Andros Fenollosa 892d89c7f1 Order files
2016-11-12 12:27:08 +01:00

285 lines
12 KiB

-- authors: Luxinia Dev (Eike Decker & Christoph Kubisch)
local funcdef = "([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_%.%:]*)%s*"
local decindent = {
['else'] = true, ['elseif'] = true, ['until'] = true, ['end'] = true}
local incindent = {
['else'] = true, ['elseif'] = true, ['for'] = true, ['do'] = true,
['if'] = true, ['repeat'] = true, ['while'] = true}
local function isfndef(str)
local l
local s,e,cap,par = string.find(str, "function%s+" .. funcdef .. "(%(.-%))")
-- try to match without brackets now, but only at the beginning of the line
if (not s) then
s,e,cap = string.find(str, "^%s*function%s+" .. funcdef)
-- try to match "foo = function()"
if (not s) then
s,e,cap,par = string.find(str, funcdef .. "=%s*function%s*(%(.-%))")
if (s) then
l = string.find(string.sub(str,1,s-1),"local%s+$")
cap = cap .. " " .. (par or "(?)")
return s,e,cap,l
local q = EscapeMagic
local function ldoc(tx, typepatt)
local varname = "([%w_]+)"
-- <type> == ?string, ?|T1|T2
-- anything that follows optional "|..." is ignored
local typename = "%??"..typepatt
-- @tparam[...] <type> <paramname>
-- @param[type=<type>] <paramname>
-- @string[...] <paramname>; not handled
local t, v = tx:match("--%s*@tparam%b[]%s+"..typename.."%s+"..varname)
if not t then -- try without optional [...] part
t, v = tx:match("--%s*@tparam%s+"..typename.."%s+"..varname)
if not t then
t, v = tx:match("--%s*@param%s*%[type="..typename.."%]%s+"..varname)
return t, v
return {
exts = {"lua", "rockspec", "wlua"},
lexer = wxstc.wxSTC_LEX_LUA,
apitype = "lua",
linecomment = "--",
sep = ".:",
isdecindent = function(str)
str = str:gsub('%-%-%[=*%[.*%]=*%]',''):gsub('%-%-.*','')
-- this handles three different cases:
local term = (str:match("^%s*(%w+)%s*$")
or str:match("^%s*(elseif)[%s%(]")
or str:match("^%s*(until)[%s%(]")
or str:match("^%s*(else)%f[%W]")
-- (1) 'end', 'elseif', 'else', 'until'
local match = term and decindent[term]
-- (2) 'end)', 'end}', 'end,', and 'end;'
if not term then term, match = str:match("^%s*(end)%s*([%)%}]*)%s*[,;]?") end
-- endFoo could be captured as well; filter it out
if term and str:match("^%s*(end)%w") then term = nil end
-- (3) '},', '};', '),' and ');'
if not term then match = str:match("^%s*[%)%}]+%s*[,;]?%s*$") end
return match and 1 or 0, match and term and 1 or 0
isincindent = function(str)
-- remove "long" comments and escaped slashes (to process \' and \" below)
str = str:gsub('%-%-%[=*%[.-%]=*%]',''):gsub('\\[\\\'"]','')
while true do
local num, sep = nil, str:match("['\"]")
if not sep then break end
str, num = str:gsub(sep..".-\\"..sep,sep):gsub(sep..".-"..sep,"")
if num == 0 then break end
str = (str
:gsub('%[=*%[.-%]=*%]','') -- remove long strings
:gsub('%[=*%[.*','') -- remove partial long strings
:gsub('%-%-.*','') -- strip comments after strings are processed
:gsub("%b()","()") -- remove all function calls
local term = str:match("^%s*(%w+)%W*")
local terminc = term and incindent[term] and 1 or 0
-- fix 'if' not terminated with 'then'
-- or 'then' not started with 'if'
if (term == 'if' or term == 'elseif') and not str:match("%f[%w]then%f[%W]")
or (term == 'for') and not str:match("%S%s+do%f[%W]")
or (term == 'while') and not str:match("%f[%w]do%f[%W]") then
terminc = 0
elseif not (term == 'if' or term == 'elseif') and str:match("%f[%w]then%f[%W]")
or not (term == 'for') and str:match("%S%s+do%f[%W]")
or not (term == 'while') and str:match("%f[%w]do%f[%W]") then
terminc = 1
local _, opened = str:gsub("([%{%(])", "%1")
local _, closed = str:gsub("([%}%)])", "%1")
local func = (isfndef(str) or str:match("%W+function%s*%(")) and 1 or 0
-- ended should only be used to negate term and func effects
local anon = str:match("%W+function%s*%(.+%Wend%W")
local ended = (terminc + func > 0) and (str:match("%W+end%s*$") or anon) and 1 or 0
return opened - closed + func + terminc - ended
marksymbols = function(code, pos, vars)
local PARSE = require 'lua_parser_loose'
local LEX = require 'lua_lexer_loose'
local lx = LEX.lexc(code, nil, pos)
return coroutine.wrap(function()
local varnext = {}
PARSE.parse_scope_resolve(lx, function(op, name, lineinfo, vars, nobreak)
if not(op == 'Id' or op == 'Statement' or op == 'Var'
or op == 'Function' or op == 'String'
or op == 'VarNext' or op == 'VarInside' or op == 'VarSelf'
or op == 'FunctionCall' or op == 'Scope' or op == 'EndScope') then
return end -- "normal" return; not interested in other events
-- level needs to be adjusted for VarInside as it comes into scope
-- only after next block statement
local at = vars[0] and (vars[0] + (op == 'VarInside' and 1 or 0))
if op == 'Statement' then
for _, token in pairs(varnext) do coroutine.yield(unpack(token)) end
varnext = {}
elseif op == 'VarNext' or op == 'VarInside' then
table.insert(varnext, {'Var', name, lineinfo, vars, at, nobreak})
coroutine.yield(op, name, lineinfo, vars, op == 'Function' and at-1 or at, nobreak)
end, vars)
typeassigns = function(editor)
local maxlines = 48 -- scan up to this many lines back
local iscomment = editor.spec.iscomment
local assigns = {}
local endline = editor:GetCurrentLine()-1
local line = math.max(endline-maxlines, 0)
while (line <= endline) do
local ls = editor:PositionFromLine(line)
local tx = editor:GetLine(line) --= string
local s = + #tx:match("^%s*") + 2),31)
-- check for assignments
local sep = editor.spec.sep
local varname = "([%w_][%w_"..q(sep:sub(1,1)).."]*)"
local identifier = "([%w_][%w_"..q(sep).."%s]*)"
-- special hint
local typ, var = tx:match("%s*%-%-=%s*"..varname.."%s+"..identifier)
local ldoctype, ldocvar = ldoc(tx, varname)
if var and typ then
assigns[var] = typ:gsub("%s","")
elseif ldoctype and ldocvar then
assigns[ldocvar] = ldoctype
elseif not iscomment[s] then
-- real assignments
local var,typ = tx:match("%s*"..identifier.."%s*=%s*([^;]+)")
var = var and var:gsub("local",""):gsub("%s","")
-- handle `require` as a special case that returns a type that matches its parameter
-- (this is without deeper analysis on loaded files and should work most of the time)
local req = typ and typ:match("^require%s*%(?%s*['\"](.+)['\"]%s*%)?")
typ = req or typ
typ = (typ and typ
-- replace concatenation with addition to avoid misidentifying types
-- remove comments; they may be in strings, but that's okay here
if (typ and (typ:match(",") or typ:match("%sor%s") or typ:match("%sand%s"))) then
typ = nil
typ = typ and typ:gsub("%s","")
typ = typ and typ:gsub(".+", function(s)
return (s:find("^'[^']*'$")
or s:find('^"[^"]*"$')
or s:find('^%[=*%[.*%]=*%]$')) and 'string' or s
-- filter out everything that is not needed
if typ and typ ~= 'string' -- special value for all strings
and (not typ:match('^'..identifier..'$') -- not an identifier
or typ:match('^%d') -- or a number
or editor.api.tip.keys[typ] -- or a keyword
) then
typ = nil
if (var and typ) then
local class,func = typ:match(varname.."["..q(sep).."]"..varname)
if (assigns[typ] and not req) then
assigns[var] = assigns[typ]
elseif (func) then
local added
local funcnames = {"new","load","create"}
for _,v in ipairs(funcnames) do
if (func == v) then
assigns[var] = class
added = true
if (not added) then
-- let's hope autocomplete info can resolve this
assigns[var] = typ
assigns[var] = typ
line = line+1
return assigns
lexerstyleconvert = {
text = {wxstc.wxSTC_LUA_IDENTIFIER,},
lexerdef = {wxstc.wxSTC_LUA_DEFAULT,},
comment = {wxstc.wxSTC_LUA_COMMENT,
stringtxt = {wxstc.wxSTC_LUA_STRING,
stringeol = {wxstc.wxSTC_LUA_STRINGEOL,},
preprocessor= {wxstc.wxSTC_LUA_PREPROCESSOR,},
operator = {wxstc.wxSTC_LUA_OPERATOR,},
number = {wxstc.wxSTC_LUA_NUMBER,},
keywords0 = {wxstc.wxSTC_LUA_WORD,},
keywords1 = {wxstc.wxSTC_LUA_WORD2,},
keywords2 = {wxstc.wxSTC_LUA_WORD3,},
keywords3 = {wxstc.wxSTC_LUA_WORD4,},
keywords4 = {wxstc.wxSTC_LUA_WORD5,},
keywords5 = {wxstc.wxSTC_LUA_WORD6,},
keywords6 = {wxstc.wxSTC_LUA_WORD7,},
keywords7 = {wxstc.wxSTC_LUA_WORD8,},
keywords = {
[[and break do else elseif end for function goto if in local not or repeat return then until while]],
[[_G _VERSION _ENV false io.stderr io.stdin io.stdout nil math.huge math.pi self true]],
[[assert collectgarbage dofile error getfenv getmetatable ipairs load loadfile loadstring
module next pairs pcall print rawequal rawget rawlen rawset require
select setfenv setmetatable tonumber tostring type unpack xpcall]],
[[bit32.arshift bit32.bnot bit32.bor bit32.btest bit32.bxor bit32.extract
bit32.lrotate bit32.lshift bit32.replace bit32.rrotate bit32.rshift
coroutine.create coroutine.resume coroutine.running coroutine.status coroutine.wrap coroutine.yield
debug.debug debug.getfenv debug.gethook debug.getinfo debug.getlocal
debug.getmetatable debug.getregistry debug.getupvalue debug.getuservalue debug.setfenv
debug.sethook debug.setlocal debug.setmetatable debug.setupvalue debug.setuservalue
debug.traceback debug.upvalueid debug.upvaluejoin
io.close io.flush io.input io.lines io.output io.popen io.tmpfile io.type io.write
close flush lines read seek setvbuf write
math.abs math.acos math.asin math.atan math.atan2 math.ceil math.cos math.cosh math.deg math.exp
math.floor math.fmod math.frexp math.ldexp math.log math.log10 math.max math.min math.modf
math.pow math.rad math.random math.randomseed math.sin math.sinh math.sqrt math.tan math.tanh
math.type math.tointeger math.maxinteger math.mininteger math.ult
os.clock os.difftime os.execute os.exit os.getenv os.remove os.rename os.setlocale os.time os.tmpname
package.loadlib package.searchpath package.seeall package.config
package.cpath package.loaded package.loaders package.path package.preload package.searchers
string.byte string.char string.dump string.find string.format string.gmatch string.gsub string.len
string.lower string.match string.rep string.reverse string.sub string.upper
byte find format gmatch gsub len lower match rep reverse sub upper
table.move, string.pack, string.unpack, string.packsize
table.concat table.insert table.maxn table.pack table.remove table.sort table.unpack]]