Add translation

This commit is contained in:
Andros Fenollosa 2024-01-08 19:14:11 +01:00
parent 2543f794d0
commit 490d2b9eb4
2 changed files with 655 additions and 127 deletions

View File

@ -3,12 +3,6 @@
## Usage
M-x learning-irregular-verbs-in-English
## Install
Add in your `init.el`.
@ -18,3 +12,28 @@ Add in your `init.el`.
:straight (:host github :repo "tanrax/learning-irregular-verbs-in-English.el" :files ("learning-irregular-verbs-in-English.el"))
:ensure t)
## Configure (Optional)
Shows the translation of the verb when resolving or failing.
Only available in Spanish.
(setq learning-irregular-verbs-in-English--show-translation 'es)
## Usage
M-x learning-irregular-verbs-in-English
## Controls
| Key | Description |
| --- | --- |
| `TAB` | Move to the next field |
| `S-TAB` | Move to the previous field |
| `RET` | Click on the button |
| `q` | Quit |

View File

@ -19,111 +19,613 @@
;; Variables
(defvar lire--verbs '(
("beat" "beat" "beaten")
("become" "became" "become")
("begin" "began" "begun")
("bend" "bent" "bent")
("bet" "bet" "bet")
("bite" "bit" "bitten")
("bleed" "bled" "bled")
("blow" "blew" "blown")
("break" "broke" "broken")
("bring" "brought" "brought")
("build" "built" "built")
("burn" "burnt" "burnt")
("buy" "bought" "bought")
("catch" "caught" "caught")
("choose" "chose" "chosen")
("come" "came" "come")
("cost" "cost" "cost")
("cut" "cut" "cut")
("dig" "dug" "dug")
("do" "did" "done")
("draw" "drew" "drawn")
("dream" "dreamt" "dreamt")
("drink" "drank" "drunk")
("drive" "drove" "driven")
("eat" "ate" "eaten")
("fall" "fell" "fallen")
("feed" "fed" "fed")
("feel" "felt" "felt")
("fight" "fought" "fought")
("find" "found" "found")
("fly" "flew" "flown")
("forget" "forgot" "forgotten")
("forgive" "forgave" "forgiven")
("freeze" "froze" "frozen")
("get" "got" "got")
("give" "gave" "given")
("go" "went" "gone")
("grow" "grew" "grown")
("hang" "hung" "hung")
("have" "had" "had")
("hear" "heard" "heard")
("hide" "hid" "hidden")
("hit" "hit" "hit")
("hold" "held" "held")
("hurt" "hurt" "hurt")
("keep" "kept" "kept")
("know" "knew" "known")
("lay" "laid" "laid")
("lead" "led" "led")
("learn" "learnt" "learnt")
("leave" "left" "left")
("lend" "lent" "lent")
("let" "let" "let")
("lie" "lay" "lain")
("light" "lit" "lit")
("lose" "lost" "lost")
("make" "made" "made")
("mean" "meant" "meant")
("meet" "met" "met")
("pay" "paid" "paid")
("put" "put" "put")
("read" "read" "read")
("ride" "rode" "ridden")
("ring" "rang" "rung")
("rise" "rose" "risen")
("run" "ran" "run")
("say" "said" "said")
("see" "saw" "seen")
("sell" "sold" "sold")
("send" "sent" "sent")
("set" "set" "set")
("shake" "shook" "shaken")
("shine" "shone" "shone")
("shoot" "shot" "shot")
("show" "showed" "shown")
("shut" "shut" "shut")
("sing" "sang" "sung")
("sink" "sank" "sunk")
("sit" "sat" "sat")
("sleep" "slept" "slept")
("smell" "smelt" "smelt")
("speak" "spoke" "spoken")
("spend" "spent" "spent")
("spell" "spelt" "spelt")
("spit" "spit" "spit")
("stand" "stood" "stood")
("steal" "stole" "stolen")
("swim" "swam" "swum")
("take" "took" "taken")
("teach" "taught" "taught")
("tear" "tore" "torn")
("tell" "told" "told")
("think" "thought" "thought")
("throw" "threw" "thrown")
("understand" "understood" "understood")
("wake" "woke" "woken")
("wear" "wore" "worn")
("win" "won" "won")
("write" "wrote" "written")))
;; lire
(infinitive . "beat")
(simple-past . "beat")
(past-participle . "beaten")
(es . "golpear")))
(infinitive . "become")
(simple-past . "became")
(past-participle . "become")
(es . "llegar a ser, convertirse en")))
(infinitive . "begin")
(simple-past . "began")
(past-participle . "begun")
(es . "empezar")))
(infinitive . "bend")
(simple-past . "bent")
(past-participle . "bent")
(es . "doblar")))
(infinitive . "bet")
(simple-past . "bet")
(past-participle . "bet")
(es . "apostar")))
(infinitive . "bite")
(simple-past . "bit")
(past-participle . "bitten")
(es . ("morder"))))
(infinitive . "bleed")
(simple-past . "bled")
(past-participle . "bled")
(es . "sangrar")))
(infinitive . "blow")
(simple-past . "blew")
(past-participle . "blown")
(es . ("soplar"))))
(infinitive . "break")
(simple-past . "broke")
(past-participle . "broken")
(es . "romper")))
(infinitive . "bring")
(simple-past . "brought")
(past-participle . "brought")
(es . "traer")))
(infinitive . "build")
(simple-past . "built")
(past-participle . "built")
(es . "construir")))
(infinitive . "burn")
(simple-past . "burnt")
(past-participle . "burnt")
(es . "quemar")))
(infinitive . "buy")
(simple-past . "bought")
(past-participle . "bought")
(es . "comprar")))
(infinitive . "catch")
(simple-past . "caught")
(past-participle . "caught")
(es . "coger")))
(infinitive . "choose")
(simple-past . "chose")
(past-participle . "chosen")
(es . "escoger")))
(infinitive . "come")
(simple-past . "came")
(past-participle . "come")
(es . "venir")))
(infinitive . "cost")
(simple-past . "cost")
(past-participle . "cost")
(es . "costar")))
(infinitive . "cut")
(simple-past . "cut")
(past-participle . "cut")
(es . "cortar")))
(infinitive . "dig")
(simple-past . "dug")
(past-participle . "dug")
(es . "cavar")))
(infinitive . "do")
(simple-past . "did")
(past-participle . "done")
(es . "hacer")))
(infinitive . "draw")
(simple-past . "drew")
(past-participle . "drawn")
(es . '"(dibujar, trazar")))
(infinitive . "dream")
(simple-past . "dreamt")
(past-participle . "dreamt")
(es . "soñar")))
(infinitive . "drink")
(simple-past . "drank")
(past-participle . "drunk")
(es . "beber")))
(infinitive . "drive")
(simple-past . "drove")
(past-participle . "driven")
(es . "conducir")))
(infinitive . "eat")
(simple-past . "ate")
(past-participle . "eaten")
(es . "comer")))
(infinitive . "fall")
(simple-past . "fell")
(past-participle . "fallen")
(es . "caer(se)")))
(infinitive . "feed")
(simple-past . "fed")
(past-participle . "fed")
(es . "dar de comer, alimentar")))
(infinitive . "feel")
(simple-past . "felt")
(past-participle . "felt")
(es . "sentir")))
(infinitive . "fight")
(simple-past . "fought")
(past-participle . "fought")
(es . "pelear, luchar")))
(infinitive . "find")
(simple-past . "found")
(past-participle . "found")
(es . "encontrar")))
(infinitive . "fly")
(simple-past . "flew")
(past-participle . "flown")
(es . "volar")))
(infinitive . "forget")
(simple-past . "forgot")
(past-participle . "forgotten")
(es . "olvidar")))
(infinitive . "forgive")
(simple-past . "forgave")
(past-participle . "forgiven")
(es . "perdonar")))
(infinitive . "freeze")
(simple-past . "froze")
(past-participle . "frozen")
(es . "helar, congelar")))
(infinitive . "get")
(simple-past . "got")
(past-participle . "got")
(es . "conseguir")))
(infinitive . "give")
(simple-past . "gave")
(past-participle . "given")
(es . "dar")))
(infinitive . "go")
(simple-past . "went")
(past-participle . "gone")
(es . "ir")))
(infinitive . "grow")
(simple-past . "grew")
(past-participle . "grown")
(es . "cultivar, crecer")))
(infinitive . "hang")
(simple-past . "hung")
(past-participle . "hung")
(es . "colgar")))
(infinitive . "have")
(simple-past . "had")
(past-participle . "had")
(es . "tener")))
(infinitive . "hear")
(simple-past . "heard")
(past-participle . "heard")
(es .' ("oír"))))
(infinitive . "hide")
(simple-past . "hid")
(past-participle . "hidden")
(es . "esconder")))
(infinitive . "hit")
(simple-past . "hit")
(past-participle . "hit")
(es . "golpear, pegar")))
(infinitive . "hold")
(simple-past . "held")
(past-participle . "held")
(es . "sostener")))
(infinitive . "hurt")
(simple-past . "hurt")
(past-participle . "hurt")
(es . "herir")))
(infinitive . "keep")
(simple-past . "kept")
(past-participle . "kept")
(es . "mantener")))
(infinitive . "know")
(simple-past . "knew")
(past-participle . "known")
(es . "saber, conocer")))
(infinitive . "lay")
(simple-past . "laid")
(past-participle . "laid")
(es . "poner (la mesa), colocar")))
(infinitive . "lead")
(simple-past . "led")
(past-participle . "led")
(es . "dirigir")))
(infinitive . "learn")
(simple-past . "learnt")
(past-participle . "learnt")
(es . "aprender")))
(infinitive . "leave")
(simple-past . "left")
(past-participle . "left")
(es . "dejar, marcharse(se)")))
(infinitive . "lend")
(simple-past . "lent")
(past-participle . "lent")
(es . "prestar")))
(infinitive . "let")
(simple-past . "let")
(past-participle . "let")
(es . "dejar, permitir")))
(infinitive . "lie")
(simple-past . "lay")
(past-participle . "lain")
(es . "tumbarse")))
(infinitive . "light")
(simple-past . "lit")
(past-participle . "lit")
(es . "iluminar")))
(infinitive . "lose")
(simple-past . "lost")
(past-participle . "lost")
(es . "perder")))
(infinitive . "make")
(simple-past . "made")
(past-participle . "made")
(es . "hacer")))
(infinitive . "mean")
(simple-past . "meant")
(past-participle . "meant")
(es . "significar, querer decir")))
(infinitive . "meet")
(simple-past . "met")
(past-participle . "met")
(es . "conocer")))
(infinitive . "pay")
(simple-past . "paid")
(past-participle . "paid")
(es . "pagar")))
(infinitive . "put")
(simple-past . "put")
(past-participle . "put")
(es . "poner")))
(infinitive . "read")
(simple-past . "read")
(past-participle . "read")
(es . "leer")))
(infinitive . "ride")
(simple-past . "rode")
(past-participle . "ridden")
(es . "montar")))
(infinitive . "ring")
(simple-past . "rang")
(past-participle . "rung")
(es . "sonar, llamar por teléfono")))
(infinitive . "rise")
(simple-past . "rose")
(past-participle . "risen")
(es . "levantarse")))
(infinitive . "run")
(simple-past . "ran")
(past-participle . "run")
(es . "correr")))
(infinitive . "say")
(simple-past . "said")
(past-participle . "said")
(es . "decir")))
(infinitive . "see")
(simple-past . "saw")
(past-participle . "seen")
(es . "ver")))
(infinitive . "sell")
(simple-past . "sold")
(past-participle . "sold")
(es . "vender")))
(infinitive . "send")
(simple-past . "sent")
(past-participle . "sent")
(es . "enviar")))
(infinitive . "set")
(simple-past . "set")
(past-participle . "set")
(es . "colocar, fijar, poner la mesa")))
(infinitive . "shake")
(simple-past . "shook")
(past-participle . "shaken")
(es . "agitar, sacudir")))
(infinitive . "shine")
(simple-past . "shone")
(past-participle . "shone")
(es . "brillar, sacar brillo")))
(infinitive . "shoot")
(simple-past . "shot")
(past-participle . "shot")
(es . "disparar")))
(infinitive . "show")
(simple-past . "showed")
(past-participle . "shown")
(es . "mostrar")))
(infinitive . "shut")
(simple-past . "shut")
(past-participle . "shut")
(es . "cerrar")))
(infinitive . "sing")
(simple-past . "sang")
(past-participle . "sung")
(es . "cantar")))
(infinitive . "sink")
(simple-past . "sank")
(past-participle . "sunk")
(es . "hundir(se)")))
(infinitive . "sit")
(simple-past . "sat")
(past-participle . "sat")
(es . "sentar(se)")))
(infinitive . "sleep")
(simple-past . "slept")
(past-participle . "slept")
(es . "dormir")))
(infinitive . "smell")
(simple-past . "smelt")
(past-participle . "smelt")
(es . "oler")))
(infinitive . "speak")
(simple-past . "spoke")
(past-participle . "spoken")
(es . "hablar")))
(infinitive . "spell")
(simple-past . "spelt")
(past-participle . "spelt")
(es . "deletrear")))
(infinitive . "spend")
(simple-past . "spent")
(past-participle . "spent")
(es . "gastar")))
(infinitive . "spill")
(simple-past . "spilt")
(past-participle . "spilt")
(es . "derramar")))
(infinitive . "spit")
(simple-past . "spit")
(past-participle . "spit")
(es . "escupir")))
(infinitive . "stand")
(simple-past . "stood")
(past-participle . "stood")
(es . "ponerse/estar de pie")))
(infinitive . "steal")
(simple-past . "stole")
(past-participle . "stolen")
(es . "robar")))
(infinitive . "swim")
(simple-past . "swam")
(past-participle . "swum")
(es . "nadar")))
(infinitive . "take")
(simple-past . "took")
(past-participle . "taken")
(es . "tomar, coger")))
(infinitive . "teach")
(simple-past . "taught")
(past-participle . "taught")
(es . "enseñar")))
(infinitive . "tear")
(simple-past . "tore")
(past-participle . "torn")
(es . "romper, rasgar")))
(infinitive . "tell")
(simple-past . "told")
(past-participle . "told")
(es . "decir, contar")))
(infinitive . "think")
(simple-past . "thought")
(past-participle . "thought")
(es . "pensar")))
(infinitive . "throw")
(simple-past . "threw")
(past-participle . "thrown")
(es . "lanzar, tirar")))
(infinitive . "understand")
(simple-past . "understood")
(past-participle . "understood")
(es . "entender")))
(infinitive . "wake")
(simple-past . "woke")
(past-participle . "woken")
(es . "despertar")))
(infinitive . "wear")
(simple-past . "wore")
(past-participle . "worn")
(es . "llevar puesto")))
(infinitive . "win")
(simple-past . "won")
(past-participle . "won")
(es . "ganar")))
(infinitive . "write")
(simple-past . "wrote")
(past-participle . "written")
(es . "escribir")))))
;; Variables
(defvar lire--buffer-name "*Learning irregular verbs in English*")
(defvar lire--state 1) ;; 1: lire--start, 2: playing (before first check), 3: win (show success layout)
(defvar lire--verb-to-learn-infinitive nil)
(defvar lire--verb-to-learn-simple-past nil)
(defvar lire--verb-to-learn-past-participle nil)
(defvar lire--translation nil)
(defvar lire--emoji-valid "")
(defvar lire--emoji-error "👎")
(defvar lire--widget-title nil)
@ -165,9 +667,12 @@
(defun lire--set-verb-to-learn ()
"Set the verb to learn."
(let ((verbs-random (nth (random (length lire--verbs)) lire--verbs)))
(setq lire--verb-to-learn-infinitive (nth 0 verbs-random))
(setq lire--verb-to-learn-simple-past (nth 1 verbs-random))
(setq lire--verb-to-learn-past-participle (nth 2 verbs-random))))
(setq lire--verb-to-learn-infinitive (alist-get 'infinitive verbs-random))
(setq lire--verb-to-learn-simple-past (alist-get 'simple-past verbs-random))
(setq lire--verb-to-learn-past-participle (alist-get 'past-participle verbs-random))
(when (not (null (boundp 'learning-irregular-verbs-in-English--show-translation))) (setq lire--translation (alist-get 'learning-irregular-verbs-in-English--show-translation (alist-get 'translations verbs-random))))))
(defun lire--format-value-infinitive ()
"Format the value of the infinitive."
@ -193,10 +698,17 @@
(not (string= (lire--value-field-past-participle) "")))
lire--emoji-valid lire--emoji-error))))
(defun lire--show-translation ()
"Show translation if learning-irregular-verbs-in-English--show-translation is t"
(when (not (null lire--translation))
(widget-value-set lire--widget-item-verb (concat (lire--format-value-infinitive) " " lire--translation))))
(defun lire--toggle-layout-finish ()
"Toggle the layout to success."
(if (eq lire--state 3)
;; Show translate
;; Cursor to end
(goto-char (point-max))
;; Remove check button
@ -368,9 +880,6 @@
(use-local-map widget-keymap)
;; Keybindings
(define-key widget-keymap (kbd "q") 'lire--kill-app)
;; Init
(defun learning-irregular-verbs-in-English ()
"Application to learn and review irregular verbs in English."