Fix bug points

This commit is contained in:
Andros Fenollosa 2020-08-06 10:28:27 +02:00
parent e06d5f1f24
commit 3779512800
2 changed files with 18 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
(defproject video-optimize "1.0.2-SNAPSHOT"
(defproject video-optimize "1.0.3-SNAPSHOT"
:description "Watcher and optimize videos"
:url ""
:license {:name "EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later WITH Classpath-exception-2.0"

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@ -14,19 +14,25 @@
(def audio_quality_thumbnail (:audio_quality_thumbnail config))
(def path_videos (:path_videos config))
(defn -main [& args]
;; Watch
(hawk/watch! [{:paths [path_videos]
:handler (fn [ctx e]
(defn convertVideo
;; Optimize video
(let [path_raw (.getAbsolutePath (:file e))
is_thumbnail (doall (re-find (re-pattern extension_thumbnail) path_raw))
path_thumbnail (str/join (concat (drop-last (str/split path_raw #"\.")) extension_thumbnail))
path_thumbnail (str (str/join "." ( drop-last (str/split path_raw #"\."))) extension_thumbnail)
path_thumbnail_temp (str "/tmp/" (last (str/split path_thumbnail #"\/")))]
(prn path_thumbnail)
(if (and (.exists (io/file path_raw)) (not is_thumbnail) (not (.exists (io/file path_thumbnail))))
(prn (str "Optimizing: " path_raw))
;; Optimizing with ffmpeg
(shell/sh "ffmpeg" "-y" "-i" path_raw "-vf" (str "scale=" width_thumbnail ":-2") "-c:v" "libx264" "-crf" "23" "-profile:v" "high" "-pix_fmt" "yuv420p" "-color_primaries" "1" "-color_trc" "1" "-colorspace" "1" "-movflags" "+faststart" "-an" "-acodec" "aac" "-ab" (str width_thumbnail "kb") path_thumbnail_temp)
(shell/sh "mv" path_thumbnail_temp path_thumbnail)
(prn (str "Finish: " path_thumbnail))))))}])
(prn (str "Finish: " path_thumbnail))))))
(defn -main [& args]
;; Watch
(hawk/watch! [{:paths [path_videos]
:handler (fn [ctx e]
(convertVideo e))}])
(println "Running: Feed me!"))