from py2app.util import imp_find_module import os, sys, glob try: from cStringIO import StringIO except ImportError: from io import StringIO try: set except NameError: from sets import Set as set try: basestring except NameError: basestring = str def check(cmd, mf): m = mf.findNode('Image') or mf.findNode('PIL.Image') if m is None or m.filename is None: return None if mf.findNode('PIL.Image'): have_PIL = True else: have_PIL = False plugins = set() visited = set() for folder in sys.path: if not isinstance(folder, basestring): continue for extra in ('', 'PIL'): folder = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(folder, extra)) if (not os.path.isdir(folder)) or (folder in visited): continue for fn in os.listdir(folder): if not fn.endswith(''): continue mod, ext = os.path.splitext(fn) try: sys.path.insert(0, folder) imp_find_module(mod) del sys.path[0] except ImportError: pass else: plugins.add(mod) visited.add(folder) s = StringIO('_recipes_pil_prescript(%r)\n' % list(plugins)) for plugin in plugins: if have_PIL: mf.implyNodeReference(m, 'PIL.' + plugin) else: mf.implyNodeReference(m, plugin) mf.removeReference(m, 'FixTk') # Since Imaging-1.1.5, SpiderImagePlugin imports ImageTk conditionally. # This is not ever used unless the user is explicitly using Tk elsewhere. sip = mf.findNode('SpiderImagePlugin') if sip is not None: mf.removeReference(sip, 'ImageTk') # The ImageQt plugin should only be usefull when using PyQt, which # would then be explicitly imported. # Note: this code doesn't have the right side-effect at the moment # due to the way the PyQt5 recipe is structured. sip = mf.findNode('PIL.ImageQt') if sip is not None: mf.removeReference(sip, 'PyQt5') mf.removeReference(sip, 'PyQt5.QtGui') mf.removeReference(sip, 'PyQt5.QtCore') mf.removeReference(sip, 'PyQt4') mf.removeReference(sip, 'PyQt4.QtGui') mf.removeReference(sip, 'PyQt4.QtCore') pass return dict( prescripts = ['', s], include = "PIL.JpegPresets", # Dodgy import from PIL.JpegPlugin in Pillow 2.0 flatpackages = [os.path.dirname(m.filename)], )