# Support Python 3.10+. target-version = "py310" # Set the maximum line length to 79. line-length = 79 exclude = [".venv", "venv", "coreplan/infra/http/django/asgi.py"] [lint] # Add the `line-too-long` rule to the enforced rule set. By default, Ruff omits rules that # overlap with the use of a formatter, like Black, but we can override this behavior by # explicitly adding the rule. #extend-select = ["E501"] # FastAPI problem: B008 Do not perform function call `Depends` in argument defaults ignore = ["F401", "E402", "E101", "E501", "B008"] select = [ # pycodestyle "E", # Pyflakes "F", # pyupgrade "UP", # flake8-bugbear "B", # flake8-simplify "SIM", # isort "I", ] [format] quote-style = "single" indent-style = "tab"