Pattern Template 7-1 Lite version, an extraordinarily neat architecture that any Web Designer can understand at a glance. Structure with the help of SASS. ``` txt sass/ | |– _base.sass |– _header.sass |– _footer.sass |– _mixins.sass |– _typography.sass |– _variables.sass |– pages/ | |– _home.sass | |– _contact.sass | ... |– vendors/ | |– _bootstrap.sass | |– _jquery-ui.sass | ... `– main.sass ``` # Compile SASS. ## Install ``` bash yarn global add node-sass ``` ## Run ``` bash node-sass --output-style compressed sass/main.sass css/main.css ``` ## Watch: Autocompile if it detects changes ``` bash node-sass --watch --source-map true --output-style compressed sass/main.sass css/main.css ```