Andros Fenollosa 26bc970337 Add page books
2024-03-10 20:15:03 +01:00

188 lines
8.2 KiB

;; Variables
(defvar domain "")
;; Utils
(defun make-title (title)
"If title is empty, return the website name. Otherwise, return the title with the website name."
(concat (when (not (string-empty-p title)) (concat title " | ")) "Django LiveView"))
(defun one-ox-link (link desc info)
"Transcode a LINK object from Org to HTML.
DESC is the description part of the link, or the empty string.
INFO is a plist holding contextual information."
(let* ((type (org-element-property :type link))
(path (org-element-property :path link))
(raw-link (org-element-property :raw-link link))
(let ((export-func (org-link-get-parameter type :export)))
(and (functionp export-func)
(funcall export-func path desc 'one-ox info))))
(href (cond
((string= type "custom-id") path)
((string= type "fuzzy")
(let ((beg (org-element-property :begin link)))
(signal 'one-link-broken
"fuzzy links not supported"
,(format "goto-char: %s" beg)))))
((string= type "file")
;; ./assets/images/image-1.png --> /images/image-1.png
;; ./public/blog/ --> /blog/
(and (string-match "\\`\\./\\(assets\\|public\\)" path)
(replace-match "" nil nil path))
(let ((beg (org-element-property :begin link)))
(signal 'one-link-broken
`(,raw-link ,(format "goto-char: %s" beg))))))
(t raw-link)))
(class (if-let ((parent (org-export-get-parent-element link))
(class (plist-get (org-export-read-attribute :attr_html parent)
(concat " class=\"" class "\" ")
" ")))
(or custom-type-link
(string-match one-ox-link-image-extensions path)
(format "<p><img%ssrc=\"%s\" alt=\"%s\" /></p>"
class href (or (org-string-nw-p desc) href)) )
(format "<a%shref=\"%s\">%s</a>"
class href (or (org-string-nw-p desc) href)))))
;; Layouts
(defun render-layout-html (title description tree-content)
"Render the HTML layout with the given title, description and content."
(let ((full-title (make-title title)))
"<!DOCTYPE html>"
`(:html (@ :lang "en")
;; Generals
(:meta (@ :charset "utf-8"))
(:link (@ :rel "icon" :type "image/png" :href "/img/favicon.png"))
(:meta (@ :name "viewport" :content "width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0, shrink-to-fit=no"))
(:meta (@ :name "author" :content "Andros Fenollosa"))
(:meta (@ :name "generator" :content "One.el"))
;; SEO
(:title ,full-title)
(:meta (@ :name "description" :content ,description))
(:meta (@ :name "og:image" :content ""))
;; Fonts
(:link (@ :rel "preconnect" :href ""))
(:link (@ :rel "preconnect" :href "" :crossorigin t))
(:link (@ :rel "stylesheet" :href ";700&display=swap"))
;; CSS
(:link (@ :rel "stylesheet" :type "text/css" :href ""))
(:link (@ :rel "stylesheet" :type "text/css" :href "/css/main.css")))
(:a.nav-main__link.nav-main__link--logo (@ :href "/") (:img.nav-main__logo (@ :alt "Django LiveView" :src "/img/logo.webp"))))
(:a.button.nav-main__link (@ :href "/docs/quickstart/") "Docs"))
(:a.button.nav-main__link (@ :href "/source-code/") "Source code"))
(:a.button.nav-main__link (@ :href "" :target "_blank") "Demo"))
(:a.button.nav-main__link (@ :href "/books/") "Books"))))))
(:p "Created with " (:i (@ :aria-label "love") "❤️") " by " ( (@ :href "" :target "_blank") "Andros Fenollosa") " with " ( (@ :href "" :target "_blank") "one.el"))
(:p ( (@ :href "" :target "_blank") "I have seen a " (:i (@ :aria-label "bug") "🪲") " in the documentation"))
(:p "🐍 " ,(format-time-string "%Y"))))))))
(defun one-custom-default-page (page-tree pages _global)
"Default render function by home page."
(let* ((title (org-element-property :raw-value page-tree))
(description (org-element-property :DESCRIPTION page-tree))
(path (org-element-property :CUSTOM_ID page-tree))
(content (org-export-data-with-backend
(org-element-contents page-tree)
'one-ox nil))
(website-name (one-default-website-name pages))
(nav (one-default-nav path pages)))
(jack-html `(:main.main
(:div.container ,content)))))))
(defun one-custom-default-home (page-tree pages _global)
"Default render function by home page."
(let* ((title (org-element-property :TITLE page-tree))
(path (org-element-property :CUSTOM_ID page-tree))
(description (org-element-property :DESCRIPTION page-tree))
(content (org-export-data-with-backend
(org-element-contents page-tree)
'one-ox nil))
(website-name (one-default-website-name pages))
(nav (one-default-nav path pages)))
(jack-html `(:main.main
(:h1.hero__title "Django LiveView")
(:h2.hero__subtitle "Framework for creating Realtime SPAs using HTML over the Wire technology")
(:img.image.hero__logo (@ :alt "pet" :src "img/pet.webp")))))
(:div.container ,content)))))))
(defun one-custom-default-doc (page-tree pages _global)
"Default render function by home page."
(let* ((title (org-element-property :raw-value page-tree))
(description (org-element-property :DESCRIPTION page-tree))
(path (org-element-property :CUSTOM_ID page-tree))
(content (org-export-data-with-backend
(org-element-contents page-tree)
'one-ox nil))
(website-name (one-default-website-name pages))
(nav (one-default-nav path pages)))
(jack-html `(
(:a.nav-docs__link (@ :href "/docs/quickstart/") "Quickstart"))
(:a.nav-docs__link (@ :href "/docs/actions/") "Actions"))
(:a.nav-docs__link (@ :href "/docs/views/") "Views"))
(:a.nav-docs__link (@ :href "/docs/routing/") "Routing"))
(:a.nav-docs__link (@ :href "/docs/history/") "History"))
(:a.nav-docs__link (@ :href "/docs/deploy/") "Deploy"))
(:a.nav-docs__link (@ :href "/docs/faq/") "FAQ"))
;; Sitemap
(defun make-sitemap (pages tree global)
"Produce file ./public/sitemap.txt"
(with-temp-file "./public/sitemap.txt"
(mapconcat 'identity (mapcar
(lambda (page)
(let* ((path (plist-get page :one-path))
(link (concat "https://" domain path)))
pages) "\n"))))
(add-hook 'one-hook 'make-sitemap)