;;; format-region.el --- Transform region in different formats: camelCase, kebap-case or lisp-case, PascalCase or snake_case. -*- lexical-binding: t; ;; ;; Copyright © 2023 Andros Fenollosa ;; Authors: Andros Fenollosa ;; URL: https://github.com/tanrax/transform-texts-to-formats.el ;; Version: 1.0.0 ;; SPDX-License-Identifier: GNU General Public License v3.0 or later ;;; Commentary: ;; Transform region in different formats: camelCase, kebap-case or lisp-case, PascalCase or snake_case. ;;; Code: (defun to-format (sentence separator is-first-word-capitalized is-all-words-capitalized) "Convert SENTENCE to format. SEPARATOR is the character that will separate the words. IS-FIRST-WORD-CAPITALIZED is a boolean that indicates if the first word should be capitalized. IS-ALL-WORDS-CAPITALIZED is a boolean that indicates if all words should be capitalized." (let* ((words-lower-case (downcase sentence)) ; To lowercase (words (split-string words-lower-case " ")) ; Split sentence into words by spaces (words-case (if is-all-words-capitalized (mapcar #'capitalize words) words)) ; Capitalize first letter of each word (sentence-with-new-separator (mapconcat 'identity words-case separator)) ; Join words with separator (sentence-with-first-word-capitalized (if is-first-word-capitalized sentence-with-new-separator (concat (downcase (substring sentence-with-new-separator 0 1)) (substring sentence-with-new-separator 1)))) ; Capitalize first letter of first word ) sentence-with-first-word-capitalized)) (defmacro curried-format (separator is-first-word-capitalized is-all-words-capitalized) "Curry the function to-format with SEPARATOR, IS-FIRST-WORD-CAPITALIZED and IS-ALL-WORDS-CAPITALIZED." `(lambda (sentence) (to-format sentence ,separator ,is-first-word-capitalized ,is-all-words-capitalized))) ;; Define functions (setq to-camel-case (curried-format nil nil t)) ; camelCase (setq to-kebab-case (curried-format "-" nil nil)) ; kebab-case or lisp-case (setq to-pascal-case (curried-format nil t t)) ; PascalCase (setq to-snake-case (curried-format "_" nil nil)) ; snake_case (defun format-region (fn-format) "Format the selected region with FN-FORMAT." (interactive) (let ((text (buffer-substring-no-properties (region-beginning) (region-end)))) (delete-region (region-beginning) (region-end)) (insert (funcall fn-format text)))) ;; Interactive functions (defun format-to-camel-case-region () "Convert the selected text to camelCase." (interactive) (format-region to-camel-case)) (defun format-to-kebab-case-region () "Convert the selected text to kebab-case or lisp-case." (interactive) (format-region to-kebab-case)) (defun format-to-lisp-case-region () "Convert the selected text to kebab-case or lisp-case." (interactive) (format-region to-kebab-case)) (defun format-to-pascal-case-region () "Convert the selected text to PascalCase." (interactive) (format-region to-pascal-case)) (defun format-to-snake-case-region () "Convert the selected text to snake_case." (interactive) (format-region to-snake-case)) ;;; format-region.el ends here