Add translation

This commit is contained in:
Andros Fenollosa 2024-01-08 19:14:11 +01:00
parent 2543f794d0
commit 490d2b9eb4
2 changed files with 655 additions and 127 deletions

View File

@ -3,12 +3,6 @@
## Usage
M-x learning-irregular-verbs-in-English
## Install
Add in your `init.el`.
@ -18,3 +12,28 @@ Add in your `init.el`.
:straight (:host github :repo "tanrax/learning-irregular-verbs-in-English.el" :files ("learning-irregular-verbs-in-English.el"))
:ensure t)
## Configure (Optional)
Shows the translation of the verb when resolving or failing.
Only available in Spanish.
(setq learning-irregular-verbs-in-English--show-translation 'es)
## Usage
M-x learning-irregular-verbs-in-English
## Controls
| Key | Description |
| --- | --- |
| `TAB` | Move to the next field |
| `S-TAB` | Move to the previous field |
| `RET` | Click on the button |
| `q` | Quit |

View File

@ -18,112 +18,614 @@
;; Variables
(defvar lire--verbs '(
("beat" "beat" "beaten")
("become" "became" "become")
("begin" "began" "begun")
("bend" "bent" "bent")
("bet" "bet" "bet")
("bite" "bit" "bitten")
("bleed" "bled" "bled")
("blow" "blew" "blown")
("break" "broke" "broken")
("bring" "brought" "brought")
("build" "built" "built")
("burn" "burnt" "burnt")
("buy" "bought" "bought")
("catch" "caught" "caught")
("choose" "chose" "chosen")
("come" "came" "come")
("cost" "cost" "cost")
("cut" "cut" "cut")
("dig" "dug" "dug")
("do" "did" "done")
("draw" "drew" "drawn")
("dream" "dreamt" "dreamt")
("drink" "drank" "drunk")
("drive" "drove" "driven")
("eat" "ate" "eaten")
("fall" "fell" "fallen")
("feed" "fed" "fed")
("feel" "felt" "felt")
("fight" "fought" "fought")
("find" "found" "found")
("fly" "flew" "flown")
("forget" "forgot" "forgotten")
("forgive" "forgave" "forgiven")
("freeze" "froze" "frozen")
("get" "got" "got")
("give" "gave" "given")
("go" "went" "gone")
("grow" "grew" "grown")
("hang" "hung" "hung")
("have" "had" "had")
("hear" "heard" "heard")
("hide" "hid" "hidden")
("hit" "hit" "hit")
("hold" "held" "held")
("hurt" "hurt" "hurt")
("keep" "kept" "kept")
("know" "knew" "known")
("lay" "laid" "laid")
("lead" "led" "led")
("learn" "learnt" "learnt")
("leave" "left" "left")
("lend" "lent" "lent")
("let" "let" "let")
("lie" "lay" "lain")
("light" "lit" "lit")
("lose" "lost" "lost")
("make" "made" "made")
("mean" "meant" "meant")
("meet" "met" "met")
("pay" "paid" "paid")
("put" "put" "put")
("read" "read" "read")
("ride" "rode" "ridden")
("ring" "rang" "rung")
("rise" "rose" "risen")
("run" "ran" "run")
("say" "said" "said")
("see" "saw" "seen")
("sell" "sold" "sold")
("send" "sent" "sent")
("set" "set" "set")
("shake" "shook" "shaken")
("shine" "shone" "shone")
("shoot" "shot" "shot")
("show" "showed" "shown")
("shut" "shut" "shut")
("sing" "sang" "sung")
("sink" "sank" "sunk")
("sit" "sat" "sat")
("sleep" "slept" "slept")
("smell" "smelt" "smelt")
("speak" "spoke" "spoken")
("spend" "spent" "spent")
("spell" "spelt" "spelt")
("spit" "spit" "spit")
("stand" "stood" "stood")
("steal" "stole" "stolen")
("swim" "swam" "swum")
("take" "took" "taken")
("teach" "taught" "taught")
("tear" "tore" "torn")
("tell" "told" "told")
("think" "thought" "thought")
("throw" "threw" "thrown")
("understand" "understood" "understood")
("wake" "woke" "woken")
("wear" "wore" "worn")
("win" "won" "won")
("write" "wrote" "written")))
;; lire
(defvar lire--verbs '(
(infinitive . "beat")
(simple-past . "beat")
(past-participle . "beaten")
(es . "golpear")))
(infinitive . "become")
(simple-past . "became")
(past-participle . "become")
(es . "llegar a ser, convertirse en")))
(infinitive . "begin")
(simple-past . "began")
(past-participle . "begun")
(es . "empezar")))
(infinitive . "bend")
(simple-past . "bent")
(past-participle . "bent")
(es . "doblar")))
(infinitive . "bet")
(simple-past . "bet")
(past-participle . "bet")
(es . "apostar")))
(infinitive . "bite")
(simple-past . "bit")
(past-participle . "bitten")
(es . ("morder"))))
(infinitive . "bleed")
(simple-past . "bled")
(past-participle . "bled")
(es . "sangrar")))
(infinitive . "blow")
(simple-past . "blew")
(past-participle . "blown")
(es . ("soplar"))))
(infinitive . "break")
(simple-past . "broke")
(past-participle . "broken")
(es . "romper")))
(infinitive . "bring")
(simple-past . "brought")
(past-participle . "brought")
(es . "traer")))
(infinitive . "build")
(simple-past . "built")
(past-participle . "built")
(es . "construir")))
(infinitive . "burn")
(simple-past . "burnt")
(past-participle . "burnt")
(es . "quemar")))
(infinitive . "buy")
(simple-past . "bought")
(past-participle . "bought")
(es . "comprar")))
(infinitive . "catch")
(simple-past . "caught")
(past-participle . "caught")
(es . "coger")))
(infinitive . "choose")
(simple-past . "chose")
(past-participle . "chosen")
(es . "escoger")))
(infinitive . "come")
(simple-past . "came")
(past-participle . "come")
(es . "venir")))
(infinitive . "cost")
(simple-past . "cost")
(past-participle . "cost")
(es . "costar")))
(infinitive . "cut")
(simple-past . "cut")
(past-participle . "cut")
(es . "cortar")))
(infinitive . "dig")
(simple-past . "dug")
(past-participle . "dug")
(es . "cavar")))
(infinitive . "do")
(simple-past . "did")
(past-participle . "done")
(es . "hacer")))
(infinitive . "draw")
(simple-past . "drew")
(past-participle . "drawn")
(es . '"(dibujar, trazar")))
(infinitive . "dream")
(simple-past . "dreamt")
(past-participle . "dreamt")
(es . "soñar")))
(infinitive . "drink")
(simple-past . "drank")
(past-participle . "drunk")
(es . "beber")))
(infinitive . "drive")
(simple-past . "drove")
(past-participle . "driven")
(es . "conducir")))
(infinitive . "eat")
(simple-past . "ate")
(past-participle . "eaten")
(es . "comer")))
(infinitive . "fall")
(simple-past . "fell")
(past-participle . "fallen")
(es . "caer(se)")))
(infinitive . "feed")
(simple-past . "fed")
(past-participle . "fed")
(es . "dar de comer, alimentar")))
(infinitive . "feel")
(simple-past . "felt")
(past-participle . "felt")
(es . "sentir")))
(infinitive . "fight")
(simple-past . "fought")
(past-participle . "fought")
(es . "pelear, luchar")))
(infinitive . "find")
(simple-past . "found")
(past-participle . "found")
(es . "encontrar")))
(infinitive . "fly")
(simple-past . "flew")
(past-participle . "flown")
(es . "volar")))
(infinitive . "forget")
(simple-past . "forgot")
(past-participle . "forgotten")
(es . "olvidar")))
(infinitive . "forgive")
(simple-past . "forgave")
(past-participle . "forgiven")
(es . "perdonar")))
(infinitive . "freeze")
(simple-past . "froze")
(past-participle . "frozen")
(es . "helar, congelar")))
(infinitive . "get")
(simple-past . "got")
(past-participle . "got")
(es . "conseguir")))
(infinitive . "give")
(simple-past . "gave")
(past-participle . "given")
(es . "dar")))
(infinitive . "go")
(simple-past . "went")
(past-participle . "gone")
(es . "ir")))
(infinitive . "grow")
(simple-past . "grew")
(past-participle . "grown")
(es . "cultivar, crecer")))
(infinitive . "hang")
(simple-past . "hung")
(past-participle . "hung")
(es . "colgar")))
(infinitive . "have")
(simple-past . "had")
(past-participle . "had")
(es . "tener")))
(infinitive . "hear")
(simple-past . "heard")
(past-participle . "heard")
(es .' ("oír"))))
(infinitive . "hide")
(simple-past . "hid")
(past-participle . "hidden")
(es . "esconder")))
(infinitive . "hit")
(simple-past . "hit")
(past-participle . "hit")
(es . "golpear, pegar")))
(infinitive . "hold")
(simple-past . "held")
(past-participle . "held")
(es . "sostener")))
(infinitive . "hurt")
(simple-past . "hurt")
(past-participle . "hurt")
(es . "herir")))
(infinitive . "keep")
(simple-past . "kept")
(past-participle . "kept")
(es . "mantener")))
(infinitive . "know")
(simple-past . "knew")
(past-participle . "known")
(es . "saber, conocer")))
(infinitive . "lay")
(simple-past . "laid")
(past-participle . "laid")
(es . "poner (la mesa), colocar")))
(infinitive . "lead")
(simple-past . "led")
(past-participle . "led")
(es . "dirigir")))
(infinitive . "learn")
(simple-past . "learnt")
(past-participle . "learnt")
(es . "aprender")))
(infinitive . "leave")
(simple-past . "left")
(past-participle . "left")
(es . "dejar, marcharse(se)")))
(infinitive . "lend")
(simple-past . "lent")
(past-participle . "lent")
(es . "prestar")))
(infinitive . "let")
(simple-past . "let")
(past-participle . "let")
(es . "dejar, permitir")))
(infinitive . "lie")
(simple-past . "lay")
(past-participle . "lain")
(es . "tumbarse")))
(infinitive . "light")
(simple-past . "lit")
(past-participle . "lit")
(es . "iluminar")))
(infinitive . "lose")
(simple-past . "lost")
(past-participle . "lost")
(es . "perder")))
(infinitive . "make")
(simple-past . "made")
(past-participle . "made")
(es . "hacer")))
(infinitive . "mean")
(simple-past . "meant")
(past-participle . "meant")
(es . "significar, querer decir")))
(infinitive . "meet")
(simple-past . "met")
(past-participle . "met")
(es . "conocer")))
(infinitive . "pay")
(simple-past . "paid")
(past-participle . "paid")
(es . "pagar")))
(infinitive . "put")
(simple-past . "put")
(past-participle . "put")
(es . "poner")))
(infinitive . "read")
(simple-past . "read")
(past-participle . "read")
(es . "leer")))
(infinitive . "ride")
(simple-past . "rode")
(past-participle . "ridden")
(es . "montar")))
(infinitive . "ring")
(simple-past . "rang")
(past-participle . "rung")
(es . "sonar, llamar por teléfono")))
(infinitive . "rise")
(simple-past . "rose")
(past-participle . "risen")
(es . "levantarse")))
(infinitive . "run")
(simple-past . "ran")
(past-participle . "run")
(es . "correr")))
(infinitive . "say")
(simple-past . "said")
(past-participle . "said")
(es . "decir")))
(infinitive . "see")
(simple-past . "saw")
(past-participle . "seen")
(es . "ver")))
(infinitive . "sell")
(simple-past . "sold")
(past-participle . "sold")
(es . "vender")))
(infinitive . "send")
(simple-past . "sent")
(past-participle . "sent")
(es . "enviar")))
(infinitive . "set")
(simple-past . "set")
(past-participle . "set")
(es . "colocar, fijar, poner la mesa")))
(infinitive . "shake")
(simple-past . "shook")
(past-participle . "shaken")
(es . "agitar, sacudir")))
(infinitive . "shine")
(simple-past . "shone")
(past-participle . "shone")
(es . "brillar, sacar brillo")))
(infinitive . "shoot")
(simple-past . "shot")
(past-participle . "shot")
(es . "disparar")))
(infinitive . "show")
(simple-past . "showed")
(past-participle . "shown")
(es . "mostrar")))
(infinitive . "shut")
(simple-past . "shut")
(past-participle . "shut")
(es . "cerrar")))
(infinitive . "sing")
(simple-past . "sang")
(past-participle . "sung")
(es . "cantar")))
(infinitive . "sink")
(simple-past . "sank")
(past-participle . "sunk")
(es . "hundir(se)")))
(infinitive . "sit")
(simple-past . "sat")
(past-participle . "sat")
(es . "sentar(se)")))
(infinitive . "sleep")
(simple-past . "slept")
(past-participle . "slept")
(es . "dormir")))
(infinitive . "smell")
(simple-past . "smelt")
(past-participle . "smelt")
(es . "oler")))
(infinitive . "speak")
(simple-past . "spoke")
(past-participle . "spoken")
(es . "hablar")))
(infinitive . "spell")
(simple-past . "spelt")
(past-participle . "spelt")
(es . "deletrear")))
(infinitive . "spend")
(simple-past . "spent")
(past-participle . "spent")
(es . "gastar")))
(infinitive . "spill")
(simple-past . "spilt")
(past-participle . "spilt")
(es . "derramar")))
(infinitive . "spit")
(simple-past . "spit")
(past-participle . "spit")
(es . "escupir")))
(infinitive . "stand")
(simple-past . "stood")
(past-participle . "stood")
(es . "ponerse/estar de pie")))
(infinitive . "steal")
(simple-past . "stole")
(past-participle . "stolen")
(es . "robar")))
(infinitive . "swim")
(simple-past . "swam")
(past-participle . "swum")
(es . "nadar")))
(infinitive . "take")
(simple-past . "took")
(past-participle . "taken")
(es . "tomar, coger")))
(infinitive . "teach")
(simple-past . "taught")
(past-participle . "taught")
(es . "enseñar")))
(infinitive . "tear")
(simple-past . "tore")
(past-participle . "torn")
(es . "romper, rasgar")))
(infinitive . "tell")
(simple-past . "told")
(past-participle . "told")
(es . "decir, contar")))
(infinitive . "think")
(simple-past . "thought")
(past-participle . "thought")
(es . "pensar")))
(infinitive . "throw")
(simple-past . "threw")
(past-participle . "thrown")
(es . "lanzar, tirar")))
(infinitive . "understand")
(simple-past . "understood")
(past-participle . "understood")
(es . "entender")))
(infinitive . "wake")
(simple-past . "woke")
(past-participle . "woken")
(es . "despertar")))
(infinitive . "wear")
(simple-past . "wore")
(past-participle . "worn")
(es . "llevar puesto")))
(infinitive . "win")
(simple-past . "won")
(past-participle . "won")
(es . "ganar")))
(infinitive . "write")
(simple-past . "wrote")
(past-participle . "written")
(es . "escribir")))))
;; Variables
(defvar lire--buffer-name "*Learning irregular verbs in English*")
(defvar lire--state 1) ;; 1: lire--start, 2: playing (before first check), 3: win (show success layout)
(defvar lire--verb-to-learn-infinitive nil)
(defvar lire--verb-to-learn-simple-past nil)
(defvar lire--verb-to-learn-past-participle nil)
(defvar lire--translation nil)
(defvar lire--emoji-valid "")
(defvar lire--emoji-error "👎")
(defvar lire--widget-title nil)
@ -165,9 +667,12 @@
(defun lire--set-verb-to-learn ()
"Set the verb to learn."
(let ((verbs-random (nth (random (length lire--verbs)) lire--verbs)))
(setq lire--verb-to-learn-infinitive (nth 0 verbs-random))
(setq lire--verb-to-learn-simple-past (nth 1 verbs-random))
(setq lire--verb-to-learn-past-participle (nth 2 verbs-random))))
(setq lire--verb-to-learn-infinitive (alist-get 'infinitive verbs-random))
(setq lire--verb-to-learn-simple-past (alist-get 'simple-past verbs-random))
(setq lire--verb-to-learn-past-participle (alist-get 'past-participle verbs-random))
(when (not (null (boundp 'learning-irregular-verbs-in-English--show-translation))) (setq lire--translation (alist-get 'learning-irregular-verbs-in-English--show-translation (alist-get 'translations verbs-random))))))
(defun lire--format-value-infinitive ()
"Format the value of the infinitive."
@ -193,10 +698,17 @@
(not (string= (lire--value-field-past-participle) "")))
lire--emoji-valid lire--emoji-error))))
(defun lire--show-translation ()
"Show translation if learning-irregular-verbs-in-English--show-translation is t"
(when (not (null lire--translation))
(widget-value-set lire--widget-item-verb (concat (lire--format-value-infinitive) " " lire--translation))))
(defun lire--toggle-layout-finish ()
"Toggle the layout to success."
(if (eq lire--state 3)
;; Show translate
;; Cursor to end
(goto-char (point-max))
;; Remove check button
@ -210,26 +722,26 @@
(setq lire--widget-button-show-solution nil)
;; Text success
(setq lire--widget-item-space-before-success (widget-create 'item
(setq lire--widget-message-success (widget-create 'item
(if lire--is-resolve lire--text-success lire--text-fail)))
(if lire--is-resolve lire--text-success lire--text-fail)))
(setq lire--widget-item-space-after-success (widget-create 'item
;; Lire--Replay button
(setq lire--widget-button-lire--replay (widget-create 'push-button
:size 20
:notify (lambda (&rest ignore)
:size 20
:notify (lambda (&rest ignore)
;; Space
(setq lire--widget-item-space-between-buttons (widget-create 'item
;; Quit button
(setq lire--widget-button-quit (widget-create 'push-button
:size 20
:notify (lambda (&rest ignore)
:size 20
:notify (lambda (&rest ignore)
(widget-backward 2)
@ -244,9 +756,9 @@
(defun lire--make-button-check ()
"Make the button check."
(setq lire--widget-button-check (widget-create 'push-button
:notify (lambda (&rest ignore)
:notify (lambda (&rest ignore)
(defun lire--make-space-after-check ()
"Add space between Button check and Button show solution"
(setq lire--widget-item-space-before-check (widget-create 'item "\n")))
@ -368,9 +880,6 @@
(use-local-map widget-keymap)
;; Keybindings
(define-key widget-keymap (kbd "q") 'lire--kill-app)
;; Init
(defun learning-irregular-verbs-in-English ()
"Application to learn and review irregular verbs in English."