diff --git a/docs/README.md b/docs/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..03d64be --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# web-important-stories-alert-for-hacker-news + +## Make css + +```sh +npm install tailwindcss +npx tailwind build css/tailwinds/main.css -o css/tailwinds/dist.css +``` + +## Dev + +```sh +parcel index.html +``` \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/css/main.css b/docs/css/main.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/docs/css/tailwinds/dist.css b/docs/css/tailwinds/dist.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..48db822 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/css/tailwinds/dist.css @@ -0,0 +1,45746 @@ +/*! normalize.css v8.0.1 | MIT License | github.com/necolas/normalize.css */ + +/* Document + ========================================================================== */ + +/** + * 1. Correct the line height in all browsers. + * 2. Prevent adjustments of font size after orientation changes in iOS. + */ + +html { + line-height: 1.15; /* 1 */ + -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; /* 2 */ +} + +/* Sections + ========================================================================== */ + +/** + * Remove the margin in all browsers. + */ + +body { + margin: 0; +} + +/** + * Render the `main` element consistently in IE. + */ + +main { + display: block; +} + +/** + * Correct the font size and margin on `h1` elements within `section` and + * `article` contexts in Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. + */ + +h1 { + font-size: 2em; + margin: 0.67em 0; +} + +/* Grouping content + ========================================================================== */ + +/** + * 1. Add the correct box sizing in Firefox. + * 2. Show the overflow in Edge and IE. + */ + +hr { + box-sizing: content-box; /* 1 */ + height: 0; /* 1 */ + overflow: visible; /* 2 */ +} + +/** + * 1. Correct the inheritance and scaling of font size in all browsers. + * 2. Correct the odd `em` font sizing in all browsers. + */ + +pre { + font-family: monospace, monospace; /* 1 */ + font-size: 1em; /* 2 */ +} + +/* Text-level semantics + ========================================================================== */ + +/** + * Remove the gray background on active links in IE 10. + */ + +a { + background-color: transparent; +} + +/** + * 1. Remove the bottom border in Chrome 57- + * 2. Add the correct text decoration in Chrome, Edge, IE, Opera, and Safari. + */ + +abbr[title] { + border-bottom: none; /* 1 */ + text-decoration: underline; /* 2 */ + -webkit-text-decoration: underline dotted; + text-decoration: underline dotted; /* 2 */ +} + +/** + * Add the correct font weight in Chrome, Edge, and Safari. + */ + +b, +strong { + font-weight: bolder; +} + +/** + * 1. Correct the inheritance and scaling of font size in all browsers. + * 2. Correct the odd `em` font sizing in all browsers. + */ + +code, +kbd, +samp { + font-family: monospace, monospace; /* 1 */ + font-size: 1em; /* 2 */ +} + +/** + * Add the correct font size in all browsers. + */ + +small { + font-size: 80%; +} + +/** + * Prevent `sub` and `sup` elements from affecting the line height in + * all browsers. + */ + +sub, +sup { + font-size: 75%; + line-height: 0; + position: relative; + vertical-align: baseline; +} + +sub { + bottom: -0.25em; +} + +sup { + top: -0.5em; +} + +/* Embedded content + ========================================================================== */ + +/** + * Remove the border on images inside links in IE 10. + */ + +img { + border-style: none; +} + +/* Forms + ========================================================================== */ + +/** + * 1. Change the font styles in all browsers. + * 2. Remove the margin in Firefox and Safari. + */ + +button, +input, +optgroup, +select, +textarea { + font-family: inherit; /* 1 */ + font-size: 100%; /* 1 */ + line-height: 1.15; /* 1 */ + margin: 0; /* 2 */ +} + +/** + * Show the overflow in IE. + * 1. Show the overflow in Edge. + */ + +button, +input { /* 1 */ + overflow: visible; +} + +/** + * Remove the inheritance of text transform in Edge, Firefox, and IE. + * 1. Remove the inheritance of text transform in Firefox. + */ + +button, +select { /* 1 */ + text-transform: none; +} + +/** + * Correct the inability to style clickable types in iOS and Safari. + */ + +button, +[type="button"], +[type="reset"], +[type="submit"] { + -webkit-appearance: button; +} + +/** + * Remove the inner border and padding in Firefox. + */ + +button::-moz-focus-inner, +[type="button"]::-moz-focus-inner, +[type="reset"]::-moz-focus-inner, +[type="submit"]::-moz-focus-inner { + border-style: none; + padding: 0; +} + +/** + * Restore the focus styles unset by the previous rule. + */ + +button:-moz-focusring, +[type="button"]:-moz-focusring, +[type="reset"]:-moz-focusring, +[type="submit"]:-moz-focusring { + outline: 1px dotted ButtonText; +} + +/** + * Correct the padding in Firefox. + */ + +fieldset { + padding: 0.35em 0.75em 0.625em; +} + +/** + * 1. Correct the text wrapping in Edge and IE. + * 2. Correct the color inheritance from `fieldset` elements in IE. + * 3. Remove the padding so developers are not caught out when they zero out + * `fieldset` elements in all browsers. + */ + +legend { + box-sizing: border-box; /* 1 */ + color: inherit; /* 2 */ + display: table; /* 1 */ + max-width: 100%; /* 1 */ + padding: 0; /* 3 */ + white-space: normal; /* 1 */ +} + +/** + * Add the correct vertical alignment in Chrome, Firefox, and Opera. + */ + +progress { + vertical-align: baseline; +} + +/** + * Remove the default vertical scrollbar in IE 10+. + */ + +textarea { + overflow: auto; +} + +/** + * 1. Add the correct box sizing in IE 10. + * 2. Remove the padding in IE 10. + */ + +[type="checkbox"], +[type="radio"] { + box-sizing: border-box; /* 1 */ + padding: 0; /* 2 */ +} + +/** + * Correct the cursor style of increment and decrement buttons in Chrome. + */ + +[type="number"]::-webkit-inner-spin-button, +[type="number"]::-webkit-outer-spin-button { + height: auto; +} + +/** + * 1. Correct the odd appearance in Chrome and Safari. + * 2. Correct the outline style in Safari. + */ + +[type="search"] { + -webkit-appearance: textfield; /* 1 */ + outline-offset: -2px; /* 2 */ +} + +/** + * Remove the inner padding in Chrome and Safari on macOS. + */ + +[type="search"]::-webkit-search-decoration { + -webkit-appearance: none; +} + +/** + * 1. Correct the inability to style clickable types in iOS and Safari. + * 2. Change font properties to `inherit` in Safari. + */ + +::-webkit-file-upload-button { + -webkit-appearance: button; /* 1 */ + font: inherit; /* 2 */ +} + +/* Interactive + ========================================================================== */ + +/* + * Add the correct display in Edge, IE 10+, and Firefox. + */ + +details { + display: block; +} + +/* + * Add the correct display in all browsers. + */ + +summary { + display: list-item; +} + +/* Misc + ========================================================================== */ + +/** + * Add the correct display in IE 10+. + */ + +template { + display: none; +} + +/** + * Add the correct display in IE 10. + */ + +[hidden] { + display: none; +} + +/** + * Manually forked from SUIT CSS Base: https://github.com/suitcss/base + * A thin layer on top of normalize.css that provides a starting point more + * suitable for web applications. + */ + +/** + * 1. Prevent padding and border from affecting element width + * https://goo.gl/pYtbK7 + * 2. Change the default font family in all browsers (opinionated) + */ + +html { + box-sizing: border-box; /* 1 */ + font-family: sans-serif; /* 2 */ +} + +*, +*::before, +*::after { + box-sizing: inherit; +} + +/** + * Removes the default spacing and border for appropriate elements. + */ + +blockquote, +dl, +dd, +h1, +h2, +h3, +h4, +h5, +h6, +hr, +figure, +p, +pre { + margin: 0; +} + +button { + background: transparent; + padding: 0; +} + +/** + * Work around a Firefox/IE bug where the transparent `button` background + * results in a loss of the default `button` focus styles. + */ + +button:focus { + outline: 1px dotted; + outline: 5px auto -webkit-focus-ring-color; +} + +fieldset { + margin: 0; + padding: 0; +} + +ol, +ul { + list-style: none; + margin: 0; + padding: 0; +} + +/** + * Tailwind custom reset styles + */ + +/** + * 1. Use the system font stack as a sane default. + * 2. Use Tailwind's default "normal" line-height so the user isn't forced + * to override it to ensure consistency even when using the default theme. + */ + +html { + font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, "Noto Sans", sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji"; /* 1 */ + line-height: 1.5; /* 2 */ +} + +/** + * Allow adding a border to an element by just adding a border-width. + * + * By default, the way the browser specifies that an element should have no + * border is by setting it's border-style to `none` in the user-agent + * stylesheet. + * + * In order to easily add borders to elements by just setting the `border-width` + * property, we change the default border-style for all elements to `solid`, and + * use border-width to hide them instead. This way our `border` utilities only + * need to set the `border-width` property instead of the entire `border` + * shorthand, making our border utilities much more straightforward to compose. + * + * https://github.com/tailwindcss/tailwindcss/pull/116 + */ + +*, +*::before, +*::after { + border-width: 0; + border-style: solid; + border-color: #e2e8f0; +} + +/* + * Ensure horizontal rules are visible by default + */ + +hr { + border-top-width: 1px; +} + +/** + * Undo the `border-style: none` reset that Normalize applies to images so that + * our `border-{width}` utilities have the expected effect. + * + * The Normalize reset is unnecessary for us since we default the border-width + * to 0 on all elements. + * + * https://github.com/tailwindcss/tailwindcss/issues/362 + */ + +img { + border-style: solid; +} + +textarea { + resize: vertical; +} + +input::-webkit-input-placeholder, textarea::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #a0aec0; +} + +input::-moz-placeholder, textarea::-moz-placeholder { + color: #a0aec0; +} + +input:-ms-input-placeholder, textarea:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #a0aec0; +} + +input::-ms-input-placeholder, textarea::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #a0aec0; +} + +input::placeholder, +textarea::placeholder { + color: #a0aec0; +} + +button, +[role="button"] { + cursor: pointer; +} + +table { + border-collapse: collapse; +} + +h1, +h2, +h3, +h4, +h5, +h6 { + font-size: inherit; + font-weight: inherit; +} + +/** + * Reset links to optimize for opt-in styling instead of + * opt-out. + */ + +a { + color: inherit; + text-decoration: inherit; +} + +/** + * Reset form element properties that are easy to forget to + * style explicitly so you don't inadvertently introduce + * styles that deviate from your design system. These styles + * supplement a partial reset that is already applied by + * normalize.css. + */ + +button, +input, +optgroup, +select, +textarea { + padding: 0; + line-height: inherit; + color: inherit; +} + +/** + * Use the configured 'mono' font family for elements that + * are expected to be rendered with a monospace font, falling + * back to the system monospace stack if there is no configured + * 'mono' font family. + */ + +pre, +code, +kbd, +samp { + font-family: SFMono-Regular, Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, "Liberation Mono", "Courier New", monospace; +} + +/** + * Make replaced elements `display: block` by default as that's + * the behavior you want almost all of the time. Inspired by + * CSS Remedy, with `svg` added as well. + * + * https://github.com/mozdevs/cssremedy/issues/14 + */ + +img, +svg, +video, +canvas, +audio, +iframe, +embed, +object { + display: block; + vertical-align: middle; +} + +/** + * Constrain images and videos to the parent width and preserve + * their instrinsic aspect ratio. + * + * https://github.com/mozdevs/cssremedy/issues/14 + */ + +img, +video { + max-width: 100%; + height: auto; +} + +.container { + width: 100%; +} + +@media (min-width: 640px) { + .container { + max-width: 640px; + } +} + +@media (min-width: 768px) { + .container { + max-width: 768px; + } +} + +@media (min-width: 1024px) { + .container { + max-width: 1024px; + } +} + +@media (min-width: 1280px) { + .container { + max-width: 1280px; + } +} + +.sr-only { + position: absolute; + width: 1px; + height: 1px; + padding: 0; + margin: -1px; + overflow: hidden; + clip: rect(0, 0, 0, 0); + white-space: nowrap; + border-width: 0; +} + +.not-sr-only { + position: static; + width: auto; + height: auto; + padding: 0; + margin: 0; + overflow: visible; + clip: auto; + white-space: normal; +} + +.focus\:sr-only:focus { + position: absolute; + width: 1px; + height: 1px; + padding: 0; + margin: -1px; + overflow: hidden; + clip: rect(0, 0, 0, 0); + white-space: nowrap; + border-width: 0; +} + +.focus\:not-sr-only:focus { + position: static; + width: auto; + height: auto; + padding: 0; + margin: 0; + overflow: visible; + clip: auto; + white-space: normal; +} + +.appearance-none { + -webkit-appearance: none; + -moz-appearance: none; + appearance: none; +} + +.bg-fixed { + background-attachment: fixed; +} + +.bg-local { + background-attachment: local; +} + +.bg-scroll { + background-attachment: scroll; +} + +.bg-transparent { + background-color: transparent; +} + +.bg-black { + background-color: #000; +} + +.bg-white { + background-color: #fff; +} + +.bg-gray-100 { + background-color: #f7fafc; +} + +.bg-gray-200 { + background-color: #edf2f7; +} + +.bg-gray-300 { + background-color: #e2e8f0; +} + +.bg-gray-400 { + background-color: #cbd5e0; +} + +.bg-gray-500 { + background-color: #a0aec0; +} + +.bg-gray-600 { + background-color: #718096; +} + +.bg-gray-700 { + background-color: #4a5568; +} + +.bg-gray-800 { + background-color: #2d3748; +} + +.bg-gray-900 { + background-color: #1a202c; +} + +.bg-red-100 { + background-color: #fff5f5; +} + +.bg-red-200 { + background-color: #fed7d7; +} + +.bg-red-300 { + background-color: #feb2b2; +} + +.bg-red-400 { + background-color: #fc8181; +} + +.bg-red-500 { + background-color: #f56565; +} + +.bg-red-600 { + background-color: #e53e3e; +} + +.bg-red-700 { + background-color: #c53030; +} + +.bg-red-800 { + background-color: #9b2c2c; +} + +.bg-red-900 { + background-color: #742a2a; +} + +.bg-orange { + background-color: #e95527; +} + +.bg-yellow { + background-color: #fec601; +} + +.bg-green-100 { + background-color: #f0fff4; +} + +.bg-green-200 { + background-color: #c6f6d5; +} + +.bg-green-300 { + background-color: #9ae6b4; +} + +.bg-green-400 { + background-color: #68d391; +} + +.bg-green-500 { + background-color: #48bb78; +} + +.bg-green-600 { + background-color: #38a169; +} + +.bg-green-700 { + background-color: #2f855a; +} + +.bg-green-800 { + background-color: #276749; +} + +.bg-green-900 { + background-color: #22543d; +} + +.bg-teal-100 { + background-color: #e6fffa; +} + +.bg-teal-200 { + background-color: #b2f5ea; +} + +.bg-teal-300 { + background-color: #81e6d9; +} + +.bg-teal-400 { + background-color: #4fd1c5; +} + +.bg-teal-500 { + background-color: #38b2ac; +} + +.bg-teal-600 { + background-color: #319795; +} + +.bg-teal-700 { + background-color: #2c7a7b; +} + +.bg-teal-800 { + background-color: #285e61; +} + +.bg-teal-900 { + background-color: #234e52; +} + +.bg-blue { + background-color: #3da5d9; +} + +.bg-indigo-100 { + background-color: #ebf4ff; +} + +.bg-indigo-200 { + background-color: #c3dafe; +} + +.bg-indigo-300 { + background-color: #a3bffa; +} + +.bg-indigo-400 { + background-color: #7f9cf5; +} + +.bg-indigo-500 { + background-color: #667eea; +} + +.bg-indigo-600 { + background-color: #5a67d8; +} + +.bg-indigo-700 { + background-color: #4c51bf; +} + +.bg-indigo-800 { + background-color: #434190; +} + +.bg-indigo-900 { + background-color: #3c366b; +} + +.bg-purple-100 { + background-color: #faf5ff; +} + +.bg-purple-200 { + background-color: #e9d8fd; +} + +.bg-purple-300 { + background-color: #d6bcfa; +} + +.bg-purple-400 { + background-color: #b794f4; +} + +.bg-purple-500 { + background-color: #9f7aea; +} + +.bg-purple-600 { + background-color: #805ad5; +} + +.bg-purple-700 { + background-color: #6b46c1; +} + +.bg-purple-800 { + background-color: #553c9a; +} + +.bg-purple-900 { + background-color: #44337a; +} + +.bg-pink-100 { + background-color: #fff5f7; +} + +.bg-pink-200 { + background-color: #fed7e2; +} + +.bg-pink-300 { + background-color: #fbb6ce; +} + +.bg-pink-400 { + background-color: #f687b3; +} + +.bg-pink-500 { + background-color: #ed64a6; +} + +.bg-pink-600 { + background-color: #d53f8c; +} + +.bg-pink-700 { + background-color: #b83280; +} + +.bg-pink-800 { + background-color: #97266d; +} + +.bg-pink-900 { + background-color: #702459; +} + +.bg-bluedark { + background-color: #2364aa; +} + +.hover\:bg-transparent:hover { + background-color: transparent; +} + +.hover\:bg-black:hover { + background-color: #000; +} + +.hover\:bg-white:hover { + background-color: #fff; +} + +.hover\:bg-gray-100:hover { + background-color: #f7fafc; +} + +.hover\:bg-gray-200:hover { + background-color: #edf2f7; +} + +.hover\:bg-gray-300:hover { + background-color: #e2e8f0; +} + +.hover\:bg-gray-400:hover { + background-color: #cbd5e0; +} + +.hover\:bg-gray-500:hover { + background-color: #a0aec0; +} + +.hover\:bg-gray-600:hover { + background-color: #718096; +} + +.hover\:bg-gray-700:hover { + background-color: #4a5568; +} + +.hover\:bg-gray-800:hover { + background-color: #2d3748; +} + +.hover\:bg-gray-900:hover { + background-color: #1a202c; +} + +.hover\:bg-red-100:hover { + background-color: #fff5f5; +} + +.hover\:bg-red-200:hover { + background-color: #fed7d7; +} + +.hover\:bg-red-300:hover { + background-color: #feb2b2; +} + +.hover\:bg-red-400:hover { + background-color: #fc8181; +} + +.hover\:bg-red-500:hover { + background-color: #f56565; +} + +.hover\:bg-red-600:hover { + background-color: #e53e3e; +} + +.hover\:bg-red-700:hover { + background-color: #c53030; +} + +.hover\:bg-red-800:hover { + background-color: #9b2c2c; +} + +.hover\:bg-red-900:hover { + background-color: #742a2a; +} + +.hover\:bg-orange:hover { + background-color: #e95527; +} + +.hover\:bg-yellow:hover { + background-color: #fec601; +} + +.hover\:bg-green-100:hover { + background-color: #f0fff4; +} + +.hover\:bg-green-200:hover { + background-color: #c6f6d5; +} + +.hover\:bg-green-300:hover { + background-color: #9ae6b4; +} + +.hover\:bg-green-400:hover { + background-color: #68d391; +} + +.hover\:bg-green-500:hover { + background-color: #48bb78; +} + +.hover\:bg-green-600:hover { + background-color: #38a169; +} + +.hover\:bg-green-700:hover { + background-color: #2f855a; +} + +.hover\:bg-green-800:hover { + background-color: #276749; +} + +.hover\:bg-green-900:hover { + background-color: #22543d; +} + +.hover\:bg-teal-100:hover { + background-color: #e6fffa; +} + +.hover\:bg-teal-200:hover { + background-color: #b2f5ea; +} + +.hover\:bg-teal-300:hover { + background-color: #81e6d9; +} + +.hover\:bg-teal-400:hover { + background-color: #4fd1c5; +} + +.hover\:bg-teal-500:hover { + background-color: #38b2ac; +} + +.hover\:bg-teal-600:hover { + background-color: #319795; +} + +.hover\:bg-teal-700:hover { + background-color: #2c7a7b; +} + +.hover\:bg-teal-800:hover { + background-color: #285e61; +} + +.hover\:bg-teal-900:hover { + background-color: #234e52; +} + +.hover\:bg-blue:hover { + background-color: #3da5d9; +} + +.hover\:bg-indigo-100:hover { + background-color: #ebf4ff; +} + +.hover\:bg-indigo-200:hover { + background-color: #c3dafe; +} + +.hover\:bg-indigo-300:hover { + background-color: #a3bffa; +} + +.hover\:bg-indigo-400:hover { + background-color: #7f9cf5; +} + +.hover\:bg-indigo-500:hover { + background-color: #667eea; +} + +.hover\:bg-indigo-600:hover { + background-color: #5a67d8; +} + +.hover\:bg-indigo-700:hover { + background-color: #4c51bf; +} + +.hover\:bg-indigo-800:hover { + background-color: #434190; +} + +.hover\:bg-indigo-900:hover { + background-color: #3c366b; +} + +.hover\:bg-purple-100:hover { + background-color: #faf5ff; +} + +.hover\:bg-purple-200:hover { + background-color: #e9d8fd; +} + +.hover\:bg-purple-300:hover { + background-color: #d6bcfa; +} + +.hover\:bg-purple-400:hover { + background-color: #b794f4; +} + +.hover\:bg-purple-500:hover { + background-color: #9f7aea; +} + +.hover\:bg-purple-600:hover { + background-color: #805ad5; +} + +.hover\:bg-purple-700:hover { + background-color: #6b46c1; +} + +.hover\:bg-purple-800:hover { + background-color: #553c9a; +} + +.hover\:bg-purple-900:hover { + background-color: #44337a; +} + +.hover\:bg-pink-100:hover { + background-color: #fff5f7; +} + +.hover\:bg-pink-200:hover { + background-color: #fed7e2; +} + +.hover\:bg-pink-300:hover { + background-color: #fbb6ce; +} + +.hover\:bg-pink-400:hover { + background-color: #f687b3; +} + +.hover\:bg-pink-500:hover { + background-color: #ed64a6; +} + +.hover\:bg-pink-600:hover { + background-color: #d53f8c; +} + +.hover\:bg-pink-700:hover { + background-color: #b83280; +} + +.hover\:bg-pink-800:hover { + background-color: #97266d; +} + +.hover\:bg-pink-900:hover { + background-color: #702459; +} + +.hover\:bg-bluedark:hover { + background-color: #2364aa; +} + +.focus\:bg-transparent:focus { + background-color: transparent; +} + +.focus\:bg-black:focus { + background-color: #000; +} + +.focus\:bg-white:focus { + background-color: #fff; +} + +.focus\:bg-gray-100:focus { + background-color: #f7fafc; +} + +.focus\:bg-gray-200:focus { + background-color: #edf2f7; +} + +.focus\:bg-gray-300:focus { + background-color: #e2e8f0; +} + +.focus\:bg-gray-400:focus { + background-color: #cbd5e0; +} + +.focus\:bg-gray-500:focus { + background-color: #a0aec0; 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+ margin-bottom: -2rem; + } + + .sm\:-mx-8 { + margin-left: -2rem; + margin-right: -2rem; + } + + .sm\:-my-10 { + margin-top: -2.5rem; + margin-bottom: -2.5rem; + } + + .sm\:-mx-10 { + margin-left: -2.5rem; + margin-right: -2.5rem; + } + + .sm\:-my-12 { + margin-top: -3rem; + margin-bottom: -3rem; + } + + .sm\:-mx-12 { + margin-left: -3rem; + margin-right: -3rem; + } + + .sm\:-my-16 { + margin-top: -4rem; + margin-bottom: -4rem; + } + + .sm\:-mx-16 { + margin-left: -4rem; + margin-right: -4rem; + } + + .sm\:-my-20 { + margin-top: -5rem; + margin-bottom: -5rem; + } + + .sm\:-mx-20 { + margin-left: -5rem; + margin-right: -5rem; + } + + .sm\:-my-24 { + margin-top: -6rem; + margin-bottom: -6rem; + } + + .sm\:-mx-24 { + margin-left: -6rem; + margin-right: -6rem; + } + + .sm\:-my-32 { + margin-top: -8rem; + margin-bottom: -8rem; + } + + .sm\:-mx-32 { + margin-left: -8rem; + margin-right: -8rem; + } + + .sm\:-my-40 { + margin-top: -10rem; + margin-bottom: -10rem; + } + + .sm\:-mx-40 { + margin-left: -10rem; 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+ } + + .sm\:ml-2 { + margin-left: 0.5rem; + } + + .sm\:mt-3 { + margin-top: 0.75rem; + } + + .sm\:mr-3 { + margin-right: 0.75rem; + } + + .sm\:mb-3 { + margin-bottom: 0.75rem; + } + + .sm\:ml-3 { + margin-left: 0.75rem; + } + + .sm\:mt-4 { + margin-top: 1rem; + } + + .sm\:mr-4 { + margin-right: 1rem; + } + + .sm\:mb-4 { + margin-bottom: 1rem; + } + + .sm\:ml-4 { + margin-left: 1rem; + } + + .sm\:mt-5 { + margin-top: 1.25rem; + } + + .sm\:mr-5 { + margin-right: 1.25rem; + } + + .sm\:mb-5 { + margin-bottom: 1.25rem; + } + + .sm\:ml-5 { + margin-left: 1.25rem; + } + + .sm\:mt-6 { + margin-top: 1.5rem; + } + + .sm\:mr-6 { + margin-right: 1.5rem; + } + + .sm\:mb-6 { + margin-bottom: 1.5rem; + } + + .sm\:ml-6 { + margin-left: 1.5rem; + } + + .sm\:mt-8 { + margin-top: 2rem; + } + + .sm\:mr-8 { + margin-right: 2rem; + } + + .sm\:mb-8 { + margin-bottom: 2rem; + } + + .sm\:ml-8 { + margin-left: 2rem; + } + + .sm\:mt-10 { + margin-top: 2.5rem; + } + + .sm\:mr-10 { + margin-right: 2.5rem; + } + + .sm\:mb-10 { + margin-bottom: 2.5rem; + } + + .sm\:ml-10 { + margin-left: 2.5rem; + } + + .sm\:mt-12 { + margin-top: 3rem; + } + + .sm\:mr-12 { + margin-right: 3rem; + } + + .sm\:mb-12 { + margin-bottom: 3rem; + } + + .sm\:ml-12 { + margin-left: 3rem; + } + + .sm\:mt-16 { + margin-top: 4rem; + } + + .sm\:mr-16 { + margin-right: 4rem; + } + + .sm\:mb-16 { + margin-bottom: 4rem; + } + + .sm\:ml-16 { + margin-left: 4rem; + } + + .sm\:mt-20 { + margin-top: 5rem; + } + + .sm\:mr-20 { + margin-right: 5rem; + } + + .sm\:mb-20 { + margin-bottom: 5rem; + } + + .sm\:ml-20 { + margin-left: 5rem; + } + + .sm\:mt-24 { + margin-top: 6rem; + } + + .sm\:mr-24 { + margin-right: 6rem; + } + + .sm\:mb-24 { + margin-bottom: 6rem; + } + + .sm\:ml-24 { + margin-left: 6rem; + } + + .sm\:mt-32 { + margin-top: 8rem; + } + + .sm\:mr-32 { + margin-right: 8rem; + } + + .sm\:mb-32 { + margin-bottom: 8rem; + } + + .sm\:ml-32 { + margin-left: 8rem; + } + + .sm\:mt-40 { + margin-top: 10rem; + } + + .sm\:mr-40 { + margin-right: 10rem; + } + + .sm\:mb-40 { + margin-bottom: 10rem; + } + + .sm\:ml-40 { + margin-left: 10rem; + } + + .sm\:mt-48 { + margin-top: 12rem; + } + + .sm\:mr-48 { + margin-right: 12rem; + } + + .sm\:mb-48 { + margin-bottom: 12rem; + } + + .sm\:ml-48 { + margin-left: 12rem; + } + + .sm\:mt-56 { + margin-top: 14rem; + } + + .sm\:mr-56 { + margin-right: 14rem; + } + + .sm\:mb-56 { + margin-bottom: 14rem; + } + + .sm\:ml-56 { + margin-left: 14rem; + } + + .sm\:mt-64 { + margin-top: 16rem; + } + + .sm\:mr-64 { + margin-right: 16rem; + } + + .sm\:mb-64 { + margin-bottom: 16rem; + } + + .sm\:ml-64 { + margin-left: 16rem; + } + + .sm\:mt-auto { + margin-top: auto; + } + + .sm\:mr-auto { + margin-right: auto; + } + + .sm\:mb-auto { + margin-bottom: auto; + } + + .sm\:ml-auto { + margin-left: auto; + } + + .sm\:mt-px { + margin-top: 1px; + } + + .sm\:mr-px { + margin-right: 1px; + } + + .sm\:mb-px { + margin-bottom: 1px; + } + + .sm\:ml-px { + margin-left: 1px; + } + + .sm\:-mt-1 { + margin-top: -0.25rem; + } + + .sm\:-mr-1 { + margin-right: -0.25rem; + } + + .sm\:-mb-1 { + margin-bottom: -0.25rem; + } + + .sm\:-ml-1 { + margin-left: -0.25rem; + } + + .sm\:-mt-2 { + margin-top: -0.5rem; + } + + .sm\:-mr-2 { + margin-right: -0.5rem; + } + + .sm\:-mb-2 { + margin-bottom: -0.5rem; + } + + .sm\:-ml-2 { + margin-left: -0.5rem; + } + + .sm\:-mt-3 { + margin-top: -0.75rem; + } + + .sm\:-mr-3 { + margin-right: -0.75rem; + } + + .sm\:-mb-3 { + margin-bottom: -0.75rem; + } + + .sm\:-ml-3 { + margin-left: -0.75rem; + } + + .sm\:-mt-4 { + margin-top: -1rem; + } + + .sm\:-mr-4 { + margin-right: -1rem; + } + + .sm\:-mb-4 { + margin-bottom: -1rem; + } + + .sm\:-ml-4 { + margin-left: -1rem; + } + + .sm\:-mt-5 { + margin-top: -1.25rem; + } + + .sm\:-mr-5 { + margin-right: -1.25rem; + } + + .sm\:-mb-5 { + margin-bottom: -1.25rem; + } + + .sm\:-ml-5 { + margin-left: -1.25rem; + } + + .sm\:-mt-6 { + margin-top: -1.5rem; + } + + .sm\:-mr-6 { + margin-right: -1.5rem; + } + + .sm\:-mb-6 { + margin-bottom: -1.5rem; + } + + .sm\:-ml-6 { + margin-left: -1.5rem; + } + + .sm\:-mt-8 { + margin-top: -2rem; + } + + .sm\:-mr-8 { + margin-right: -2rem; + } + + .sm\:-mb-8 { + margin-bottom: -2rem; + } + + .sm\:-ml-8 { + margin-left: -2rem; + } + + .sm\:-mt-10 { + margin-top: -2.5rem; + } + + .sm\:-mr-10 { + margin-right: -2.5rem; + } + + .sm\:-mb-10 { + margin-bottom: -2.5rem; + } + + .sm\:-ml-10 { + margin-left: -2.5rem; + } + + .sm\:-mt-12 { + margin-top: -3rem; + } + + .sm\:-mr-12 { + margin-right: -3rem; + } + + .sm\:-mb-12 { + margin-bottom: -3rem; + } + + .sm\:-ml-12 { + margin-left: -3rem; + } + + .sm\:-mt-16 { + margin-top: -4rem; + } + + .sm\:-mr-16 { + margin-right: -4rem; + } + + .sm\:-mb-16 { + margin-bottom: -4rem; + } + + .sm\:-ml-16 { + margin-left: -4rem; + } + + .sm\:-mt-20 { + margin-top: -5rem; + } + + .sm\:-mr-20 { + margin-right: -5rem; + } + + .sm\:-mb-20 { + margin-bottom: -5rem; + } + + .sm\:-ml-20 { + margin-left: -5rem; + } + + .sm\:-mt-24 { + margin-top: -6rem; + } + + .sm\:-mr-24 { + margin-right: -6rem; + } + + .sm\:-mb-24 { + margin-bottom: -6rem; + } + + .sm\:-ml-24 { + margin-left: -6rem; + } + + .sm\:-mt-32 { + margin-top: -8rem; + } + + .sm\:-mr-32 { + margin-right: -8rem; + } + + .sm\:-mb-32 { + margin-bottom: -8rem; + } + + .sm\:-ml-32 { + margin-left: -8rem; + } + + .sm\:-mt-40 { + margin-top: -10rem; + } + + .sm\:-mr-40 { + margin-right: -10rem; + } + + .sm\:-mb-40 { + margin-bottom: -10rem; + } + + .sm\:-ml-40 { + margin-left: -10rem; + } + + .sm\:-mt-48 { + margin-top: -12rem; + } + + .sm\:-mr-48 { + margin-right: -12rem; + } + + .sm\:-mb-48 { + margin-bottom: -12rem; + } + + .sm\:-ml-48 { + margin-left: -12rem; + } + + .sm\:-mt-56 { + margin-top: -14rem; + } + + .sm\:-mr-56 { + margin-right: -14rem; + } + + .sm\:-mb-56 { + margin-bottom: -14rem; + } + + .sm\:-ml-56 { + margin-left: -14rem; + } + + .sm\:-mt-64 { + margin-top: -16rem; + } + + .sm\:-mr-64 { + margin-right: -16rem; + } + + .sm\:-mb-64 { + margin-bottom: -16rem; + } + + .sm\:-ml-64 { + margin-left: -16rem; + } + + .sm\:-mt-px { + margin-top: -1px; + } + + .sm\:-mr-px { + margin-right: -1px; + } + + .sm\:-mb-px { + margin-bottom: -1px; + } + + .sm\:-ml-px { + margin-left: -1px; + } + + .sm\:max-h-full { + max-height: 100%; + } + + .sm\:max-h-screen { + max-height: 100vh; + } + + .sm\:max-w-xs { + max-width: 20rem; + } + + .sm\:max-w-sm { + max-width: 24rem; + } + + .sm\:max-w-md { + max-width: 28rem; + } + + .sm\:max-w-lg { + max-width: 32rem; + } + + .sm\:max-w-xl { + max-width: 36rem; + } + + .sm\:max-w-2xl { + max-width: 42rem; + } + + .sm\:max-w-3xl { + max-width: 48rem; + } + + .sm\:max-w-4xl { + max-width: 56rem; + } + + .sm\:max-w-5xl { + max-width: 64rem; + } + + .sm\:max-w-6xl { + max-width: 72rem; + } + + .sm\:max-w-full { + max-width: 100%; + } + + .sm\:min-h-0 { + min-height: 0; + } + + .sm\:min-h-full { + min-height: 100%; + } + + .sm\:min-h-screen { + min-height: 100vh; + } + + .sm\:min-w-0 { + min-width: 0; + } + + .sm\:min-w-full { + min-width: 100%; + } + + .sm\:object-contain { + -o-object-fit: contain; + object-fit: contain; + } + + .sm\:object-cover { + -o-object-fit: cover; 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+ padding-right: 6rem; + } + + .sm\:py-32 { + padding-top: 8rem; + padding-bottom: 8rem; + } + + .sm\:px-32 { + padding-left: 8rem; + padding-right: 8rem; + } + + .sm\:py-40 { + padding-top: 10rem; + padding-bottom: 10rem; + } + + .sm\:px-40 { + padding-left: 10rem; + padding-right: 10rem; + } + + .sm\:py-48 { + padding-top: 12rem; + padding-bottom: 12rem; + } + + .sm\:px-48 { + padding-left: 12rem; + padding-right: 12rem; + } + + .sm\:py-56 { + padding-top: 14rem; + padding-bottom: 14rem; + } + + .sm\:px-56 { + padding-left: 14rem; + padding-right: 14rem; + } + + .sm\:py-64 { + padding-top: 16rem; + padding-bottom: 16rem; + } + + .sm\:px-64 { + padding-left: 16rem; + padding-right: 16rem; + } + + .sm\:py-px { + padding-top: 1px; + padding-bottom: 1px; + } + + .sm\:px-px { + padding-left: 1px; + padding-right: 1px; + } + + .sm\:pt-0 { + padding-top: 0; + } + + .sm\:pr-0 { + padding-right: 0; + } + + .sm\:pb-0 { + padding-bottom: 0; + } + + .sm\:pl-0 { + padding-left: 0; + } + + .sm\:pt-1 { + padding-top: 0.25rem; 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+ } + + .lg\:border-gray-400 { + border-color: #cbd5e0; + } + + .lg\:border-gray-500 { + border-color: #a0aec0; + } + + .lg\:border-gray-600 { + border-color: #718096; + } + + .lg\:border-gray-700 { + border-color: #4a5568; + } + + .lg\:border-gray-800 { + border-color: #2d3748; + } + + .lg\:border-gray-900 { + border-color: #1a202c; + } + + .lg\:border-red-100 { + border-color: #fff5f5; + } + + .lg\:border-red-200 { + border-color: #fed7d7; + } + + .lg\:border-red-300 { + border-color: #feb2b2; + } + + .lg\:border-red-400 { + border-color: #fc8181; + } + + .lg\:border-red-500 { + border-color: #f56565; + } + + .lg\:border-red-600 { + border-color: #e53e3e; + } + + .lg\:border-red-700 { + border-color: #c53030; + } + + .lg\:border-red-800 { + border-color: #9b2c2c; + } + + .lg\:border-red-900 { + border-color: #742a2a; + } + + .lg\:border-orange { + border-color: #e95527; + } + + .lg\:border-yellow { + border-color: #fec601; + } + + .lg\:border-green-100 { + border-color: #f0fff4; + } + + .lg\:border-green-200 { + border-color: #c6f6d5; + } + + .lg\:border-green-300 { + border-color: #9ae6b4; + } + + .lg\:border-green-400 { + border-color: #68d391; + } + + .lg\:border-green-500 { + border-color: #48bb78; + } + + .lg\:border-green-600 { + border-color: #38a169; + } + + .lg\:border-green-700 { + border-color: #2f855a; + } + + .lg\:border-green-800 { + border-color: #276749; + } + + .lg\:border-green-900 { + border-color: #22543d; + } + + .lg\:border-teal-100 { + border-color: #e6fffa; + } + + .lg\:border-teal-200 { + border-color: #b2f5ea; + } + + .lg\:border-teal-300 { + border-color: #81e6d9; + } + + .lg\:border-teal-400 { + border-color: #4fd1c5; + } + + .lg\:border-teal-500 { + border-color: #38b2ac; + } + + .lg\:border-teal-600 { + border-color: #319795; + } + + .lg\:border-teal-700 { + border-color: #2c7a7b; + } + + .lg\:border-teal-800 { + border-color: #285e61; + } + + .lg\:border-teal-900 { + border-color: #234e52; + } + + .lg\:border-blue { + border-color: #3da5d9; + } + + .lg\:border-indigo-100 { + border-color: #ebf4ff; + } + + .lg\:border-indigo-200 { + border-color: #c3dafe; + } + + .lg\:border-indigo-300 { + border-color: #a3bffa; + } + + .lg\:border-indigo-400 { + border-color: #7f9cf5; + } + + .lg\:border-indigo-500 { + border-color: #667eea; + } + + .lg\:border-indigo-600 { + border-color: #5a67d8; + } + + .lg\:border-indigo-700 { + border-color: #4c51bf; + } + + .lg\:border-indigo-800 { + border-color: #434190; + } + + .lg\:border-indigo-900 { + border-color: #3c366b; + } + + .lg\:border-purple-100 { + border-color: #faf5ff; + } + + .lg\:border-purple-200 { + border-color: #e9d8fd; + } + + .lg\:border-purple-300 { + border-color: #d6bcfa; + } + + .lg\:border-purple-400 { + border-color: #b794f4; + } + + .lg\:border-purple-500 { + border-color: #9f7aea; + } + + .lg\:border-purple-600 { + border-color: #805ad5; + } + + .lg\:border-purple-700 { + border-color: #6b46c1; + } + + .lg\:border-purple-800 { + border-color: #553c9a; + } + + .lg\:border-purple-900 { + border-color: #44337a; + } + + .lg\:border-pink-100 { + border-color: #fff5f7; + } + + .lg\:border-pink-200 { + border-color: #fed7e2; + } + + .lg\:border-pink-300 { + border-color: #fbb6ce; + } + + .lg\:border-pink-400 { + border-color: #f687b3; + } + + .lg\:border-pink-500 { + border-color: #ed64a6; + } + + .lg\:border-pink-600 { + border-color: #d53f8c; + } + + .lg\:border-pink-700 { + border-color: #b83280; + } + + .lg\:border-pink-800 { + border-color: #97266d; + } + + .lg\:border-pink-900 { + border-color: #702459; + } + + .lg\:border-bluedark { + border-color: #2364aa; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-transparent:hover { + border-color: transparent; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-black:hover { + border-color: #000; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-white:hover { + border-color: #fff; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-gray-100:hover { + border-color: #f7fafc; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-gray-200:hover { + border-color: #edf2f7; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-gray-300:hover { + border-color: #e2e8f0; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-gray-400:hover { + border-color: #cbd5e0; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-gray-500:hover { + border-color: #a0aec0; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-gray-600:hover { + border-color: #718096; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-gray-700:hover { + border-color: #4a5568; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-gray-800:hover { + border-color: #2d3748; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-gray-900:hover { + border-color: #1a202c; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-red-100:hover { + border-color: #fff5f5; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-red-200:hover { + border-color: #fed7d7; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-red-300:hover { + border-color: #feb2b2; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-red-400:hover { + border-color: #fc8181; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-red-500:hover { + border-color: #f56565; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-red-600:hover { + border-color: #e53e3e; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-red-700:hover { + border-color: #c53030; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-red-800:hover { + border-color: #9b2c2c; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-red-900:hover { + border-color: #742a2a; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-orange:hover { + border-color: #e95527; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-yellow:hover { + border-color: #fec601; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-green-100:hover { + border-color: #f0fff4; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-green-200:hover { + border-color: #c6f6d5; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-green-300:hover { + border-color: #9ae6b4; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-green-400:hover { + border-color: #68d391; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-green-500:hover { + border-color: #48bb78; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-green-600:hover { + border-color: #38a169; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-green-700:hover { + border-color: #2f855a; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-green-800:hover { + border-color: #276749; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-green-900:hover { + border-color: #22543d; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-teal-100:hover { + border-color: #e6fffa; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-teal-200:hover { + border-color: #b2f5ea; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-teal-300:hover { + border-color: #81e6d9; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-teal-400:hover { + border-color: #4fd1c5; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-teal-500:hover { + border-color: #38b2ac; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-teal-600:hover { + border-color: #319795; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-teal-700:hover { + border-color: #2c7a7b; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-teal-800:hover { + border-color: #285e61; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-teal-900:hover { + border-color: #234e52; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-blue:hover { + border-color: #3da5d9; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-indigo-100:hover { + border-color: #ebf4ff; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-indigo-200:hover { + border-color: #c3dafe; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-indigo-300:hover { + border-color: #a3bffa; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-indigo-400:hover { + border-color: #7f9cf5; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-indigo-500:hover { + border-color: #667eea; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-indigo-600:hover { + border-color: #5a67d8; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-indigo-700:hover { + border-color: #4c51bf; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-indigo-800:hover { + border-color: #434190; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-indigo-900:hover { + border-color: #3c366b; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-purple-100:hover { + border-color: #faf5ff; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-purple-200:hover { + border-color: #e9d8fd; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-purple-300:hover { + border-color: #d6bcfa; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-purple-400:hover { + border-color: #b794f4; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-purple-500:hover { + border-color: #9f7aea; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-purple-600:hover { + border-color: #805ad5; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-purple-700:hover { + border-color: #6b46c1; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-purple-800:hover { + border-color: #553c9a; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-purple-900:hover { + border-color: #44337a; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-pink-100:hover { + border-color: #fff5f7; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-pink-200:hover { + border-color: #fed7e2; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-pink-300:hover { + border-color: #fbb6ce; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-pink-400:hover { + border-color: #f687b3; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-pink-500:hover { + border-color: #ed64a6; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-pink-600:hover { + border-color: #d53f8c; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-pink-700:hover { + border-color: #b83280; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-pink-800:hover { + border-color: #97266d; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-pink-900:hover { + border-color: #702459; + } + + .lg\:hover\:border-bluedark:hover { + border-color: #2364aa; + } + + .lg\:focus\:border-transparent:focus { + border-color: transparent; + } + + .lg\:focus\:border-black:focus { + border-color: #000; + } + + .lg\:focus\:border-white:focus { + border-color: #fff; + } + + .lg\:focus\:border-gray-100:focus { + border-color: #f7fafc; + } + + .lg\:focus\:border-gray-200:focus { + border-color: #edf2f7; + } + + .lg\:focus\:border-gray-300:focus { + border-color: #e2e8f0; + } + + .lg\:focus\:border-gray-400:focus { + border-color: #cbd5e0; + } + + .lg\:focus\:border-gray-500:focus { + border-color: #a0aec0; + } + + .lg\:focus\:border-gray-600:focus { + border-color: #718096; + } + + .lg\:focus\:border-gray-700:focus { + border-color: #4a5568; + } + + .lg\:focus\:border-gray-800:focus { + border-color: #2d3748; + } + + .lg\:focus\:border-gray-900:focus { + border-color: #1a202c; + } + + .lg\:focus\:border-red-100:focus { + border-color: #fff5f5; 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+ } + + .lg\:focus\:border-green-600:focus { + border-color: #38a169; + } + + .lg\:focus\:border-green-700:focus { + border-color: #2f855a; + } + + .lg\:focus\:border-green-800:focus { + border-color: #276749; + } + + .lg\:focus\:border-green-900:focus { + border-color: #22543d; + } + + .lg\:focus\:border-teal-100:focus { + border-color: #e6fffa; + } + + .lg\:focus\:border-teal-200:focus { + border-color: #b2f5ea; + } + + .lg\:focus\:border-teal-300:focus { + border-color: #81e6d9; + } + + .lg\:focus\:border-teal-400:focus { + border-color: #4fd1c5; + } + + .lg\:focus\:border-teal-500:focus { + border-color: #38b2ac; + } + + .lg\:focus\:border-teal-600:focus { + border-color: #319795; + } + + .lg\:focus\:border-teal-700:focus { + border-color: #2c7a7b; + } + + .lg\:focus\:border-teal-800:focus { + border-color: #285e61; + } + + .lg\:focus\:border-teal-900:focus { + border-color: #234e52; + } + + .lg\:focus\:border-blue:focus { + border-color: #3da5d9; + } + + .lg\:focus\:border-indigo-100:focus { + border-color: #ebf4ff; 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+ } + + .lg\:focus\:border-purple-800:focus { + border-color: #553c9a; + } + + .lg\:focus\:border-purple-900:focus { + border-color: #44337a; + } + + .lg\:focus\:border-pink-100:focus { + border-color: #fff5f7; + } + + .lg\:focus\:border-pink-200:focus { + border-color: #fed7e2; + } + + .lg\:focus\:border-pink-300:focus { + border-color: #fbb6ce; + } + + .lg\:focus\:border-pink-400:focus { + border-color: #f687b3; + } + + .lg\:focus\:border-pink-500:focus { + border-color: #ed64a6; + } + + .lg\:focus\:border-pink-600:focus { + border-color: #d53f8c; + } + + .lg\:focus\:border-pink-700:focus { + border-color: #b83280; + } + + .lg\:focus\:border-pink-800:focus { + border-color: #97266d; + } + + .lg\:focus\:border-pink-900:focus { + border-color: #702459; + } + + .lg\:focus\:border-bluedark:focus { + border-color: #2364aa; + } + + .lg\:rounded-none { + border-radius: 0; + } + + .lg\:rounded-sm { + border-radius: 0.125rem; + } + + .lg\:rounded { + border-radius: 0.25rem; + } + + .lg\:rounded-lg { + border-radius: 0.5rem; + } + + .lg\:rounded-full { + border-radius: 9999px; + } + + .lg\:rounded-t-none { + border-top-left-radius: 0; + border-top-right-radius: 0; + } + + .lg\:rounded-r-none { + border-top-right-radius: 0; + border-bottom-right-radius: 0; + } + + .lg\:rounded-b-none { + border-bottom-right-radius: 0; + border-bottom-left-radius: 0; + } + + .lg\:rounded-l-none { + border-top-left-radius: 0; + border-bottom-left-radius: 0; + } + + .lg\:rounded-t-sm { + border-top-left-radius: 0.125rem; + border-top-right-radius: 0.125rem; + } + + .lg\:rounded-r-sm { + border-top-right-radius: 0.125rem; + border-bottom-right-radius: 0.125rem; + } + + .lg\:rounded-b-sm { + border-bottom-right-radius: 0.125rem; + border-bottom-left-radius: 0.125rem; + } + + .lg\:rounded-l-sm { + border-top-left-radius: 0.125rem; + border-bottom-left-radius: 0.125rem; + } + + .lg\:rounded-t { + border-top-left-radius: 0.25rem; + border-top-right-radius: 0.25rem; + } + + .lg\:rounded-r { + border-top-right-radius: 0.25rem; + border-bottom-right-radius: 0.25rem; 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+ } + + .lg\:rounded-tl-none { + border-top-left-radius: 0; + } + + .lg\:rounded-tr-none { + border-top-right-radius: 0; + } + + .lg\:rounded-br-none { + border-bottom-right-radius: 0; + } + + .lg\:rounded-bl-none { + border-bottom-left-radius: 0; + } + + .lg\:rounded-tl-sm { + border-top-left-radius: 0.125rem; + } + + .lg\:rounded-tr-sm { + border-top-right-radius: 0.125rem; + } + + .lg\:rounded-br-sm { + border-bottom-right-radius: 0.125rem; + } + + .lg\:rounded-bl-sm { + border-bottom-left-radius: 0.125rem; + } + + .lg\:rounded-tl { + border-top-left-radius: 0.25rem; + } + + .lg\:rounded-tr { + border-top-right-radius: 0.25rem; + } + + .lg\:rounded-br { + border-bottom-right-radius: 0.25rem; + } + + .lg\:rounded-bl { + border-bottom-left-radius: 0.25rem; + } + + .lg\:rounded-tl-lg { + border-top-left-radius: 0.5rem; + } + + .lg\:rounded-tr-lg { + border-top-right-radius: 0.5rem; + } + + .lg\:rounded-br-lg { + border-bottom-right-radius: 0.5rem; + } + + .lg\:rounded-bl-lg { + border-bottom-left-radius: 0.5rem; 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+ } + + .lg\:list-none { + list-style-type: none; + } + + .lg\:list-disc { + list-style-type: disc; + } + + .lg\:list-decimal { + list-style-type: decimal; + } + + .lg\:m-0 { + margin: 0; + } + + .lg\:m-1 { + margin: 0.25rem; + } + + .lg\:m-2 { + margin: 0.5rem; + } + + .lg\:m-3 { + margin: 0.75rem; + } + + .lg\:m-4 { + margin: 1rem; + } + + .lg\:m-5 { + margin: 1.25rem; + } + + .lg\:m-6 { + margin: 1.5rem; + } + + .lg\:m-8 { + margin: 2rem; + } + + .lg\:m-10 { + margin: 2.5rem; + } + + .lg\:m-12 { + margin: 3rem; + } + + .lg\:m-16 { + margin: 4rem; + } + + .lg\:m-20 { + margin: 5rem; + } + + .lg\:m-24 { + margin: 6rem; + } + + .lg\:m-32 { + margin: 8rem; + } + + .lg\:m-40 { + margin: 10rem; + } + + .lg\:m-48 { + margin: 12rem; + } + + .lg\:m-56 { + margin: 14rem; + } + + .lg\:m-64 { + margin: 16rem; + } + + .lg\:m-auto { + margin: auto; + } + + .lg\:m-px { + margin: 1px; + } + + .lg\:-m-1 { + margin: -0.25rem; + } + + .lg\:-m-2 { + margin: -0.5rem; + } + + .lg\:-m-3 { + margin: -0.75rem; + } + + .lg\:-m-4 { + margin: -1rem; + } + + .lg\:-m-5 { + margin: -1.25rem; + } + + .lg\:-m-6 { + margin: -1.5rem; + } + + .lg\:-m-8 { + margin: -2rem; + } + + .lg\:-m-10 { + margin: -2.5rem; + } + + .lg\:-m-12 { + margin: -3rem; + } + + .lg\:-m-16 { + margin: -4rem; + } + + .lg\:-m-20 { + margin: -5rem; + } + + .lg\:-m-24 { + margin: -6rem; + } + + .lg\:-m-32 { + margin: -8rem; + } + + .lg\:-m-40 { + margin: -10rem; + } + + .lg\:-m-48 { + margin: -12rem; + } + + .lg\:-m-56 { + margin: -14rem; + } + + .lg\:-m-64 { + margin: -16rem; + } + + .lg\:-m-px { + margin: -1px; + } + + .lg\:my-0 { + margin-top: 0; + margin-bottom: 0; + } + + .lg\:mx-0 { + margin-left: 0; + margin-right: 0; + } + + .lg\:my-1 { + margin-top: 0.25rem; + margin-bottom: 0.25rem; + } + + .lg\:mx-1 { + margin-left: 0.25rem; + margin-right: 0.25rem; + } + + .lg\:my-2 { + margin-top: 0.5rem; + margin-bottom: 0.5rem; + } + + .lg\:mx-2 { + margin-left: 0.5rem; + margin-right: 0.5rem; + } + + .lg\:my-3 { + margin-top: 0.75rem; 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+ } + + .lg\:my-20 { + margin-top: 5rem; + margin-bottom: 5rem; + } + + .lg\:mx-20 { + margin-left: 5rem; + margin-right: 5rem; + } + + .lg\:my-24 { + margin-top: 6rem; + margin-bottom: 6rem; + } + + .lg\:mx-24 { + margin-left: 6rem; + margin-right: 6rem; + } + + .lg\:my-32 { + margin-top: 8rem; + margin-bottom: 8rem; + } + + .lg\:mx-32 { + margin-left: 8rem; + margin-right: 8rem; + } + + .lg\:my-40 { + margin-top: 10rem; + margin-bottom: 10rem; + } + + .lg\:mx-40 { + margin-left: 10rem; + margin-right: 10rem; + } + + .lg\:my-48 { + margin-top: 12rem; + margin-bottom: 12rem; + } + + .lg\:mx-48 { + margin-left: 12rem; + margin-right: 12rem; + } + + .lg\:my-56 { + margin-top: 14rem; + margin-bottom: 14rem; + } + + .lg\:mx-56 { + margin-left: 14rem; + margin-right: 14rem; + } + + .lg\:my-64 { + margin-top: 16rem; + margin-bottom: 16rem; + } + + .lg\:mx-64 { + margin-left: 16rem; + margin-right: 16rem; + } + + .lg\:my-auto { + margin-top: auto; + margin-bottom: auto; + } + + .lg\:mx-auto { + margin-left: auto; + margin-right: auto; + } + + .lg\:my-px { + margin-top: 1px; + margin-bottom: 1px; + } + + .lg\:mx-px { + margin-left: 1px; + margin-right: 1px; + } + + .lg\:-my-1 { + margin-top: -0.25rem; + margin-bottom: -0.25rem; + } + + .lg\:-mx-1 { + margin-left: -0.25rem; + margin-right: -0.25rem; + } + + .lg\:-my-2 { + margin-top: -0.5rem; + margin-bottom: -0.5rem; + } + + .lg\:-mx-2 { + margin-left: -0.5rem; + margin-right: -0.5rem; + } + + .lg\:-my-3 { + margin-top: -0.75rem; + margin-bottom: -0.75rem; + } + + .lg\:-mx-3 { + margin-left: -0.75rem; + margin-right: -0.75rem; + } + + .lg\:-my-4 { + margin-top: -1rem; + margin-bottom: -1rem; + } + + .lg\:-mx-4 { + margin-left: -1rem; + margin-right: -1rem; + } + + .lg\:-my-5 { + margin-top: -1.25rem; + margin-bottom: -1.25rem; + } + + .lg\:-mx-5 { + margin-left: -1.25rem; + margin-right: -1.25rem; + } + + .lg\:-my-6 { + margin-top: -1.5rem; + margin-bottom: -1.5rem; + } + + .lg\:-mx-6 { + margin-left: -1.5rem; + margin-right: -1.5rem; + } + + .lg\:-my-8 { + margin-top: -2rem; + margin-bottom: -2rem; + } + + .lg\:-mx-8 { + margin-left: -2rem; + margin-right: -2rem; + } + + .lg\:-my-10 { + margin-top: -2.5rem; + margin-bottom: -2.5rem; + } + + .lg\:-mx-10 { + margin-left: -2.5rem; + margin-right: -2.5rem; + } + + .lg\:-my-12 { + margin-top: -3rem; + margin-bottom: -3rem; + } + + .lg\:-mx-12 { + margin-left: -3rem; + margin-right: -3rem; + } + + .lg\:-my-16 { + margin-top: -4rem; + margin-bottom: -4rem; + } + + .lg\:-mx-16 { + margin-left: -4rem; + margin-right: -4rem; + } + + .lg\:-my-20 { + margin-top: -5rem; + margin-bottom: -5rem; + } + + .lg\:-mx-20 { + margin-left: -5rem; + margin-right: -5rem; + } + + .lg\:-my-24 { + margin-top: -6rem; + margin-bottom: -6rem; + } + + .lg\:-mx-24 { + margin-left: -6rem; + margin-right: -6rem; + } + + .lg\:-my-32 { + margin-top: -8rem; + margin-bottom: -8rem; + } + + .lg\:-mx-32 { + margin-left: -8rem; + margin-right: -8rem; + } + + .lg\:-my-40 { + margin-top: -10rem; + margin-bottom: -10rem; + } + + .lg\:-mx-40 { + margin-left: -10rem; + margin-right: -10rem; + } + + .lg\:-my-48 { + margin-top: -12rem; + margin-bottom: -12rem; + } + + .lg\:-mx-48 { + margin-left: -12rem; + margin-right: -12rem; + } + + .lg\:-my-56 { + margin-top: -14rem; + margin-bottom: -14rem; + } + + .lg\:-mx-56 { + margin-left: -14rem; + margin-right: -14rem; + } + + .lg\:-my-64 { + margin-top: -16rem; + margin-bottom: -16rem; + } + + .lg\:-mx-64 { + margin-left: -16rem; + margin-right: -16rem; + } + + .lg\:-my-px { + margin-top: -1px; + margin-bottom: -1px; + } + + .lg\:-mx-px { + margin-left: -1px; + margin-right: -1px; + } + + .lg\:mt-0 { + margin-top: 0; + } + + .lg\:mr-0 { + margin-right: 0; + } + + .lg\:mb-0 { + margin-bottom: 0; + } + + .lg\:ml-0 { + margin-left: 0; + } + + .lg\:mt-1 { + margin-top: 0.25rem; + } + + .lg\:mr-1 { + margin-right: 0.25rem; + } + + .lg\:mb-1 { + margin-bottom: 0.25rem; + } + + .lg\:ml-1 { + margin-left: 0.25rem; + } + + .lg\:mt-2 { + margin-top: 0.5rem; + } + + .lg\:mr-2 { + margin-right: 0.5rem; + } + + .lg\:mb-2 { + margin-bottom: 0.5rem; + } + + .lg\:ml-2 { + margin-left: 0.5rem; + } + + .lg\:mt-3 { + margin-top: 0.75rem; + } + + .lg\:mr-3 { + margin-right: 0.75rem; + } + + .lg\:mb-3 { + margin-bottom: 0.75rem; + } + + .lg\:ml-3 { + margin-left: 0.75rem; + } + + .lg\:mt-4 { + margin-top: 1rem; + } + + .lg\:mr-4 { + margin-right: 1rem; + } + + .lg\:mb-4 { + margin-bottom: 1rem; + } + + .lg\:ml-4 { + margin-left: 1rem; + } + + .lg\:mt-5 { + margin-top: 1.25rem; + } + + .lg\:mr-5 { + margin-right: 1.25rem; + } + + .lg\:mb-5 { + margin-bottom: 1.25rem; + } + + .lg\:ml-5 { + margin-left: 1.25rem; + } + + .lg\:mt-6 { + margin-top: 1.5rem; + } + + .lg\:mr-6 { + margin-right: 1.5rem; + } + + .lg\:mb-6 { + margin-bottom: 1.5rem; + } + + .lg\:ml-6 { + margin-left: 1.5rem; + } + + .lg\:mt-8 { + margin-top: 2rem; + } + + .lg\:mr-8 { + margin-right: 2rem; + } + + .lg\:mb-8 { + margin-bottom: 2rem; + } + + .lg\:ml-8 { + margin-left: 2rem; + } + + .lg\:mt-10 { + margin-top: 2.5rem; + } + + .lg\:mr-10 { + margin-right: 2.5rem; + } + + .lg\:mb-10 { + margin-bottom: 2.5rem; + } + + .lg\:ml-10 { + margin-left: 2.5rem; + } + + .lg\:mt-12 { + margin-top: 3rem; + } + + .lg\:mr-12 { + margin-right: 3rem; + } + + .lg\:mb-12 { + margin-bottom: 3rem; + } + + .lg\:ml-12 { + margin-left: 3rem; + } + + .lg\:mt-16 { + margin-top: 4rem; + } + + .lg\:mr-16 { + margin-right: 4rem; + } + + .lg\:mb-16 { + margin-bottom: 4rem; + } + + .lg\:ml-16 { + margin-left: 4rem; + } + + .lg\:mt-20 { + margin-top: 5rem; + } + + .lg\:mr-20 { + margin-right: 5rem; + } + + .lg\:mb-20 { + margin-bottom: 5rem; + } + + .lg\:ml-20 { + margin-left: 5rem; + } + + .lg\:mt-24 { + margin-top: 6rem; + } + + .lg\:mr-24 { + margin-right: 6rem; + } + + .lg\:mb-24 { + margin-bottom: 6rem; + } + + .lg\:ml-24 { + margin-left: 6rem; + } + + .lg\:mt-32 { + margin-top: 8rem; + } + + .lg\:mr-32 { + margin-right: 8rem; + } + + .lg\:mb-32 { + margin-bottom: 8rem; + } + + .lg\:ml-32 { + margin-left: 8rem; + } + + .lg\:mt-40 { + margin-top: 10rem; + } + + .lg\:mr-40 { + margin-right: 10rem; + } + + .lg\:mb-40 { + margin-bottom: 10rem; + } + + .lg\:ml-40 { + margin-left: 10rem; + } + + .lg\:mt-48 { + margin-top: 12rem; + } + + .lg\:mr-48 { + margin-right: 12rem; + } + + .lg\:mb-48 { + margin-bottom: 12rem; + } + + .lg\:ml-48 { + margin-left: 12rem; + } + + .lg\:mt-56 { + margin-top: 14rem; + } + + .lg\:mr-56 { + margin-right: 14rem; + } + + .lg\:mb-56 { + margin-bottom: 14rem; + } + + .lg\:ml-56 { + margin-left: 14rem; + } + + .lg\:mt-64 { + margin-top: 16rem; + } + + .lg\:mr-64 { + margin-right: 16rem; + } + + .lg\:mb-64 { + margin-bottom: 16rem; + } + + .lg\:ml-64 { + margin-left: 16rem; + } + + .lg\:mt-auto { + margin-top: auto; + } + + .lg\:mr-auto { + margin-right: auto; + } + + .lg\:mb-auto { + margin-bottom: auto; + } + + .lg\:ml-auto { + margin-left: auto; + } + + .lg\:mt-px { + margin-top: 1px; + } + + .lg\:mr-px { + margin-right: 1px; + } + + .lg\:mb-px { + margin-bottom: 1px; + } + + .lg\:ml-px { + margin-left: 1px; + } + + .lg\:-mt-1 { + margin-top: -0.25rem; + } + + .lg\:-mr-1 { + margin-right: -0.25rem; + } + + .lg\:-mb-1 { + margin-bottom: -0.25rem; + } + + .lg\:-ml-1 { + margin-left: -0.25rem; + } + + .lg\:-mt-2 { + margin-top: -0.5rem; + } + + .lg\:-mr-2 { + margin-right: -0.5rem; + } + + .lg\:-mb-2 { + margin-bottom: -0.5rem; + } + + .lg\:-ml-2 { + margin-left: -0.5rem; + } + + .lg\:-mt-3 { + margin-top: -0.75rem; + } + + .lg\:-mr-3 { + margin-right: -0.75rem; + } + + .lg\:-mb-3 { + margin-bottom: -0.75rem; + } + + .lg\:-ml-3 { + margin-left: -0.75rem; + } + + .lg\:-mt-4 { + margin-top: -1rem; + } + + .lg\:-mr-4 { + margin-right: -1rem; + } + + .lg\:-mb-4 { + margin-bottom: -1rem; + } + + .lg\:-ml-4 { + margin-left: -1rem; + } + + .lg\:-mt-5 { + margin-top: -1.25rem; + } + + .lg\:-mr-5 { + margin-right: -1.25rem; + } + + .lg\:-mb-5 { + margin-bottom: -1.25rem; + } + + .lg\:-ml-5 { + margin-left: -1.25rem; + } + + .lg\:-mt-6 { + margin-top: -1.5rem; + } + + .lg\:-mr-6 { + margin-right: -1.5rem; + } + + .lg\:-mb-6 { + margin-bottom: -1.5rem; + } + + .lg\:-ml-6 { + margin-left: -1.5rem; + } + + .lg\:-mt-8 { + margin-top: -2rem; + } + + .lg\:-mr-8 { + margin-right: -2rem; + } + + .lg\:-mb-8 { + margin-bottom: -2rem; + } + + .lg\:-ml-8 { + margin-left: -2rem; + } + + .lg\:-mt-10 { + margin-top: -2.5rem; + } + + .lg\:-mr-10 { + margin-right: -2.5rem; + } + + .lg\:-mb-10 { + margin-bottom: -2.5rem; + } + + .lg\:-ml-10 { + margin-left: -2.5rem; + } + + .lg\:-mt-12 { + margin-top: -3rem; + } + + .lg\:-mr-12 { + margin-right: -3rem; + } + + .lg\:-mb-12 { + margin-bottom: -3rem; + } + + .lg\:-ml-12 { + margin-left: -3rem; + } + + .lg\:-mt-16 { + margin-top: -4rem; + } + + .lg\:-mr-16 { + margin-right: -4rem; + } + + .lg\:-mb-16 { + margin-bottom: -4rem; + } + + .lg\:-ml-16 { + margin-left: -4rem; + } + + .lg\:-mt-20 { + margin-top: -5rem; + } + + .lg\:-mr-20 { + margin-right: -5rem; + } + + .lg\:-mb-20 { + margin-bottom: -5rem; + } + + .lg\:-ml-20 { + margin-left: -5rem; + } + + .lg\:-mt-24 { + margin-top: -6rem; + } + + .lg\:-mr-24 { + margin-right: -6rem; + } + + .lg\:-mb-24 { + margin-bottom: -6rem; + } + + .lg\:-ml-24 { + margin-left: -6rem; + } + + .lg\:-mt-32 { + margin-top: -8rem; + } + + .lg\:-mr-32 { + margin-right: -8rem; + } + + .lg\:-mb-32 { + margin-bottom: -8rem; + } + + .lg\:-ml-32 { + margin-left: -8rem; + } + + .lg\:-mt-40 { + margin-top: -10rem; + } + + .lg\:-mr-40 { + margin-right: -10rem; + } + + .lg\:-mb-40 { + margin-bottom: -10rem; + } + + .lg\:-ml-40 { + margin-left: -10rem; + } + + .lg\:-mt-48 { + margin-top: -12rem; + } + + .lg\:-mr-48 { + margin-right: -12rem; + } + + .lg\:-mb-48 { + margin-bottom: -12rem; + } + + .lg\:-ml-48 { + margin-left: -12rem; + } + + .lg\:-mt-56 { + margin-top: -14rem; + } + + .lg\:-mr-56 { + margin-right: -14rem; + } + + .lg\:-mb-56 { + margin-bottom: -14rem; + } + + .lg\:-ml-56 { + margin-left: -14rem; + } + + .lg\:-mt-64 { + margin-top: -16rem; + } + + .lg\:-mr-64 { + margin-right: -16rem; + } + + .lg\:-mb-64 { + margin-bottom: -16rem; + } + + .lg\:-ml-64 { + margin-left: -16rem; + } + + .lg\:-mt-px { + margin-top: -1px; + } + + .lg\:-mr-px { + margin-right: -1px; + } + + .lg\:-mb-px { + margin-bottom: -1px; + } + + .lg\:-ml-px { + margin-left: -1px; + } + + .lg\:max-h-full { + max-height: 100%; + } + + .lg\:max-h-screen { + max-height: 100vh; + } + + .lg\:max-w-xs { + max-width: 20rem; + } + + .lg\:max-w-sm { + max-width: 24rem; + } + + .lg\:max-w-md { + max-width: 28rem; + } + + .lg\:max-w-lg { + max-width: 32rem; + } + + .lg\:max-w-xl { + max-width: 36rem; + } + + .lg\:max-w-2xl { + max-width: 42rem; + } + + .lg\:max-w-3xl { + max-width: 48rem; + } + + .lg\:max-w-4xl { + max-width: 56rem; + } + + .lg\:max-w-5xl { + max-width: 64rem; + } + + .lg\:max-w-6xl { + max-width: 72rem; + } + + .lg\:max-w-full { + max-width: 100%; + } + + .lg\:min-h-0 { + min-height: 0; + } + + .lg\:min-h-full { + min-height: 100%; + } + + .lg\:min-h-screen { + min-height: 100vh; + } + + .lg\:min-w-0 { + min-width: 0; + } + + .lg\:min-w-full { + min-width: 100%; + } + + .lg\:object-contain { + -o-object-fit: contain; + object-fit: contain; + } + + .lg\:object-cover { + -o-object-fit: cover; + object-fit: cover; + } + + .lg\:object-fill { + -o-object-fit: fill; + object-fit: fill; + } + + .lg\:object-none { + -o-object-fit: none; + object-fit: none; + } + + .lg\:object-scale-down { + -o-object-fit: scale-down; + object-fit: scale-down; + } + + .lg\:object-bottom { + -o-object-position: bottom; + object-position: bottom; + } + + .lg\:object-center { + -o-object-position: center; + object-position: center; + } + + .lg\:object-left { + -o-object-position: left; + object-position: left; + } + + .lg\:object-left-bottom { + -o-object-position: left bottom; + object-position: left bottom; + } + + .lg\:object-left-top { + -o-object-position: left top; + object-position: left top; + } + + .lg\:object-right { + -o-object-position: right; + object-position: right; + } + + .lg\:object-right-bottom { + -o-object-position: right bottom; + object-position: right bottom; + } + + .lg\:object-right-top { + -o-object-position: right top; + object-position: right top; + } + + .lg\:object-top { + -o-object-position: top; + object-position: top; + } + + .lg\:opacity-0 { + opacity: 0; + } + + .lg\:opacity-25 { + opacity: 0.25; + } + + .lg\:opacity-50 { + opacity: 0.5; + } + + .lg\:opacity-75 { + opacity: 0.75; + } + + .lg\:opacity-100 { + opacity: 1; + } + + .lg\:hover\:opacity-0:hover { + opacity: 0; + } + + .lg\:hover\:opacity-25:hover { + opacity: 0.25; + } + + .lg\:hover\:opacity-50:hover { + opacity: 0.5; + } + + .lg\:hover\:opacity-75:hover { + opacity: 0.75; + } + + .lg\:hover\:opacity-100:hover { + opacity: 1; + } + + .lg\:focus\:opacity-0:focus { + opacity: 0; + } + + .lg\:focus\:opacity-25:focus { + opacity: 0.25; + } + + .lg\:focus\:opacity-50:focus { + opacity: 0.5; + } + + .lg\:focus\:opacity-75:focus { + opacity: 0.75; + } + + .lg\:focus\:opacity-100:focus { + opacity: 1; + } + + .lg\:outline-none { + outline: 0; + } + + .lg\:focus\:outline-none:focus { + outline: 0; + } + + .lg\:overflow-auto { + overflow: auto; + } + + .lg\:overflow-hidden { + overflow: hidden; + } + + .lg\:overflow-visible { + overflow: visible; + } + + .lg\:overflow-scroll { + overflow: scroll; + } + + .lg\:overflow-x-auto { + overflow-x: auto; + } + + .lg\:overflow-y-auto { + overflow-y: auto; + } + + .lg\:overflow-x-hidden { + overflow-x: hidden; + } + + .lg\:overflow-y-hidden { + overflow-y: hidden; + } + + .lg\:overflow-x-visible { + overflow-x: visible; + } + + .lg\:overflow-y-visible { + overflow-y: visible; + } + + .lg\:overflow-x-scroll { + overflow-x: scroll; + } + + .lg\:overflow-y-scroll { + overflow-y: scroll; + } + + .lg\:scrolling-touch { + -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; + } + + .lg\:scrolling-auto { + -webkit-overflow-scrolling: auto; + } + + .lg\:p-0 { + padding: 0; + } + + .lg\:p-1 { + padding: 0.25rem; + } + + .lg\:p-2 { + padding: 0.5rem; + } + + .lg\:p-3 { + padding: 0.75rem; + } + + .lg\:p-4 { + padding: 1rem; + } + + .lg\:p-5 { + padding: 1.25rem; + } + + .lg\:p-6 { + padding: 1.5rem; + } + + .lg\:p-8 { + padding: 2rem; + } + + .lg\:p-10 { + padding: 2.5rem; + } + + .lg\:p-12 { + padding: 3rem; + } + + .lg\:p-16 { + padding: 4rem; + } + + .lg\:p-20 { + padding: 5rem; + } + + .lg\:p-24 { + padding: 6rem; + } + + .lg\:p-32 { + padding: 8rem; + } + + .lg\:p-40 { + padding: 10rem; + } + + .lg\:p-48 { + padding: 12rem; + } + + .lg\:p-56 { + padding: 14rem; + } + + .lg\:p-64 { + padding: 16rem; + } + + .lg\:p-px { + padding: 1px; + } + + .lg\:py-0 { + padding-top: 0; + padding-bottom: 0; + } + + .lg\:px-0 { + padding-left: 0; + padding-right: 0; + } + + .lg\:py-1 { + padding-top: 0.25rem; + padding-bottom: 0.25rem; + } + + .lg\:px-1 { + padding-left: 0.25rem; + padding-right: 0.25rem; + } + + .lg\:py-2 { + padding-top: 0.5rem; + padding-bottom: 0.5rem; + } + + .lg\:px-2 { + padding-left: 0.5rem; + padding-right: 0.5rem; + } + + .lg\:py-3 { + padding-top: 0.75rem; + padding-bottom: 0.75rem; + } + + .lg\:px-3 { + padding-left: 0.75rem; + padding-right: 0.75rem; + } + + .lg\:py-4 { + padding-top: 1rem; + padding-bottom: 1rem; + } + + .lg\:px-4 { + padding-left: 1rem; + padding-right: 1rem; + } + + .lg\:py-5 { + padding-top: 1.25rem; + padding-bottom: 1.25rem; + } + + .lg\:px-5 { + padding-left: 1.25rem; + padding-right: 1.25rem; + } + + .lg\:py-6 { + padding-top: 1.5rem; + padding-bottom: 1.5rem; + } + + .lg\:px-6 { + padding-left: 1.5rem; + padding-right: 1.5rem; + } + + .lg\:py-8 { + padding-top: 2rem; + padding-bottom: 2rem; + } + + .lg\:px-8 { + padding-left: 2rem; + padding-right: 2rem; + } + + .lg\:py-10 { + padding-top: 2.5rem; + padding-bottom: 2.5rem; + } + + .lg\:px-10 { + padding-left: 2.5rem; + padding-right: 2.5rem; + } + + .lg\:py-12 { + padding-top: 3rem; + padding-bottom: 3rem; + } + + .lg\:px-12 { + padding-left: 3rem; + padding-right: 3rem; + } + + .lg\:py-16 { + padding-top: 4rem; + padding-bottom: 4rem; + } + + .lg\:px-16 { + padding-left: 4rem; + padding-right: 4rem; + } + + .lg\:py-20 { + padding-top: 5rem; + padding-bottom: 5rem; + } + + .lg\:px-20 { + padding-left: 5rem; + padding-right: 5rem; + } + + .lg\:py-24 { + padding-top: 6rem; + padding-bottom: 6rem; + } + + .lg\:px-24 { + padding-left: 6rem; + padding-right: 6rem; + } + + .lg\:py-32 { + padding-top: 8rem; + padding-bottom: 8rem; + } + + .lg\:px-32 { + padding-left: 8rem; + padding-right: 8rem; + } + + .lg\:py-40 { + padding-top: 10rem; + padding-bottom: 10rem; + } + + .lg\:px-40 { + padding-left: 10rem; + padding-right: 10rem; + } + + .lg\:py-48 { + padding-top: 12rem; + padding-bottom: 12rem; + } + + .lg\:px-48 { + padding-left: 12rem; + padding-right: 12rem; + } + + .lg\:py-56 { + padding-top: 14rem; + padding-bottom: 14rem; + } + + .lg\:px-56 { + padding-left: 14rem; + padding-right: 14rem; + } + + .lg\:py-64 { + padding-top: 16rem; + padding-bottom: 16rem; + } + + .lg\:px-64 { + padding-left: 16rem; + padding-right: 16rem; + } + + .lg\:py-px { + padding-top: 1px; + padding-bottom: 1px; + } + + .lg\:px-px { + padding-left: 1px; + padding-right: 1px; + } + + .lg\:pt-0 { + padding-top: 0; + } + + .lg\:pr-0 { + padding-right: 0; + } + + .lg\:pb-0 { + padding-bottom: 0; + } + + .lg\:pl-0 { + padding-left: 0; + } + + .lg\:pt-1 { + padding-top: 0.25rem; + } + + .lg\:pr-1 { + padding-right: 0.25rem; + } + + .lg\:pb-1 { + padding-bottom: 0.25rem; + } + + .lg\:pl-1 { + padding-left: 0.25rem; + } + + .lg\:pt-2 { + padding-top: 0.5rem; + } + + .lg\:pr-2 { + padding-right: 0.5rem; + } + + .lg\:pb-2 { + padding-bottom: 0.5rem; + } + + .lg\:pl-2 { + padding-left: 0.5rem; + } + + .lg\:pt-3 { + padding-top: 0.75rem; + } + + .lg\:pr-3 { + padding-right: 0.75rem; + } + + .lg\:pb-3 { + padding-bottom: 0.75rem; + } + + .lg\:pl-3 { + padding-left: 0.75rem; + } + + .lg\:pt-4 { + padding-top: 1rem; + } + + .lg\:pr-4 { + padding-right: 1rem; + } + + .lg\:pb-4 { + padding-bottom: 1rem; + } + + .lg\:pl-4 { + padding-left: 1rem; + } + + .lg\:pt-5 { + padding-top: 1.25rem; + } + + .lg\:pr-5 { + padding-right: 1.25rem; + } + + .lg\:pb-5 { + padding-bottom: 1.25rem; + } + + .lg\:pl-5 { + padding-left: 1.25rem; + } + + .lg\:pt-6 { + padding-top: 1.5rem; + } + + .lg\:pr-6 { + padding-right: 1.5rem; + } + + .lg\:pb-6 { + padding-bottom: 1.5rem; + } + + .lg\:pl-6 { + padding-left: 1.5rem; + } + + .lg\:pt-8 { + padding-top: 2rem; + } + + .lg\:pr-8 { + padding-right: 2rem; + } + + .lg\:pb-8 { + padding-bottom: 2rem; + } + + .lg\:pl-8 { + padding-left: 2rem; + } + + .lg\:pt-10 { + padding-top: 2.5rem; + } + + .lg\:pr-10 { + padding-right: 2.5rem; + } + + .lg\:pb-10 { + padding-bottom: 2.5rem; + } + + .lg\:pl-10 { + padding-left: 2.5rem; + } + + .lg\:pt-12 { + padding-top: 3rem; + } + + .lg\:pr-12 { + padding-right: 3rem; + } + + .lg\:pb-12 { + padding-bottom: 3rem; + } + + .lg\:pl-12 { + padding-left: 3rem; + } + + .lg\:pt-16 { + padding-top: 4rem; + } + + .lg\:pr-16 { + padding-right: 4rem; + } + + .lg\:pb-16 { + padding-bottom: 4rem; + } + + .lg\:pl-16 { + padding-left: 4rem; + } + + .lg\:pt-20 { + padding-top: 5rem; + } + + .lg\:pr-20 { + padding-right: 5rem; + } + + .lg\:pb-20 { + padding-bottom: 5rem; + } + + .lg\:pl-20 { + padding-left: 5rem; + } + + .lg\:pt-24 { + padding-top: 6rem; + } + + .lg\:pr-24 { + padding-right: 6rem; + } + + .lg\:pb-24 { + padding-bottom: 6rem; 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+ } + + .lg\:focus\:placeholder-green-100:focus::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #f0fff4; + } + + .lg\:focus\:placeholder-green-100:focus::placeholder { + color: #f0fff4; + } + + .lg\:focus\:placeholder-green-200:focus::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #c6f6d5; + } + + .lg\:focus\:placeholder-green-200:focus::-moz-placeholder { + color: #c6f6d5; + } + + .lg\:focus\:placeholder-green-200:focus:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #c6f6d5; + } + + .lg\:focus\:placeholder-green-200:focus::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #c6f6d5; + } + + .lg\:focus\:placeholder-green-200:focus::placeholder { + color: #c6f6d5; + } + + .lg\:focus\:placeholder-green-300:focus::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #9ae6b4; + } + + .lg\:focus\:placeholder-green-300:focus::-moz-placeholder { + color: #9ae6b4; + } + + .lg\:focus\:placeholder-green-300:focus:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #9ae6b4; + } + + .lg\:focus\:placeholder-green-300:focus::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #9ae6b4; + } + + .lg\:focus\:placeholder-green-300:focus::placeholder { + color: #9ae6b4; 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+ } + + .lg\:focus\:placeholder-green-600:focus:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #38a169; + } + + .lg\:focus\:placeholder-green-600:focus::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #38a169; + } + + .lg\:focus\:placeholder-green-600:focus::placeholder { + color: #38a169; + } + + .lg\:focus\:placeholder-green-700:focus::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #2f855a; + } + + .lg\:focus\:placeholder-green-700:focus::-moz-placeholder { + color: #2f855a; + } + + .lg\:focus\:placeholder-green-700:focus:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #2f855a; + } + + .lg\:focus\:placeholder-green-700:focus::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #2f855a; + } + + .lg\:focus\:placeholder-green-700:focus::placeholder { + color: #2f855a; + } + + .lg\:focus\:placeholder-green-800:focus::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #276749; + } + + .lg\:focus\:placeholder-green-800:focus::-moz-placeholder { + color: #276749; + } + + .lg\:focus\:placeholder-green-800:focus:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #276749; + } + + .lg\:focus\:placeholder-green-800:focus::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #276749; 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+ } + + .lg\:focus\:placeholder-teal-900:focus:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #234e52; + } + + .lg\:focus\:placeholder-teal-900:focus::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #234e52; + } + + .lg\:focus\:placeholder-teal-900:focus::placeholder { + color: #234e52; + } + + .lg\:focus\:placeholder-blue:focus::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #3da5d9; + } + + .lg\:focus\:placeholder-blue:focus::-moz-placeholder { + color: #3da5d9; + } + + .lg\:focus\:placeholder-blue:focus:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #3da5d9; + } + + .lg\:focus\:placeholder-blue:focus::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #3da5d9; + } + + .lg\:focus\:placeholder-blue:focus::placeholder { + color: #3da5d9; + } + + .lg\:focus\:placeholder-indigo-100:focus::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #ebf4ff; + } + + .lg\:focus\:placeholder-indigo-100:focus::-moz-placeholder { + color: #ebf4ff; + } + + .lg\:focus\:placeholder-indigo-100:focus:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #ebf4ff; + } + + .lg\:focus\:placeholder-indigo-100:focus::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #ebf4ff; 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+ } + + .xl\:-mr-4 { + margin-right: -1rem; + } + + .xl\:-mb-4 { + margin-bottom: -1rem; + } + + .xl\:-ml-4 { + margin-left: -1rem; + } + + .xl\:-mt-5 { + margin-top: -1.25rem; + } + + .xl\:-mr-5 { + margin-right: -1.25rem; + } + + .xl\:-mb-5 { + margin-bottom: -1.25rem; + } + + .xl\:-ml-5 { + margin-left: -1.25rem; + } + + .xl\:-mt-6 { + margin-top: -1.5rem; + } + + .xl\:-mr-6 { + margin-right: -1.5rem; + } + + .xl\:-mb-6 { + margin-bottom: -1.5rem; + } + + .xl\:-ml-6 { + margin-left: -1.5rem; + } + + .xl\:-mt-8 { + margin-top: -2rem; + } + + .xl\:-mr-8 { + margin-right: -2rem; + } + + .xl\:-mb-8 { + margin-bottom: -2rem; + } + + .xl\:-ml-8 { + margin-left: -2rem; + } + + .xl\:-mt-10 { + margin-top: -2.5rem; + } + + .xl\:-mr-10 { + margin-right: -2.5rem; + } + + .xl\:-mb-10 { + margin-bottom: -2.5rem; + } + + .xl\:-ml-10 { + margin-left: -2.5rem; + } + + .xl\:-mt-12 { + margin-top: -3rem; + } + + .xl\:-mr-12 { + margin-right: -3rem; + } + + .xl\:-mb-12 { + margin-bottom: -3rem; + } + + .xl\:-ml-12 { + margin-left: -3rem; + } + + .xl\:-mt-16 { + margin-top: -4rem; + } + + .xl\:-mr-16 { + margin-right: -4rem; + } + + .xl\:-mb-16 { + margin-bottom: -4rem; + } + + .xl\:-ml-16 { + margin-left: -4rem; + } + + .xl\:-mt-20 { + margin-top: -5rem; + } + + .xl\:-mr-20 { + margin-right: -5rem; + } + + .xl\:-mb-20 { + margin-bottom: -5rem; + } + + .xl\:-ml-20 { + margin-left: -5rem; + } + + .xl\:-mt-24 { + margin-top: -6rem; + } + + .xl\:-mr-24 { + margin-right: -6rem; + } + + .xl\:-mb-24 { + margin-bottom: -6rem; + } + + .xl\:-ml-24 { + margin-left: -6rem; + } + + .xl\:-mt-32 { + margin-top: -8rem; + } + + .xl\:-mr-32 { + margin-right: -8rem; + } + + .xl\:-mb-32 { + margin-bottom: -8rem; + } + + .xl\:-ml-32 { + margin-left: -8rem; + } + + .xl\:-mt-40 { + margin-top: -10rem; + } + + .xl\:-mr-40 { + margin-right: -10rem; + } + + .xl\:-mb-40 { + margin-bottom: -10rem; + } + + .xl\:-ml-40 { + margin-left: -10rem; + } + + .xl\:-mt-48 { + margin-top: -12rem; + } + + .xl\:-mr-48 { + margin-right: -12rem; + } + + .xl\:-mb-48 { + margin-bottom: -12rem; + } + + .xl\:-ml-48 { + margin-left: -12rem; + } + + .xl\:-mt-56 { + margin-top: -14rem; + } + + .xl\:-mr-56 { + margin-right: -14rem; + } + + .xl\:-mb-56 { + margin-bottom: -14rem; + } + + .xl\:-ml-56 { + margin-left: -14rem; + } + + .xl\:-mt-64 { + margin-top: -16rem; + } + + .xl\:-mr-64 { + margin-right: -16rem; + } + + .xl\:-mb-64 { + margin-bottom: -16rem; + } + + .xl\:-ml-64 { + margin-left: -16rem; + } + + .xl\:-mt-px { + margin-top: -1px; + } + + .xl\:-mr-px { + margin-right: -1px; + } + + .xl\:-mb-px { + margin-bottom: -1px; + } + + .xl\:-ml-px { + margin-left: -1px; + } + + .xl\:max-h-full { + max-height: 100%; + } + + .xl\:max-h-screen { + max-height: 100vh; + } + + .xl\:max-w-xs { + max-width: 20rem; + } + + .xl\:max-w-sm { + max-width: 24rem; + } + + .xl\:max-w-md { + max-width: 28rem; + } + + .xl\:max-w-lg { + max-width: 32rem; + } + + .xl\:max-w-xl { + max-width: 36rem; + } + + .xl\:max-w-2xl { + max-width: 42rem; + } + + .xl\:max-w-3xl { + max-width: 48rem; + } + + .xl\:max-w-4xl { + max-width: 56rem; + } + + .xl\:max-w-5xl { + max-width: 64rem; + } + + .xl\:max-w-6xl { + max-width: 72rem; + } + + .xl\:max-w-full { + max-width: 100%; + } + + .xl\:min-h-0 { + min-height: 0; + } + + .xl\:min-h-full { + min-height: 100%; + } + + .xl\:min-h-screen { + min-height: 100vh; + } + + .xl\:min-w-0 { + min-width: 0; + } + + .xl\:min-w-full { + min-width: 100%; + } + + .xl\:object-contain { + -o-object-fit: contain; + object-fit: contain; + } + + .xl\:object-cover { + -o-object-fit: cover; + object-fit: cover; + } + + .xl\:object-fill { + -o-object-fit: fill; + object-fit: fill; + } + + .xl\:object-none { + -o-object-fit: none; + object-fit: none; + } + + .xl\:object-scale-down { + -o-object-fit: scale-down; + object-fit: scale-down; + } + + .xl\:object-bottom { + -o-object-position: bottom; + object-position: bottom; + } + + .xl\:object-center { + -o-object-position: center; + object-position: center; + } + + .xl\:object-left { + -o-object-position: left; + object-position: left; + } + + .xl\:object-left-bottom { + -o-object-position: left bottom; + object-position: left bottom; + } + + .xl\:object-left-top { + -o-object-position: left top; + object-position: left top; + } + + .xl\:object-right { + -o-object-position: right; + object-position: right; + } + + .xl\:object-right-bottom { + -o-object-position: right bottom; + object-position: right bottom; + } + + .xl\:object-right-top { + -o-object-position: right top; + object-position: right top; + } + + .xl\:object-top { + -o-object-position: top; + object-position: top; + } + + .xl\:opacity-0 { + opacity: 0; + } + + .xl\:opacity-25 { + opacity: 0.25; + } + + .xl\:opacity-50 { + opacity: 0.5; + } + + .xl\:opacity-75 { + opacity: 0.75; + } + + .xl\:opacity-100 { + opacity: 1; + } + + .xl\:hover\:opacity-0:hover { + opacity: 0; + } + + .xl\:hover\:opacity-25:hover { + opacity: 0.25; + } + + .xl\:hover\:opacity-50:hover { + opacity: 0.5; + } + + .xl\:hover\:opacity-75:hover { + opacity: 0.75; + } + + .xl\:hover\:opacity-100:hover { + opacity: 1; + } + + .xl\:focus\:opacity-0:focus { + opacity: 0; + } + + .xl\:focus\:opacity-25:focus { + opacity: 0.25; + } + + .xl\:focus\:opacity-50:focus { + opacity: 0.5; + } + + .xl\:focus\:opacity-75:focus { + opacity: 0.75; + } + + .xl\:focus\:opacity-100:focus { + opacity: 1; + } + + .xl\:outline-none { + outline: 0; + } + + .xl\:focus\:outline-none:focus { + outline: 0; + } + + .xl\:overflow-auto { + overflow: auto; + } + + .xl\:overflow-hidden { + overflow: hidden; + } + + .xl\:overflow-visible { + overflow: visible; + } + + .xl\:overflow-scroll { + overflow: scroll; + } + + .xl\:overflow-x-auto { + overflow-x: auto; + } + + .xl\:overflow-y-auto { + overflow-y: auto; + } + + .xl\:overflow-x-hidden { + overflow-x: hidden; + } + + .xl\:overflow-y-hidden { + overflow-y: hidden; + } + + .xl\:overflow-x-visible { + overflow-x: visible; + } + + .xl\:overflow-y-visible { + overflow-y: visible; + } + + .xl\:overflow-x-scroll { + overflow-x: scroll; + } + + .xl\:overflow-y-scroll { + overflow-y: scroll; + } + + .xl\:scrolling-touch { + -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; + } + + .xl\:scrolling-auto { + -webkit-overflow-scrolling: auto; + } + + .xl\:p-0 { + padding: 0; + } + + .xl\:p-1 { + padding: 0.25rem; + } + + .xl\:p-2 { + padding: 0.5rem; + } + + .xl\:p-3 { + padding: 0.75rem; + } + + .xl\:p-4 { + padding: 1rem; + } + + .xl\:p-5 { + padding: 1.25rem; + } + + .xl\:p-6 { + padding: 1.5rem; + } + + .xl\:p-8 { + padding: 2rem; + } + + .xl\:p-10 { + padding: 2.5rem; + } + + .xl\:p-12 { + padding: 3rem; + } + + .xl\:p-16 { + padding: 4rem; + } + + .xl\:p-20 { + padding: 5rem; + } + + .xl\:p-24 { + padding: 6rem; + } + + .xl\:p-32 { + padding: 8rem; + } + + .xl\:p-40 { + padding: 10rem; + } + + .xl\:p-48 { + padding: 12rem; + } + + .xl\:p-56 { + padding: 14rem; + } + + .xl\:p-64 { + padding: 16rem; + } + + .xl\:p-px { + padding: 1px; + } + + .xl\:py-0 { + padding-top: 0; + padding-bottom: 0; + } + + .xl\:px-0 { + padding-left: 0; + padding-right: 0; + } + + .xl\:py-1 { + padding-top: 0.25rem; + padding-bottom: 0.25rem; + } + + .xl\:px-1 { + padding-left: 0.25rem; + padding-right: 0.25rem; + } + + .xl\:py-2 { + padding-top: 0.5rem; + padding-bottom: 0.5rem; + } + + .xl\:px-2 { + padding-left: 0.5rem; + padding-right: 0.5rem; + } + + .xl\:py-3 { + padding-top: 0.75rem; + padding-bottom: 0.75rem; + } + + .xl\:px-3 { + padding-left: 0.75rem; + padding-right: 0.75rem; + } + + .xl\:py-4 { + padding-top: 1rem; + padding-bottom: 1rem; + } + + .xl\:px-4 { + padding-left: 1rem; + padding-right: 1rem; + } + + .xl\:py-5 { + padding-top: 1.25rem; + padding-bottom: 1.25rem; + } + + .xl\:px-5 { + padding-left: 1.25rem; + padding-right: 1.25rem; + } + + .xl\:py-6 { + padding-top: 1.5rem; + padding-bottom: 1.5rem; + } + + .xl\:px-6 { + padding-left: 1.5rem; + padding-right: 1.5rem; + } + + .xl\:py-8 { + padding-top: 2rem; + padding-bottom: 2rem; + } + + .xl\:px-8 { + padding-left: 2rem; + padding-right: 2rem; + } + + .xl\:py-10 { + padding-top: 2.5rem; + padding-bottom: 2.5rem; + } + + .xl\:px-10 { + padding-left: 2.5rem; + padding-right: 2.5rem; + } + + .xl\:py-12 { + padding-top: 3rem; 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+ padding-right: 14rem; + } + + .xl\:py-64 { + padding-top: 16rem; + padding-bottom: 16rem; + } + + .xl\:px-64 { + padding-left: 16rem; + padding-right: 16rem; + } + + .xl\:py-px { + padding-top: 1px; + padding-bottom: 1px; + } + + .xl\:px-px { + padding-left: 1px; + padding-right: 1px; + } + + .xl\:pt-0 { + padding-top: 0; + } + + .xl\:pr-0 { + padding-right: 0; + } + + .xl\:pb-0 { + padding-bottom: 0; + } + + .xl\:pl-0 { + padding-left: 0; + } + + .xl\:pt-1 { + padding-top: 0.25rem; + } + + .xl\:pr-1 { + padding-right: 0.25rem; + } + + .xl\:pb-1 { + padding-bottom: 0.25rem; + } + + .xl\:pl-1 { + padding-left: 0.25rem; + } + + .xl\:pt-2 { + padding-top: 0.5rem; + } + + .xl\:pr-2 { + padding-right: 0.5rem; + } + + .xl\:pb-2 { + padding-bottom: 0.5rem; + } + + .xl\:pl-2 { + padding-left: 0.5rem; + } + + .xl\:pt-3 { + padding-top: 0.75rem; + } + + .xl\:pr-3 { + padding-right: 0.75rem; + } + + .xl\:pb-3 { + padding-bottom: 0.75rem; + } + + .xl\:pl-3 { + padding-left: 0.75rem; + } + + .xl\:pt-4 { + padding-top: 1rem; + } + + .xl\:pr-4 { + padding-right: 1rem; + } + + .xl\:pb-4 { + padding-bottom: 1rem; + } + + .xl\:pl-4 { + padding-left: 1rem; + } + + .xl\:pt-5 { + padding-top: 1.25rem; + } + + .xl\:pr-5 { + padding-right: 1.25rem; + } + + .xl\:pb-5 { + padding-bottom: 1.25rem; + } + + .xl\:pl-5 { + padding-left: 1.25rem; + } + + .xl\:pt-6 { + padding-top: 1.5rem; + } + + .xl\:pr-6 { + padding-right: 1.5rem; + } + + .xl\:pb-6 { + padding-bottom: 1.5rem; + } + + .xl\:pl-6 { + padding-left: 1.5rem; + } + + .xl\:pt-8 { + padding-top: 2rem; + } + + .xl\:pr-8 { + padding-right: 2rem; + } + + .xl\:pb-8 { + padding-bottom: 2rem; + } + + .xl\:pl-8 { + padding-left: 2rem; + } + + .xl\:pt-10 { + padding-top: 2.5rem; + } + + .xl\:pr-10 { + padding-right: 2.5rem; + } + + .xl\:pb-10 { + padding-bottom: 2.5rem; + } + + .xl\:pl-10 { + padding-left: 2.5rem; + } + + .xl\:pt-12 { + padding-top: 3rem; + } + + .xl\:pr-12 { + padding-right: 3rem; + } + + .xl\:pb-12 { + padding-bottom: 3rem; + } + + .xl\:pl-12 { + padding-left: 3rem; + } + + .xl\:pt-16 { + padding-top: 4rem; + } + + .xl\:pr-16 { + padding-right: 4rem; + } + + .xl\:pb-16 { + padding-bottom: 4rem; + } + + .xl\:pl-16 { + padding-left: 4rem; + } + + .xl\:pt-20 { + padding-top: 5rem; + } + + .xl\:pr-20 { + padding-right: 5rem; + } + + .xl\:pb-20 { + padding-bottom: 5rem; + } + + .xl\:pl-20 { + padding-left: 5rem; + } + + .xl\:pt-24 { + padding-top: 6rem; + } + + .xl\:pr-24 { + padding-right: 6rem; + } + + .xl\:pb-24 { + padding-bottom: 6rem; + } + + .xl\:pl-24 { + padding-left: 6rem; + } + + .xl\:pt-32 { + padding-top: 8rem; + } + + .xl\:pr-32 { + padding-right: 8rem; + } + + .xl\:pb-32 { + padding-bottom: 8rem; + } + + .xl\:pl-32 { + padding-left: 8rem; + } + + .xl\:pt-40 { + padding-top: 10rem; + } + + .xl\:pr-40 { + padding-right: 10rem; + } + + .xl\:pb-40 { + padding-bottom: 10rem; + } + + .xl\:pl-40 { + padding-left: 10rem; + } + + .xl\:pt-48 { + padding-top: 12rem; + } + + .xl\:pr-48 { + padding-right: 12rem; + } + + .xl\:pb-48 { + padding-bottom: 12rem; + } + + .xl\:pl-48 { + padding-left: 12rem; + } + + .xl\:pt-56 { + padding-top: 14rem; + } + + .xl\:pr-56 { + padding-right: 14rem; + } + + .xl\:pb-56 { + padding-bottom: 14rem; + } + + .xl\:pl-56 { + padding-left: 14rem; + } + + .xl\:pt-64 { + padding-top: 16rem; + } + + .xl\:pr-64 { + padding-right: 16rem; + } + + .xl\:pb-64 { + padding-bottom: 16rem; + } + + .xl\:pl-64 { + padding-left: 16rem; + } + + .xl\:pt-px { + padding-top: 1px; + } + + .xl\:pr-px { + padding-right: 1px; + } + + .xl\:pb-px { + padding-bottom: 1px; + } + + .xl\:pl-px { + padding-left: 1px; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-transparent::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: transparent; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-transparent::-moz-placeholder { + color: transparent; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-transparent:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: transparent; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-transparent::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: transparent; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-transparent::placeholder { + color: transparent; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-black::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #000; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-black::-moz-placeholder { + color: #000; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-black:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #000; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-black::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #000; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-black::placeholder { + color: #000; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-white::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #fff; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-white::-moz-placeholder { + color: #fff; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-white:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #fff; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-white::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #fff; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-white::placeholder { + color: #fff; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-gray-100::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #f7fafc; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-gray-100::-moz-placeholder { + color: #f7fafc; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-gray-100:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #f7fafc; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-gray-100::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #f7fafc; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-gray-100::placeholder { + color: #f7fafc; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-gray-200::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #edf2f7; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-gray-200::-moz-placeholder { + color: #edf2f7; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-gray-200:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #edf2f7; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-gray-200::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #edf2f7; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-gray-200::placeholder { + color: #edf2f7; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-gray-300::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #e2e8f0; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-gray-300::-moz-placeholder { + color: #e2e8f0; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-gray-300:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #e2e8f0; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-gray-300::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #e2e8f0; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-gray-300::placeholder { + color: #e2e8f0; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-gray-400::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #cbd5e0; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-gray-400::-moz-placeholder { + color: #cbd5e0; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-gray-400:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #cbd5e0; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-gray-400::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #cbd5e0; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-gray-400::placeholder { + color: #cbd5e0; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-gray-500::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #a0aec0; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-gray-500::-moz-placeholder { + color: #a0aec0; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-gray-500:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #a0aec0; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-gray-500::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #a0aec0; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-gray-500::placeholder { + color: #a0aec0; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-gray-600::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #718096; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-gray-600::-moz-placeholder { + color: #718096; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-gray-600:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #718096; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-gray-600::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #718096; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-gray-600::placeholder { + color: #718096; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-gray-700::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #4a5568; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-gray-700::-moz-placeholder { + color: #4a5568; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-gray-700:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #4a5568; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-gray-700::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #4a5568; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-gray-700::placeholder { + color: #4a5568; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-gray-800::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #2d3748; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-gray-800::-moz-placeholder { + color: #2d3748; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-gray-800:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #2d3748; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-gray-800::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #2d3748; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-gray-800::placeholder { + color: #2d3748; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-gray-900::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #1a202c; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-gray-900::-moz-placeholder { + color: #1a202c; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-gray-900:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #1a202c; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-gray-900::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #1a202c; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-gray-900::placeholder { + color: #1a202c; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-red-100::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #fff5f5; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-red-100::-moz-placeholder { + color: #fff5f5; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-red-100:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #fff5f5; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-red-100::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #fff5f5; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-red-100::placeholder { + color: #fff5f5; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-red-200::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #fed7d7; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-red-200::-moz-placeholder { + color: #fed7d7; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-red-200:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #fed7d7; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-red-200::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #fed7d7; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-red-200::placeholder { + color: #fed7d7; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-red-300::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #feb2b2; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-red-300::-moz-placeholder { + color: #feb2b2; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-red-300:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #feb2b2; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-red-300::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #feb2b2; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-red-300::placeholder { + color: #feb2b2; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-red-400::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #fc8181; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-red-400::-moz-placeholder { + color: #fc8181; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-red-400:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #fc8181; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-red-400::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #fc8181; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-red-400::placeholder { + color: #fc8181; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-red-500::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #f56565; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-red-500::-moz-placeholder { + color: #f56565; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-red-500:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #f56565; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-red-500::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #f56565; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-red-500::placeholder { + color: #f56565; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-red-600::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #e53e3e; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-red-600::-moz-placeholder { + color: #e53e3e; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-red-600:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #e53e3e; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-red-600::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #e53e3e; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-red-600::placeholder { + color: #e53e3e; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-red-700::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #c53030; 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+ } + + .xl\:placeholder-pink-300::placeholder { + color: #fbb6ce; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-pink-400::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #f687b3; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-pink-400::-moz-placeholder { + color: #f687b3; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-pink-400:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #f687b3; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-pink-400::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #f687b3; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-pink-400::placeholder { + color: #f687b3; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-pink-500::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #ed64a6; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-pink-500::-moz-placeholder { + color: #ed64a6; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-pink-500:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #ed64a6; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-pink-500::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #ed64a6; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-pink-500::placeholder { + color: #ed64a6; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-pink-600::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #d53f8c; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-pink-600::-moz-placeholder { + color: #d53f8c; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-pink-600:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #d53f8c; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-pink-600::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #d53f8c; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-pink-600::placeholder { + color: #d53f8c; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-pink-700::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #b83280; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-pink-700::-moz-placeholder { + color: #b83280; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-pink-700:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #b83280; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-pink-700::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #b83280; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-pink-700::placeholder { + color: #b83280; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-pink-800::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #97266d; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-pink-800::-moz-placeholder { + color: #97266d; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-pink-800:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #97266d; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-pink-800::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #97266d; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-pink-800::placeholder { + color: #97266d; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-pink-900::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #702459; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-pink-900::-moz-placeholder { + color: #702459; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-pink-900:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #702459; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-pink-900::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #702459; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-pink-900::placeholder { + color: #702459; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-bluedark::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #2364aa; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-bluedark::-moz-placeholder { + color: #2364aa; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-bluedark:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #2364aa; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-bluedark::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #2364aa; + } + + .xl\:placeholder-bluedark::placeholder { + color: #2364aa; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-transparent:focus::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: transparent; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-transparent:focus::-moz-placeholder { + color: transparent; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-transparent:focus:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: transparent; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-transparent:focus::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: transparent; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-transparent:focus::placeholder { + color: transparent; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-black:focus::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #000; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-black:focus::-moz-placeholder { + color: #000; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-black:focus:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #000; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-black:focus::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #000; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-black:focus::placeholder { + color: #000; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-white:focus::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #fff; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-white:focus::-moz-placeholder { + color: #fff; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-white:focus:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #fff; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-white:focus::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #fff; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-white:focus::placeholder { + color: #fff; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-gray-100:focus::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #f7fafc; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-gray-100:focus::-moz-placeholder { + color: #f7fafc; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-gray-100:focus:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #f7fafc; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-gray-100:focus::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #f7fafc; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-gray-100:focus::placeholder { + color: #f7fafc; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-gray-200:focus::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #edf2f7; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-gray-200:focus::-moz-placeholder { + color: #edf2f7; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-gray-200:focus:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #edf2f7; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-gray-200:focus::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #edf2f7; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-gray-200:focus::placeholder { + color: #edf2f7; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-gray-300:focus::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #e2e8f0; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-gray-300:focus::-moz-placeholder { + color: #e2e8f0; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-gray-300:focus:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #e2e8f0; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-gray-300:focus::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #e2e8f0; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-gray-300:focus::placeholder { + color: #e2e8f0; 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+ } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-gray-600:focus:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #718096; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-gray-600:focus::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #718096; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-gray-600:focus::placeholder { + color: #718096; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-gray-700:focus::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #4a5568; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-gray-700:focus::-moz-placeholder { + color: #4a5568; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-gray-700:focus:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #4a5568; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-gray-700:focus::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #4a5568; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-gray-700:focus::placeholder { + color: #4a5568; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-gray-800:focus::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #2d3748; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-gray-800:focus::-moz-placeholder { + color: #2d3748; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-gray-800:focus:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #2d3748; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-gray-800:focus::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #2d3748; 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+ } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-red-200:focus::-moz-placeholder { + color: #fed7d7; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-red-200:focus:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #fed7d7; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-red-200:focus::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #fed7d7; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-red-200:focus::placeholder { + color: #fed7d7; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-red-300:focus::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #feb2b2; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-red-300:focus::-moz-placeholder { + color: #feb2b2; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-red-300:focus:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #feb2b2; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-red-300:focus::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #feb2b2; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-red-300:focus::placeholder { + color: #feb2b2; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-red-400:focus::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #fc8181; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-red-400:focus::-moz-placeholder { + color: #fc8181; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-red-400:focus:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #fc8181; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-red-400:focus::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #fc8181; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-red-400:focus::placeholder { + color: #fc8181; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-red-500:focus::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #f56565; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-red-500:focus::-moz-placeholder { + color: #f56565; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-red-500:focus:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #f56565; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-red-500:focus::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #f56565; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-red-500:focus::placeholder { + color: #f56565; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-red-600:focus::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #e53e3e; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-red-600:focus::-moz-placeholder { + color: #e53e3e; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-red-600:focus:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #e53e3e; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-red-600:focus::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #e53e3e; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-red-600:focus::placeholder { + color: #e53e3e; 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+ } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-red-900:focus:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #742a2a; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-red-900:focus::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #742a2a; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-red-900:focus::placeholder { + color: #742a2a; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-orange:focus::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #e95527; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-orange:focus::-moz-placeholder { + color: #e95527; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-orange:focus:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #e95527; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-orange:focus::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #e95527; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-orange:focus::placeholder { + color: #e95527; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-yellow:focus::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #fec601; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-yellow:focus::-moz-placeholder { + color: #fec601; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-yellow:focus:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #fec601; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-yellow:focus::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #fec601; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-yellow:focus::placeholder { + color: #fec601; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-green-100:focus::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #f0fff4; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-green-100:focus::-moz-placeholder { + color: #f0fff4; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-green-100:focus:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #f0fff4; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-green-100:focus::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #f0fff4; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-green-100:focus::placeholder { + color: #f0fff4; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-green-200:focus::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #c6f6d5; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-green-200:focus::-moz-placeholder { + color: #c6f6d5; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-green-200:focus:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #c6f6d5; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-green-200:focus::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #c6f6d5; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-green-200:focus::placeholder { + color: #c6f6d5; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-green-300:focus::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #9ae6b4; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-green-300:focus::-moz-placeholder { + color: #9ae6b4; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-green-300:focus:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #9ae6b4; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-green-300:focus::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #9ae6b4; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-green-300:focus::placeholder { + color: #9ae6b4; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-green-400:focus::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #68d391; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-green-400:focus::-moz-placeholder { + color: #68d391; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-green-400:focus:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #68d391; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-green-400:focus::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #68d391; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-green-400:focus::placeholder { + color: #68d391; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-green-500:focus::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #48bb78; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-green-500:focus::-moz-placeholder { + color: #48bb78; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-green-500:focus:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #48bb78; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-green-500:focus::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #48bb78; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-green-500:focus::placeholder { + color: #48bb78; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-green-600:focus::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #38a169; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-green-600:focus::-moz-placeholder { + color: #38a169; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-green-600:focus:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #38a169; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-green-600:focus::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #38a169; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-green-600:focus::placeholder { + color: #38a169; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-green-700:focus::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #2f855a; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-green-700:focus::-moz-placeholder { + color: #2f855a; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-green-700:focus:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #2f855a; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-green-700:focus::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #2f855a; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-green-700:focus::placeholder { + color: #2f855a; 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+ } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-teal-100:focus:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #e6fffa; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-teal-100:focus::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #e6fffa; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-teal-100:focus::placeholder { + color: #e6fffa; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-teal-200:focus::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #b2f5ea; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-teal-200:focus::-moz-placeholder { + color: #b2f5ea; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-teal-200:focus:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #b2f5ea; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-teal-200:focus::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #b2f5ea; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-teal-200:focus::placeholder { + color: #b2f5ea; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-teal-300:focus::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #81e6d9; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-teal-300:focus::-moz-placeholder { + color: #81e6d9; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-teal-300:focus:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #81e6d9; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-teal-300:focus::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #81e6d9; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-teal-300:focus::placeholder { + color: #81e6d9; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-teal-400:focus::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #4fd1c5; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-teal-400:focus::-moz-placeholder { + color: #4fd1c5; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-teal-400:focus:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #4fd1c5; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-teal-400:focus::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #4fd1c5; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-teal-400:focus::placeholder { + color: #4fd1c5; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-teal-500:focus::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #38b2ac; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-teal-500:focus::-moz-placeholder { + color: #38b2ac; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-teal-500:focus:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #38b2ac; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-teal-500:focus::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #38b2ac; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-teal-500:focus::placeholder { + color: #38b2ac; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-teal-600:focus::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #319795; 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+ } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-teal-800:focus::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #285e61; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-teal-800:focus::placeholder { + color: #285e61; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-teal-900:focus::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #234e52; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-teal-900:focus::-moz-placeholder { + color: #234e52; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-teal-900:focus:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #234e52; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-teal-900:focus::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #234e52; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-teal-900:focus::placeholder { + color: #234e52; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-blue:focus::-webkit-input-placeholder { + color: #3da5d9; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-blue:focus::-moz-placeholder { + color: #3da5d9; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-blue:focus:-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #3da5d9; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-blue:focus::-ms-input-placeholder { + color: #3da5d9; + } + + .xl\:focus\:placeholder-blue:focus::placeholder { + color: #3da5d9; 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+ } + + .xl\:shadow-lg { + box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05); + } + + .xl\:shadow-xl { + box-shadow: 0 20px 25px -5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 10px 10px -5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04); + } + + .xl\:shadow-2xl { + box-shadow: 0 25px 50px -12px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); + } + + .xl\:shadow-inner { + box-shadow: inset 0 2px 4px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06); + } + + .xl\:shadow-outline { + box-shadow: 0 0 0 3px rgba(66, 153, 225, 0.5); + } + + .xl\:shadow-none { + box-shadow: none; + } + + .xl\:hover\:shadow:hover { + box-shadow: 0 1px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 1px 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06); + } + + .xl\:hover\:shadow-md:hover { + box-shadow: 0 4px 6px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 2px 4px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06); + } + + .xl\:hover\:shadow-lg:hover { + box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05); + } + + .xl\:hover\:shadow-xl:hover { + box-shadow: 0 20px 25px -5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 10px 10px -5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04); 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