Immutable NoSQL database that works on a single plain text file ## Features - **Information is never lost**. Even if you make updates or deletions, you will be able to recover any information at any time. - There are **no restrictions on the data structure or columns**, since dictionaries are used without limitations on nesting. Similar to MongoDB Documents. - All the information is **stored in a JSON file**. - **Extremely fast** since it has no queue or locking limitations. - **Minimalistic** to implement and use. ## Why use fiableDB instead of other relational databases? - **High level of consistency and accuracy of data**, such as a hospital patient's chronology or banking data. It cannot be modified once it has been aggregated. - They **simplify the process of backing up and restoring data**, because you can always **revert to the original version** of the data if necessary. - **Very secure**, modifying existing data will be detected and rejected. ## Install ```python pip3 install --user fiable_db ``` ## Docs All documentation can be read as a sequential tutorial. ### Step1: Start To load the database you must import reliable_db and start it. ```python import fiable_db fiable_db.start() ``` It will create a file named `fiable_db.json` in the current directory. If you want to change the name of the file, you can do it by passing the name as a parameter. ```python fiable_db.start("my_db.json") ``` If the file already exists, it will be loaded. Nothing is deleted here! ### Step 2: Agregation Only one: ```python fiable_db.add({"name": "Miguel", "age": 41, "height": 189}) # {"id": 1, "rev": 1, "data": {"name": "Miguel", "age": 41, "height": 189}} ``` Various: ```python fiable_db.add( [ {"name": "Noelia", "age": 34, "height": 165}, {"name": "Juan", "age": 41, "height": 187}, {"name": "Valentina", "age": 12, "height": 142}, ] ) # [ # {"id": 2, "rev": 1, "data": {{"name": "Noelia", "age": 34, "height": 165}}, # {"id": 3, "rev": 1, "data": {{"name": "Juan", "age": 41, "height": 187}}, # {"id": 4, "rev": 1, "data": {{"name": "Valentina", "age": 83, "height": 172}}, # ] ``` ### Step 3: Update Update a key: ```python fiable_db.update(4, {"age": 21}) # {"id": 4, "rev": 2, "data": {{"name": "Valentina", "age": 21, "height": 172}} ``` Add new key: ```python fiable_db.update(4, {"is_active": True}) # {"id": 4, "rev": 3, "data": {{"name": "Valentina", "age": 21, "height": 172, "is_active": True}} ``` Delete key: ```python fiable_db.update(4, {"height": None}) # {"id": 4, "rev": 4, "data": {{"name": "Valentina", "age": 21, "is_active": True}} ``` Forcing new structure. ```python fiable_db.update(4, {"name": "Javier", "email": ""}, force=True) # {"id": 4, "rev": 5, "data": {{"name": "Javier", "email": ""}} ``` ### Step 4: Delete ```python fiable_db.delete(4) # {"id": 4, "rev": 6, "data": None} ``` ### Step 5: Find one Search by id. ```python fiable_db.find_one(id=2) # {"id": 2, "rev": 1, "data": {{"name": "Noelia", "age": 34, "height": 165}} ``` Search by value. ```python fiable_db.find_one(data={"name": "Noelia"}) # {"id": 2, "rev": 1, "data": {{"name": "Noelia", "age": 34, "height": 165}} ``` Search by several values. ```python fiable_db.find_one(data={"name": "Noelia", "age": 34}) # {"id": 2, "rev": 1, "data": {{"name": "Noelia", "age": 34, "height": 165}} ``` No results. ```python fiable_db.find_one(data={"name": "Noelia", "is_active": False}) # None ``` ### Step 6: Find all ```python fiable_db.find_all(data={"age": 41}) # [ # {"id": 1, "rev": 1, "data": {{"name": "Miguel", "age": 41, "height": 189}}, # {"id": 3, "rev": 1, "data": {{"name": "Juan", "age": 41, "height": 187}}, # ] ``` ### Step 7: See previous revisions Previous version to be deleted. ```python fiable_db.find_one(id=4, rev=3) # {"id": 4, "rev": 3, "data": {{"name": "Valentina", "age": 21, "height": 172, "is_active": True}} ``` You can also use negative numbers. ```python fiable_db.find_one(id=4, rev=-1) # {"id": 4, "rev": 3, "data": {{"name": "Valentina", "age": 21, "height": 172, "is_active": True}} fiable_db.find_one(id=4, rev=-2) # {"id": 4, "rev": 2, "data": {{"name": "Valentina", "age": 21, "height": 172}} ``` ### Step 8: Working with tables or collections. You can create as many tables as you want. The default table is called `default`. If you want to work in another area, just use the `table` attribute in any of the above functions. ```python fiable_db.add({"name": "Luciano", "age": 54, "height": 165}, table="users") # {"id": 1, "rev": 1, "data": {"name": "Luciano", "age": 54, "height": 165}} fiable_db.find_one(id=1, table="users") # "users" table # {"id": 1, "rev": 1, "data": {"name": "Luciano", "age": 54, "height": 165}} fiable_db.find_one(id=1) # Default table # {"id": 1, "rev": 1, "data": {"name": "Miguel", "age": 41, "height": 189}} ``` --- Thanks to the power of 🐍 Python 🐍