installed
local pkg_distinfo_dir = sys.make_path(deploy_dir, cfg.distinfos_dir, pkg_name)
ok, err = mf.save_distinfo(info, sys.make_path(pkg_distinfo_dir, ""))
if not ok then return nil, err end
return true, "Package '" .. pkg_name .. "' successfully deployed to '" .. deploy_dir .. "'."
-- Fetch package (table 'pkg') to download_dir. Return the original 'pkg' table
-- with 'pkg.download_dir' containing path to the directory of the
-- downloaded package.
-- When optional 'suppress_printing' parameter is set to true, then messages
-- for the user won't be printed during run of this function.
-- If the 'pkg' already contains the information about download directory (pkg.download_dir),
-- we assume the package was already downloaded there and won't download it again.
function fetch_pkg(pkg, download_dir, suppress_printing)
download_dir = download_dir or sys.current_dir()
suppress_printing = suppress_printing or false
assert(type(pkg) == "table", "package.fetch_pkg: Argument 'pkg' is not a table.")
assert(type(download_dir) == "string", "package.fetch_pkg: Argument 'download_dir' is not a string.")
assert(type(suppress_printing) == "boolean", "package.fetch_pkg: Argument 'suppress_printing' is not a boolean.")
assert(type( == "string", "package.fetch_pkg: Argument '' is not a string.")
assert(type(pkg.version) == "string", "package.fetch_pkg: Argument 'pkg.version' is not a string.")
-- if the package is already downloaded don't download it again
if pkg.download_dir then return pkg end
assert(type(pkg.path) == "string", "package.fetch_pkg: Argument 'pkg.path' is not a string.")
download_dir = sys.abs_path(download_dir)
local pkg_full_name = .. "-" .. pkg.version
local repo_url = pkg.path
local clone_dir = sys.abs_path(sys.make_path(download_dir, pkg_full_name))
pkg.download_dir = clone_dir
-- check if download_dir already exists, assuming the package was already downloaded
if sys.exists(sys.make_path(clone_dir, "")) then
if cfg.cache and not utils.cache_timeout_expired(cfg.cache_timeout, clone_dir) then
if not suppress_printing then print("'" .. pkg_full_name .. "' already in cache, skipping downloading (use '-cache=false' to force download).") end
return pkg
local bin_tag = pkg.version .. "-" .. cfg.arch .. "-" .. cfg.type
local use_binary = false
if cfg.binary then
-- check if binary version of the module for this arch & type available
local avail_tags, err = git.get_remote_tags(repo_url)
if not avail_tags then return nil, err end
if utils.contains(avail_tags, bin_tag) then
use_binary = true
-- init the git repository
local ok, err = git.create_repo(clone_dir)
if not ok then return nil, err end
-- Fetch the desired ref (from the pkg's remote repo) and checkout into it.
if use_binary then
if not suppress_printing then print("Getting " .. pkg_full_name .. " (binary)...") end
-- We fetch the binary tag.
local sha
if ok then sha, err = git.fetch_tag(clone_dir, repo_url, bin_tag) end
if sha then ok, err = git.checkout_sha(sha, clone_dir) end
elseif cfg.source then
if not suppress_printing then print("Getting " .. pkg_full_name .. " (source)...") end
-- If we want the 'scm' version, we fetch the 'master' branch, otherwise
-- we fetch the tag, matching the desired package version.
if ok and pkg.version ~= "scm" then
local sha
sha, err = git.fetch_tag(clone_dir, repo_url, pkg.version)
if sha then ok, err = git.checkout_sha(sha, clone_dir) end
elseif ok then
local sha
sha, err = git.fetch_branch(clone_dir, repo_url, "master")
if sha then ok, err = git.checkout_sha(sha, clone_dir) end
ok = false
if cfg.binary then
err = "Binary version of module not available and using source modules disabled."
err = "Using both binary and source modules disabled."
if not ok then
-- clean up
if not cfg.debug then sys.delete(clone_dir) end
return nil, "Error fetching package '" .. pkg_full_name .. "' from '" .. pkg.path .. "' to '" .. download_dir .. "': " .. err
-- delete '.git' directory
if not cfg.debug then sys.delete(sys.make_path(clone_dir, ".git")) end
return pkg
-- Return table with information about available versions of 'package'.
-- When optional 'suppress_printing' parameter is set to true, then messages
-- for the user won't be printed during run of this function.
function retrieve_versions(package, manifest, suppress_printing)
suppress_printing = suppress_printing or false
assert(type(package) == "string", "package.retrieve_versions: Argument 'string' is not a string.")
assert(type(manifest) == "table", "package.retrieve_versions: Argument 'manifest' is not a table.")
assert(type(suppress_printing) == "boolean", "package.retrieve_versions: Argument 'suppress_printing' is not a boolean.")
-- get package table
local pkg_name = depends.split_name_constraint(package)
local tmp_packages = depends.find_packages(pkg_name, manifest)
if #tmp_packages == 0 then
return nil, "No suitable candidate for package '" .. package .. "' found."
package = tmp_packages[1]
-- if the package's already downloaded, we assume it's desired to install the downloaded version
if package.download_dir then
local pkg_type = "binary"
if is_source_type(package.download_dir) then pkg_type = "source" end
if not suppress_printing then print("Using " .. .. "-" .. package.version .. " (" .. pkg_type .. ") provided by " .. package.download_dir) end
return {package}
if not suppress_printing then print("Finding out available versions of " .. .. "...") end
-- get available versions
local tags, err = git.get_remote_tags(package.path)
if not tags then return nil, "Error when retrieving versions of package '" .. .. "': " .. err end
-- filter out tags of binary packages
local versions = utils.filter(tags, function (tag) return tag:match("^[^%-]+%-?[^%-]*$") and true end)
packages = {}
-- create package information
for _, version in pairs(versions) do
pkg = {} =
pkg.version = version
pkg.path = package.path
table.insert(packages, pkg)
return packages
-- Return table with information from package's and path to downloaded
-- package. Optional argument 'deploy_dir' is used just as a temporary
-- place to place the downloaded packages into.
-- When optional 'suppress_printing' parameter is set to true, then messages
-- for the user won't be printed during the execution of this function.
function retrieve_pkg_info(package, deploy_dir, suppress_printing)
deploy_dir = deploy_dir or cfg.root_dir
assert(type(package) == "table", "package.retrieve_pkg_info: Argument 'package' is not a table.")
assert(type(deploy_dir) == "string", "package.retrieve_pkg_info: Argument 'deploy_dir' is not a string.")
deploy_dir = sys.abs_path(deploy_dir)
local tmp_dir = sys.abs_path(sys.make_path(deploy_dir, cfg.temp_dir))
-- download the package
local fetched_pkg, err = fetch_pkg(package, tmp_dir, suppress_printing)
if not fetched_pkg then return nil, "Error when retrieving the info about '" .. .. "': " .. err end
-- load information from ''
local info, err = mf.load_distinfo(sys.make_path(fetched_pkg.download_dir, ""))
if not info then return nil, err end
-- add other attributes
if package.path then info.path = package.path end
if package.was_scm_version then info.was_scm_version = package.was_scm_version end
-- set default arch/type if not explicitly stated and package is of source type
if is_source_type(fetched_pkg.download_dir) then
info = ensure_source_arch_and_type(info)
elseif not (info.arch and info.type) then
return nil, fetched_pkg.download_dir .. ": binary package missing arch or type in ''."
return info, fetched_pkg.download_dir
-- Return manifest, augmented with info about all available versions
-- of package 'pkg'. Optional argument 'deploy_dir' is used just as a temporary
-- place to place the downloaded packages into.
-- Optional argument 'installed' is manifest of all installed packages. When
-- specified, info from installed packages won't be downloaded from repo,
-- but the from installed package will be used.
function get_versions_info(pkg, manifest, deploy_dir, installed)
deploy_dir = deploy_dir or cfg.root_dir
assert(type(pkg) == "string", "package.get_versions_info: Argument 'pkg' is not a string.")
assert(type(manifest) == "table", "package.get_versions_info: Argument 'manifest' is not a table.")
assert(type(deploy_dir) == "string", "package.get_versions_info: Argument 'deploy_dir' is not a string.")
deploy_dir = sys.abs_path(deploy_dir)
-- find all available versions of package
local versions, err = retrieve_versions(pkg, manifest)
if not versions then return nil, err end
-- collect info about all retrieved versions
local infos = {}
for _, version in pairs(versions) do
local info, path_or_err
local installed_version = {}
-- find out whether this 'version' is installed so we can use it's
if type(installed) == "table" then installed_version = depends.find_packages( .. "-" .. version.version, installed) end
-- get info
if #installed_version > 0 then
print("Using from installed " .. .. "-" .. version.version)
info = installed_version[1]
info.path = version.path
info.from_installed = true -- flag that of installed package was used
info, path_or_err = retrieve_pkg_info(version, deploy_dir)
if not info then return nil, path_or_err end
table.insert(infos, info)
-- found and add an implicit 'scm' version
local pkg_name = depends.split_name_constraint(pkg)
local found = depends.find_packages(pkg_name, manifest)
if #found == 0 then return nil, "No suitable candidate for package '" .. pkg .. "' found." end
local scm_info, path_or_err = retrieve_pkg_info({name = pkg_name, version = "scm", path = found[1].path})
if not scm_info then return nil, path_or_err end
scm_info.version = "scm"
table.insert(infos, scm_info)
local tmp_manifest = utils.deepcopy(manifest)
-- add collected info to the temp. manifest, replacing existing tables
for _, info in pairs(infos) do
local already_in_manifest = false
-- find if this version is already in manifest
for idx, pkg in ipairs(tmp_manifest) do
-- if yes, replace it
if == and pkg.version == info.version then
tmp_manifest[idx] = info
already_in_manifest = true
-- if not, just normally add to the manifest
if not already_in_manifest then
table.insert(tmp_manifest, info)
return tmp_manifest