Add routing

This commit is contained in:
Andros Fenollosa 2024-03-07 11:32:08 +01:00
parent 050b662d51
commit caefd89dec
2 changed files with 78 additions and 0 deletions


@ -385,6 +385,82 @@ You can use the ~sync_to_async~ function from ~asgiref~.
Or transform ~articles~ to a list. But you lose the benefits of ORM.
* Routing
:ONE: one-custom-default-doc
:CUSTOM_ID: /docs/routing/
:TITLE: Routing
:DESCRIPTION: Routing of Django LiveView.
If you want to move from one page to another, you can use the ~page~ controller and the ~changePage~ action.
For example, you can create a link to the ~about me~ page.
#+BEGIN_SRC html
href="{% url "about me" %}" <!-- Optional -->
role="button" <!-- Optional -->
>Ver completo</a>
- ~data-controller~: Indicates that the element is a controller. ~page~ with functions to switch between pages.
- ~data-action~: Indicates that the element is an action. ~click~ to capture the click event. ~page#changePage~ to call the ~changePage~ function of the ~page~ controller.
- ~data-page~: Indicates the name of the page to which you want to move. The name is the same as the name of the action file. For example, ~actions/
- ~href~: Optional. It is recommended to use the ~href~ attribute to improve SEO or if JavaScript is disabled.
- ~role~: Optional. It is recommended to use the ~role~ attribute to improve accessibility or if JavaScript is disabled.
** Send data
If you want to send data to the next page, you can use the ~data-~ attribute. All datasets will be sent.
For example, you can create a link to the ~blog single~ page with the ~slug~ of the article.
#+BEGIN_SRC html
data-slug="{{ article.slug }}"
href="{% url "blog single" slug=article.slug %}" <!-- Optional -->
role="button" <!-- Optional -->
>Ver completo</a>
To receive the data in action you can use the ~client_data~ parameter with the ~data~ key.
#+BEGIN_SRC python
async def send_page(consumer, client_data, lang=None):
slug = client_data["data"]["slug"]
# ...
Here you can see a typical example of a single page of a blog.
#+BEGIN_SRC python
async def send_page(consumer, client_data, lang=None):
# Nav
await update_active_nav(consumer, "blog")
# Main
my_context = await get_context(consumer=consumer, slug=client_data["data"]["slug"])
html = await get_html(template, my_context)
data = {
"action": client_data["action"],
"selector": "#main",
"html": html,
await consumer.send_html(data)
* Deploy
:ONE: one-custom-default-doc

@ -152,6 +152,8 @@
(:a.nav-docs__link (@ :href "/docs/quickstart/") "Quickstart"))
(:a.nav-docs__link (@ :href "/docs/views/") "Views"))
(:a.nav-docs__link (@ :href "/docs/routing/") "Routing"))
(:a.nav-docs__link (@ :href "/docs/deploy/") "Deploy"))