""" builds Mac OS X application bundles from Python scripts New keywords for distutils' setup function specify what to build: app list of scripts to convert into gui app bundles py2app options, to be specified in the options keyword to the setup function: optimize - string or int (0, 1, or 2) includes - list of module names to include packages - list of packages to include with subpackages ignores - list of modules to ignore if they are not found excludes - list of module names to exclude dylib_excludes - list of dylibs and/or frameworks to exclude resources - list of additional files and folders to include plist - Info.plist template file, dict, or plistlib.Plist dist_dir - directory where to build the final files Items in the macosx list can also be dictionaries to further customize the build process. The following keys in the dictionary are recognized, most are optional: script (MACOSX) - list of python scripts (required) dest_base - directory and basename for the executable if a directory is contained, must be the same for all targets """ import pkg_resources __version__ = pkg_resources.require('py2app')[0].version # This makes the py2app command work in the distutils.core.setup() case import setuptools