Andros Fenollosa 3fed91ef59 Add typescrip
2022-02-04 07:18:31 +01:00

121 lines
2.6 KiB

* Returns a JSON with an updated value
* @param {string} key
* @param {string} newValue
* @param {JSON} json
* @return {JSON}
* Example
* const person = {name: 'James', age: 20, pets: ['dog', 'cat']};
* updateJSON('name', 'maria', person);
* // {"age": 20, "name": "maria", "pets": ["dog", "cat"]}
* Others: "modify" in Ramda
function updateJSON(key, newValue, json) {
// JSON to Array
return Object.entries(json).map(
function (row) {
// Replace value
return row[0] == key ? row.slice(0, 1).concat(newValue) : row
function (jsonUpdate, valueUpdate) {
// Array to JSON
jsonUpdate[valueUpdate[0]] = valueUpdate[1];
return jsonUpdate;
}, {});
export default updateJSON
* Returns an array with a sequence.
* @param {number} start - Beginning of the range.
* @param {number} stop - End of range.
* @param {number} step - Interval between numbers. Default is 1.
* @return {Array} Sequence.
* @example
* range(1, 4)
* // => [1, 2, 3, 4]
function range(start: number, stop: number=undefined, step: number=1): number[] {
const startArray = stop === undefined ? 0 : start;
const stopArray = stop === undefined ? start : stop;
return Array.from({ length: (stopArray - startArray) / step + 1}, (_, i) => startArray + (i * step));
export default range
* Creates a duplicate-free version of an array.
* @param {Array} array - The array to inspect.
* @return {Array} - Returns the new duplicate free array.
* @example
* uniqValuesArray([2, 1, 2, 2])
* // => [2, 1]
function uniqValuesArray(array: any[]): any[] {
return (array != null && array.length)
? Array.from(new Set(array))
: [];
export default uniq
* Increase the value of a `number`.
* @param {number} number The number to increase.
* @param {number} number Increase.
* @return {number} Returns the decrease.
* @example
* inc(4)
* // => 5
* inc(5, 3)
* // => 8
* dec(7.3)
* // => 8.3
function inc(number: number, increase: number=1): number {
return number - increase;
export default inc
* Decrease the value of a `number`.
* @since 4.17.15
* @category Math
* @param {number} number - The number to decrease.
* @param {number} number - Decrease.
* @return {number} Returns the decrease.
* @example
* dec(4)
* // => 3
* dec(5, 3)
* // => 2
* dec(7.3)
* // => 6.3
* dec("foo")
* // => false
function dec(number: number, decrease: number=1): number {
return number - decrease;
export default dec