#!/usr/bin/env bash # -- # Description: Script that decompresses all the files that are left in the folder. # --nnnnnnn # Requirements: Install inotify-tools, gzip bzip2 xz-utils unzip p7zip-full and unrar # Example Debian: $sudo apt install inotify-tools gzip bzip2 xz-utils unzip p7zip-full unrar # -- # Cron: @reboot bash-folders-descompress.sh >/dev/null 2>&1 & # -- # START set -e # EXPORTS # Fix: notify-send command doesn't launch the notification through systemd service export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS="${DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS:-unix:path=/run/user/${UID}/bus}" # VARIABLES PROGNAME=$(basename "$0") FOLDER_ORIGIN="$2" EXTENSIONS_TO_WATCH=("gzip" "bzip2" "xz" "zip" "7z" "rar") # FUNCTIONS usage() { if [ "$*" != "" ] ; then echo "Error: $*" fi cat << EOF Usage: $PROGNAME [OPTION] Watches new compress files and decompresses all the files. Options: --folder [path] Folder path where will be monitored. --help Display this usage message and exit EOF exit 1 } send-notification() { if command -v notify-send >/dev/null 2>&1; then # Send a native notification notify-send "$1" else # If the above command is not available, print by console echo "$1" fi } start() { # Output cd "$FOLDER_ORIGIN" # Monitors the selected folder inotifywait -m -e create,moved_to --format '%f' "$FOLDER_ORIGIN" | while read -r filename; do # Gets the file extension extension="${filename##*.}" filepath=$(readlink -f "$FOLDER_ORIGIN/$filename") # Checks if the extension is in the extension list for ext in "${EXTENSIONS_TO_WATCH[@]}"; do if [[ "$ext" = "$extension" ]]; then # Notifies that the conversion is to be started send-notification "Descompressing '$filename', please wait." # Decompresses the file filetype=$(file -b "$filepath" | awk '{print $1}') case "$filetype" in "gzip") gzip -d "$filepath" ;; "bzip2") bzip2 -d "$filepath" ;; "XZ") xz -d "$filepath" ;; "Zip") unzip "$filepath" ;; "7-zip") 7z x "$filepath" ;; "RAR") unrar x "$filepath" ;; *) send-notification "Error: Unknown file type $filetype" ;; esac # Notifies that it has been terminated send-notification "Descompressing $filename finished." fi done done } # CONTROLE ARGUMENTS isArg="" while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do case "$1" in --help) usage ;; --folder) isArg="1" if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then start else usage "You need to specify the path of the folder to watch." fi ;; *) esac shift done if [ -z $isArg ] ; then usage "Not enough arguments" fi