2017-04-20 00:57:59 +02:00

107 lines
3.2 KiB

virtualenv installs a wrapper for the real distutils into the
virtual environment. Ignore that wrapper, but go for the real
distutils instead
This recipe is rather compilicated and definitely not a
good model for other recipes!!!
from __future__ import absolute_import
import sys, os, imp
from modulegraph.modulegraph import MissingModule, \
Package, SourceModule, CompiledModule, find_module
def retry_import(mf, m):
Try to reimport 'm', which should be a MissingModule
if '.' in m.identifier:
pname, partname = m.identifier.rsplit('.', 1)
parent = mf.findNode(pname)
parent = None
partname = m.identifier
# This is basicly mf.find_module inlined and with a
# check disabled.
def fmod(name, path, parent):
if path is None:
if name in sys.builtin_module_names:
return (None, None, ("", "", imp.C_BUILTIN))
path = mf.path
fp, buf, stuff = find_module(name, path)
if buf:
buf = os.path.realpath(buf)
return (fp, buf, stuff)
fp, pathname, stuff = fmod(partname,
parent and parent.packagepath, parent)
except ImportError as e:
if stuff[-1] == imp.PKG_DIRECTORY:
m.__class__ = Package
elif stuff[-1] == imp.PY_SOURCE:
m.__class__ = SourceModule
m.__class__ = CompiledModule
#making this match the code later on that checks whether scan_code needs a leading _
if hasattr(mf, 'load_module'):
m = mf.load_module(m.identifier, fp, pathname, stuff)
m = mf._load_module(m.identifier, fp, pathname, stuff)
if parent:
mf.createReference(m, parent)
parent[partname] = m
return m
def check(cmd, mf):
m = mf.findNode('distutils')
if m is None or m.filename is None:
return None
with open(m.filename, 'rU') as fp:
contents =
if 'virtualenv' in contents:
# This is the virtualenv version
mos = mf.findNode('os')
if mos is None or mos.filename is None:
raise ValueError("Where is the os module")
m.filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(mos.filename), 'distutils', '')
with open(m.filename) as fp:
source = + '\n'
m.code = co = compile(source, m.filename, 'exec')
m.packagepath = [os.path.dirname(m.filename)]
if mf.replace_paths:
co = mf.replace_paths_in_code(co)
# XXX: Recent versions of modulegraph made scan_code private,
# temporarily call the private version.
if hasattr(mf, 'scan_code'):
mf.scan_code(co, m)
mf._scan_code(co, m)
# That's not all there is to this, we need to look for
# MissingModules in the distutils namespace as well and
# try to import these again.
for m in mf.flatten():
if isinstance(m, MissingModule):
if m.identifier.startswith('distutils.'):
# A missing distutils package, retry
# importing it.
retry_import(mf, m)
return dict()