Update comments

This commit is contained in:
Andros Fenollosa 2019-08-04 11:08:33 +02:00
parent c7383a6a5a
commit b774884cce

View File

@ -8,19 +8,19 @@
" URL send for Telegram "
;; URL send for Telegram
(def url_telegram_send (str "https://api.telegram.org/" (:bot_token env) "/sendMessage"))
" URLs from API Hacker News "
;; URLs from API Hacker News
(def url_all_stories "https://hacker-news.firebaseio.com/v0/topstories.json")
" Min score "
;; Min score
(def min_score (:min_score env))
" Now unixtime "
;; Now unixtime
(def now (quot (System/currentTimeMillis) 1000))
" 24h in unixtime "
;; 24h in unixtime
(def unixtime24h 86400)
" Now - 24h "
;; Now - 24h
(def min_time (- now unixtime24h))
" Path file save history "
;; Path file save history
(def path_history "isahn_history.json")
(def history (if (.exists (io/file path_history)) (json/parse-string (slurp (io/file path_history)) true) (str "")))
(def history_ids (map :id history))
@ -35,12 +35,12 @@
(defn get_all_stories
" Get all stories "
" Get all ids stories "
(let [ids_stories (json/parse-string (:body (client/get url_all_stories {:accept :json})))]
" Get all API urls stories "
(let [urls_stories (map one_story ids_stories)]
" Get all data stories "
(map #(json/parse-string (:body (client/get % {:accept :json}))) urls_stories))))
;; Get all ids stories
(let [ids_stories (json/parse-string (:body (client/get url_all_stories {:accept :json})))
urls_stories (map one_story ids_stories)]
;; Get all API urls stories
;; Get all data stories
(map #(json/parse-string (:body (client/get % {:accept :json}))) urls_stories)))
(defn lazy-contains? [col key]
(some #{key} col))
@ -61,14 +61,13 @@
(defn filter_stories
"Filter stories by last 24h, remove histories and lower score"
" Filter created less 24h "
(let [stories_24h (filter #(> (get-in % ["time"]) min_time) stories)]
;; Filter created less 24h
(let [stories_24h (filter #(> (get-in % ["time"]) min_time) stories)
;; Filter history
stories_without_histories (filter #(not (lazy-contains? history_ids (get-in % ["id"]))) stories_24h)]
" Filter history "
(let [stories_without_histories (filter #(not (lazy-contains? history_ids (get-in % ["id"]))) stories_24h)]
" Filter with score min_score "
(filter #(> (get-in % ["score"]) min_score) stories_without_histories))))
;; Filter with score min_score
(filter #(> (get-in % ["score"]) min_score) stories_without_histories)))
(defn send_stories_telegram
"Send stories by Telegram Channel"
@ -89,7 +88,7 @@
(defn -main
"Main execution"
" Run first time "
;; Run first time
" Run every :run_every_miliseconds "
;; Run every :run_every_miliseconds
(set-interval check_stories (:run_every_miliseconds env)))